Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 807: Threat from the ocean

All parties have their own interpretations of the "Shallow Sea Campaign" that took place on the west coast of the Federation.

From an ordinary point of view, the Huo Lao collar flies up in a pretense fashion this time.

The main reason is that the MA battle group is blinding the eyes of all parties.

From the perspective of volume and displacement, MA is a large-scale 10,000-ton drive.

In terms of firepower, it is not easy to say, mainly because of the lack of comparison parameters. After all, this time it is to fight against the Hai clan, and the parameters of the large weapon on the side of the Hai clan is a mystery. MA ’s firepower is not praised.

But some aspects are still worthy of recognition, such as flexibility, mobility and so on.

Overnight, all mortal ships, even fighter planes, fell behind.

Although this has long been expected by many secular experts, this way of being compared still makes many people feel lost or even frustrated. Mainly because there are too many half-true and half-false technical elements in MA.

Some people joked about this: it turns out that we were ruled by aliens a long time ago.

This statement has been widely accepted.

Some people are frustrated and excited about this. Some people say that Huo Lao Ling has come up with advanced and extraordinary technology, which just proves that the road of human science and technology is on the right path, but it has always been All lack one element, that is extraordinary.

The in-depth interpretation of this statement is roughly this:

Transcendental correlations are secretly monopolized by the transcendentals, so that technology has never been able to start related research. This is certainly a pity, but it is not too late to start now, give enough attention and make a lot of investment, then the present led by fire can not be the future of mortal humanity.

The world's technological route is very sharp in terms of ideas and models. Understanding, understanding, using for me, and participating in the whole people. This advanced thinking absolutely crushes the self-cherished family or small workshop model.

So there is nothing to be frustrated. Human beings have survived this catastrophe, so there must be a more brilliant future.

But for now, the Huo Lao Ling is indeed the most extraordinary organization that is suitable for asylum seekers. Although its leader is brutal and authoritarian, the ideas of technology development and invention are highly similar, so that he can better understand the worldly humans, and it seems that there is no lack of adult beauty.

Those mortals who were sheltered by them jumped into the new era and lost a lot of homework, but they could not be regarded as an example of learning. The best result in the future is that the two sides will attack and develop, the human beings will be pushed backwards by the fire, and the orthodox humans will be pushed forward, so as to quickly complete the research and development in the extraordinary field, then even if the humans formally enter a new era.

Existence is reasonable. Since transcendence is a part of nature, and the purpose of science is to analyze and utilize all natural phenomena, then transcendence is tolerated by science. So it ’s not necessary to talk about what is mixed with magic, the road of human technology is not pure, mortals should have a positive attitude to greet everything caused by extraordinary ...

This is how human beings can always find a reason for self-consistency, and from time to time give themselves a few bites of soul chicken soup. This can be regarded as the knowledge of survival, and people always have hope.

Kane is encouraged by this, and feels that the greatest strength in the world is to always have hope, even if it is not actively put into action, it will not seek death and live, and become a garbage with negative effects.

As long as people are generally hopeful, the harsh environment is not the end of the world.

From this perspective, his role as a 'lighthouse' in establishing a fire-hold is still considered to be higher than that of the United States, the lighthouse nation of the original world.

In fact, after the battle in the shallow seas, the fire has really become more dazzling in the eyes of the world's humans. The most intuitive manifestation is that the number of government-prefectures that have submitted asylum applications in advance has suddenly increased.

According to Fort Ling statistics, leaders of at least half of the countries in the world directly or indirectly expressed their preference for a place in the fire, and for this reason, there will be materials including hard currency (rare metals including gold) Shipped in.

Kane naturally understands that the practice of leaders of various countries is similar to the practice of countries in the world storing gold in the United States.

But he is not uncommon. He has one hand of strength, one hand of creation, power, wealth, and easy access. The prestige established by this is also real. There are not many bragging elements. Naturally, he does not care about the gold and silver stored in other old treasures.

It's unpleasant to say that gold and silver have the biggest role for him and his blood-sucking insect swarms, which is industrial demand, but the demand for heavy metals in his Komor industrial system is not high. Who started him as D Silk, and has always used waste as an achievement and a refreshing point, so that the whole system seems to be very diligent.

Speaking of waste utilization, in the two weeks after the shallow sea battle, Huolao and the Hai people have maintained a small-scale cold war in the sea more than 60 kilometers west of Monterey Bay. The specific focus is on the shallow sea battle. The wreckage of the core combat strength of the North Central Army.

The butcher's ultra-low temperature attack, of course, destroyed quite a lot of war weapons, but after all, unlike the southern line, the super nuclear explosion was clean.

The Hai people want to fish and fish. They firmly believe that many of their compatriots are in a state of ultra-low temperature refrigeration, and they can live by using extraordinary technology to thaw.

In fact, it's almost the same. Kane was unconditional when he was on Sino Island. This time it was conditional. Naturally, he wouldn't give up his plans to collect more specimens and go back to living body research.

In this regard, Kane's morality is about equal to those of the maddening research of the Resident Evil Universe Umbrella Company, and the minimum level of ethics and shame is extremely low.

So the two sides waged a fight against salvage work, fighting day and night. For this reason, the Hai tribe has entered three warfare groups, and the fire party led more than 300 fire eaters to death.

The name of the butcher is widely known with this contest. As for Kane, that is a BUG. He relies on the compulsion of the salary king, and the true deity of the nightmare, and the particularity of the yoke of the legal system , Gaining priority over other holy domains.

In other words, he is against other holy domains and can always bring the opponent closer to his home court.

In this context, 1 to 1 will win, 1 to 2 he will win, 1 to 3 will be a bit of twists and turns like the original against Andos, Kamala and Vlad, but bullying the novice, and The diversity of decks and the variety of size and routines still give him a clear advantage, so he can win.

And his style of play is extremely confidential, and outsiders cannot obtain intelligence, so this trick can be used for a long time, so that it has become a strategic weapon-level existence, and has great deterrent power.

After having suffered several losses in succession, the Hai tribe felt awkward when fighting the Huolao collar and could not let go, because the Huolao collar still had a weapon, the Mysterious Fort.

The Mysterious Fort can allow the fire-leading party to gain super mobility, including Kane himself, and can appear on the battlefield very suddenly.

Generally speaking, once such a thing happens, it is equivalent to Kane launching the attack, quickly using the field to get nearby the strong sea clan into the killing, the sea clan loses the high-end combat power of the package, no matter how good the conventional combat is. useless. The reason for the loss of three war groups in half a month was that after the high-end was decapitated, the war groups were destroyed and destroyed.

Zhenglian, as a bystander, saw Vlad and Kamala secretly in secret, trying to obtain the Kane killer from the two populations who are still begging to survive after the only second fight with Kane. Intelligence, but the two of them signed the soul contract with Kane long ago, and its rigor is higher than that of the devil's contract. To know that the devil is known as the gold lawyer of the devil world, he plays with the words and drafts the contract. Strengths, Kane's contract master is higher than the devil in the nine-layer **** of the DND universe. Even if there are still loopholes, it is not something that people in this world can find and use.

Perhaps because of some suspicious life packed up by Kane, the Hai tribe suddenly appeared in the Alaska Bay in late May, and after 3 hours, they completely captured Anchorage, and more than 250,000 people did not have time to evacuate, and If you are captured or slaughtered, you must know that Anchorage ’s fixed population is only in its early 300s.

Through this battle, the Hai people recovered their feelings and realized that they had no cognitive deviations. The battle on the West Coast of the Federation was mainly due to a lack of understanding of the target's combat power, which was too underestimated, not because it overestimated itself or humans. A major omission has occurred in the assessment of one's combat strength.

For human beings, this is obviously nothing short of bad news.

But for Huo Lao Ling, it should be regarded as good news. After all, happiness comes from comparison, as does suffering and strength.

Alaska is an enclave under federal rule. Although the production and living costs are high because of the high latitude, it is not a livable place, but it is nothing to the extraordinary.

On the contrary, the semi-wild Alaska has many natural resources that coveted by the extraordinary, so the heaven-level extraordinary forces guarding this cake are relatively powerful. It is also relatively wealthy, often serving as the supplier of the auction products of the extraordinary circle auctions, and the channel is also good. It is also a member of Zhenglian, which can be said to have more money, more channels, and more brothers.

But still torn by the Hai people.

Although the relevant information is not as easy to obtain as the Huolai collar with a good live broadcasting tradition, it is not comprehensive and detailed enough, but it is still through the collection of information, analysis and deduction, to get a rough idea.

The same is the fog + tsunami + battle group landing. This time the Hai tribe chose a night attack.

The defensive side also has extraordinary detection equipment, but it was broken by the sea ’s anti-reconnaissance technology. When it was able to wake up, the tsunami had burst into Cook Bay, less than 5 kilometers from Kalkin Island, and then it was destroyed all the way. , Theonick, submerged Farre Island, landed in Anchorage, and the wave front rushed to the foot of the mountains around the National Park east of Anchorage before exhausting the tide.

And through this tsunami, including some sea monsters and large weapons of more than a thousand tons, they naturally completed deep landings and directly launched operations in the urban area of ​​Anchorage. It really resembled Godzilla, and it collapsed with every move.

It can be said that by fighting the Hai tribe and making the big waves land smoothly, they have already lost 70%. The scene can no longer be described miserably. With the ebb tide, countless people have been "bushed" out of their homes and flowed to the ocean. The situation is like the super anteater sticking out a lot of ants from the ant hole with a sticky long tongue. Extremely engulfing, and really entering the sea, mankind is basically left to slaughter.

The underwater speed of the members of the sea family, although generally not like the sea king of the DC universe, the fast current of the sea is dazzling, but also has the level of blue marlin (speed 68 miles per hour). Compared with the ability of people's underwater movement, it is completely incomparable, so it can be said to be one-sided.

Of course, the human side on land is still promising. The characteristics of the main seabed environment (corrosion, oxidation, and difficulty in burning severely restrict metallurgical technology) make it impossible for the Hai nationality to start large-scale industrial production like humans. Since the slave era, the Hai nationality has turned into the belief in gods as the core Even if you do n’t have the ability to cast spells, you can get some extraordinary gifts through faith.

This made slavery popular even after tens of thousands of years. In comparison, the society of deep dives is already more enlightened.

The biggest strength of the Hai nationality is the accumulation of years. From personal equipment to super weapons, they are basically saved. This is also a big reason why the Monterey Bay must be torn apart from the fire by the wreckage of the war group.

Regardless of the factors behind it, from the surface, the troops of the Hai tribe are still very gorgeous. The utensils made of coral and precious stones are the main materials. There is basically no concept of standard, and each has its own unique features. It seems that every one is a heroic unit, and the pearly treasure shines against the background of sunlight or fire. It makes people fresh and greedy, and it is also very easy to give birth to the powerful strength of the Haizu civilization, which can be tailored for each unit. The illusion of weapons.

In fact, the Hai people still play cold weapons + extraordinary spellcasting. Chitin crossbow arrows and spell energy fly together. The fangs and claws are used together with spell bombs. It looks very magical, but it really needs time for the human army. It's ugly to die.

The Hai clan also knows this, so their powerful combat power, such as the high-end superheroes led by legends, plays the role of super destructive human army special forces in the form of small teams, disintegrating the human clique. Strike ability.

In the battle of Anchorage, the landed sea clan has a scene of tearing apart from the mortal army. Unfortunately, the extraordinary fighting power of the human side is not strong. Not only did the sea clan kill the city, and heavy firepower units were also killed. The elite Hai clan team attacked one after another, easily succeeded, so that the mortal power basically failed to play a role, and the transcendents were defeated by the morale at the first hand. Facing the tragedy that hit the city by tsunami, they were at a loss, and finally died in disarray The defeat, even failed to play a role in blocking the delayed high-end combat power.

Another piece of bad news tied to the impact of the Battle of Anchorage was that the Hais began to target ocean-going ships.

Specifically, after the battle in the shallow sea, so far, shipwrecks have basically occurred in the Pacific Ocean. All forces including Kane believe that this is the revenge of the shallow sea battle by the sea clan.

Maritime transportation is the main transportation route of this world's secular civilization, especially the transportation between continents. Maritime transportation is favored by various countries because of its relatively low cost. Even the reason why the coastal area is developed is that sea transportation can make ports and coastal cities more comparable. Cheap access to a wide variety of resources is closely related.

Nowadays, shipping is facing serious challenges. Not only are island countries panicking, but even peninsula countries and countries with long coastlines have a headache.

Kane witnessed a series of social problems caused by a new round of panic through international reports these days. Especially after the Anchorage incident, countries with estuaries have experienced different degrees of inland refuge migration. The economic losses caused by this are hundreds of billions every day.

In contrast, the three cities of the Central City before and after Huo Lao Ling have moved in, which can be said to be envious of all beings.

The first batch is 1 million people.

The second batch is 1 million families.

The third batch is 8 million people.

A total of 15.4 million people will be resettled, which is a miracle created by the artificial intelligence management system led by Baoling. After all, resettlement is not a simple check-in, but includes all aspects of work, life, and learning. The fine-grained problems that need to be solved during the period are more than one million every day. Without the guidance of artificial intelligence, the official group of Huo Lao is not sufficiently qualified Manpower to solve.

Although Huo Lao Ling is constantly creating miracles, it can be compared with the influx speed of the survivors, that is, the degree of barely passing.

Fortunately, the attack on ocean-going ships by the Hai tribe greatly increased the risk of shipping, which greatly reduced people's enthusiasm for drifting across the ocean and pursuing fire. It finally gave the fire a little breathing opportunity.

On June 1, a month ago, a Qingba bar near the Eiffel Tower in Paris persuaded friends to come to the fire and lead Bernard to stay in the 12-C district of the central city as a special recruit.

12 is the number of the building group, C is the building label, each group of buildings in the central city, viewed from the sky, is a nuclear bomb symbol, the center of the center is the energy system, and the three outer units are the urban area.

As a result of the chance, Bernard, as a tester of a large space gate, crossed half of the earth and directly arrived at the Huolao collar. After operating for 1 hour, the large space door was completely closed, and it has not been opened until now. At that time, there were a total of 37,000 testers, of which more than 800 were excluded.

When the door opened, the official made it clear that there is high energy radiation in the space channel, and the tester has no anti-radiation agents to take, and there is no special radiation protection suit, so there will be a certain probability of causing mutations, or radiation sickness , To sign the exemption document before it can be used.

This reputation dissuaded many French people who lost their lives, but Bernard was a refugee who escaped from Rouen. In his view, compared with the social environment that would deteriorate rapidly, the space-time door's high-energy radiation caused a mutation or radiation sickness. The risks are completely within the tolerable range.

Unexpectedly, he won the bid and became a member of the mutant, not to mention that his mutation turned out to be benign. His strong will to survive made him survive the most difficult period and awakened as a transcendent.

Due to his extraordinary affinity, he received specialized training with the Fire Leader along with more than a dozen awakeners, so he also skipped the time required for the normal process of many survivors, staying on June 1, and taking up the post jobs.

Bernard has mixed tastes, with both hopes and longings for the future, and there is no shortage of regrets.

After all, his good friend Bobile failed to join him, because Bobile was unwilling to let his daughter risk high-energy radiation.

"Elena is still a child, she can't compare with adults, I will not let her take risks."

This is the last thing Bobir said before breaking up.

Bernard knew that Bobir had no strong intention to take refuge in the fire prison, and the high-energy radiation of the space-time door just became a good excuse.

There is nothing more to say. So he didn't say any nonsense that had the opportunity to contact, just said "Take care" and embarked on a journey.

After experiencing the frightening battle caused by the mutation, Bernard was full of confidence and expectation for the future. With his active mind, he soon met new life partners.

When he was in Rouen, France, he wasn't very good. He had no more than thirty people, no family, no serious work. Correspondingly, he is more flexible, has more experience, confuses his knowledge, and has better adaptability. This is the main reason why he can escape from the disaster area in a panic when the catastrophe occurs.

The newly-recognized life partner is an ordinary staff member of the training station. It was originally a social elite. He has a good academic background and a very good job. A very capable German woman.

But once the glory once came to Huo Lao Ling, it can only become a part of ability and literacy. Here, everything has to be done from scratch. Therefore, it is not surprising that the elite in the workplace has changed to serve the little girl. The credit points of Huo Lao Ling, how many elites compete for the post, Jane until the level of direct real PK.

Nowadays, almost everyone who has gone to be lost feels insecure, thinking of staying in the central city as soon as possible, so that he can barely breathe. So the German woman Leia worked hard as a waiter.

In comparison, Bernard's luck is so good.

It happened that Leia had a need, and his appearance was similar to that of a former girlfriend of Bernard who made him more memorable. It happened that the two were also in good condition, so in this era of sorrowful blows to the ground, just No need to play any romance, quickly set up a family.

Not only does Leia take a son and daughter, from a legal point of view, she has not been divorced, but just separated from the Cold War. Bernard also has an approximation of his personality and appearance. Knowing that Leia is approaching him is a part of the qualification that his special status can bring to his family.

As an adult with a story, Bernard did not think there was anything wrong with this. It ’s normal for a man to look like a woman and a woman to look like a man ’s wealth. The kind of romantic and warm love that loves each other is not only a rare thing for him, but it ’s also hard to be truly engaged. It's almost enough to live together, if not for the benefits of his new identity, why do people flatter themselves?

Quickly becoming a family, Bernard accepted the pair of Leia's children who were facing him with tolerance, and also spoke for the two children in front of Leia. This is not simply tolerance, but superpowers give him greater confidence in himself in the future. Confidence often goes with tolerance and generosity ~ ~ And emotionally, if he does n’t do it in his early years, The fetus that the girlfriend destroyed was almost the age of Leia's children.

He and Leia are together, not only to make up for the regret of love and physical needs, but also want to fill the lack of family, including the right children.

Although it is connected, it must be said that 'raising' and 'education' are the latter more important. After all, people's feelings come out a little bit. There is no contact, and the same is true of parents and parents. No distant relatives are as good as close neighbors.

A few days after the family was formed, his placement came down. According to the above requirements, Bernard ’s future job is to be a farmer.

He has not planted land before, whether it is ancient manual planting or modern mechanized planting, he knows nothing. But it doesn't matter, the extraordinary farming led by the fire is very different from the secular farming. Anyway, it is to learn from scratch, whether there is any experience of secular farming or not, it has little effect.

As the Bernard family officially became part of the Huo Lao collar, Huo Lao led the mortal citizen's new life scene, and also gradually removed the veil ...

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