Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 813: Kane's daily life

Joseph's analysis is relatively reliable.

For such incidents, Kane is indeed involved whenever he has the ability.

Even if it is once again encountered a trap like the "Sino Island Incident", it is also different.

After all, his purpose is to torture against evil spirits.

With his current small body, if he wants to obtain the qualification of tearing the evil god, he has to accumulate enough strength.

Furthermore, he needs enough Sanqi matter to get a boost in energy, and then he can talk about the accumulation of strength.

And things like God of Sin are born with golden spoons in them, and often live long enough, so they are all treasures, which is a big supplement for Kane.

Specifically, it can be understood that the deluxe version of the first body defended under the demigod of the birthing butcher, whether it is dismantled for ingestion of essence, or for refining medicine, can obtain high profits.

Kane received the relevant report from the Brasov fire camp, which was about 15:20 on that day, because with Brasov as the starting point, the more eastward, the earlier the time, the line between Greece and Romania (latitude line), The time difference with the Federal Metropolis is 9 hours, so Brasov ’s midnight + 24 o’clock is the metropolitan ’s 15:00 +.

Since the Shallow Sea Campaign interrupted the small farming mode, Kane has not started that kind of day and night working mode.

He believes that as the extraordinary crisis intensifies, there will be various emergencies that require him to host or end from time to time, and there is no longer time to concentrate on one thing.

After time is fragmented, it brings two benefits. First, it becomes flexible. You can use yourself as a high-end universal tool, where you need it and where you need it.

The second is that you can live a relatively normal life for a few days, which is good for your physical and mental health.

The specific operations include taking Jenny and Lana from Waterfall Town to the fire to lead a small life.

The specific location of Waterfall Town is near Lake Totop in the north east of Phoenix, Arizona.

The Midwest of the Commonwealth is either a rocky barren mountain or a tumbleweed Gobi desert, but like an oasis in the desert, it always looks extraordinarily beautiful. And there is no lack of magnificence, unlike the water source of the water town, the beauty is too much, so that the aesthetic fatigue.

Due to its geographical location, Waterfall Town is relatively less affected by the large climate. However, Jenny and Lana were not happy during this time. Overall, it is more appropriate to suffer.

There is no worry about the safety of the two. After all, the fire king Kofi, who is one of the four kings, is nearby, and he is dedicated to building the world's magic city of Sobre.

No matter in the HP universe or the WOW universe, the city of Mossobrai has the core task of researching and developing Kemen with the characteristics of Kane. SC Universe did not, because Kane Zhao started the Star Swallowing Plan from the beginning, and there was no good environment to play extraordinary power there.

In the early stage, the city of Morzoblay will be a dungeon fortress, and later it will pack itself into a mobile fortress similar to the dark pyramid of the medieval Warhammer world.

Up to its present position, it has not been mobile fortressed. After all, the establishment and operation of Huolaihuan is very urgent. The technology system of this world is connected with Kane ’s Kemu system. provide. For this reason, almost the power of the city of Mosso Bligh is devoted to this aspect.

In fact, there is a shortage of scientific and technical personnel who meet Kane's needs.

Although the mortal scientists in this world are not stupid, but involving extraordinary technology, they are basically dumbfounded. They need more time to systematically understand and adapt.

However, the intelligent war insects obtained by enlightenment and knowledge infusion lack the spirituality possessed by the soul of nature, and the execution ability is good. The pioneering independent research and development capabilities are not enough.

How to solve the problem?

Kane's final approach is to search for the unscientific madman from around the world, that is, the kind of scientist who is placed in the Marvel world and once stimulated, it is very likely to use his technology to become a villain.

I have collected such guys who have enthusiasm for professionals, and then screened them, selected a few of them first, invested a lot of money in three strange substances, improved their capacity, and then strengthened their physique and instilled knowledge.

Then, the project leaders were born.

Kane gave them the core proposition: extraordinary, is the science of the future.

The ultimate goal these scientists are striving for is to prove this perfectly, that is, to explain all the extraordinary phenomena nowadays through the principles of science.

The immediate goal is to allow the current mortal technology to quickly integrate with the Kane department of the technology. This is obviously a big project, after all, it involves all categories and all fields.

There is a spiritual project leader, and a diligent assistant team. What's the difference?

Poor environment for efficient experiments.

So under Kane's instructions, Kofi and his team have been making supercomputers in recent times.

For each supercomputer, the operation rate starts at 3 teraflops (too Trillion trillion) per second, allowing the parallel increase in the operation rate.

If the Huo Lao Ling is a giant, then its brain is in the mountains of Arizona, and its self-consciousness is naturally Kane himself.

Kane had no idea of ​​moving his brain.

After all, the city of Mossobrai was built during the second 100-day rest period. It was built relatively calmly, with no bare feet, and high secrecy. For Kane who values ​​technology and has certain delusions, one day If you do n’t die, Jiyan ca n’t stop, so the fire prison collar can be smashed, but as long as the city of Mosobrai does n’t fall, he still has a chance.

As for the possibility of the Huo Lao Ling being smashed, so to speak, at least Kane believes that destroying the Huo Lao Ling in this old dominator's nest universe only requires a whim of an old master.

Kane himself did not dare to guarantee that once those evil gods lost their eyes, would they spare the cost of the same thing and urge their own evil **** father to come forward to find a place.

Therefore, what seems to be prosperous, can be called a fire-hold like a lighthouse under the catastrophe, is just a little toy with some meaning in the eyes of some gods.

This is from the perspective of the true god. Kane asked himself if the enemies were true gods, so he had to analyze each other from this angle and prepare accordingly.

For the same reason, the secrecy of the city of Morzobre from the beginning of construction is mainly for the exploration of the gods. What is secular and not secret? Kane really didn't dare to look at those eggs that could bite him.

The city of Mossobrai does not move, but Jenny and Lana can live with her.

Kane doesn't despise the fact that he wants to take the disc. After all, he wants to be beautiful, or really care about that layer of film, he can make it by himself, and he can design any look. If you want true slaves to be able to fight insects and puppets, you can play whatever you want.

The truth is, he likes to be red when they are not red, and when he is red, he is always on the lookout, thinking about the stars who are on a free day, and wants to have both fish and bear paws.

The focus is on the career, if you want to have a real family, and you are too lazy to manage your emotions from scratch, then take the ready-made and do n’t dismiss certain imperfections.

As the saying goes, Xiaobusheng wins the wedding, and Jenny and Lana let Kane enjoy a blessing.

For Kane, the only things Jenny and Lana are not very satisfied with are the two points of being unable to get tired every day and having few opportunities to show off their wealth.

Other aspects are basically okay, and some aspects are even super satisfied, such as the almost appearance of permanent presence caused by extraordinary power. If Kane did not admire natural beauty, the two women could even form a 100-point figure and face.

Eternal youth, top material enjoyment, for a woman with little ambition, any one is a dream.

Kane is not a flowery man, but he values ​​old feelings, which makes the two women feel relieved and at ease in the spiritual level.

Regarding the existence of Nia, Kane did not hide the two of them. To be honest, the two were a little bit of Nia 'dirty', mainly because the way Kane and Nia met turned out to be a one-night stand, full of flavor, both physical and mental , Jenny and Lana are more innocent.

Of course, Kane can also carry it. Jenny and Lana can create a 'home' that he wants, Nia is enough to choke, and Kane has no plans to twist the harem group together, then Destroy the taste of 'home'.

Niya's existence involves the Ten Witches' Black Light, which has not been resolved until now.

Now that time is fragmented, let's try to put an end to it. And it doesn't necessarily have to be his own shot.

When receiving a message from Brasov, Romania, Kane had just finished prostitution with Niya in daytime.

The reason for this nonsense is not how hungry the two are, or how much excitement they do, but Nia has a fear, and instinctively obtains comfort and security through this 'vine entangled tree' method, Kane It ’s not good to lose face.

He knew very well that Nia regarded him as a dependant, and the most frightening thing was that he had lost allure in him. After all, in all fairness, Nia can give him too little compared to the needs. This kind of unequal pay and demand is personally worried.

Nia rubbed her face on his chest like a cat.

Wake Kane out of contemplation and smile to Nia: "Sorry, I just received an urgent message and lost my mind."

There is a saying that when a man snaps and falls down, he falls asleep, either he has a particularly low EQ or he just uses that woman as a vent.

As a person who pays attention to details, Kane will naturally not pull the bird ruthlessly, and this is the apology.

The increased and deepened interaction with women made him understand the importance of coaxing. After all, most women are sentimental and can love the madness, but in fact there is no love for men. Without time to accompany and not want to be green, respect and romance cannot be broken.

After talking to Niya for a while, Kane talked about the business: "Remember what I said, your position is one of the four kings. If you don't betray, I won't lose you. The time is almost ripe, I can guarantee It is all external conditions including technology, and the rest depends on yourself, thinking about your wishes, this may become the key to passing the test. "

Nia nodded, she already had the heroic side, Kane helped her fulfill her wish, how could she understand the grievance more successfully? Moreover, as a federal girl, she has a strong sense of independence and autonomy. Compared to the vines that are completely entangled in the tree, she hopes to be sheltered by the shade, but can also resist the wild thorn bushes for the tree So I really want her to feel at ease as a housewife like Jenny, but she will be unhappy.

Now that we have negotiated, there is no need to beep more. Professional let the professional worry. Nia only needs to believe that the method Kane chose for her is the best route after synthesizing her needs and suitability. .

The relevant preparations are ready, Nia only needs to adjust the state to the best, and then face the challenge.

After analyzing Romanian intelligence, Kane concluded that it was closer to the content of Joseph's conversation with Atina. After all, Kane is a long-lived one, and deriving the possibility based on phenomena and details is his strong point.

He believes that the ugly monsters directly killed by the flame of the sacred ball in the church of Saint Nicholas are demons.

Monsters are lower-level independent races, and Kane ’s memory describes them as follows:

"This abominable creature will die under the light ... It jumps forward with its long hind legs ... The yellowish and bloodshot eyes ... The demon has a keen sense of smell ... A pony-like body jumps out of the dark The ugly, dirty look of the beast made Carter sick. No important features like nose and forehead could be seen on its face, but strangely, it looked exactly like humans ... It spoke with a unique throat like a cough. "

This description is recorded in the book "The Mystery of Cardas Dream".

The demon perches in a huge underground cave that is not exposed to sunlight and never goes out. As long as they are exposed to the sun, they will get sick and die; they have the habit of eating cannibalism and often bite each other. In addition, they also capture other creatures for food.

Demon ghosts are the product of genetic experiments done by snake men; although demon ghosts are very brutal and cruel creatures, there is also the possibility of raising them.

As for the hosts of those ceremonies, Kane suspected that he was an adventurous terror hunter.

The appearance of a terrorist hunter is like wings with bats or umbrellas, huge black snakes or giant worms. Because they are constantly twisting and changing, it is difficult to see clearly. Their wings are not a pair, but only one, extremely huge; they speak with a deafening throat. Its average length is 40 feet.

Terror hunters will escape the sun. If they are exposed to very strong light (such as light from a nuclear reaction), they may even wither and turn into ashes. Their actions are very rapid, and they are usually used as hounds for certain gods (especially Nayarattop). But if it is a call that has nothing to do with the divine personality, it must offer blood and creatures to please it.

The horror hunter is a typical non-human. It is a superior servant race. It can be called a superior. Its natural ability is not bad. Once it is involved with the evil spirit, the ability becomes more strange. In order to act better and make up for the shortcomings, they will There is a way to choose semi-parasitic and semi-decisive in the main material plane, this is the advent.

The advent state requires the active cooperation of the host. After the completion, the host is actually completely looted by the terrorist hunter, including memory. But Farewell is usually Weareone.

Terror hunter + demon + undead figurine, this combination of dark and filthy flow, combat power is the same to Kane.

The key point that made him care is that the terrorist hunter appeared in advent, and it is very likely to involve an old branch of evil spirits. However, this sneaky work has obvious characteristics of self-assertion, powerlessness, focus on achieving goals and not wanting to get outsiders, that is to say ~ ~ this group of guys may be dressed in tiger skin There is no bold provocation to do things.

Thinking about it, Kane decided to go by himself.

Caibo's red eyes, which can make horror hunters lift the seal, are basically old pits, and even old enough that humans have not yet appeared, and even the kind of primitive life on the planet that has been sealed.

Just accumulating for these years, it is also worthwhile for him to take some risks and do it himself. If this vote succeeds, it is estimated that the remaining three kings of the four heavenly kings can be gathered together, and even rich.

As for such an ancient pit, how could it be related to the Orthodox Church. It can only be said that the extraordinary powers of human beings exist and grow day by day, which shows that there are outstanding people in every era, and an outstanding manifestation is the use of foreign objects, not only genius and treasure, but also ancient mysteries The use of things.

Like King Solomon, didn't he drive the pretense by grasping the devil's weakness through the book of Rajah El?

In this universe of old branch nests, it is normal for the extraordinary to embrace the thighs of old branches and their enemies and act as blood-sucking mosquitoes and flies.

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