Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 836: Xiechai sacrifice

Relatively speaking, Catholic lairs are relatively easy to find because of faith.

For God, the power of faith is as easy to recognize as the light of the night.

The trouble that the original destroyer could come to the house again and again to find the Catholic Church was also based on the identification of the power of faith.

Kane chose a stronghold of atonement this time. Although the atonement and the benevolent faction are both a raccoon, in terms of result theory, the heinous deeds done by the atonement are indeed much more.

In Kane's eyes, the gang of atonement is no longer worthy of being called a person.

The specific locations of this atonement secret location have been found. Koszalin, Poland, a second-tier city, and the Baltic Sea is just ten kilometers north of the city.

This time he came to Bryce City. One was to meet Asha of the Witches ’Secret Society. The other was to take the Stormship Airship to Koszalin. Third, he wanted to walk around Bryce City in person. See, look at the details of what people call the city of freedom and the city of hope.

However, the private visit of Weifu eventually did not take place, and was destroyed by a piece of information sent urgently.

After Kane heard the news, he also felt a little speechless. More than 200,000 people in Koszalin disappeared overnight.

After he pondered for a moment, he asked for more details, and the goal was the Hengyue Space Station. After all, not only is it engaged in global communications and climate regulation, but it is also responsible for monitoring the world. More than 200,000 people have disappeared overnight. Such a big thing has not been watched, and it seems that it is somewhat dereliction of duty.

When you understand the details, you will have a concept. Nightmare is an in-depth manifestation of nightmare. In Koszalin, it seems that artificial nightmare coverage has occurred, which can be judged as manual operation. It is also observed for a period of time, and then the horizontal comparison is basically determined.

Kane took his men to board the spaceship Battleship Storm, and the battleship drove to Koszalin by flying in the atmosphere.

With the departure of Investigator, Stargate has also gone, establishing related interstellar logistics systems, especially Kane ’s large fleet is still fighting against the weirdness of organic roots in the quiet wilderness, to ensure continuous logistics supplies Therefore, the transportation grade of this world has dropped by one level.

The portal in the Huoying community has always been usable, but the community-level portals have average specifications, and large equipment is not easy to transport. This time, Kane brought some big guys, and the combat strength is not enough. Kane is Such a thought.

His rank of colonel is not false. There is a regiment of personnel and related weapons as direct reports. If it is still not possible, he can call for space-based weapons or help from the Heavenly King regiment.

Compared with the original Storm, the interior has been fully enriched, and it is no longer as empty as a huge workshop.

Using this experimental ship, Kane verified many techniques.

The MA used by fire eaters is even the crystallization of related technology.

Later, more than half of the technology was left to the current after-fire community as a technical heritage, and there was no special reconstruction of the regular model. After all, in terms of use and performance, it overlapped with the hybrid ship. Without Kane, the air battleship group was maintained. The price / performance ratio is not high.

Entering Poland, a fighter squadron of four aircraft formations greeted them and accompanied them for a while.

Kane didn't care too much.

He knew that if it was a declaration of sovereignty or a taste, Xiu's description would be more appropriate.

With the departure of the investigator, ending the hegemony of the salary king, the major forces in this world have regained the sense of swell.

Although the nuclear fire is still intimidating, it is not as desperate as the salary king.

The internal and external policies of the Yuhu Community are proof of the new chapter of the times.

With the deepening of the extraordinary crisis, the major forces have also gathered in groups to warm up, or through the transaction to obtain the materials or technology they need.

The transaction has prompted more demand, and many forces have begun to reach out to the world again, hoping to regain the effectiveness of those big animals.

What Kane saw today is the epitome of this trend.

The Storm finally stopped on the shore of Lake Yamno.

It is very unique here. It is a few hundred meters away from the sea. A natural long **** separates each other from the lake and the sea. It was once a well-known tourist attraction.

Since the nightmare became known to the world, it has experienced a series of stages such as depression, closure of attractions, social unrest, escape and relocation, and now people within tens of kilometers are about to be near the La Bush Fire Camp community.

La Bush is on the south bank of Lake Yamno, like a goggles stuck on the bridge of the nose, protruding into Yamno Lake, 60% of the area is surrounded by water, originally only a agriculture and aquaculture industry. small village.

The arrival of Kane and his party, everyone here is very happy. After all, driving from here to the center of Koszalin, even if the road is not a straight line, it is only about 15 kilometers away.

Over 200,000 people disappeared overnight, and they were naturally worried.

Kane did not come for the disappearance of the Koszalin, but he estimated that seven or eight out of ten things were done by the Atonement, then it was not the case.

Declined the hospitality invitation from the host of the Huoying community, Kane and his party took the bus directly to Koszalin.

It was close to 19 o'clock when we arrived outside of Koszalin. It has been dark for a while, after all, it was February.

The local extraordinary in Koszalin has already intervened in the battle for **** and achieved good results.

For example, urban power supply, they use extraordinary technology, mixed with thermal power technology, and created a black-tech-level magical thermal power plant, so that the entire city has enough power available. This alone is established in the minds of locals. Pretty good prestige.

With the passage of time, people have changed from seeking safety and eating and drinking to becoming civilization and production. Because if it is not produced, then people can only fight with iron rods and stones.

Only production can have the opportunity to trade weapons, food, and other materials needed for life.

Speaking of which, it is necessary to mount a Huoying Community. It is precisely because there are more than 70,000 fire camp communities around the world, which provides a stable trading channel for the world's secular human beings.

And when people find that killing and killing only consumes themselves, and there are fewer and fewer robbery targets that make themselves profitable, they have to focus on other methods. After all, robbery is just to survive, or or Live is nourishing, there are extraordinary people pressing, there are mythical creatures, no one feels that they can become emperors by robbery, or the ball is long.

Afterwards, although there were still struggles, the nature gradually changed. People began to pay attention to human resources, qualified labor became valuable, and technical talents became popular.

It is against this background that the extraordinary forces are active after Kane's ascent, a posture that reignites the fire of civilization.

Koszalin is more representative.

Koszalin also has new transcendents, those who were originally ordinary people who successfully embarked on the path of the caster through the spread of the practice method.

Their advantage is grounded, with a mass foundation, and their disadvantage is that they basically have no savings and lack high-end force.

The disadvantage of the transcendental is that it is understaffed. In the current situation, there is a lack of sufficient and reliable people at the bottom to dominate the secular groups.

In the beginning, the supernatural forces also strongly suppressed the new superheroes, trying to make them soft. But with the increasing number of new transcendentals, the transcendent forces also felt unable to eat them up, so they opened up the means of coordinating differentiation.

The new transcendents are naturally not stupid, even those who accept the lure to the transcendent forces to sell their lives, will not sell themselves a cabbage price, and once there is a chance, they will engage in various things, including inside and outside enemies, raising thieves, etc. .

As a result, the two sides were pulling and arguing with each other, and gradually formed a relatively stable social form. There were many gangs, and almost everyone had their own camp.

There is fighting and cooperation between the gangs, and Koszalin restores electricity, which is the result of cooperation.

However, in the face of the sudden disappearance of more than 200,000 people, the survivors were also frightened, especially the expedition team was dispatched during the day. As a result, they disappeared after the disappearance of the night, before the night came, and the population of Koszalin The disappearance happened at night, otherwise the street lights would still be on.

Kane is naturally a brave artist, and there are no taboos. The team enters the city directly.

The street lights are on, and the lights of many households are on, but they are empty. The whole city is full of weirdness and gloom.

Kane just chose a few places at random, let the war insects enter, and then shared their knowledge through vision sharing, and then completed the exploration.

Then led the team to the Catholic Church in the city center.

There is not just a church there, but a parish called Kolobrig. Kane chose there because of the power of faith.

No evildoers were encountered along the way. The team arrived in the parish smoothly after ten minutes.

As far as the parish is concerned, there is no difference from other areas. There are lights and no life.

And the entire parish is also a fortress pattern. The doors and windows of the buildings facing the street are sealed. Between the buildings, a strong and thick gate is set up, or they are killed with bricks and stones.

Kane led the team around the side of the fortress-style parish, where there was originally a street running through the east and west, and now it has become one of the main gateways to the parish.

He walked to the thick gate, and the probe touched the gate, heating it first, then cooling it, and punching it up again. The heavy metal door that became brittle with the temperature control of the sudden heat and cold was resonated The punch of the characteristic turned into countless pieces of slag, which spattered and spattered like dust.

The convoy did not enter, and Kane entered the empty field in the parish with dozens of war bugs.

Just north and south, walking in a narrow field from east to west, Kane decided to come and greet the war worms for work.

Under the guidance of Kane, the War Bugs lay out the magic circle components that can be used repeatedly, and then activate the magic circle.

Inside the circular circle, the ground melted down and then rolled up into the sky like a water tornado. A shaft-shaped channel with a diameter of two meters and a crystallized inner wall gradually formed.

After about 10 minutes, the shaft connected to the underground passage, and the final length of the shaft was over 20 meters.

Kane flew down, followed by the War Bugs.

After falling, Kane's eyes shone with flames, so that he could see clearly in the dark.

He looked around and saw that it was a circular ground hall with an area of ​​about 500 square meters. The shaft channel opened by the magic circle was just above the vault of this ground hall. There are more than 7 meters, so the size of this hall is still acceptable. It is no problem to say that it is an underground hall.

Kane saw the painted murals mottled by the years on the side wall of the ground hall, and the content was a celebration of miracles.

In theory, this kind of work should be in the palace on the ground, even in the building on the mountain, so that it brings its own mountain to the BUFF, and it seems a bit strange to get underground. After all, God is not the goddess of the earth, nor the **** of the dark department. .

However, considering the doctrine and style of the Atonement, Kane feels that there is nothing wrong with it. The guys are the kind of people who can worship the righteous gods as evil spirits.

In fact, if he has the memory of Kane Sunsi-nian, he will find that these atonement people, together with Kane Sunsi-nian, and the red dragon Alexstrasza and the green dragon Ysera, found the fragment The gods and priests on the island of Zandalari in the dark world are very similar in style and routine.

Of course, even without this comparison, its true face will soon be revealed.

This huge hall is not empty. A large number of human corpses are shriveled like firewood, without skins, piled up indiscriminately, and a huge stove is burning all this special firewood.

At this time, there was a murmur: "Another group came to die!"

Kane's mouth twitched, and at this point, the other party would not be a character on the table.

He looked around, and in the wide and deep tunnel, a big fat man came out.

He also has a height of about 2 meters, can weigh, and can visually weigh 700 pounds.

You can imagine how much meat piles on a 2 meter humanoid skeleton.

He didn't seem to be affected by gravity. Although his body was loose and loose, he didn't fall, but fluttered like that.

This guy didn't look silly and silly because of the deformed obesity. His temperament was gloomy and mysterious. His dark circles, the nose of the nose bridge collapsed, his lips were very thin, and his mouth was thin and sharp with broken teeth. Molar teeth.

After the fat man appeared, he waved his hand and suddenly hundreds of black smoke burst from behind him. After landing, he turned into a personal demon. His hands and feet had been distorted into claws, and the claw blade was shining with a blue light. , With a long octopus face, the mouth and nose are like wearing a dust mask. The beard is not a beard like a tentacle, but a thick elephant-like nose.

In the eyes of these demons, there was a gleam of blue light, like glowing ice chips, and like the fire of the old cemetery.

"Kill them!" The fat man shouted sharply, and ordered with a powerful wave of his hand.

Kane snapped his fingers.

Dozens of war worms stepped forward and lined up, casting spells.

The demons turned into billowing black smoke and flew over, but unfortunately they faced huge flames that appeared out of thin air.

The flame light illuminates the hall completely into a bright fiery red color like a furnace, and the temperature rises very quickly. The heated gas expands and forms a convection with the cold air, and the hot air spews, just like the fire heat flow from the blower. Follow all channels to vent.

More than 20 demons could not dodge, and directly crashed into the flames, and then there was no more noise.

The rest of them hurriedly fled and fled ~ ~ But by this time the flames had changed and turned into more than a thousand flames, like tentacles, like pythons, like long whips, like vines, tangling Towards the goal.

Even if it is in the form of black smoke, it will be smashed into fire ash in a short time by the flame snake.

"You wait, you are dead! Before you die, you will suffer unimaginable pain in the world." The fat man was quick to see the opportunity. With the flames and waves together, he was already slipping away. These harsh words, like the voice when they appeared before, seemed to be faintly echoed, and apparently they had already run some way.

War Bug looked at Kane.

Kane shook his head with a smile, jumped the beam clown, and did not rush to death. This is a huge maze, but it is a leading party.

He waved at the huge furnace, and the flame inside turned into a mass of baby fists, and then flew into his hand.

Taking people as firewood and offering more than 200,000 sacrifices at a time, Kane felt that this time he was afraid of meeting his peers ...

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