Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 837: Top IP

The customized war worms under Kane's understanding of the warrior are the **** warriors from the perspective of the war, corresponding to the magic swordsman, the spellcasting is meticulous, and the fighting power is strong. .

Kane ingested the flame essence in the melting pot, and then used the temperature control to discard the melting pot, and a cluster of divine flames popped out, burning the corpses on the ground clean.

Looking at the situation here, the other party also obtains the extraordinary power needed by killing, but compared to the essence in the body, the other party should pay more attention to the collection of negative emotions, otherwise it will not be tortured by peeling and pumping water.

With that obese fat man who could float himself up, Kane didn't worry about what to do next.

It ’s better to find more enemies and get caught in the trap. His original idea was that people stop killing and Buddha stop killing all the way, and they do n’t mind the other party playing tricks.

After leading the team along the dark and deep passage for a while, the ground suddenly swayed, the walls were cracked, the arches of the walkway were dusty, and there was a severe earthquake and collapse.

Kane snorted softly, waved his hand, and there was a wave of flames spreading in all directions, and after seeing the stone wall, it penetrated and disappeared.

At the next moment, the entire channel, whether it is the ground, the top of the wall, or both walls, reveals the color of the lava. The earth quake is still there, but there is no sign of collapse of the whole passage, it seems to melt into a solid whole.

After a while, the earthquake stopped. Launching this type of spell, whether it is cast on the spot or using the accumulated energy, consumes a lot of money. In this wave, in terms of energy consumption, Kane's opponent lost.

Perhaps it was the extraordinary means of detecting Kane, not the ordinary transcendent, and then there was no longer any traps alive. Obviously, the other party was still confident in destroying Kane and his party. Otherwise, it should be to block the passage and delay the time.

After traveling for about a few hundred meters, Kane and his party entered another huge ground hall. This ground hall is a square with a giant pillar in the center, supporting the huge cross beam at the top, which is particularly conspicuous.

There are also furnaces and cadavers, but the furnace is much smaller, a total of three, surrounded by giant columns, the cadavers are randomly piled on the ground like coal lumps, and there are special coolies to carry and force the corpses into the furnace.

In addition to the coolies, there are also armed men who are clearly soldiers.

All of them are women, one after another, and their body is so good.

The dress style is unique, all of which are the bright leather leather clothes common to SM girls. Deliberately revealing the flesh, the kind of people seeing the blood veins is stretched, but the outside is wearing a fur coat, without buttons, looming, making people think.

However, anyone can be sure that they are not human, because their claws and toes have been severely deformed, and the chicken claws are general, and they have the dense texture and luster of metal. Under the light of the fire, they emit a cold light.

There is no inch of skin exposed to these evil things, the head is covered with a leather cover, the nose and nose are breathers, and the position of the eyes is with round goggles.

Kane pouted, whether it was the Black Mountain Prison, or the later **** secret realm, the Atonement faction can always come up with these wicked and evil eyes.

He was too lazy to pay attention to the roar of the obese man who was chatting with his peers after he was in the group of evildoers, and it was like fighting against his obese man. He waved his hand and let the war worms kill.

The result was that the evil things were even better. It turned out that there were only a few crows on the ground, and more of them were hanging on the top of the ground hall like bats. At this time, they flew down and covered them in an instant. Vision.

These elegant women's chest stretched out with resin sprinkling, **** ... black juice sprayed, forming a pouring black rain.

"Oh!" ‘Splashing on the ground a little bit, it immediately corrodes a blackened hole and raises pungent white smoke. Water is corrosive water, and gas is poisonous.

However, the war worms are not afraid of this. Their body has a layer of flame and light film. Although it is very thin, it cannot be ignored and is extremely bright.

In the field of salary king, the earliest general examples are fire eaters. Now these are improved versions, which are less effective, but they can be blessed on the lower end of the salary king.

This is naturally Kane's method.

In setting up the extraordinary ability of this colonel, Zoe, Kane did not play any tricks, or the power of the salary king, this power is simple, but also pure, suitable for killing, purifying, demon and demon.

The poisonous water was dripping, but it fell directly on the non-wetting oil film, and it directly slid off, leaving no drops. As for the poisonous gas, it was useless. Kane and his team, except for himself, other warfare are non-human, artificial skin is for Disguise, the other is to attach magic.

This set of magic is the result of analyzing the battle pattern on the butcher. The butcher was once rated by Kane as the first defense under the demi-god, whether it is bones or skin, there are gods.

In front of us, these specially ordered war bugs are, in a certain sense, little butchers, and at the same time they have the characteristics of magic powers.

As for this mystery technology, it is naturally the technology that Kane learned from Veronica's war couple. Kane is a good student, and he is used to taking the enemy as a teacher, absorbing any nutrients he can absorb and strengthening himself.

The milk of the raven women can't break the defense of the **** warriors, but the fire snake of the **** warriors looks different to them.

For the warriors of the salary king, the fire snake is not a technique that can only be used once and then scrapped afterwards, but it can be contained like a summon.

This kind of flame activation technique can only be used after Kane has officially become a god, so that the fire of the King of Fire, given to the war worm under his command, has a divine form.

When put away, these fire snakes will become a two-dimensional state, flat like a piece of round paper, this is their cross-sectional shape, when pulled longitudinally when needed, it will become a fire snake again.

The most powerful thing about the fire snake is the entanglement, which is like a high-temperature chain saw, cutting and igniting.

Interestingly, the inside of Crow Girl turned out to be mechanical. But it is obviously not in conformity with the ordinary mechanical principle, but the skeleton is installed in the shell, and some equipment, such as the ejector of the chest, other parts related to the drive are not available, and some are sticky pus. There was a rush.

Concentrated water and black water are not the same, as if they are the precipitate of black water, and it seems that they breed black water. These white and greasy things that are very reminiscent of the substance or brain plasma in the insect body are Active, and willful, they are put together, after a certain amount, they will flow to the corpses piled up like firewood.

Of course, this is not easy. After all, they encountered a group of fire-players. The extraordinary flame with divinity can not be judged by common sense. It seems that the color is only the yellow-white color (about 1300 °) of the ordinary flame. The temperature is much higher, once the concentrated water is touched, it will dry and turn gray in a short time.

The sky is full of broken crows, roaming fire snakes, flying fire ash, and steaming poisonous smoke, which constitute a cruel and magical beauty.

As for the thick water that lucked into the corpse.

They will make the corpses alive, and the muscles shriveled like decayed wood will become moist and shiny.

Although the skin was peeled off, the tendons and blood membranes were exposed directly, and it looked quite dull, but for Kane, this was obviously nothing.

Moreover, the horror and horror atmosphere often requires celibacy and little power to show up. Relatively speaking, it is now too lively.

Pussy objects have the ability to strengthen the body. They look like people without skin, but in fact each has the level of a biochemical weapon.

Kane does not have the relevant data information of the mass production type of the Resident Evil T virus tyrant, otherwise he will use it as a metaphor. The two are extremely similar in comprehensive data.

Unfortunately, in the face of Kane and his **** warrior, the tyrant is not even qualified as a cannon fodder. The most intuitive performance is that it is completely untenable. No matter what kind of damage output platform, it will be destroyed when it comes up, so it is useless to output damage.

The warriors of the gods slaughtered the thick water evils in this level of crushing. The magic weapon they use is a glove. With this glove on, they can create a 'fire spirit hand' out of thin air.

The hand composed of this huge flame, under the control of the **** warrior, is as flexible as a real hand, and can be given gravity.

In other words, it can have a weight similar to that of heavy metals of equal volume. Using this technique flexibly can make the hands of the fire spirit light when it is light, and bulky when it is heavy. Like a super red soldering iron, directly burn the target on the ground.

Only I beat people, no one beat me, but there are also fierce spells, the Crow woman side is naturally beaten by the **** warriors who are far fewer than them, crying wolf howling and screaming.

Kane noticed that the obese man ran away again, and also pulled his colleague, should be the head of the raven women.

"I like such unrelenting enemies." Kane praised the other party's leading party attributes.

At the same time, he did not forget to collect the flame essence in the furnace, destroy the furnace, and burn the corpse.

The wicked atonement faction does it for his benefit. This mode is about what many traversers dream of. Kane will not deliberately create this pattern, but he will not play any role in this kind of thing. When there is a soul and self-consciousness, it is only a human. If there is no one, it is a resource. When it is scrap, when it is firewood, it makes no difference.

The Ravens are hard-hearted, knowing that they are invincible and unstoppable. Kane secretly praises the punishment ability of the Atonement. To know that this is a sin, it may be their nature to be crazy and not afraid of death, but if they are allowed to fight for the purpose of others, it is really difficult to do.

Of course, I still die, and it won't take much time.

The **** warriors all have the same style as Kane, and it is never complicated if they can be simple. In the face of the raven girl, it is to play snake + big handprint. , Golden Snake Flurry is enough.

After killing the Raven Girl, he continued to follow the position of the obese fat man. This time, Kane's opponent was a little unable to breathe, and actively blew up the passage to block the road.


Kane has a simpler way.

In the dust and storms that caused the tunnel to blow up, Kane walked forward, still releasing his power.

This body is equivalent to the three strange material aggregates of the four heavenly kings Stroke King and Earth King.

The two kings had no suitable candidates, and San Qi matter had better retain its role, so it merged into the body, and Zode was born.

The seed of Zod's divine power originated from Kane, but its operation is self-contained, and its position is similar to the Holy Spirit. Especially in the time period when Kane was asleep, the fine control bonus brought by the projection of Mindfulness was its most powerful moment.

Kane's large fleet accumulates the extraordinary energy needed to capture the dark Cybertron, which for Kane is garbage time. Fighting against those organic roots in the quiet wilderness, without him, he can no longer turn to the main material world to open up the forces here, so he fell asleep and reduced wear and tear.

Colonel Zod came to the world in the spirit of the Holy Spirit, helping Kane to put an end to those events with heads and tails, mainly to make Kane's state of mind melt. This is good for purification of his soul.

Zorde is now stronger than Kane before he drew the essence of God's Sin, mainly because the projection of Kane's divine thoughts is opened, and the control of extraordinary energy has reached the level of subtle level of divine level. The level, this advantage, is now apparent at this moment.

Where the flame passes, the meltdown of the meltdown, the sintered sinter, the collapsed channel, reappears the road, the effect is as if a high temperature glass channel is placed in the lava, the flowing lava is clearly visible, But no one was hurt.

When Kane appeared in front of the obese man again surrounded by the warriors of the gods, this obviously did not expect Kane to appear so quickly, and was frightened, "Aw!" Howled, and then turned around. run.

Colleagues who were pulled together by him before did not leave this time.

At first glance, this is also a raven woman, dressed very similar, but she has long high-heeled boots on her feet and her hands are normal, not claws.

The woman was about to speak, but Kane waved his hand and interrupted: "You are not qualified to talk to me now. I'll talk before I talk."

The woman raised her eyebrows, apparently angered by Kane ’s arrogance, and her arms fluttered, and a lot of bone spurs flew out of her leather coat. The outer layers of these bone spurs had a crimson glow, and they looked like feathers.

Bone Ling not only is fast, but also turns on his own, shooting at Kane at different angles and speeds.

Kane now has unbelievable control over ordinary people. He seems to be just a casual probe, and grabs a bone. The other bones were stuck in the air at that moment.

The woman wanted to activate the explosive function of Bone Ling, but when she issued a command, she was dead and there was no response at all.

'call! "The bones in Kane's hands burned, the other bones burned together, and the woman suddenly caught fire.

She uttered a terrible scream, and decided to fight desperately, but it burned faster than she thought, and her limbs had just moved, and the next moment turned into ash and collapsed and scattered.

Kane seemed to have done a trivial thing, and gave the warrior order to the warrior.

There are also a large number of raven women, as well as the kind of evil things that obese obese men first commanded, which can be turned into black smoke, tentatively called smoke beasts.

Raven women and smoke beasts, sitting outside, are monsters with the ability to attack the fire camp community directly, but they can face the **** warrior. They are killed by the gram, and the defense ca n’t be broken. End with death.

After eliminating this wave of evil, Kane did not continue to follow the footsteps of the obese man.

The guy had broken his nerve and refused to lead the way.

Kane quickly found the fourth ground hall based on the distribution of these three ground halls.

No matter what they used to do, they have now become corpse furnaces.

Kane was too lazy to talk to the BB female leader BB, and did not seize the obese man to torture, because in his view, he only needed to grasp the clue of energy.

Whether it is to summon evil spirits, or to supplement any evil spirits, it is certainly not good to play with insufficient energy.

Then he just needs to destroy the melting pot everywhere. He believes that sooner or later he will lead the other party's leader.

Facts have proved that his method is still more feasible. When he took people to the seventh base hall, the principal here appeared in a hurry.

"It really is you." Kane looked at the old man in a magnificent priest costume opposite and said with a smile, the other party is a holy domain, and his strength is familiar to him, the atonement person.

The old man recognized him as soon as possible, his eyes widened in surprise: "Salary, salary king?"


"You, you are not ..."

Kane hugged his shoulders and jokingly said: "Who tells you that Salary King is a person, or an ordinary **** in your cognition?"

In a word, Kane outlined a wide and endless picture, as if the **** could also be a space rocket, and then created it, and then launched it one by one.

The old man suddenly felt bad for the whole person.

Finally, it was difficult to get up to the salary of the former salary king, Feisheng. Here, the self-help plan was launched, and the second salary king appeared. This is too sad to remind!

Kane can now also be said to be a super IP. Although the old man is a sanctuary, he can see that it is against the salary king. He suddenly turned angry and turned into grievance. After all, only the salary king stood up, and he can still survive with him. In addition to the blood-sucking king Vlad and the two kneeling goods of Kamala, Hengyuan, Veronica temporarily escaped one, and then was possessed by the gods, and later died of Kane hand.

Such a record is really scary. Not to mention that he is the only one, that is, five or six sanctuaries, he will not have much sense of security. The sacred area of ​​the Hai tribe was not taught to be a human in the battle of the shallow sea, was the regiment destroyed?

I made up my mind that the old man should be full of anger and full of anger: "Well, since you are pressing step by step and not giving us a way of life, I will fight with you today!"

Kane also felt the opponent's boiling war intentions. Although his combat power was higher than that of Kane before devouring the evil spirits, the breadth of his combat skills was not good. Under the circumstances, he can't do the same as Kane's three picks, he can take a few risks to stay, but a single can kill, multiple can run.

So Kane secretly accumulated energy, waiting for the old man to move out. He has thought about it, as long as the old man is not starting his hand, then he will be injured and have to take the other party away. He has this ability, especially the other party is not normally promoted to the sanctuary, but by faith. The sanctuary made by the force took a shortcut, which is relatively water, but his sanctuary + is genuine.

However, the next moment the light was dazzling, even Kane secretly praised this sharp move, and even his perception of the mind appeared a momentary oversight. He estimates that this is not only a powerful move, but also the merits of the artifacts should be the flow of the holy artifact, because only such objects containing the power of faith or divine power can compete with his power without falling down. .

But after he became aware of the other party's situation again, he couldn't help laughing.

It turned out that the old man played Zhaojinchan to remove the shell, leaving the gorgeous priest costume on his body.

This priest's suit is a holy suit, and has many functions. The old man used it to escape. In fact, some of them are overkill ~ ~ But because of this, plus Oscar-level acting, I was able to act as Kane His face escaped without injury, otherwise, even if he escaped, he would certainly not be able to have a full tail.

Of course, although it slipped, it only escaped for a while. Since Kane wanted to be negative Catholic, his core belief system was smashed. How can these who have achieved the status of strong people rely on the power of faith, how can they get rid of it? Turned off?

The old man is old, but the people he brought to help him on the platform are still there, many of them are stunned, looking at Kane awkwardly for some reason.

After all, they just heard the conversation between the old man and Kane, and as the recognized king as the first powerful player in history, it is inevitable that anyone will be trembling with fear.

Kane smiled at them: "Relax, my reputation has ruined some people. In fact, I am reasonable and tolerant."

With that said, he began to ignite the backbone of these atonement ...

Kane didn't lie, just left a few words without saying: You guys are no longer human things, not forgiveness ...

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