Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 862: Heroic Atmospheric Female Bald

"Well, the only honest participant left." After Stark left, Kane said to the rest with a smile.

"Everyone started as an agent. Dark thinking is your characteristic. Doubt is your instinct. Doing everything possible to achieve your goal with external force is your usual method. But I hope this dialogue can be more direct and efficient. It is better to go with you to go with your family. , I believe you think so. "

Maria Hill followed the topic and asked, "Speaking of family, did you choose your family at random?"

Then I explained another sentence: "The SHIELD Bureau's investigation on you happened to be by me."

Actually more than that.

Outstanding talents make Maria look down on ordinary men.

The special profession allowed Maria to see many ugliness of human nature. Unconsciously, she became an older woman left. Then Kane caught her attention.

Maria admits that at first it was because of the handsome appearance of Kane's coach. At that time, she was half joking in her heart: "Just look at this look, even if there is a little scum, you can be a bedmate."

But soon he was attracted by the quality of Kane.

Although Kane has three women, Maria still thinks Kane is ethical.

At least among the men she met, conditions were as good as Kane's, and her private life was very chaotic. Too many women were willing to take the initiative to send him to have fun with him. But Kane has always maintained the principle, there are only three, and the primary and secondary are clear, never messy.

Maria thought, if you change to one of the three, I'm afraid I will.

Later, when Kane's surveillance was cancelled, she could no longer secretly observe it by borrowing her authority, and did not expect to meet in such a way today.

Then she felt that Kane ’s quality was even more rare. This was a god. He also said that divine influence would unreasonably attract the opposite sex. Self-discipline, she wonders why Rachel? Anne Adams and Olivia Carlson will be selected, Monica will not need to say more, she rubbed herself.

Kane did n’t shy away from this question, saying: “It ’s not so random, it ’s better to say that it ’s my destiny. I was originally in the Mojave Desert. This body was created by an oval culture tank, and then I was naked in the Mojave Desert When I walked, I met Anne, and then she felt young and beautiful, and she was very good.

"As for Olivia, New York represents my demand for the prosperous life of the city and the place where some extraordinary events in the future will take place. I need to have a foothold there. After going there, I want to eat Michelin. Silly, you can't get along with others, so please ask the service company to arrange one. Then you meet Olivia who is an actor dreaming, but intends to betray her hue for her livelihood. "

Kane said bluntly: "As the saying goes, white paper is good for painting. I like the opposite **** that is relatively clean emotionally and physically. Why, are you also interested?"

This suddenly attracted the collective attention of Nick, Coulson, Natasha and Hawkeye. They did not expect that the strong work and extremely feminine Hill Agent Agent was clean!

Maria blushed, but she still held her chin and asked Kane unwillingly: "Why, are you also interested in taking me to the car?"

"One point." Kane explained: "In my perception, the female superhero of the Marvel Universe is basically equal to the bus. For example, Miss Romanov can be said to be all male superheroes in nightwear. But The style of 199999 is not so good, Miss Romanov was born in 1984, not an old driver as old as the US team. This parallel universe is even stranger, even in the open and intoxicated country of the United States, it can still be repeated. When I am clean, I am a little bit doubtful that some kind of power has been deliberately arranged to welcome me. "

"As for you, although my mind is a little darker, but there is no other problem, I can be my partner and liaison. In addition, one of my deity ’s wives is Mary. Since I am destined, then this is even Alright. How did you decide to get on the bus? "

Although Maria Hill was redder, she did not hesitate and nodded.

"Okay, I hope you will sit on our side first in the future, then the SHIELD."

Nick knocked on the table with dissatisfaction: "My best assistant, you are so rebellious. Can you stay in Germany, how much face?"

Nick also discovered that Kane was not difficult to deal with. So he also hopes that the atmosphere of communication will be more grounded, rather than full of diplomatic rhetoric.

Kane chuckled: "I won't let you suffer. Without the betrayal, I have always been interested in myself. Send a message for free, the time and space cracks will cause time and space disturbances. With my observation, the one who launched the attack today The technology mastered by the gang is afraid that the time and space disturbances will be completely subdued before launching a new round of invasion. That is to say, you have about 100 days to prepare. "

"This is exactly what I am worried about. Can we only be beaten passively?"

"Why, you know where the gems of time are? As far as I know, although the Phantom Cat among the mutants can conditionally allow people to travel through time and space, the mutant system does not exist in the 199999 universe. The quantum field is a way, and in the end, the original history line did indeed defeat the hegemony and reverse the future. But at least for now, Dr. Piem ’s related technology is still far from mature, and the second generation of Ant-Man has not yet been born. "

Nick said: "Did you forget something?"

"What?" Kane frowned, and said: "Laozi is a god, and there is still time to forget things?"

"Kama Taj, the Supreme ..." Nick reminded: "S.H.I.E.L.D. protects the world from outside nature, and Kama Taj's mages protect the world from outside magic."

"Huh. That's because my transitional approach is technically inferior, and it didn't trigger the Karma Taj's defense system." Kane said so, but his heart was very unsteady.

Such an important category is missing from the information he possesses. He said: "No wonder I have always felt unreasonable, even if the infinite gems are extraordinary, it means that this universe is more or less extraordinary, and if the earth does not have countermeasures in this regard, would n’t it be taken and taken away? Even a transcendent person in the control system can enslave the whole world. How has such a planet survived to this day? It turned out that it was not, but I did n’t know. "

C Kane thought this was interesting. Obviously, when Black Kane taught him relevant information, it was impossible to miss this part. It was deliberately not mentioned.

"No, since let me come to this world, it will only be a matter of time to contact the mage of Karma Taj, there is no need to conceal it, otherwise it will reduce the success rate of the operation. That is to say, Black Kane does not know Karma Thai Ji, the deity concealed the relevant information! Obviously, the water is deep! "

C Kane soon wanted to understand many things. From the perspective of the overall level of the Marvel multiverse, it can be said that it is very terrible. The five creation gods of the universe, the planet devourers, death, eternity, infinity, and annihilation, can only be ranked at the ninth level, and the eighth is The power of Phoenix ranks fifth in the court of life, and even the heart of the universe can only rank second.

In this context, whether it is natural power, extraordinary power, or divine power, you can see the top. In other words, although Marvel 199999 is relatively unremarkable, it also has potential seeds, just like infinite gems that no one can really use.

Thor's hammer, infinite gloves, these so-called artifacts, all have hard requirements on the user's soul and body.

Infinite gems are even more so, like power gems, even if the Star Lord has the blood of the demigod, he directly grabs it and almost hangs it, not to mention use it.

The Titan Star Fighter is already considered to be the strongest creature in this universe, the body is already strong, the soul has undergone multiple grinding, the strength of the will is unusually comparable, but it can only use the infinite gloves to control the six infinite gems.

There are such potential seeds in the material, and there can also be in the information. It is likely that this is the mage system of Karma Taj.

He said to Nick: "It seems that we have found some clues about the time and space raids. The loopholes are likely to appear in the field of magic. Can you recommend one or two about the Supreme Lord?"

"No need, I'm coming." With this sound, the space suddenly stretched into a deep corridor toward the entrance of the living room. The original scenery seemed to enter the kaleidoscope. As the depth continued to overlap, it appeared to be rolling. The gears, and the building blocks that seem to turn, rotate regularly.

At the end of the depths, Gu Yi, wearing a yellow robe, walked in.

Unlike the inheritance of Kane ’s previous life as a supreme wizard, Gu Wei of Marvel 199999 was a female bald head, not a fairy-like shape of a hairy child.

Kane didn't judge people by appearance. The techniques of Gu Yi's appearance are still there. Space magic is very good and unique.

But Kane's more attention was attracted by an eye-shaped metal pendant worn by Gu Yi's chest. There, he felt the power of time.

"The design concept is very clever, but the craftsmanship is worse." Kane pointed to the pendant and said.

Gu Yi was very calm and smiled without comment. The green light on her wrist was slowly disturbed by the wheel-like light, which was the result of the blessing of time.

The tricks that Dr. Kiwi used to deal with Dormam in the future are now used by Gu Yi, which is even more slippery. When she showed up, she already decided that if she confirmed that Kane ’s threat was too great, she would throw it into endless deep space and be imprisoned. In the endless cycle of time, even if this is the eye of Agomo.

"Sorry, I overheard some of your conversations." Gu Yi explained, "The magnificent Thunder Slash was detected by the guardian mage on duty. The nearest temple was in London. It took me some time to come over. "

Gu Yiyi, who came out of the world of mirrors, said: "I will go back in time now, please don't mind."

Said that there was a disc-shaped magic array in the palm of her right hand. As the virtual twist of the hand twisted, the magic array rotated, just like twisting the dial of time, and then twisted back.

Then Gu Yi smiled at everyone: "I have reviewed the previous conversations. Hello, His Royal Highness. Kane. I am Gu Yi, the current leader of the Guardian Temple, and the Supreme Master is just a title." Gu Yi gave a gift to Kane.

Kane also stood up to salute, "Hello, Your Excellency Master." Said a gesture of invitation, which is the seat opposite Nick Fury.

Kane himself was in the seat, with a table in front of him, and Nick Fury took the first seat in the back left.

Maria Hill is very considerate of herself as a half-master, greeting the old one: "Drink something, Your Excellency Gu Yi."

"Hot tea. Thanks."

So Mary went to prepare hot tea.

Kane said: "Your Excellency Gu, for some unknown reason, there is no information about the Guardian Temple in my memory. Can you tell me something?"

"Of course, the founder of the Guardian's Sanctuary is Agomoto, a dwarf of Nidviel, the exiled, wandering in the universe for many years, and the last years spent on earth."

Kane nodded: "It turned out to be a group of extraordinary craftsmen, this makes sense, but unfortunately Agomo has no neutron star furnace, otherwise the time gem package should be much better than now. But since it is used as a tool, I believe that the energy fluctuates earlier It ’s overflowing. Should there be many enemies in the Guardian ’s Temple? ”


"So, please introduce some powerful, or more distinctive, or Master Gu Yi think it may be related to the recent space-time raid."

Gu Yisi thought: "I just went back in time, I heard a concept, one of the three great powers of darkness, destruction. What are the other two?"

"Corrosion and enchantment. In fact, the dark supernatural power itself is pure, but it is a hotbed of evil, and the common evil power has these three characteristics, so the world often confuses it, which is not a big deal. Wrong, after all, in the absence of meticulous distinction, darkness and filth are the same. "

"It turned out to be such a definition and understanding." Gu Yi explained: "The guardian's temple system has a rougher understanding of the extraordinary power, and it is beneficial to define most sunlight creatures, including humans, It ’s white magic, and it ’s black magic. "

"In this regard, we can communicate privately."

"Very welcome. At Karma Taj, knowledge is shared, some I brought back from different worlds, and some are from the research of the guardian mages of all generations. About the powerful extraordinary enemies, what best fits His Royal Highness is a It is called the master of Dommam, living in the dark dimension, the devourer of the universe, and the destroyer of the world. Its purpose is to pull the planets and even the universe into the dark dimension. "

Kane laughed and said, "It turns out to be the spokesperson of the Dark Forces, which is a bit interesting." Kane explained: "One of my faces is also the spokesperson of the Dark Forces, and understands the dark from it. The principle of extreme light is therefore the spokesperson of the power of light. "

"So you do n’t have any hesitation in this regard. You know it ’s like a dark compromise. This is the first step. If you ca n’t take this step, it ’s impossible to master more. Simple rejection is useless. But for humans, light Both darkness and darkness are extreme and undesirable. Of course, human beings are polarized lives, so maintaining a proper 'degree' is the most important thing. Do people do things? Isn't this the truth? "

Kane said while demonstrating the process of dark pole light.

Although he is not a black Kane or a contractor of the Dark Forces, the position of the gods and the technical position are there, and the simple demonstration is okay.

Everyone felt that they were suddenly caught in extreme darkness, not only because it was not as simple as five fingers, but also through loneliness and despair, as if everything was swallowed by darkness.

Then I saw the light burst out in the darkness.

That light is not an ordinary light, it makes people feel moved and want to cry. Slightly associative, even associating with the origin of life.

Gu Yi's harvest is even more. Although Kane's technique was not something she wanted to learn, Kane's display gave her a clear direction, even the way.

In the past, her way was unknown. She even felt guilty for absorbing the power of the dark space to maintain her life. But now, there is a road, or a ladder, in front of her. She knows which direction she should go. tried.

The demonstration soon ended, and Kane flicked the generated beam of Holy Light into Maria Hill who was standing by the dark tray, but came to the tea tray. After all, he is his own, and this Holy Light is definitely beneficial.

Maria did have a feeling, the tray almost let go, but fortunately she was with both hands.

After pouring a cup of tea for Gu Yi, Maria quickly ran to the bathroom to discharge waste and detoxify, one of the functions of Holy Light.

Kane said: "The universe devourer level, in theory, is a good opponent. Its existence should not be long, otherwise with his potential, the guardian temple may not be able to stop it, even if there are sometimes gems."

Gu Yi put down the teacup and recalled: "My first contact with it was in 1666. The London fire was actually caused by fighting it."

Kane smiled again: "It is much older than this, it should be calculated in units of ten thousand years of life, or it may have a technical heritage, otherwise it will not be able to devour the world."

Turning his head to Nick Fury, said: "The presence of His Excellency Gu Yi makes me worry. Since the world already has an extraordinary protection system, it is only necessary to carry out a certain amount of strengthening on the basis of it. Early warning, and even completely shield this possibility. "

Nick Fury said with a long breath: "This is really good news, otherwise I have to remind the ruling parties of the major powers to properly prepare for the wasteland."

Kane turned his head to Gu Yi again: "Then Gu Yi, will you give me the gem of time? Once that happens, the universe will lose it forever."

Gu Yi smiled slightly and took Agomoto's eyes off his neck and pushed them in front of Kane.

"Wow! The power contained in this little thing is to harden the entire galaxy once, and no one-thousandth of it can be received. You are really generous."

Gu Yi said: "Your Highness has enough power to use and protect it, which can save a lot of misfortunes in this universe. In addition, I just look generous, I believe that His Highness will give enough feedback."

Kane thumbs up. "I like smart and atmospheric people. Although I am definitely not a good person, but I treat others with courtesy and I will not complain with virtue. The spirit of the contract of the multiverse automatically takes effect at this moment, although in theory you are not I am qualified to sign a God-level contract with me, but I am happy, then the feedback will be in place without any commitment. "

He said to Nick again: "I'm going to say something, I need to get some magic metal from today's seizure."

Speaking of opening the space channel, I took some directly from the magic iron ingots that had been collected. Afterwards, the helmet of the Titan Hulk was melted, and in the presence of everyone, it began to be refined.

The metal was burned into molten iron by the fire of divine power in the air, and the impurities were turned into smoke and dust. A wire was pulled out, and then woven into a symbol, which was injected into the power of darkness and holy light, and more and more glowed with black or white light. Rune floated in the air, and finally had enough quantity, and saw Kane's hands folded together, just like swallowing the clouds, and gathered them together. After the hands were opened, another eye of Agomo appeared.

Looking at it alone, I still do n’t think about it. Two people, even unprofessional people, will instinctively think that the real Agomoto eye is actually a Sibei product, but why is it so determined, it ca n’t be said, it is completely a kind of Intuition is amazing.

Then I saw Kane raised his hand and made a false introduction. The eye of Agomomoto floated up, one index finger and one middle finger. The eyelid of the organ of the eye of Agomomoto opened laterally, exposing the space-time gem of the green color of life inside.

‘Ping! 'This gem was uncovered from the eye-shaped shell. With Kane's further manipulation, the light of the mist appeared around the gem, and then suddenly shined, emitting a bright beam to the one made by Kane In the eyes of Ago Moto, with the injection of energy, the eyes of the fake Ago Moto become brighter and brighter.

When the light stops, another space-time gemstone is formed inside the fake Agomo. It is brighter and brighter than the real space-time gemstone, especially in the eyes of Nick, if they do n’t know in advance, let them choose one of the two. It will never be true.

"There is a saying in the East, that treasures are known to be obscure, and there is a saying, called Dazhi Ruoyu, and loud voices. In scientific terms, the power of real time gemstones has exceeded what ordinary people can recognize. The limit is not obvious. "

Kane explained again: "The Eye of Agomo motorcycle I made actually contains less than the real time gem energy. But its advantage is that it is an artifact. Or a high-end device that can run on its own. It can slowly absorb the power of time. Therefore, in theory, this fake is more convenient to use and more powerful, and according to the current development trend of human civilization, even if civilization is destroyed, it will still not have the problem of insufficient energy. So despite the bold use, you can even divide some of the credit card ’s secondary card to others, and then use it together. "

Nick Fury sighed aside: "Wow, this is the power of knowledge addition."

Gu Yi was also very excited. She naturally gave up the gem of time to her. It was a difficult choice. Not only was this power the most powerful weapon in the Guardian ’s Sanctuary, but also because it was related to dealing with Dommam, etc. The tactics and effects of many extraordinary enemies.

If it was n’t Gu Yi who finally relied on an item, it would be better to rely on knowledge to create as many qualified mystics as possible, especially since the item itself is still very frustrating and easy to attract big monsters. It won't be handed over to Kane so easily.

It is so worthwhile to get a better artifact.

Old monsters who have lived like Guyi for hundreds of years and have visited many worlds naturally know that potential is not equal to strength. The guardian ’s temple has always lacked strength.

The real infinite gem was grabbed by Kane, and then people saw a green light illuminate from Kane's hand, and then the whole body was like a stream of water, and then there was no movement.

The slightly closed eyes opened, and the green lightning flashed in his eyes, Kane smiled: "Now, no matter in the future or in the past, there is no longer a gem of time. This is one of the extraordinary characteristics of infinite gems. One, it is absolutely unique. "

Nick's eyes lit up: "Does this mean that if those space-time raiders travel through the power of space-time gems in the future, there will never be a chance to use the same way again?"


"Very good." Nick smiled with satisfaction.

Kane said to Gu: "I still owe a lot of knowledge to the Guardian Temple. I will wait for me to browse your spell books and fill them in targetedly. In addition, since I have read your spell books, I will help Renovate three temples, or add one or two more temples to make the world ’s extraordinary protection system more perfect. "

Gu Yiwen was happy with her words. What she longed for the most was knowledge in the extraordinary field. She knew that mankind had chosen the path of technology, and the world was not very suitable for the development of magical civilization. After all, even the spellcasting had to borrow from outsiders. . Therefore, if you want to promote the technical development of the magic side, the mystic mage alone is too slow, and Kane can help, then this problem can be solved immediately, allowing the mystic system to climb to a very high level, No longer rely on individual people and individual utensils to save the place.

Unexpectedly, not only was there a guarantee of knowledge, but also a new Zhenzong artifact and a chance to upgrade the temple in a comprehensive way. This is much stronger than guarding an infinite gem that is empty and forced, but does not play much practical role. After all, this is the meat that really eats. The Infinite Gem, which is awkward to say, is only someone else's deposit on the earth, and sooner or later it will be taken away.

Nick Fury was also very hot-eyed. The Universe Rubik's Cube is in his hands, and Alexander Pierce can't get it. Nick is now pondering, or he can also use things to change things, laying the foundation for the SHIELD's immortal foundation for thousands of years.

It ’s just that Nick has a problem here, that S.H.I.E.L.D. cannot compete with Kama Taj. S.H.I.E.L.D. ’s body is not so aloof. The International Security Council bluntly stated that it ’s a union of great powers. Nick didn't want to get the non-human because of the benefits he got from Kane ~ ~ So the change must be changed, but how to do it has to be studied. Nick intends to bless the benefits he gets on the Avengers team. The problem is that this team is the only one who hasn't experienced any major battles. It is still unknown whether they can shoulder the expectations. In the event of blessings, they will create a bunch of super problematic characters and harm the world. It's too disgusting.

In any case, with the intervention of Gu Yi, Kane is naturally more engaged in chatting with Gu Yi, who is also an extraordinary side.

Nick Fury took a look at this situation, coupled with the time and space raid and the threat of the world's guardians were greatly reduced with the destruction of time and space gems and Kane's promise to strengthen the global guardian temple. Nick is finally less repressive. The impact of the spatiotemporal raid has just begun to spread. He still has a lot of work to do including reports. So he decided to let Gu Yi interact with Kane first, and then he went back and said that anyway, he had the Universe Rubik's Cube in hand, Kane estimated that he knew that it was impossible to bypass him.

In this way, Nick Fury and Black Widow, Hawkeye, and Coulson resigned, and Maria Hill as the newly appointed Kane's business partner, and remained as the liaison officer.

Kane did not spend much time in Monaco. He settled his chores on the first day, and then joined Maria with the next day to Kama Taj in Kathmandu to visit Guyi.

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