Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 835: A world without a god

Before the formation of the Great California Bay, Bryce City was a typical city built on the Gobi wilderness.

Now it has become a coastal city.

And the affected nature is not only this city, the ocean climate affects the entire Midwest of the Federation.

In February of the new year, the spring was cold, but Bryce looked extraordinarily noisy and full of vocals, which was in stark contrast to the weather and other regions of this era.

In the early morning, as a ‘warfare’ sailed into the new port, a team of powerful armed men carrying big bags, carrying small bags, and drove off the ship.

Battle drives are better than those of the same battle, but in this era, they refer specifically to the extraordinary large destroyers that can be suspended in the air by the magical change of the Abyssal Island. Compared with the magic-modified ships, people in this world are more willing to call this kind of ship a hybrid ship, so as to distinguish between a truly extraordinary warship like the Sky and Sky battleship, and a secular warship still used in many areas.

Although the Yuhu Community is obviously more secular than the Huolao collar, and understands the same as the light, but everyone who really has a deeper understanding of it knows that the Yuhu Community is actually divided into eagles and doves.

The hawks' gang can be understood as the fire poison leading to the poison and its brainless fandom.

After all, Kane soared, the Investigator left, and the butcher and fire eater also left the vast majority. But on this planet, there are still Kane's heirs.

For example, Constantine the Fire King, his post is almost the chief inspector, with a part of the fire eaters and a dog ticket candleman, the whole world is beating and killing, the main objects are silted evils and demons, but if there are The organization forces are not eye-opening, looking for the trouble of the Huoying community, and the defensive strength of the Huoying community is not enough to deal with it. Then Constantine, or he himself will go to help find a place.

This is also the reason why the Yuhuo Community can be established smoothly and take over, and it is still the reason why it is an important pole in this world power. A regime surrounded by insufficient power is ultimately fragile.

The water king Niya is also in this world. The king is relatively low-key, but if she feels that she is good at talking and can take advantage of her, then it is wrong. The water king has a double personality, that is kind, and likes to do some good. The truth is Aya, and the heroine who kills the decisive is Nia.

In addition, the earliest fire spreaders, lava fire spiders, and blood-burning did not leave. They are all people who can make slaves by raising parasitic units. There is no use for the investigator.

With so many heirs, together with fans, they constitute the hawks of the after-fire community.

In fact, one country, two governance is more accurate.

The Salary King is a small group of people who are in charge of themselves. The Haiyuan Island and the Channel Islands are their territory. Apart from providing armed protection to the Yuhuo Community, they do not interfere in government affairs.

Correspondingly, they also have some privileges within the Yuhu Community, like the relationship between the military and local government within a country.

Many people who interact with the Yuhuo Community know that people who wear a nuclear logo (unique in this world) should be careful when dealing with them. They are the family of the Salary King, known as the Nuclear Fire Society, and inherited the Salary King. 1. The tradition of killing the whole family.

But for now, the people who die most in the hands of the nuclear fire are those who dare to pretend to be abducted by them.

The hybrid ships belong to the Nuclear Fire Society, so the identity of the warfare and the militants wearing the magic badge with the function of death once came down from the warfare.

Although Bryce's industrial capacity is regarded as the best in the current world, even though the former Great Lakes Industrial Group of the Federation may not be comparable, it is much worse than the central city that is dominated by fire.

Without Kane's opening, many facilities can only be taken slowly, unable to build a city overnight.

Bryce is in the ascendant, civil engineering is focused, and people's livelihood is emphasized. Some civil docks were first opened in the dock area, and the military port is still under construction, so that the nuclear fire will need to squeeze civilian docks.

It was about 10 o'clock in the morning, and the fishing boat that had gone out for fishing in the early morning had returned. The crowd on the pier was full of noise and noise.

The Yuhuo Community utilizes advanced science and technology to cultivate seafood in the deep ocean, and multi-level three-dimensional culture. Although it has only been more than a month so far, it has already begun shipping goods.

When seeing this group of militants in the Nuclear Fire Society, people evaded, and even the noise was a little lower.

"It seems that Yu Wei, the king of salaries, is still missing." The middle-aged man with the rank of the armed forces, a colonel, and two middle-aged men, said to the **** as they walked.

The **** was the clerk of the Yuhu Community, and he said very bluntly: "Now in this world, it is more useful to fear majesty than to express kindness."

The colonel smiled, and he could feel the resentment in the clerk's tone, apparently suffered some losses in specific affairs.

He also knew some outlines in this regard. The Yuhuo Community did not catch Kane ’s set of high-pressure bullying style, and took a kind attitude to interact with various forces.

As a result, some people think that the king of salaries is gone. The rest of them are weak fat, and a few acts of smiling faces have been staged until the nuclear fire will be swept through. This is honest again.

After coming out of the dock area, the ground is spacious. There are various private or magically modified vehicles parked in the large parking lot. The thick violent speed of the car seems to be a competition vehicle for death.

The officer understood that, as the clerk said, this is the world now. Looking at the kind of cars and SUVs running outside the city in the past, it is the same as death, not because the road is rotten, but because the car gangster and the demon Sinful things are powerful.

The owners of Bryce are full of ambitions for the future of this new industrial city. From the beginning of the construction of the city, there was enough space left for the future expansion of the city.

Therefore, there is a blank area of ​​about 10 kilometers from the dock area to the urban area. The landforms of the Gobi Desert can still be seen on both sides of the road, but the seaside, coupled with artificially adjusted rainfall, there is no such drought scene, but there is The scattered vegetation is like the loess in early spring.

The officer and his party took an armored car produced by Bryce Heavy Industries to the destination, where they saw not only clustered plants, but also scorched pits. That was caused by a mine explosion.

On the open ground outside the road, all kinds of mines are laid under the plane, and the mines, pressure mines, smart mines, etc. are almost as complete as the army's arms, and the guards are naturally unwilling to follow the right path. This is also a characteristic of the industrialized country, good at creating and launching.

Bryce City can be seen from afar, even in the daytime, it is still brilliant.

Of course it is not a kind of illuminated light, but the magical light shines. After all, Bryce has absorbed a lot of extraordinary technical forces. Construction, heavy industry and other fields have all broken away from the original scientific and technological means. Tall buildings like the Empire State Building, a famous landmark building in the Federation, have a framework of one week. That's enough.

In the eyes of the world, the biggest difference between the Yuhuo Community and the Salary King is the policy leniency brought about by non-dictatorship. The Salary King is exclusive to capital and extraordinary people. Only part of the secular middle class is recognized, and the rest are unable to Get the due respect under its rule.

This is not the case with the Yuhu Community. They allow the participation of extraordinary people, capital, and people of all walks of life. They are basically the same as the previous federation, but the official power is greater.

This policy alone has made countless people rush.

In the past, many people have been suffering. In the words of a former well-known tycoon: "Outside, other areas are really not places for people to be treated. The power of the extraordinary is not to treat people as people!"

In fact, no matter whether the secular people have such emotions, even those who are cultivating extraordinary people have similar emotions.

In the past, they were parasitic on the secular civilization, using their extraordinary abilities and worrying about food and clothing. If they do well, they can achieve some not-so-good dreams.

When the extraordinary crisis came, it was their time to show their talents. After all, what the world has to do with extraordinary combat power is the market demand. Use them as cannon fodder.

I can't make money and play happily, I lose my freedom, and my life is in danger. How can I not feel bitter?

Relatively speaking, although the salary king is strict, the welfare is also high and very fair. The salaried king is a petulant wayward, unless someone is sent to find you, otherwise it will not be sent to the door. On the contrary, the extraordinary people in the metropolitan area have also been expelled.

The Yuhuo Community is not so ruthless, but the policy has certain characteristics of a fire-leader. It has good refuge and the basic fairness of the past. The security is not bad. More importantly, the prospects are worth looking forward to. People naturally fled.

The most persistent in this regard are those who have migrated and left Central California. When Salary King was there, they pretended to be low-eyed and squinted one by one. As soon as Salary King left, they screamed that Salary King was not a thing, but the Yuhu Community was established. It fully shows what is meant by human nature, of course, they will say more decently themselves: there is no eternal hatred, only eternal benefits.

And like San Jose and Tijuana, they spontaneously and voluntarily merged into the aftermath of the community. For this reason, a super march was held. The signboard held is nothing more than advocating itself. In fact, it has already been regarded as a fire leader By the way, it is nothing more than a lack of qualifications, and Yun Yun, who is very qualified.

The territorial distribution of the simply after-fire community is very strange, and such joining has also been recognized. Some people who bite the words have come up with a 'new city-state era' to endorse this model of the aftermath of the Huohu Community, which is also a precedent in ancient times ...

Anyway, in addition to the right and wrong, there are many people who scrub the ground and hold bad feet. The key is that the after-fire community does have dry goods, so it just took the wind. Super League, China United League (Central American Alliance of Transcendence) are recognized as soon as possible, and established an embassy.

It did n’t take long for even the Justice League to recognize it. Of course, they had tangible needs. It was admitted for the convenience of talking about things. For example, in the great sense of human civilization, it requires the sharing of force fields and barrier technology. Of course, it is paid and unconditional. This kind of argument can't be said anymore. At one moment or another, now they have no such compulsion, at least in front of the Yuhu Community, which is linked with the salary king Yilian, without that face.

Only across the board, most of the world's extraordinary powers have recognized the sovereignty and legal rationality of the after-fire community.

The reason is naturally because of interests.

First, they want to do business with Yuhuo Community.

Second, they want to use the portal system of the Aftermath Community.

It is important to know that although the fire camp community around the world can't just casually come in, but has a level of authority, the bottom layer needs to be transferred from the middle layer, and the top layer directly connects to any one, but it is still the most convenient and safest way of logistics.

The Yuhuo Community enjoys the advantages of the energy oversupply of the Salary King System, and the transmission cost has been greatly reduced. When the Yuhuo Community was established, it also initially agreed to the various forces to facilitate the transmission of emergency purposes. This alone is very attractive, and some people have already enjoyed the real benefits.

Because of this, the Yuhuo Community quickly integrated into the big family of the world and won an important role as soon as it came up. The convenience brought by the portal is more than the rapid delivery of logistics and personnel? It's still the bond that brings together forces from the south and the north.

Moreover, from the perspective of the system, the "flavor" of the Yuhuo Community is also familiar to everyone, including the extraordinary forces, which have the nature of human chasing ups and downs, and the Yuhuo Community is super listed. Yes, it deserves a lifetime of poverty!

As a result, the aftermath of the community is naturally red and purple, and its gates are like a city. It even has a deformed prosperity, which is much more prosperous than the former city of Gwangju and the metropolis.

Those world-class entertainment stars who are still alive are all like sharks smelling blood. They have rushed over. The six doors of New Hollywood have already built their own buildings in Bryce. Others like Capital Group are even more unwilling.

So do n’t look at the large area of ​​wasteland in Bryce City, but it ’s actually already owned, and the price of the land is not cheap. It ’s just that the construction industry is still busy, even if it is already working hard. That's it.

The convoy entered Bryce City with police cars on the way, and the position of the military Jeep's logo on the first car was the flag of the Nuclear Fire Society.

Enjoy the treatment of the head of state team, the red light keeps on, and all cars have to avoid.

Naturally, some people envy: "Now nuclear fire will be majestic!"

"Well, but people don't recruit people. No, only recruit dead people."

The only reason for recruiting dead people is that the Salary King is known to be good at using the human body. The people who die in their hands often become the basic embryos. See you next time. They are flaming slaves or candle men with good combat power. Is a fire eater.

The Nuclear Fire Club has its own site in Bryce, the Nuclear Fire Plaza, and the center is a miniature version of the classic architecture of the Fire Leadership. The Super Tube House is just what Kane claims to be. Overlooking, it is the nuclear sign.

Three minimalist buildings, guarding the dazzling all-in-one energy equipment in the center. It still looks so sci-fi and pulling wind.

The clerk of the Yuhu Community is a little excited. Although the nuclear standard building is not open to the public than the central city, at his level, he does not have the ability to enter and exit at will.

So this time, I was also exposed to the light of the officers and his entourage. I could see for myself what the working and living environment of the fire chasers was like. Because it is said that the setting inside the nuclear standard building is the one that the fire holds the central city.

After entering, the clerks felt that they were really well-known, and they felt that they walked into the future, and they didn't feel at all in the building. Instead, it is transmitted in the exquisite ecological garden. The temporary assistant spirit can allow the newcomers to fully enjoy the convenience and comfort here.

Soon after the officer arrived here, he was separated from the clerk. After a short rest, he went to meet an old acquaintance who had been waiting for him.

"Asha, you are still so full of femininity." After entering the reception room, the officer smiled and said to the mature beauty on the sofa.

The woman hurriedly stood up and said with some embarrassment: "Should I call you Your Majesty, Your Highness, or Your Excellency."

The officer laughed: "Just call me Zod, no surname, or colonel, this is a body pinched out of thin air."

It turned out that this officer was Kane. It's just not an avatar or an avatar, but like him who came to this world at first, it's a spirit consciousness body + a specially pinched body.

Asha, of course, was originally the president of the Witch's Secret Society of Paradise in the metropolitan area.

When Huo Lao Ling was established, although Kane drove out all the extraordinary people in the land of Central California, some people still compensated him.

With Kane's secret support, Asha and her witch secret society are naturally not bad. Nowadays, they appear in front of the world almost as the face of the snake in Bryce.

Naturally, she and her community did not have the strength to support such a large facade, and there was still a nuclear fire that would be able to stand up in secret. Therefore, to see Kane, it is inevitable to be careful, especially Kane's body is already a god, no matter from what angle, Asha must kneel and lick.

Kane made a casual gesture, then sat down immediately, and Asha also sat down to help Kane get a cup of black tea. She knew that this was one of Kane's favorite drinks.

In fact, Kane is a rough man, neither tea nor wine, can not taste a sweet, after all, his energy has never been focused on enjoying exquisite life, fried noodles and garlic is a meal, of course, this world Kane has no relevant memories, and has no feelings for Jjangmyeon.

After drinking some water, Kane went straight to the point and said, "This time I am in the lower realm to understand some of the past grievances. The soaring is too clever, and many things have no ends. This time I will end one by one. "

Asa heard the words, she was determined, and asked, "Colonel, how can I and my people help?"

"Help me gather information about the Zhiyuan Society and the Ten Wuhui Society ~ ~ Kane said that he had a small box in his hand and put it on the coffee table next to Asha. Waste disposal, purifying spirit, and treatment of dark wounds are all common alchemy agents, but the quality is superb. It should be the fund for intelligence gathering. "

Asha hurriedly asked: "Colonel, to serve you is what we should do ..."

Kane waved his hand and interrupted, "One price for one product, and you want to collect high-value intelligence. These are necessary. I don't want to lose them. I'll hold them for you. Remember, don't rush, I don't mean it right now. use."

"Understood, thank you Colonel for his generosity." ...

The two then chatted about other trivia. Asha is also a window that Kane uses to ground the gas. From what he sees, there are often things he usually ignores, so he is willing to chat with such people at intervals.

As he told Asha, this time, he put an end to what he experienced in this world after he came. Just follow the sequence of incidents encountered by the investigator.

"Catholic, Atonement, it's time to call the curtain ..."

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