Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 861: I said it is God do you believe

"Don't move!" A group of armed policemen shouted loudly inside. It can be seen from the expression, they are also forced, is the order of 2B leadership.

The following 2B order at the leadership of 2B is because of the nearby long guns and short guns. A bunch of reporters are more fearless than Chaoying. They clearly saw a large area burned into a crater, still smoking, and the hot temperature has not completely dispersed Go, the hot one is inside the oven, but some people still want to jump down and want to join in.

The uncrowned kings ca n’t get past it, and they represent the people who are angry at the official people. At this time, if the official puts on the majesty of the ground snake, it will probably be killed by the news media.

Kane controlled Xiaobai's face, holding a helmet that could be used as a pot in one hand, and a half-folded skirt that was still loose in one hand, and said to Stark: "It's time to exert your public influence."

"I think you can do it. The shape is very Hawaiian, and the selling point is enough." Stark has always lost, not lost, even the harder he loses, the harder his mouth is. In the battle just now, he was simply a burden. After several Titan rescues, he escaped. He was tortured with a miscellaneous soldier in the whole process. Finally, the miscellaneous soldier was still burnt to death. This made me even more embarrassed that I was playing at the hearing not long ago than "I can maintain world peace alone".

The face is now broken on the ground, it's not even spelled, let alone picked it up.

Kane hummed: "I wish Hula could do everything."

In the end, Tony Stark accepted the interviews with reporters conditionally in the name of Iron Man.

How to deal with the media, he is really good, and his bad **** set, also very popular, there is no shortage of fans all over the world.

And Nick Fury also made some points for attention. So Tony finally completed the task successfully.

Of course, it is actually another set.

Nick Fury wanted to close Kane first, and then he had to talk for a long time, but he did n’t dare, Kane manipulated the Titan ’s Hulk and cut it directly out of the atmosphere, and the satellites shredded one. This Nima is a planet-destroying class, who will tear down the world with bare hands, who dares to stand up?

In a high-end hotel in Monaco, after taking a bath, Kane, who was enjoying a nice table in a bathrobe, looked at Nick Fury and his party and said angrily: "Is that so urgent?"

Nick said: "Yes, according to the way you played before, humans may have to discuss which world to take refuge in soon after."

"Just like what I want to happen."

"You are trying to stop it and you have succeeded. We all know this. I mean, how much should you know about this matter. But before that, what should we call you? Shouldn't it be Bruce? Banner? "

Kane stood up and said to the hotel manager who was like a newly waiter near the door: "I want these, can you help me back?"

"We will give you a new table! It's free!" The hotel manager said flatly.

"Do you think I can't afford it?"

"No, no, we don't mean that at all." The hotel manager said heartily that this was the dog, where did I get mad?

Kane said: "That's the way to go, help me back, I don't like waste." Then pointed to Nick Fury: "Find him to check out."

And again to Nick Fury: "The foreign metals and the like are yours. My request is not excessive?"

"We must in turn thank you for your generosity."

Kane made a gesturing gesture, and bento first went from the dining room to the living room. Although he didn't live in a presidential suite, he was not too bad and magnificent.

Then Stark was in full swing. He just went to see Ivan Vanko, not mainly to ask about the technology of the micro-reactor, but to wonder if Ivan was related to the guys who came through time and space.

Because those monsters obviously went not only for Kane, although Kane attracted most of the firepower alone, there were monsters who rushed to him and called his name!

Kane also didn't care about Stark's appearance. He was very experienced in the main line of collapse. The time and space raids not long ago proved to him that he was thinking about it. The main line is to some extent shackled and handy.

I took the sports drink from Monaco from the refrigerator and tasted it. I took a few sips because the taste was not right, so I flicked it aside.

He looked at the people present one by one, and named: "Inspector Phil Coleson, Maria Hill, are the two of you now at level 7, or level 6? Doesn't matter, Hawkeye Clinton? Barton, black widows Natasha Romanov, Nick Fury, are you planning to set up the Avengers in advance? Are you sure everyone sitting here is suitable for the next discussion? "

Nick whispered and said: "You really know more of us, even know the Avengers, please say that they are indeed members of the Avengers."

"Okay, it seems that the Devil Worm and the Black Leaf Hemp have given you some confidence, and what happened not long ago has made you more urgent. But I believe that what happened today is something you probably guessed. Right? "

Nick nodded: "There are some, but your origin is a mystery, I think this is a key point."

"Maybe." Beside Bruce Banner, the space door opened and Kane came out of it.

Nick Fury's first expression when he saw Kane was, I knew you had a problem.

Stark is: rely on, you little white face!

He couldn't help taunting: "Are you creating a body for yourself like David?"

"Achilles, handsome and warlike."

Stark said: "But there is a weakness."

"Maybe it's a woman? But you can rest assured that you won't grab your little pepper."

Stark looked scornful, which means you can't take it away even if you want to.

Nick had planned to drive as soon as he saw that the two embryos hadn't started, and hurriedly brought them on the right track: "Gentlemen, we have time to open another Patty for the discussion on the girlfriend."

Kane turned back to the topic and said, "To be honest, at this point in time, I don't know if you have the means to bear the information I bring. After all, you still lack many experiences, and you are not relatively mature in the future. . "

Stark almost guessed something, and said with emotion: "It seems that you are going to tell a story involving time travel."

"Time travel is only part of it. Formally, my name is Kane. It is a face of a god. You can be understood as a projection of a personality of a person with multiple personality. But the spirit and the body are completely beyond the ordinary scope. If I evolved into hierarchies, so I am undoubtedly in a higher position. "

Stark said: "Do you know Jesus?"

"I don't know, but on the other side of me, not long ago, an organization named Catholicism was annihilated in a universe devoured by evil spirits. They built dark arks and wanted to give humans to evil spirits for dessert."

"So you are on the human side?" The black widow asked.

"I stand on my side, have the same interests, or just piggyback my hand, I will help humanity."

"For example now?" Hawkeye asked.

"That's right, I have two more homes in New York and Mojave." Kane said as he pushed away the puppet Banner's chair and pulled himself down to sit down. Tao: "Okay, now for me, you listen, the questioning session is postponed."

Several people looked at each other, and Nick finally made a gesture of asking.

"The current universe, for me, is a parallel universe called Marvel 199999. You in other parallel universes may have similar or worse lives than you now, but they have not met me. Because I am unique to the entire Marvel 199999, I come from outside the Marvel multiverse. "

"I have traveled through space-time like this many times. Some multiverse systems are new to me, while others are familiar. Marvel 199999 is the latter. It looks like one to me. I only read a certain volume of novels. I knew about it in the front, but I have n’t read it yet, but I basically know about the current period of time. "

"If you want to give this book a name, it's more appropriate to call it infinite gems. Because all the disputes are around them. There are six in total."

"Infinite gems can be understood as the remaining raw materials and concentrated essence during the formation of the universe. I also came for it, and I have to get at least two."

"In the next 10 years I know, you, and some other intelligent creatures in this universe, killed or killed these six gems. The final climax stage is to destroy half of the universe and resurrect half of the universe. People. You are naturally the latter, and your enemies are called tyrants. "

"Blade is a Titan star. He has lived a long time. He has been committed to family planning work in the whole universe. Every time he develops a civilization and a smart life planet, he will kill half of it and randomly select it, regardless of wealth and poverty. This is His great ideal, his mother star caused frequent wars due to population problems, the end of civilization, and left a deep impression on him, so he decided to kill half of the life for the well-being of the universe and let the other half have a good life. "

"The workload is too much, and the bully is a little tired. Finally, I decided to gather six gems. Then, with a snap, half the intelligent life of the universe will die. Of course, this world is included."

"As an outsider, I have seen too many changes in the rise and fall at the same time. I have no absolute position. It's just that I want infinite gems, and the bully is also collecting. To some extent, he blocked my way."

"It didn't matter. I came in 2008. Soon after I came, I witnessed the birth of Iron Man. I know that this is the opening chapter of the book of infinite gems. I just use my prophet's experience and wait a few years. Appropriate time, appear in the right place, and take away the infinite gems needed quietly. The only thing to pay attention to during this period is the butterfly effect caused by my intervention. "

"Before today, I thought I had been doing good. Although Bruce Banner, the former Avengers who will always be more active in the historical line, was released in advance by me and ended his abuse with his girlfriend. Love, with a brand-new look, have been to their happy little days. But Hulk ’s part was not delayed. "

"Of course, I did some fine-tuning. For example, Hulk and Hate fight that would have destroyed several streets, and there were a lot of deaths and injuries, but in my hands, it has reduced a lot. I think it can achieve the corresponding effect. That ’s it, it ’s not necessary to follow the original historical line exactly. "

"Titanic Hulk, I prepared to correct the effect of the butterfly effect on the main supporting characters in these books. When I came to Monaco this time, I had made him know his face and secretly protected Tony. After all, I arrived from me. From that moment, the impact of the butterfly effect began. Today ’s encounter with Tony will be a bit dangerous. In case he suddenly loses his mind and thinks of my handsome face ... "

Tony gave Kane a thumbs-up and blew.

Kane smiled. "Then, as you all know, not long ago, everything changed. Someone added play to the present in the future, sending combat power through time and space fissures. It seems to be a tyrant, that leader, like one of his generals, Black Dwarf star. "

As Kane turned his hand, a complete brain appeared in his palm. "I took his brain and wanted to search his memory, but unfortunately, the other party was very cautious, and the anti-soul search technique was also used well. Leave it to S.H.I.E.L.D. for remembrance."

A transparent crystal was generated, and the brain was amber-encapsulated and then slid down the table to Nick Fury.

"That guy's body is also there, no need to study it?" Nick pressed the crystal and asked.

Kane shook his head: "His genetic organization is of no value to me. The extraordinary power belongs to the destruction of one of the three major darkness. It is also not new and is left to you to play. Well, I will continue."

"Whether the original history line is the black dwarf star or his soldiers, they are far from being so strong, without the powerful magic armor, and without extraordinary power blessings. If they are really under the control of the bully, it means that the future deviates from The history line is very serious. "

"In the memory of my prophet, no one in this universe can give such extraordinary power of distinctive characteristics. I also thought about whether I would do it in the future, but in theory I should not wait for the destruction to open up with you in the future. Tear it, and I have already retired. In addition, if I am doing this, it will never be the same as today ’s raid. It is too rough, and it is obviously not a mature solution. "

Mayer? Coleson said in his own words: "Will it be your enemy's family ..."

Kane smiled and said: "Growth and development, this is the main tone of my life, dividing the camp, I belong to the order camp. Naturally chaotic camp, chaotic creatures. I said before, one of my faces The Evil God devoured the exhausted space operations. The purpose is to get the information I need from those old-fashioned space devourers. "

"Unintentionally, I got a Kun-type transport plane on that side. It is the coordinates of time and space for me, there will be some deviations, but it came a few years earlier, I thought it was okay, mixed a few years, just I can get started. So this is a temporary intention to collect resources across the universe. There is no complicated chase. "

Maria Hill said: "So now? What are your plans?"

"To be honest, I want to see who dares to set me right in the future and interfere with my plan."

Stark said: "If you are so powerful, why don't you go directly to the future to see them, killing them and turning them over."

"Not as powerful as you think." Kane explained: "I am half a step away from becoming a great race that is not constrained by time and space. When I enter this universe, I must succumb to the basic laws of this universe, such as It is said that many divine characteristics of the body cannot be reflected. "

"About what is the divine characteristic, the feeling you see when I see me can reflect one or two. For example, Miss Hill and Miss Romanov are very willing to communicate with me in depth."

Unexpected driving, so straightforward, both Maria and Natasha were embarrassed.

Stark whistled.

Kane continued seriously: "You may still be blaming yourself. Why do such serious thoughts arise in such a serious occasion. But I want to say that this is not your fault, nor is it simply because of appearance or what is exuded. Pheromone. But because of divinity, it has unreasonable characteristics that transcend general cognition. The explanation on the technology side is that the level of spiritual energy is too large, which leads to the formation of a crushing pattern in the spiritual force field, making one side passively eroded In turn affects the mind. "

"My current expression is limited and minimal. In this respect, those who devour the universe, called the old dominator, are the most representative and are called the infamous. When they see it, they will be assimilated, the lightest. There is also a sense of impaired consciousness. Therefore, there is a professional concept called San value, which is also the value of reason. God ca n’t look directly at it, because this is not only respect but also fear. "

"After talking about the position, let ’s talk about power. For God, power is roughly divided into three categories, the most advanced is divine power, the second is transcendent power, and finally the natural power. The connection between divine power and transcendent power is relatively close, but It is very troublesome to transform extraordinary power from natural force, and it is even more troublesome to extract heavy water from seawater. "

Kane said that as soon as the detective took a picture, two spherical crystals flew from the puppet Banner to his hand, and he threw it on the table again, letting the blue and red crystal **** roll on the table.

"Tony should have noticed before. At that time, the space crack appeared. I opened a space-time channel and sent a wave of support to Titan Hulk. Among them, this is extraordinary energy. The wind and fire in the ground fire water wind. Extraordinary Thunder. Originally two eggs the size of an egg, these are now left. "

"The Titan Hulk was designed and manufactured after I studied the Hulk cells. It is a typical muscle tyrant. Gamma rays are used as his internal energy. It is almost enough to abuse a natural force opponent. But if the target has Titan Hawk may suffer from extraordinary qualities. Because extraordinary energy is not only applied in technology, but also in the mysterious way called magic. In the face of natural power, extraordinary power must be suppressed in the position of the power. Stronger aggressiveness and even assimilation and control characteristics. "

"Even for God, extraordinary energy is an eye-catching resource. Because the acquisition of divine power involves him. I came over and naturally brought some extraordinary energy, but it is currently in a serious imbalance. It ’s very expensive just to maintain my own state. ”

"If this is not the case, I am not sitting here talking to you, but pinching a starship to find infinite gems. After all, the history line I know has collapsed with the invasion of time and space, and it is basically impossible to wait by sitting, And let the gem come. "

Stark said: "What you said is magical, I almost didn't understand it. If it wasn't a fight just an hour ago, I couldn't help clapping and praising you for bragging to a new height. But it must be Say, I still do n’t believe it, at least not all. "

Kane said: "I'm afraid not even 30%?"

Stark confessed, and said: "So I want to prove it through a question and answer."

Kane chuckled: "Are you curious about your future and want to solve your current palladium poisoning problem?"

"I now admit that you have a certain talent for magic stick. If you can tell me how to solve palladium poisoning, I will believe it completely."

"According to the original history, after today, you will further release yourself, or let the waves go, and spend the last years you thought, including the drunk and drunk, and your good friend James Rhodes wearing a steel war suit in your own home. Patty played wrestling, and finally let him leave with a steel suit, specifically the uncolored second-generation suit prototype. "

Stark said: "Impossible, you must have remembered it wrong. How can someone like me who is rational and wise allow others to move my baby? I and the steel armor are one, and together they are Iron Man. No one can. Replace. "

"I didn't say replacement, you are just thinking about who the steel armor is in after your death. As for Iron Man, I will go with you to the grave. Oh yes, James is also the later Avengers. One of them, code-named War Machine. There is no way, the drama is connected to Taiwan, there are too many enemies, and there are not enough people. "

"Okay, continue to talk about you in the original history. After you reached a certain level, Nick Fury finally couldn't see it anymore. I found you who was eating donuts on the big sign of Randy Donuts and injected you. Lithium dioxide relieves symptoms and semi-compulsively lets you solve palladium poisoning problems yourself. "

"Eat donuts on the big sign of Randy's donuts? I should have done this. Think of it as smart, you can try it." Stark interjected. Also asked Nick: "Is there a mature lithium dioxide injection that can be used in the human body?"

Nick nodded.

"Give me a dozen first."

Nick stared.

Stark turned to Kane: "Please go on, I want to know how I solved the problem in the end."

"Of course it was you who discovered your father Howard's cleverness. After 20 years of death, he can give you another lesson."

"It's impossible." Stark pouted directly.

"You don't want to admit that there are more things. Nick has a copy of Howard's relics. At the end of one of the old video tapes, Howard will tell you that he left you a gift. He couldn't do it because of the technical limitations of his time. I hope you will finish it. Then you will find the gift. With Jarvis' help, you will find the blueprint hidden in it and create a new element. "

"And when it comes to this new element, it involves the search for the remains of the US team in 1945, and the result is the discovery of the Universe Rubik's Cube on the bottom of the North Atlantic Ocean. The Universe Rubik's Cube is the outer shell of the space gem in six infinite gems, and Howard discovered This new element is the isotope of the energy of the universe's Rubik's cube. "

Stark's eyes widened: "So, infinite gems can also be explained by science?"

Kane asked: "Science is an angle that analyzes everything. What can't he explain? Even if it is, it's just because the knowledge accumulation is not enough? Why do you think I'm tearing up with the old dominators? Because they are handsome ? "

This time Stark didn't look back, but looked excited.

What Kane said, he basically believed. It is precisely because of belief that his inherent three views have been subverted. I used to think that I was high and leading the trend of the times, but now I have found that it is only ants. This world has extraordinary and gods, which are above technology. He felt his faith was severely damaged. So he couldn't help but bite his tongue.

But now Kane told him that God is also analyzing everything in a scientific way. He immediately felt that his thoughts were accessible. He is on a super avenue, but as a latecomer, he hasn't gone far, which he is not afraid of.

Stark turned to Nick and said, "You have my father's things there? What's going on?"

"Howard is one of the founders of SHIELD. What are you talking about?" Nick rolled his eyes.

"Can you give it to me now? Or do I still have to bring a group of lawyers?"

"So you agreed to become an advisor to SHIELD?"

"Isn't it a member of the Avengers?"

"It seems that you still have a lot of problems yourself?"

Stark shrugged and said, "If you can be a consultant, you're afraid you can't afford me." He said: "But I'm willing to ask you to do me a favor with the employment fee."

Nick looked at him and waited for him to say.

"Let the guys in the Senate don't bother me."

Nick said: "I try my best."

"So, you guys continue to talk, I will go back home first, and I hope that when I get home, my father's things have been delivered."

Maria couldn't hold back, "You just left?"

"If you are poisoned by palladium, you can't sit still, trust me."

The deeper reason is that Stark is a person who believes in strength and hard work. Kane ’s blows ~ ~ He has heard enough, and today ’s battle has also made him fully aware of his lack of combat power , He desperately wants to get better, and then upgrade the fighting power.

Kane also knew who Stark was.

Throughout Comrade Stark's life, it is a process from practicing one's dream to selfless sacrifice. This is the opposite of the US team.

From a certain perspective, the two are mirrors of each other. I saw what I didn't have from the other party, and made up a little bit.

Stark learned love and sacrifice, the American team learned selfishness is also a part of life.

The philanthropy without selfishness is vague, and you and the people around you don't love it, but you love everyone and the world without regrets. Are you sure that you are not brainwashed?

The transformation process of these two philosophies is still very touching, Kane is willing to give more tolerance, and he is not stingy because of whoever wants to take a few poisonous tongue.

Of course, I also look at people, time and place, and the atmosphere on the spot. If a black boss dares to do this in front of him in a place like Hell's Kitchen, that is definitely another result.

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