Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 819: Chaos

Due to the relationship of the deity, Kane's process of becoming a **** has basically no threshold restrictions, and it is ripe and natural. Nor will it become incomplete due to the lack of appropriate grinding.

However, ascension is not entirely a good thing, especially in the nest universe of the old rulers.

This is like the size of an ant. Humans recognize it as an ant, but if the ant changes into an adult, humans will speculate on their behavior and wisdom from the perspective of treating them.

So Kane knew whether he was a **** or not, there was a huge difference in the old eyes. It was not that the gods were strong but they were only ants, and if the gods were weak, they could be eaten as dishes.

For a dish that can be chewed, Kane feels that this is not a half-joking description, but represents an attitude of the old ruler.

From a certain point of view, the process of achievement by other gods is equal to the process of enriching the essence and energy in the universe. Devouring the gods is an essential act for the old dominators who parasitize and devour the universe An effective speed increase.

If this assumption is true, then the operation of Cthulhu planting nightmares will become easy to understand.

For this problem, Kane ’s mentality has always been very good. The way to choose the salary king is actually an expression of attitude. What ’s more, the nightmare seed has not been able to treat him. Instead, he has repeatedly borrowed and completed the soul A great cause of hardening and becoming a **** in a year.

So, despite the hardships of the nightmare, Kane is still full of hope. He just wants to burn himself and contribute to his cause. This is the core purpose of the action, and it also fits the salary king.

After the Brasov incident, Kane opened the third day of the 100-day break. Law card farming, unless the hostile forces kill him, it will not interrupt that kind.

This wave of farming is considered to be forced farming. From the perspective of the overall situation, it is not timely, and a lot of things are missing outside.

For example, from the perspective of the previous consequences, the Brasov incident was only an incident created by a terrorist hunter. It was not the first or the last one. It just represented the opening of an extraordinary crisis, and various mythological races could not stop it A microcosm of things.

There is also the problem of adultery derived from the Brasov incident. Some human transcendents usually crawl on civilizations to **** blood. At the critical moment, there is no human consciousness, and they prefer to be with other races.

Once this line is studied in depth, the picture is really unbelievable. The result is not so good.

Those fighting with Joseph, Atina, and the ordinary people on the spot were just shrimps and crabs, and killing them did not solve the problem at all. This kind of people, such organizations are not only in Romania, but also in other countries and regions. As the so-called kingdom will perish, there must be evildoers, and these are even one of them.

It provokes the terrorist hunter and grudges with the gods. This is a new hatred. The old hatreds are Catholic, sea clan, and Orthodox. The big witches of the Tenth Witch Association ca n’t be counted. Looking at the fish that has become worthless.

The stalls are very large, half-inch, but Kane wants to retreat and soar. This style of painting even feels bad for Kane himself, and is not satisfactory at all.

You can change your mind. This is nothing. After all, he is rising step by step. Now, this step is particularly gorgeous. After completing this step of transformation, he turned back to collect old debts in a rolling mode. Although there is no story of ups and downs, but in terms of results, It is precisely what people have been pursuing.

I really want to say what is not beautiful, mainly ordinary people who suffer from the secular world. Whether from a practical interest or an emotional perspective, he is willing to help ordinary people as much as possible.

But from now on, rescues like Brasov are difficult to reproduce, and the joint operations of the fire eaters are still quite powerful, but when suppressed by the Holy Land, it is difficult to exert the due power, and the loss will be great.

The butcher, as his shadow, is closely related to him and will soar together. The Four Heavenly Kings, this high-end combat power achieved by empowerment, can't be concealed by technology, and it can't hide the fact that the strength is relatively low. It is good to win in a 1: 1 battle, but anyone who dares to compete with the fire is positive Where will the single-digit sacred domain be launched during the war?

What's more, at least two and a half of the so-called Four Heavenly Kings are still on the paper.

In general, Kane has always suffered from the pain of ‘pulling the egg’ because of his stride.

This third forced one-hundred-day rest, only 1/3 of the investment can be used to "make up the pot", which is to quickly fill in the key pits of the blueprint for the construction of the fire. The rest of the time and energy should be used to prepare for the ascension of the Kingdom of God.

Even so, for a very long period of time in the future, Kane can only concentrate on internal affairs in order to build the basic framework after becoming a god.

Kane originally tried to supplement the loss of MA in the shallow sea battle, but now the plan has been cancelled. In other words, for a long time in the future, MA only has 4000+.

This equipment was created through the legal card system, not relying on the ‘future industrial park’ of the central city. In terms of its current location, whether it is the ‘Future Industrial Park’ or the ‘new industrial park’ where all industries in the former Central California area are centrally improved, it is still in a semi-construction state, and it will take 5-7 months for it to be fully operational.

This is even a manifestation of too much struggling, and the air pavilion blown out by the law card has to wait for the hollow part to be filled, so it has to build the Lingxiao Temple, which is a super big project.

Because of this, the existing power in Kane's hands had to invest as much as possible in construction power and the financing of various resources, such as extraordinary energy, extraordinary materials, and so on.

Compared to the Fire Camp, Kane set up extraordinary energy extraction stations around the world earlier, and began during the second 100-day rest period.

These devices were originally intended to harvest a wave in the background of good global order, and then decently shut down when the nightmare spread. Now it must run for a longer time, which requires someone to guard it.

The resources are also in a similar situation. Originally, I thought that a wave of emergency search would be enough for the initial business. When the middle and later stages did not dare to say that they would be taken away, they would definitely be able to gather their arms with a straight waist.

But this is no longer possible. The surge in demand can only be compensated by large-scale mining + transaction purchase.

This is the concrete manifestation that the stalls that were spread out cannot be recovered.

The power in your hands is invested in these aspects, and naturally there is no extra power to save.

Two days after the Brasov incident, also at night, the densely populated area in the northeast of the central area of ​​Bucharest, Romania, suddenly collapsed, eventually resulting in an irregular pit with a diameter of about 2.7 kilometers, an average depth of 430 meters, and 170,000 residents Directly pitted.

This is an extraordinary event, also from the hands of a terrorist hunter. It should have happened on the same day as the Brasov incident to achieve a blockbuster effect.

However, Kane ’s performance in Brasov was too sharp, and the terrorist hunter worried that the outbreak here was also wiped out by Kane in the initial stage, so he was unbearable, waited two more days, and changed some plan details. .

This time they succeeded.

Just killing 170,000+ directly, caused an uproar to the human world.

The front foot is still sleeping, and the back foot fell 400 meters straight, and fell alive, which directly subverted the most people's inherent perception of land, not to mention the ordinary people's fear, even many extraordinary people are also afraid.

At a height of 400 meters, the reinforced iron bones have to fall apart, not to mention that the strength of most extraordinary people cannot reach the level of the reinforced iron bones, and it is difficult to fly at any time, especially when in the house. If you rush out in time, even if you can fly, you will be shot directly by the collapsed house, right?

Terror hunters not only slaughter humans, but also feed monsters with human corpses. Soon after the formation of the tiankeng, a large number of strange insects poured into the bottom of the tiankeng from the fault caves inside the tiankeng, shuttled between the ruins, searching for the corpses to eat.

These monsters have many similarities with the earth-drilling insects, and there are many similarities with the kind of monsters that Kane once led to kill in the secret realm of the Montenegrin prison. Although it is not as fierce as the ground-dwelling monsters, it does not have the weakness of dying in water.

Even more terrifying is that after consuming enough blood, these insects perform cocoon evolution on the spot, and the efficiency is still very high. The burning of gasoline bombs under official rush has accelerated their evolution further.

When a large number of terrible shapes and flying creatures with a wingspan of 3 meters flowed out of the pit like a black tide, spreading in all directions, the frightened Bucharest residents could no longer bear it, the order was nowhere to be found, everywhere Howling, screaming, avoiding and fighting.

Especially after the military police vehicles and personnel who maintained the law and order were quickly slaughtered by the swarming sins, people completely lost confidence in the victory over the sins, so the situation quickly evolved into a chaos and a massacre.

Since the firepower led by the fire did not intervene, even if the extraordinary power and more troops entered the battlefield at a relatively fast speed, they still could not suppress the evil things in the first time. The two sides were on the street, in the roadway, In the square, indoors, and even in the air, hit big shots.

Although flying creatures do not basically have long-range strike capabilities, they are flexible and intelligent, and can quickly heal by swallowing blood, and the human side often needs two to three semi-automatic rifles to kill them. To approach the corner, you can shoot wildly in order to succeed.

As a result, the historic city of Bucharest became a blood grinder. Romanian officials and the forces behind it took 9 days to barely quell the incident. Afterwards, the soldiers and civilians who died in the ravages of flying crimes Up to 140,000+, more than one-third of them died without corpses.

The total loss of the Tiankeng incident was 320,000+ people, and the economic loss was an astronomical figure. This has greatly affected Romania, Europe, and even countries around the world.

The further loss of security makes people more and more emotional and fragile. Extremist forces such as cults and doomsdays have taken advantage of the situation, and their eyes have become increasingly fierce and overwhelming.

In late May, the 12th day of the Tiankeng incident occurred in Sinaia.

This is a small town in the valley, south of Brasov, and the distance between the two is about 50 kilometers.

A considerable number of Brasov refugees were resettled here, as were Joseph and Atina.

The situation of these members of the secret society was once very delicate.

In the Brasov incident, they were considered heroes, but secret associations and many operations before and after the incident violated the relevant regulations of special departments. This is also an indisputable fact.

After the Brasov incident, Kane handed over the disarmed supernatural beings to them, and they also obtained a lot of testimony, but what happened later was not good.

Officials and other extraordinary forces believe that these testimonies are suspected of being forced to confess, and cannot be counted.

In addition, during the evacuation of the victims, the two sides broke open on the spot, and finally failed to bring those extraordinary to justice because of insufficient evidence.

Eyes are about to be countered, the Tiankeng incident broke out.

The cruel reality finally made the extraordinary forces and officials recognize the fact that the purpose of mythological creatures is not even to conquer, but to destroy. Their ultimate goal is to captive surviving humans like humans on top of the ruins of human civilization.

For such a purpose, the extraordinary powers of mankind cannot accept it and can only be a challenge.

As a result, the style of the painting changed, the traitor, even the eyebrows of the mythical creatures, the transcendence of attitudes and their related arguments, without the market, the transcendental forces and the official determined to carry out joint rectification.

Under such a big background, Joseph was willing to do their best. Not only did he restore his reputation, status, and position, he also received various degrees of promotion.

It was already a little late. The temporary office was working. Atina finished finishing the documents and was about to leave. An inexplicable wind blew the door open, and the lights in the corridor began to blink.

"Who's there?" Atina felt faintly.

No one answered.

She untied the buckle on the holster and pulled the gun in her hand.

The light was dimmed, and this time it did not turn on again. Three men in black cloaks came out of the darkness.

"Inspector, the file in your hand, I want to borrow it." The leader said a badge.

It is the exclusive badge of the special consultant, that is, the extraordinary.

Artina clenched her gun, "Sorry, if you want to view confidential files, please follow the normal process."

"Oh! Official business!" A chuckle for the leader "But I just want to see it now!"

He said that his figure was just a flicker, and he would flash close to Atina.

boom! Atina responded abnormally and shot in time.

In the void to the left of her, the figure for the leader appeared, while in the front, the figure for the leader disappeared.

The person who was shot was headed by Biya Tee: "Not bad, but you think ordinary bullets can hurt ..."

At the end, the leader said that he had turned into a cry of pain, and he saw his movements stiff, and his joints seemed to be rusting quickly, and then he fell stupefied to the ground without any interest.

"I didn't say it was a normal bullet." Atina pointed her gun at the other two while steadily retreating.

The two black cloaks were stunned for a while, and then one of them roared: "Bi Chi!" He said that his body disappeared after a spin, and then appeared abruptly above Atina's head, slamming into the air.

The other one was also quite tacit, sinking into the ground with a scream like falling into the water, and turning into an inconspicuous shadow moving on the ground towards Atina.

At the same time, Atina shouted, "Gu!"

Ding! The claws captured from the air were blocked three inches above Atina's head, and a smooth star was wiped out.

Atina's reaction and speed are not as fast as the other party, but with such a block, the action will keep up, shooting two consecutive shots and shooting down the other party from the air.

The last one threw himself out of the ground, pulled out his crotch and broke his belly, but was also blocked by invisible forces. Atina probed her feet and kicked it out. She also took advantage of the situation and flew with her gun.

The rabbit fell and all three black cloaks fell down. However, before waiting for Atina to relax, all the lights suddenly went out, and even the emergency lights did not light up.

Atina, who fell on the ground, reached out and touched the badge on the belt, silently thinking: justice will win!

After that she felt that she had great courage and strength pouring out of her heart, her eyes were clear, she could not see, but she felt something had entered the police station and came straight here.

She tried hard to overcome the fear in her heart and told herself to follow the usual countermeasures during practice. The key is not to panic.

"Keep your breath! Take a deep breath ..." At the same time she changed the magazine.

Feeling something enter the house, she shot immediately. She felt the other party's movements stagnate, but rushed over again. This time she did not have a hard top, but rolled sideways and stood up.

Boom! The sound of crushing and exploding items merges into an explosion sound.

She has the energy to protect her, and the splatter of debris can't hurt her, but she also has a strange intuition. She can judge that this explosion is not much less powerful than the military grenade. She was pushed over by a shock wave and fell.

But in the process of being pushed off, she never forgot to aim and shoot.

She knows that she has no advantage in physical fitness compared to the extraordinary, and she should try to avoid getting into a fighting battle as much as possible.

The speed of the bullet can make up for her disadvantages, and now in the dark, she must rely on her intuition.

Intuition, gun feeling, she usually practiced these two. Ordinary aiming and shooting is meaningless, because it is often too late, and the eyes will be deceived, and what is seen may not be true.

She vaguely felt another delay in the other party's impulse.

She stood up in a hurry, some embarrassment but still quite fast, and then she was bombed again.

This time she was bombed a little bit, the person was pushed away a few meters away, hit the corner of the wall fiercely, and bounced back, the organ was shaken, but in general it is within the tolerance range, it does not affect the continued combat .

So he immediately rolled after he threw the ground. Sure enough, he escaped a blow this time.

shot! She could feel that the other party was hit again, and there was a longer stiffness.

"The effect is increasing!" Atina thought so, she threw the file bag in her hand under the file cabinet, and then quickly rebounded.

But the other party has rushed over and used her rapid speed to fly her. However, her energy shield is very powerful, and it is still not broken. Even if she is hit hard, it is not a big deal. arms.

Take the opportunity to change the magazine and continue shooting!

In the next ten seconds, Adina was blown up several times, and was bullied and beaten twice by the other party. If her hand holding the gun was also protected by the energy shield, the gun would have been shot.

It is precisely because she always holds the gun. Once the opponent approaches, she will seize the opportunity to shoot continuously, so she successfully forced the opponent back on both occasions.

She clearly felt that the other party was getting weaker. A feeling that is difficult to describe. Some are like seeing the fire ball become smaller and very abstract, but she just knows it.

So although the opponent's offensive is very fierce and can be recovered obviously after a short time, she still uses her intuition to capture the opponent's position and take a chance to shoot it.

'boom! ’Atina, who was blown out again, found that the energy shield protecting her was broken!

"Damn!" Atina knew that without the shield, the opponent would lose her combat effectiveness with a single blow.

She couldn't continue to fight calmly ~ ~ shot wildly until she hit the magazine.

The other person wobbled, but it still didn't hurt.

Atina felt desperate.

At that moment, the darkness suddenly subsided and the lighting resumed.

The room was messy, like being trampled by a group of bison.

Constantine appeared abruptly in the middle of the room. He carried a thin person on his right hand like a chick. Seeing that the man's hands and feet fell naturally, he seemed to have passed out.

"I think this time I saved your life again." Constantine said.


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