Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 818: fatten

Kane's attackers didn't even choose the best time for the raid.

In fact, it was he who wronged others.

The raiders also knew that it was the most important thing to restrain the outburst of the fusion of the small solar core with one's own strength. At that moment, Kane's position would not only be necessarily exposed, but also basically flawless, he was the best chance to kill.

But the question is, how do the strong men of the Holy Land willingly become dead?

Hit Kane hard, the fusion explosion is out of control, can they survive?

It is impossible.

Kane can do it, it is the force of Kane's paid king. As the supreme fire-controller who can theoretically exert supreme power, Salary King is the incarnation of fire, representing the most fierce founding fire when the singularity explodes, and naturally will not be burned to death by the flame of the stars.

But other people do not have this compulsion, and under the influence of the magnificent energy of fusion explosion, it is impossible to escape using space technology, and the result is to be burned alive.

It took a lot of hard work to climb to the level of the Sanctuary. Who would be so generous to die?

So the best opportunity to miss the raid is not because of bad eyes, but courage.

The Raiders' plan was this, choosing a secondary opportunity to strike, and causing Kane to suffer, but not too serious.

Then survival instinct will suppress the violent psychology regardless of pulling back.

At this time, the real assassination opportunity of the raiders came, and missed the nuclear explosion, even if Kane struggled to survive, he could not withstand his own assassination.

It ’s not just them who want Kane ’s life. Kane and his party came here to save for some time. The longer they dragged on, they arrived here and saw Kane injured. The more people there are.

As long as Kane is not given a chance to recover, Kane will be killed sooner or later.

So the three raiders flew from the air, they did not release the invisible state, and they held the scroll of the high-level arbitrary door in their hands, so that the situation was wrong, and they immediately flashed.

They did not die, and the Catholic Church couldn't afford to lose more of the Holy Land. Unless Kane took the initiative to make trouble this time, the Catholic Church would not find Kane's trouble in a short time.

Reaching the level of the sanctuary, even if it is not a specialization, invisibility can be used in general, but the existence of the body itself cannot be erased. When high-speed movement, the air is discharged, just like a ship on the water The effect of chopping waves while driving is not noticed by ordinary people, but it is easy to discern high-end transcendents.

However, Kane ’s large-scale controlled nuclear fusion in the air, even if it does control the field, is relative to the total explosive energy of nuclear fusion. It is impossible to do so without revealing the slightest, and even the heat and light It's also light and magnificent, and the perturbation of emptying in flight is compared with it, just like the movement made by a needle in the big waves, it's not obvious at all.

The three raiders also felt that Kane was now in a dark state under the light, and only then thought that stealth was useful, and the chance of attack was rare.

In fact, for Salary King, where the flame spreads, it is the absolute perception range.

The MA is not a decoration, but a dedicated device with increased perception.

In the formation state, it is even more powerful. It can be understood that an ultra-high-power, no-dead-angle radar is placed there, but the plane is expecting to be riding a face and can not be found. This kind of fluke psychology can already be described as stupid.

The assassination turned into a raid. Although the preparation time for Kane was short, it was essentially different from being caught by surprise.

The controlled nuclear fusion fireball suddenly cracked three additional openings, approaching the sanctuary of Kane from three directions and feeling the pain of being locked and bombarded by the starship ’s main gun. The high temperature light rushed over the three people in 0.04 seconds, and It is locked for continuous tracking.

It is about 1100 meters away from Kane, and as a result, it was taken first, and any door scrolls in the hands of the three Sanctuaries were invalidated for the first time. Forcibly used in this state, the possibility of the body being torn by the power of time and space is extremely high.

But the three have the power of the field, can carry for a little while, and have the opportunity to get out.

But Kane let them know how stupid this assassination was at the next moment.

They were bombarded by the force of faith.

Climbing up the sanctuary step by step in a regular way is not very afraid of the bombardment of the power of faith.

Simple understanding, all the results are hard work and solid spirit.

This is not the case for the holy domain born of the religious system. They rely on external forces to achieve the holy domain. Although there are also soul trials, they also need to burn the body, but they can repeatedly temper the ratio between life and death in the ordinary holy domain. .

There are many injustices in this world, but some aspects are relatively fair. Like this kind of sanctuary of faith, the critical moment will appear water. The specific performance is often the coping ability between life and death, and the lethality of the shortcomings.

Kane was not only a long time ago, the geographical position, the people and the people directly collapsed the sin, Yu Wei is still here, these three water sacred domains choose to attack at this time, and typically die while hot.

However, Kane ’s faith strikes were borrowed, and how much he could borrow was not completely controlled by him. The first and second strokes were okay, and the weight was enough. When the third stroke was hit, it was not enough.

Therefore, the fields of the first two holy domains were disintegrated by faith, and the body was exposed to high-temperature light beams to become gray for seconds. The third place, Sanctuary, got a glimpse of the self-destructive explosion, and then used any door.

I went a dozen kilometers away at once.

The situation is naturally very bad. It looks like a pig's head scorched by a blowtorch. It is burnt everywhere. This is the damage caused by the high-temperature light jet beam in a flash. Looking at the embarrassment, it is actually not a big problem.

The main injury came from the burden of forcibly using any door. Although the teleportation was finally completed, the power of time and space was torn apart, and the body was damaged in many places, and the soul was also hurt.

But he finally escaped his life. Even if this distance is still locked by Kane and bombarded, he is confident to avoid the back defense.

After all, the atmosphere is full of medium, and the energy spillover is extremely strong. Kane's control is strong, and it is impossible to maintain sufficient binding force at this distance.

In addition, the high temperature flame is not light, the speed is much different, and the distance is longer, there is more time for reaction.

However, as soon as the sanctuary breathed Komatsu's breath, a purple light crashed into her body. Almost at the next moment, Kane's alternative attack also arrived.

It was a black cluster of light drawn by the faint light, which rushed in like a trolley.

The light is the silk of spiritual power, and the black light group is the polymer of negative spiritual power.

If there is a positive, there is a negative, and the power of faith is positive, including impure thoughts, resentment, etc. The spiritual power is negative. When the core of the kingdom of God is in operation, it simulates the process of belief gods dealing with the power of faith, repeatedly purifies and refines, extracts positive energy, and also produces negative residues.

And Kane is more particular in this regard, the coverage of the core of the Divine Kingdom includes Huolao collar and its surroundings. Anyway, instead of using his own hands to grind away these negative energies, he would like to compress the landfill like dealing with nuclear waste.

As a result, the Huo Lao collar is orderly inside and outside, without the backlog of negative emotions and the extraordinary power of darkness to create pollution, and there are fewer possibilities for breeding evil and hiding.

The disadvantage is that the more negative energy is hoarded, the more difficult it is to deal with.

This time, Kane asked the Mysterious Castle to send it together with the power of faith, that is, it was ready to be sent to God of Sin at an appropriate time.

Unexpectedly, the disintegration of the body of God ’s Sin was much smoother than he expected. The world ’s will clearly hated God ’s Sin and wanted to punish it. This is a time, and God ’s Sin is in a long-term seal and has not been completely unsealed. This is geographical and belief. The availability of power is human harmony.

The weather, the geographical position, the people and the people are all on the side of Cain. This is the only way to successfully kill. The gods are like paper, and they are taken away without waiting for resistance. No other means are needed at all.

But the soul of God's Sin escaped. This Kane was helpless. He could not exterminate the Soul of Soul at present, at most it was imprisonment, but there was no container for imprisoning the Soul of Soul because of insufficient resources.

Of course, if he fights to kill the fire king Kofi, and he does not hesitate to extract three strange substances from himself and the butcher, and then combine this harvest, there is still a way to put together a material that seals the **** box.

Can he be selfish, where can he do that? Even if there is time to make a box, he would rather let go of the soul of the iniquity and kill the future instead of playing dedication.

Happily, the Catholic sanctuary died, and two died and one wounded. Kane saw that the famous sanctuary was wounded and fled.

Sure enough, the sin did not give up the opportunity to seize the house.

As far as the gods are concerned, there is a big risk of capturing ordinary creatures, because it must silence most of the souls of the gods before they can inhabit the ordinary creatures without destroying their bodies.

This kind of **** is not only a low starting point, but also easy to be killed. Once dead, the active part of the soul is damaged first, including the main consciousness.

The loss of the main consciousness will make the evil spirit become muddled. It is similar to being hit by demotion, which is more terrible than losing power.

So even if you start again, you have to find a similar body. The Holy Land is good, and the Holy Land is especially good.

The true **** is the nemesis of all faith professions, because the true **** can easily strip the relevant parts obtained by the power of faith. The result of this divestiture is often worse than the rebirth who is dominated by all points.

The wounded sanctuary was taken advantage of by the gods, and the dove occupied the magpie's nest.

This is really a super ‘Xiang’, condensing the pollution that has been accumulated over more than 200,000 square kilometers of land for thousands of years, as well as Kane ’s own negative emotions, and also introduced part of the power of nightmare seeds into it.

If this Tuoxiang can't successfully feed the evil spirits, Kane himself must be repulsed. The degree of danger is absolutely the highest in history. A probability of more than 65% will make Kane collapse on the spot.

Because of this, Kane did not hesitate to fight for the permanent loss of spiritual power, but also wanted to become a silk, stretched out more than ten kilometers, and absolutely locked and guided to ensure that this tuoxiang was fed into the mouth of God's evil at a critical moment.

God is in the body of the sanctuary, and the consciousness of the sanctuary has been desperately killed, this tuoxiang is in place.

In the next moment, God of Sin became a blessing.

The reason, which has only gradually emerged from a violent state for hundreds of millions of years, has been overwhelmed by madness because this Tuo Xiang Xiang broke the balance.

To some extent, the evil spirit is itself the separation of the filthy and depleted spirits of the gods and spirits.

This separation is generally achieved through taboo behaviors, such as the mating behavior of lewd and evil, rather than venting the evil fire of the gods' backlog, it is better to say that it is dumping the burden.

Therefore, the relationship between gods and sins is often a little strange and subtle. I want to give up, but I can't ignore it completely, because there is a pot of gods for the creation of God's Sin.

God is born and unclean. It is a polymer of negative consciousness. It is divine and hard to destroy. It is often cruel and unreasonable. It is crazy to destroy everything. It is either imprisoned or sealed.

Kane felt even more terrible that this **** could think rationally. There is a good saying, not afraid of fighting, but afraid of culture. The sin that can think rationally is definitely the enemy of order and the enemy of life.

Kane speculates that the reason why this **** can get reason is not only the precipitation of the long years during the seal, but also the demise of the corresponding god.

Simply put, gods and sins are causal to each other. The spirit is refreshed because of the separation of the evil spirit, and the thought of the evil spirit is also communicated by the death of the spirit. When the thought is communicated, it calms down and reason breeds.

Nowadays, he has added the body of God's Sin and formed a deep enmity with God's Sin, so he doesn't mind adding more materials. Huo Lao leads his country, Huo Lao leads the people as his people, he is handsome Dealing with civil resentment (mysterious direction) in a manner that is passed on to God ’s Sin, and then bears the vengeance of God ’s Sin. At the same time, he also treats God ’s Sin as his trash can. Negative emotions pour out of the brain and pull Cthulhu into the water. The operation of Cthulhu's nightmares is suspected of treating him as one of the trash bins (one of them). He has the opportunity to pit each other and will not miss it.

So, after being hit by this Tuoxiangxiang, Shenli showed obvious characteristics of lowering intelligence, like a beast with a head injury, and directly slipped away. It was originally a capital of hurdles, even through the body of the Holy Land, with Kane Recapture the remnants of the god's body. After all, it is his body. It used to be too reluctant to have the soul of the god. Now that I have the first tool, I have the opportunity to operate it.

However, he now has a beast-level intelligence quotient, shuning the waves, adversity, lacking the logical thinking ability with sufficient depth and breadth, so missed the opportunity.

With the extinction of the nuclear fusion fireball, Kane also fell from the pinnacle of the most capable of playing, especially after he swallowed the essence of the evil, just like the python that swallowed a crocodile, the urgent thing is to find a safe place as soon as possible. Digestion is no longer possible, it is a good opportunity to start.

But Kane is a good actor. The more confident he is at this time, he hangs in the air, his body is blazing and flaming, forming gorgeous wings, and the heat and heat are spreading out at all times. Not forever. The successful shock deterred the original transcendentalists, including the Zhenglian Sanctuary that came here not long ago, and even the Haizu Sanctuary.

So, for the next two hours or so, it became the garbage time for everyone to watch Kane happily compare. When the light of the dawn of the new day shines on Brasov, which has become a hairless place, Kane and his party who have completely completed the search, leave calmly, and many MAs are transformed into a dragon by the connection of the energy foot, flying out of the dome, from space. Returning to the fire-hold, let the heroes of the world once again see the characteristics of the worm swarm of the blood warfare.

Many ambitions are deeply hit again. The high-end technology, the individual is strong, and they will fit together. Having such opponents is really desperate!

They did not know that this was almost the last time Kane was on stage.

It is precisely because this world is a super-magic environment, so Rong's legendary legends can be torn apart, and the Sanctuary can basically be torn apart, because after the field is opened, the spread outside the field is limited.

But the Holy Spirit above the Holy Land cannot be tolerated anyway.

At this level, even if you do n’t depend on leaving, it does n’t make much sense, because you will be suppressed by the will of the world if you dare to force yourself. This kind of suppression is naturally rule-oriented. Specifically, it includes adding positive UFF to the target's opponent and adding negative UFF to the target. For example, must be in, must not be in, lucky, bad luck and so on.

Under the obvious preference of this law, if you still do n’t go, it is equivalent to an alternative white arowana suit. During the tearing process, the gutter turned over, because a series of coincidences were completely dead by opponents who were below their own strength. possible.

Therefore, most of the strong men will choose to go to the wider world to go to this stage, rather than continue to succumb to the tenderness of the main material world.

The soaring of the Holy Spirit is truly a matter of course.

Kane himself has been preparing for this day already. For example, the core of the Kingdom of God, in addition to using the spiritual power of all living beings in the territory, also means to warm up for the formal formation of God.

He himself is not a god, after all, this is just a way for him to go through the road again. The details are different, but the nature of the road has not changed much.

He just didn't expect that this time the harvest was so great, the core team hadn't been formed yet, and he was rocket-like. To be honest, this is very detrimental to his secular foundation, especially the situation opened by the great struggle.

On the other hand, if God grants nothing, he will bear the blame. Although the road to salary king has risen into flames, it is also stable. In this case, it is indeed beneficial to the further development and growth of the whole as it is carried out in a broader environment. After all, he does not believe in gods and does not depend on secular foundations.

The only thing that is not beautiful is that the metabolism is too fast and is always hungry. Once it soars, it is bound to open up the kingdom of God, and then you will find that everything is missing, you can't rest assured to farm, you need to rely on robbing to solve the problem.

After some thoughts, Kane finally decided to drag it again, and the newly acquired extraordinary resources need to be digested before they can be considered completely satisfactory. And he can lengthen this digestion process.

During this period, as long as he played ‘Turtle Breath’ and stayed still, he also urged the nightmare seeds to trouble himself, while furthering the magical spirit, he could barely continue to rely on the negative UFF.

Using this period of time, he thoroughly established the team of the Four Heavenly Kings, and then opened the decree card farming to complete the lack of territory, and at the same time made preparations for the opening of the kingdom of God.

In this way, before he actually ascends, he can finally put it back, punch the nursing home, kick the kindergarten, and crush the eye-opening sanctuary for a round.

In fact, Kane took it for granted.

No one is stupid, it is just a fluke, the reaction is a bit slow. But no matter how slow, after the Brasov incident, everyone also tasted something. People clearly felt the crazy improvement of Kane's fighting power, and deeply felt the pain of the extraordinary technology mastered by Kane's family.

If Kane still made a lot of money by sneak attack and one trick, then in Brasov, there was already not much suspense in the brawl.

In the words of a holy land: if this guy relies on the power of his own special field and hides in the artificial sun to keep erupting, how can I break it?

People think about it, right! Kane can play controlled nuclear fusion, so hiding in the plasma fireball, playing control should also be able to do it.

What kind of damage will this artificial sun release light and heat all the time? Who wants to rush in there and torn against Kane?

So unless he can stun the donkey with one move ~ ~ or even if Kane is forced to near death at any cost, he will definitely be buried by the crowd and even the whole world must be buried with him.

Kane had such a compulsion, the only way to deal with it was to put him as a fart. A holy domain can see clearly: This Kevin Fox, from the last time he was hospitalized, was only a year away from the investigator to the level above the holy domain. This growth rate is absolutely inhuman. , It is impossible to say stop and stop, he is bound to be rejected by the world, and it is impossible to stay away from love. So we have to wait at most half a year, so we no longer have to wince under his prostitution.

Kane said, half a year? The third wave of 100-day rest is the limit at most. Many grievances have to be resolved by agents. Such growth is really fast and melancholy. The key is that after rising up, the probability of face-to-face with the **** of evil Ascension, guilty conscience ...


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