Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 814: territory

Joseph and Artina both have an official background on the surface, and in the background, they are both members of a secret association.

The nature of this secret society has the meaning of the red underground party. The core concept is magnificent, and they are commensurate with each other at the same time. Regardless of class, they are brothers and sisters and have equal personalities.

Of course, in fact, according to the different powers, there is still a relationship between leadership and being led, as well as the primary and secondary differences caused by differences in qualifications and abilities.

In Kane's cognition, such things as class existed clearly from the moment the team was born. The concept of 'inequality' has been in existence since the birth of independent consciousness.

After all, "independence" was born by comparison, and with comparison, the most root cause, such as where was born, who is the parent, whether the body is healthy or weak, etc., cannot be determined by the self, so it is called innate, and these There is a difference in the innate ratio, how can it be equal?

It is precisely because of this idea that Kane is more inclined to view various doctrines as a strategy and a means, that is, long-term planning at the strategic level and a better way to achieve their goals at the tactical level, and any excessive preaching of superiorism Sexual behaviors are actually rogues.

Only the most suitable, there is no best.

Advanced is not equal to appropriate.

So Kane does not think that the one Joseph made was the great savior of Romania, even if their personal consciousness is indeed very high.

Although he was less than two months away from his second 100-day rest due to Kevin Fox ’s teacher Sam, who is Jenny ’s legal husband, and Lana ’s father, Kane ’s overall strength is now dozens of times At the beginning, it is still expanding at a high speed.

This is the income obtained by standing upright, successfully grabbing the cake, and successively beating down the disobedient. The gains obtained in this way are not comparable to intrigues and flies.

Of course, the risk is also great. Whale swallowing failure will often endure alive, and it is almost impossible to retreat after defeat.

In terms of results, Kane succeeded and all risks became footnotes.

But this is the view of ordinary people.

Kane knew his situation.

His imaginary enemy is the evil spirit and his dependents. From this perspective, he is far from successful, and there are many dangers hidden in the road ahead.

The sense of crisis made him motivated and never slack.

At the same time, there is no complacency and arrogance.

Take the decision to go to Romania in person this time, he conducted a serious analysis and adequate preparation.

He secretly transferred the fire king Kofi back to the fire to lead the town, mainly the second-phase project is in full swing in the central city, where is the most valuable industry, he has reason to believe that whether it is Zhenglian, Catholic, or Hai , Would not mind destroying or seriously damaging the high-end combat power of the central city.

And to achieve this, there must be many saints coming together.

In fact, any of these three hostile forces placed in the bright place has the ability to desperately hit him and his forces. After all, there are double-digit saints. There are many, but they have the legacy of God, the "Book of Sin" and the powerful evil in the palace of Melah.

It was precisely because of the intangibility of the true God and the threat of the God ’s legacy that Kane created the Destroyer, allowing him to use unbridled destruction to contain the Catholic experience.

It must be said that the Destroyer has done a good job so far. Under his secret guidance, the Destroyer is now working in a secret holy place in the Catholic Church.

The relevant information of the secret holy place comes from Chaolian.

This is also a benefit of not directly killing the blood king Vlad and Kamara of the Hengyuanhui.

During the Transcendental League period, the refuge project operated well.

Especially through the transaction, after obtaining a relatively mature energy barrier technology from him, it has attracted some small and medium-sized extraordinary forces, as well as scattered repairs.

The barrier technology obtained by Superlink is naturally not comparable to the magical obelisk system used by Huo Lao Ling.

The magic obelisk not only has better performance, but also takes into account the underground, and even has the potential to transform the entire territory into a fortress after the operability.

And what is sold to Chaolian is the energy ecosystem.

Of course, simplicity also has the benefits of simplicity, just like setting up a tent, it is always quicker than building a house, and temporary stays for a few days will not be much worse than the house. Chaolian is obviously a latecomer, but it seems to be fruitful and successful. Brilliant.

From Vancouver to San Jose, from a satellite point of view, it can be found that this is a 'green silk ribbon', which is in May in the spring and the plants are lush, so it is particularly prominent compared to the mountains and Gobi in the east.

There are also serious people inside the Superlink, with energy barriers with a radius of 3 kilometers, a large number of green spaces circled, and the banner of ecological protection, safe planting and breeding is played, thereby enhancing the attractiveness.

Today, this kind of area called the magic ecological garden has more than a hundred. From a height, translucent magic ecological gardens are arranged on the ground, which is very interesting.

Chaolian still does not forget the rules of selling, calling this magical ecological garden a standard refuge, and calling the lair of the transcendental, or the secret realm, a refuge.

‘Asylum’ is obviously more powerful than ‘refuge’, so it ’s a higher grade.

The gimmick of the Super League is: How many secular people can't be accommodated in the refuge. After the holocaust intensity is increased, the secular people must go to the refuge, and the refuge of the Super League is first-rate.

This gimmick did sing, and it attracted a wave of middle-class people from all over the world.

After all, although the fire collar is good, it clearly shows that it is unfriendly to the middle class and even the upper class, and the Super League allows them to feel the taste of 'familiarity'.

Although the extraordinary powers of various countries are also attracting these wealthy social elites, but these people also have small ledgers in their own homes. If the entrance fees for shelters are too high and they need to be bankrupt, how can they live a decent life after entering?

Most of the social elites are well-educated and have wider knowledge, and most are smart. They know that wherever they go, real wealth is an advantage.

In the same economical situation, they are backed by wealth and can receive better care, exchange for stronger survivability, and a higher starting point. The premise is under a social order controlled by a reliable organization.

Therefore, many elites prefer first-class refuges, rather than bankrupting to shelters.

Chaolian has also made full use of their network advantages to provide convenience for investors through bulk material integration and transactions. Even after the bad sea, the transaction still did not stop, and a new settlement system was opened for this purpose.

For example, if a European business owner wants to join Chaolian, then his wealth can be settled on the spot and handed over to the local extraordinary forces.

Behind this, Chaolian settled with the local extraordinary power to obtain the wealth belonging to that extraordinary power from the Americas. As for what the discount is, it is the details.

The main reason is that this model is convenient for each other, and the decent human and financial balance does not hurt the face. Face is still more important to them. Like Kane, who is arbitrarily relying on his strength. If they ca n’t come, the internal relationship is intricate. Unlike Kane, he shouts in the end, public property is about equal to private property, and he can be willful.

Stimulated by extraordinary crises, global wealth is accumulating at a high speed in a mode of operation that is roughly orderly and has typical destructive mining characteristics.

Kane's performance here is pretty good. The Fort Ling calculations estimate that before the window period closes, Huo Lao has the opportunity to break the 100 million population.

From this perspective, Kane's demagnetization in Romania is also an indirect operation to extend the window period.

After all, the core point of this window period is actually the hearts of the people.

When people feel that the crisis has reached the point of choosing to stay in the fire, it is basically a life of nine deaths, the window period is basically over. They will choose to settle nearby.

In fact, due to the frequent attacks by the Hai nationality on the sea routes, the enthusiasm of the Eurasian population to travel across the oceans to escape has been greatly reduced.

Those who are still willing to take the risk of shipping by sea today are those who have no good choices and are aware of themselves and their families as stowaways.

This feature has greatly reduced the number of technical middle-aged people who are entrenched in the fire. This is because their own wealth, ability, contacts, and social status allow them to have more choices, and at the same time, they are more sacred and adventurous. insufficient.

Kane, too, doesn't have much affection for those desperate, barefooted, and diaomin. After all, he has no shortage of coolies under his rule, and people in the secular society want to play value under his rule. The effect is slow and it hurts.

It is also for this reason that he did not rush to Baohang Road, or opened the remote transmission mode of the space door. He felt that the first wave of citizens had gathered, and it would be fine to just end.

When the extraordinary crisis is fully staged, the world will surely eliminate a group of failed refuges. At that time, another wave of basic population needed to enter space will be enough.

Of course, this entry into space refers to the mortal civilization, not the swarm. If you do n’t pay the price, the swarm can now go to heaven, but that will only exhaust the potential and expose the cards prematurely. However, all the extraordinary existences in this world are united to tear with him, it will not be beautiful.

It is precisely because of this that he deliberately behaved brutally, making people think that he is a greedy opportunist, taking advantage of the troubled times to stand on the flagpole, and wanting to step forward to the sky, but because of unscrupulous reputation, he was excluded and feared.

Kane glanced at the new week's farming report before leaving the fire.

The lava deep well mining on Santa Caterina Island, south of west of Long Beach, has been put into operation. Its output is equivalent to a large, open-pit, multi-metallic ore.

At the same time, geothermal energy is converted into mechanical energy and electrical energy for the preparation of nuclear fusion fuel from seawater.

The Huo Lao Ling vegetable basket project has also been completed. Not only can it provide the daily needs of the Central City and the quasi-citizens who have entered the Huo Lao Ling but have not yet settled, but they can also be trafficked to the north of San Jose. The meals of the famous and the survivors waiting for security check have also stabilized the people's hearts to a certain extent.

Even the two basic grains, rice noodles, have been cooked in a wave and pushed into the granary.

There is food in the family, and I am not worried. As the lord, Kane has always been paying more attention to this point. The new grain enters the warehouse, which makes him feel more solid.

In other industries, since the designation of the mortal world and the large-scale cleaning of the buildings destroyed in the operation of the Toxic Tide, they have been entrusted to the Fort Spirit for the integration of all mortal enterprises led by the fire.

According to Kane's plan, the secular industry will integrate a large industrial park in Indio City and upgrade it completely.

In the southeast of downtown Indio is Lake Salton, and in the northeast is Joshua National Park. Its geographical location is like the Xuanhua District of Zhangjiakou City, a flower planter. This topography is naturally resistant to the super tsunami. It can be regarded as a kind of important area protection with the help of geographical location.

With the demolition caused by the construction of a new secular industrial park, the original metropolitan area has completely become a super residential area, but Kane does not wait to see entertainers. Culture, entertainment and other aspects have not stabilized because of society. And regain prosperity, but rely on the popular virtual world, turning most citizens into houses.

In addition, in the original Metropolitan Port, large shipyards with magical characteristics have basically been completed.

The Federation naturally has a fleet on the Pacific Ocean. The orders it receives are surveillance, and the use of federal laws to block the fire collar, intercept or disperse foreigners who have crossed the ocean to the fire collar.

As a result, after being taught to be a man by the spaceship Mother of the Storm, it was a bit embarrassing to leave or stay.

And when the Hai tribe launches the shallow sea battle, there is no need to be embarrassed. If Kane responded quickly and intercepted the super tsunami, they had to feed the sharks.

Later, Kane took advantage of the situation and confiscated a ship, but this time Kane saved some face for Zhenglian and the Federation, and did not turn all the officers and men into puppets.

In fact, it is useless to change. The naval service is a technical job. With the IQ of the candle people, it can't be played at all. Moreover, Kane is not short of ordinary basic embryos. Why should he be a wicked person, so that the federal navy, which has suffered heavy losses due to the Sino Island incident, can add another new creation?

In fact, it was also due to Kane's black hand, otherwise most of these ships would be assigned to participate in the follow-up of the Anchorage incident.

That was really not a successful operation, although the Federation vigorously preached that they had completed their revenge against the Hai clan, annihilated many Hai clan, and drove it to the sea in an all-round way, recapture Anchorage completely. But insiders all know that in the vengeance operation with Zhenglian Transcendence as the high-end combat power, the Federal Fleet suffered heavy casualties, and there was no one left. The key did not play a role yet. It was because Kane took the ship, otherwise It is adding more and more complaints.

Of course, the Federation will definitely not say that. With the income of Zhenglian, the Federation, as always, condemned Kane ’s barbaric acts of seizing ships, and said that if it were not so, having those ships captured by Kane joining the vengeance would inevitably cause greater losses to the Hai tribe, At the same time, it can quickly distinguish the heights and reduce their own losses.

Kane naturally doesn't care about this kind of dog barking. Mainly because the emergency farming was interrupted, and the available ships had not yet landed, so I thought of changing a batch to be used as a marine landing point support for the floating saucer cluster. Act as an extraordinary radar station.

Therefore, the main role of these ships is not war, but as an offshore platform.

But even so ~ ~ The combat effectiveness of the ship has been greatly improved after the magic reform, mainly to enrich the means to deal with extraordinary targets and underwater targets.

As a man, Kane naturally has no shortage of warships, so when the first ships of the Destroyer Destroyer and Cruiser were completed, he also boarded the ship to experience it, feeling the magical reforms of the mad scientists in the city The plan is okay, look at this meaning, they have become familiar with the science and magic mix and match, the next step is to practice makes perfect, find a breakthrough in spiritual flash.

This pre-departure report also has the latest information about the warship modification. It is worth mentioning that Baoling completed the big data collection and programming of the ship ’s driving technology, and then targeted the fire eaters and the slaves. , Instilled information, thereby creating a navy officer and soldier with a strong collar.

Today, the short-term sea trial is doing well, and then we will see the performance of the long-term battle patrol. That is to say, just yesterday, the Naval Demonstration Fleet, led by the fire, has officially ended its formation and set sail to perform its mission.

All is well in the nest, and Kane is more at ease. He does n’t have a big supporter, a butcher, and a mysterious fortress. They all bring 500 fire eaters driving the MA, which can be said to be a teacher and a crowd. After 130 minutes, it fell from the sky and started a war of tearing against another mythical creature.

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