Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 808: Utopia Prison

French Bernard was trained in Palm Valley.

As part of more than 100 cities in the metropolitan metropolitan area, the environment of Palm Valley is not bad. The only thing that affects livability is the air force base in the north.

According to Bernard, the air base has been abandoned since Kane entered the metropolitan area, and all fighter planes have been withdrawn from the air and the ground to other federal bases.

Kane did not greedy the military and civilian wealth of the metropolis. He very tolerantly indicated that you can all be taken away within the time limit. The only thing is that no malicious destruction is allowed.

Many people said in the news or talk show when Kane took the lead in the fire, sour that Kane got the super cake, how the real estate value of the metropolitan city group is high, and how the equipment is valuable.

Later, Kane compensated the migrants, and a sum of money was actually distributed to the migrants. The media changed the saying that although Kane was a bit of a coincidence to find out after the conscience, but the selling out fee was still the same. earn.

When the Catholic Toxic Operation was destroyed everywhere, a large number of landmark-level high-rise buildings were destroyed, and the largest port and nearby urban area were also destroyed by sea beasts. The media said that there are evils and evils, and that the killers are constantly killing, and Kane's failure is to blame for it, okay.

Later, the spectacle-level super building was raised with dream-level operation and speed, and all the buildings damaged in the war were quickly and effectively demolished and replaced by lawn parks. The federal media has nothing to say.

Facts have proved that the Kane system is not worse than the real estate wealth of the metropolis, because according to the construction capabilities shown by the Kane system, it is only a year to completely reinstate the entire fire prison leader.

People come from the two densest population clusters in the Federation. Even if the population is gone, do n’t worry about introducing it again. The advanced and perfect technical system, beyond the imagination of the execution and realization capabilities, itself heralds the rise Is inevitable and unstoppable.

Bernard was aware of this, and he was very keen on the enthusiasm of the fire, and he did not care about the environment of the Palm Valley training center. All are excessive, no need to worry about.

Reigned on May 30, prepared for a day on the 31st, and early in the morning on June 1, the Bernard family boarded a bus to the central city.

This bus is magically modified and has extraordinary power. In more detail, it is an electric vehicle driven by a highly compressed battery packaged with extraordinary technology.

Until now, the fuel-burning vehicles are basically no longer visible in the fire prison collar.

Earlier, due to a series of policies promulgated by the federal government, Huo Lao Ling's material flow with the outside world was almost interrupted. Later, there was interaction with the Super League and the blood witch, and then the rise of the Huo Lao leader was unstoppable. More and more countries expressed their eyebrows that they were willing to conduct business transactions with the Huo Lao leader. , Indicating that external demand is few, and fuel is not included.

Many people once thought that magical energy would be the mainstream of fire.

However, more and more detailed indications indicate that, compared to extraordinary energy, Huohuo Lao is the ancestor-level in the production of electrical energy.

Until the outbreak of the shallow sea battle, people thoroughly understood that it was mainly based on natural energy and supplemented by extraordinary energy. Some experts even pointed out that the super explosion is likely to imitate the principle of sun burning.

After all, it is equivalent to the level of science and technology in the 1980s. Even for a series of reasons, the technology tree of nuclear energy has been lacking. With the general improvement of other aspects of technology, the nuclear energy field has gradually become the shortest piece of wood barrels. Become striking.

Because the overall development of science and technology is balanced, once there is a major breakthrough, it will soon spread horizontally to various fields, raising the average level, and physics has developed to a certain height. It is almost impossible to turn a blind eye to nuclear energy research. The same is true for chip technology, so even if it is affected and late, it is basically just a hit.

As a result, the super fusion explosion operated by Kane triggered the speculation and deduction of the scientific community, which is almost inevitable.

However, fusion first rather than fission first, this kind of nuclear energy research and development is not easy. Coupled with today ’s global political and economic environment and the extraordinary existence of the current trend of thought and the extraordinary crisis that has come, Kane estimates that unless he engages in technical output, it is basically hopeless to come up with results within 50 years.

As a result, the forces of all parties can only envy the eyes, but at the same time they are not aware of it. With the maturity of the related technology mastered by Kane, he is not even afraid of theft. Even the extraordinary packaging technology is extremely difficult to crack, and the micro-fusion battery technology in it cannot be resolved without the relevant technical foundation.

The small magically altered vehicle is magical due to the change of the energy system. There is no need to replace the battery for 50,000 kilometers. Of course, the same technology can also be applied to aircraft, communications, production equipment, and even household appliances.

This space-age energy technology alone can quickly pull other forces apart in terms of production capacity and other aspects without major upgrades and minor adjustments in other technologies.

This is where the enthusiasm of the Huo Lao Ling will rise.

The Bernard family sat in the bus, not many people on board, nor the anxious atmosphere of fleeing. Instead, it seemed like going outing, a little relaxed and yearning.

Halfway through, Leia ’s children were children, hyperactive and curious, and could n’t help but lie on the window of the car and were excited to discuss the Central City.

Because it rises 1800 meters above the ground, it is particularly huge, so even here, through the car window, you can see the huge towering buildings in the central city.

On the whole, the building complex is like a magnificent man-made giant mountain, standing on the earth, even if it is far away, it still gives people a strong sense of existence and shock.

There are not many vehicles along the road, and it can even be said that the sparse ones make people think that they were driving in the middle of the wilderness of the past, instead of being densely between cities.

This happened not because of a sparse population and a sluggish economy. On the contrary, after the statistics were released at the end of May, Huolao's population had exceeded 40 million.

Some programs in the federal media also scolded Kane for this, saying that he was insidious and cunning, insensitive, and used despicable means to expel 30 million metropolitans from their homes, allowing people to cause careers and displacement. The troubles and burdens have also caused problems in public order and other issues in a large area.

As for why it was 30 million instead of 34 million, I have to say that before the window period closed, more than 4 million people returned successfully. These returnees were partly because they made their choice after calm thinking, and partly because they left ink. After a while, at the end, California has n’t stepped out yet and found that the situation has changed. Those who are blessed with the heart feel that they might as well wait a while to look at it. Anyway, outside of Central California, there is a huge number of migrants on the avenue, prices are boiling, and law and order It's stable, and it's nice to wait until this peak period is missed.

As a result, the more I waited, the more the border gap formed, and the people outside cried and shouted that they could n’t come in. Then I secretly wiped cold sweat, thinking about my own hysteria. Whatever the sinister situation, I think it will be stronger than here.

So in fact, the indigenous population on this land is eventually 15 million. As for those who left, Kane said that they had only the wrong name, no wrong nickname, and none of them could come back.

Today, most of the local population has moved into the central city.

The reason is most, not all, because there are about 3.1 million people who do not reach the qualification line. This group of people, especially San Diego, is more.

In Kane's eyes, these people are the low-literacy, hob meat type. A bad habit, do not eat hard.

Although Kane knew the principle of being in harmony with the light, it was rare to have such an opportunity for national literacy promotion and national qualification appraisal, and naturally refused to let a part of the rotten meat break a pot of good soup.

These adjustments are not possible, and he will not obliterate. But there is a saying that thunder and rain are all genial, and the birth of the mother and father will be black-eyed, let alone passers-by. Therefore, these unruly people will pay a price for their mischievousness, otherwise why will Shunmin's feelings be unbearable?

Bernard naturally did not know this, he only knew the probability. The aborigines had basically been settled, and now the fire has led the cities to fill it, basically they are all survivors from all over the world. They came here almost empty-handed, learning, Part-time jobs must be carried out at the same time. In order to accumulate points, they stayed in the new city as early as possible. They basically worked hard and did not have free time to move around.

From the geographical point of view, the Federal West is really not a good place to live in. San Diego, Metropolis, San Jose, San Francisco and other places are suitable for living because the water vapor brought by the humid sea breeze moistened these lands.

However, the mountains are like a vertical barrier, isolating the depth of the humid sea breeze, so after passing the San Antonio Mountain, the greenness basically disappeared from the field of vision. Presented in front of people is the classic Western Gobi, as shown in many movies and TV shows, the rugged mountain rocks and rocks, the sand and the soil are scarce, the sparsely thorny shrubs, in the valley, the shade of the mountain or the place with water, To see some green.

Nowadays, this view of the barren land, which refuses the prosperity of life, has become the contrast and reference of the central city. It is like a super fortress built with white marble. Its majestic and solemn, it is easy to think of the concept of sacred.

Reya sighed: "It's like entering Jerusalem from Bethlehem."

Although Bernard had not been to Jerusalem, he could understand that feeling a little. Seeing the city across the desert, in addition to the emotion of stepping out of the restricted area of ​​life, there was a sense of leaping from the barbaric world to the civilized world.

The closer the vehicle is to the central city, the smaller it looks, but the close view, the central city is not much to look at, too simple and too rough, between groups of huge mountain-like fortresses, it is even There is no wasteland that has not been leveled, there is no road connection, and there is no portal at the bottom of the super building. Obviously, it is not unusual to want to enter these buildings.

The bus eventually stopped at the only bus stop, and the Bernards, like other passengers, got out of the car with a bit of daze.

However, it was soon discovered that the people holding the sign to pick up the station, most of the passengers lined up, and the Bernard family and another family made other arrangements.

In fact, they are called elevators to go underground, and then take the open tram to the gateway of the central city through the underground tunnel. It's just that Bernard took a dedicated channel similar to VIP, which was faster and had better service.

In the face of the real portal, Bernard suddenly found that the same space door is clearly higher-end than the large space door he used in France, which can be seen from the stability aspect.

The space door looks like a frame made of unknown materials. There is a film-like transparent energy curtain in the frame. Only when you stare hard, you can find that the energy curtain is slightly moving, just like the quiet flowing water.

Through the energy curtain, you can see that the other side seems to continue the corridor at this end, as if just a frame was set in a corridor.

Reya's two children even ran and jumped over very cheerfully, and nothing happened. They saw clearly. Bernard felt a slight and short dizziness during the leap.

He is already transcendent, with a different sense of perception from ordinary people, naturally understand that this is not the other, this is already inside a building in the central city.

"Welcome to the central city ..." Mars suddenly condensed in front of him, and then burned, and a mascot flame mascot was generated.

The Bernard family had related preparations in advance, and was not surprised at this. Knowing that this is an intelligent guide called Guangling, it is an energy body, and it can be understood as a holographic projection.

These light spirits are like stewards, each citizen has his own, and is bound after he has obtained formal citizenship and signed relevant contracts.

However, only in the environment of the central city can it be activated and driven at will.

With the light spirit, it is equivalent to having a senior tour guide, the Bernard family went to their new home.

I have long heard that Huo Lao Ling installed a curtain wall that can create a illusion in the giant urban area for the long-term pleasure of citizens. Both Bernard and Leia thought it was a magic version of a TV wall or LED wall curtain, but they only found that they were completely wrong when they actually touched it. In addition to the smooth ground that can reflect the figure, the rest of the eyes are within the scope of the wall curtain. The end result is that it is not the imaginary window mode at all, but the overall environment mode.

That is to say, in it, the concept of 'wall' is basically not found, but like walking on the road of the golf course area, the view is wide, and the distance is a natural landscape.

Even allowing people to walk out of the road for a while and insist on moving forward, they are blocked by a transparent light curtain, reachable and reachable, and unable to move forward.

The air you breathe and the light you feel are also very compatible with the environment. You can even feel the breeze, not only blowing along the aisle, but also blowing horizontally and diagonally.

Traveling in this open, energetic, and obviously ‘tamed’ natural environment is naturally refreshing. There is no elevator, and some are only invisible short-distance space doors. When you cross the space door, you actually reach a new floor. The average person does not even notice the process of crossing the door, and the scenery is consistent.

Then, far away, I saw my home, standing in the wilderness, surrounded by green trees, just like a small villa for the rich and the rich.

This is also an ingenious treatment of the central city, all citizens can only see the scenery that the official wants them to see. Obviously it is a tube house next to one house, but it gives people the impression that there are thousands of hectares of seedlings in a large area, with only one family.

This is the artificial independence and privacy that have been allowed for a long time, and it is not necessary to communicate with the neighbors, and everything seems natural. Of course, if you like to be lively, after interacting with your neighbors, both parties agree that you can change from a solitary state to a typical federal middle-class community model.

If you ignore the illusion, the scene is more ugly, just like the super large luxury prison, bare and undecorated, except for the passage and the space door, it is a family room.

When they came to their new home, they looked at the empty, clean house without obvious lighting, but the Bernards were not too surprised.

They experienced the relocation in the virtual world early in the morning, and after this scene, they also knew how to play.

The first is to select a room. After the selection, use a portable device to directly log in to the virtual network, and then select the relevant column to start decorating your room.

There are many specific options, and Bernard and Leia are not professional in this regard, so first choose a recognized package, and then further adjust the details according to your preferences.

When you finally feel satisfied, you can place an order.

Ordinary occupants want to buy such a set of interior decoration, which is expensive, but Bernard is an extraordinary worker, and the first set of furniture and daily necessities are free.

After the order is placed, the corresponding construction reels and item delivery reels will start in the overall scheme mode. Just wait for ten minutes, exit the virtual world and look again. The real room interior has become with them in the virtual world. The design is exactly the same.

Despite more than one attempt in the virtual world, when all this became reality, Bernard and Leia still felt magical and unreal. The two of them touched and touched and laughed with admiration.

In the morning, I came to my new home by car, empty-handed, and my housemates were all around. At noon, the decoration was over and the furniture was complete. I started cooking to celebrate the joy of moving.

After lunch, the Bernards were holding glasses of wine, admiring their new home, and making good judgments. The life of this new home was still a bit worse, mainly on bits and pieces, such as photo frames, such as ornaments, small ornaments, etc.

Such items, food ingredients, and clothing are delivered to the door or bought in the mall. They are not like large pieces. They are generated or transported and installed by a compound magic circle.

In fact, the interior decoration provided by this model is still not rich enough and diverse. In the eyes of truly tasteful people, it is not good, but satisfying the average person is more than enough.

In addition, Kane has also added a lot of extraordinary substitutes, such as lighting systems, and some home appliances such as water heaters, which have been replaced without affecting the use, but without the familiar objects.

Bernard had two days of vacation. The next day, the family went to the shopping mall. The school, hospital, police station and other functional facilities also walked around. The result is the same as what they saw and heard in the virtual world. The overall feeling is that it is a garden-like urban area, and there is no feeling of a group of mice rushing around in a large pigeon cage.

The environment is beautiful, and life is very convenient. The only problem is that there are no transportation tools, even if there is no thinking car, UU reading can only rely on walking.

However, the ubiquitous short-distance space door allows people to adjust the distance freely.

If you have a fitness plan or a walk, then take a long way to see different landscapes; in a hurry to a place, choose the shortest distance, even across several space doors, not to mention the urban area, just go to other buildings It can also be fast. But all this must be done under the guidance of the Light Spirit.

It can be said that Guangling is a super assistant who lives in the central city. Without it, there will be various kinds of awkwardness here, which is also a means of low-cost public security. Stowaways can't do anything here, and want to catch the suspect who commits the crime, and stop the light assist, then the suspect is the turtle in the urn.

To put it bluntly, this is a highly regulated city, but there is a high-impact shading cloth that covers it up well enough. If the occupants have a little ostrich spirit, then they dare not say that this is paradise, but they have basically explored the ideal country. Level up.

Of course, living here also needs to be paid. Extraordinary workers like Bernard get more and pay more ...

. m.

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