Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 863: Blow a big balloon

Kama Taj is recognized as a secret area of ​​Guyi. Although its portal opens at the corner of a noisy and messy third-rate grocery street, there are no caves in it.

Kane has seen it before, Gu Yi's space magic is very good.

It is not difficult to understand that time and space are closely related. The biggest object of the guardian ’s temple is the Eye of Agomo. It can be said that the most intelligent and powerful supreme masters of the mysteries of the past are all to study time and space. The application of gemstones is a compulsory course, piggybacking, and space-related technologies, naturally also have a good achievement.

Therefore, Kama Taj ’s portal is really just a portal. The channel itself is blessed with extraordinary power. When the hall is in fact, it is already far away from the downtown, and to the edge of the city, you can see the snow mountain when you open the window.

Maria is very curious about this place, and it is completely the mentality of a tourist.

Kane didn't like it very much. I ’ve heard it well here, it ’s antique and pretty, but it ’s old and bleak, and Kama Taj is obviously affected by the Tibetan secrets. The scent used is quite thick and sweet. Kane does n’t like this. The rich smell seems to cover the smell of body odor and body odor.

Then he looked at the main code of practice of the Karma Taj mystic masters. Sure enough, it was very close to the Tibetan secret, the chakra set.

However, this part is only used to strengthen the body, and the technique is not obvious, at least it is quite impressive in creating spirituality.

The more you know, the easier you are to be bound by the known knowledge, but it is a beginner, so I dare to think, most of them are naive and ridiculous, but some are very thoughtful, this is spirituality .

Kane has a God's thinking rate ~ ~ is naturally very fast, just two or three hours, all the books of Kama Taj have finished reading.

He did not compare the comments with the gods ’position, but directly asked people to find blank classics, used the transcript technique, started to code books, and coded ten books at the same time, and from time to time, some of them were only expected, very It is difficult to accurately describe part of the blessing in the book with words.

At the same time, there is no delay in chatting with Gu Yi.

"In the multiverse, such books are considered to be the most mainstream kind of magical civilization. Otherwise, many essentials want to understand clearly, it is too difficult, wasting time and energy, and there are risks. The disadvantage is that, Once it cannot be properly kept, for example, the magic environment is lost, the book will collapse after not using it for long. "

"In my view of the Karma Taj ’s mystic system, the source of extraordinary power is actually not a problem, but the most suitable for book collection is actually the mirror space you invented. However, its stability is too poor and needs to be improved. In this regard, I have already I did it, specifically, I made it systematic so that it can be used by mystics of different levels. "

"Practice quantification, I personally think it is necessary. Many people think that magic is abstract and based on feelings. This concept must be, or only, a warlock who digs for strength and inherits knowledge from his own blood. , And the ceiling is not high, the real mage is about precision and science. It is a complex and precise operation performed by mental power. If you do n’t move, it ’s impossible for me to become an advanced caster. , Even if you go up for some reason, it is easy to kill yourself. After all, the higher the high-end, the lower the error tolerance rate of the technique, and the greater the power of anti-bite. "

"Since you want to quantify, you need a whole set of evaluation and measurement methods, as well as the corresponding hierarchy system. I will leave the method, and you will construct and fill it. After all, the mystery master ’s set is relatively unfamiliar to me, this is a detailed job, It will take generations of trial and error to refine the details. "

"The magic instrument of the hanging ring is too rough, which affects the final seal, and is a waste to the mage. The magic triangle between the thumb and index finger, and the bonus of wearing various magic ring on the finger, are affected by it. I am modifying it in two ways, one is the adjustment of the technique, including the handprint. If you are not used to it, the other is the technique module. This module can be blessed in any magic weapon, so it is not It must be a dangling ring, it can be a ring, finger cot, wand, dagger, or even a watch, whatever you want to carry. "

"This involves the manufacture of magic instruments. Your existing magic instruments are too rough to be strengthened. After all, the strongest part of mankind is that everything can be an artifact. The extraordinary should be better in this respect. Related I also left the book, how to extract extraordinary substances from the outside world, including the outside world, how to bless it in the material, enhance its characteristics, how to refine the magic weapon, maintain the magic weapon, make it more handy. "

"Speaking of this, there is one thing you do n’t know if you have noticed. That ’s because the elite men in the modern army who are not necessarily fighting, especially after they have a certain understanding of your spells. Hot weapons are very good for you. Deadly. This seems to me a joke. Any existence that uses extraordinary power, as long as he still has extraordinary power and mental power, then he should not be able to contend with ordinary thermal weapons, this is beyond the power of extraordinary power Determined by the nature of natural forces. "

"Fighting, however, shows that there is a problem with the mysterious mage's fighting style, there are also problems with the tools, and there are problems with the spell. The sum is a big problem. When encountering real transcendents, these problems are fatal. Even if it happens, it is better to treat The assault rifle suddenly has a cost-effective price. In this regard, I also have some suggestions. You can look back or try it out, hoping to have a significant improvement. "

"Strengthening the combat effectiveness, the problem of belief and belief becomes serious. After all, if there are apostates, it is easy to cause serious harm to ordinary people. In this regard, I personally do not recommend the flow of humanity, charm, relying on personal consciousness and certain people. The charm of her personality is not as effective as the contract. "

"Party A of the contract is every individual, and party B is the way of the guardian. This way needs to be detailed and accurate like the Charter, so as not to take advantage of the loophole, and then the judgement directly deprives the soul of the connection with the extraordinary power, and it cannot be said. Secret knowledge. This is all from the lessons of the blood of countless worlds. Since you know that human nature cannot stand the test, do n’t show that opportunity. It ’s good for everyone. "......

Kane talked a lot, and finally the book was almost finished. He said: "What I said is also part of the transaction. It doesn't matter how much you listen to it, or you don't want to hear it at all. It's like me. , Just ask my heart, I have a good idea, and that ’s no problem at all. So you do n’t need to thank you and cooperate happily. "

Gu Yixiao: "Happy cooperation."

In the end, Kane gave her some personal benefits out of appreciation for Gu Yi's bald temperament.

The previous ones were all explained to the guardian temple. After all, people are an organization, and Agomoto Eye belongs to this organization, not someone.

The specific personal benefit for Gu Yi is to help her deal with the extraordinary Shen Qi in her body.

Gu Yi has been secretly absorbing the power of the dark space to maintain his life, but because of the unlawfulness, many harmful substances have been deposited. The more they accumulate, the more they accumulate.

Kane directly added a fire, dark light, making Gu Yi's state stronger than when she was at its peak. No need to worry about harmful precipitation in the future, the new method can already solve this problem. These are some tricks in refining and purification. The limited technical content is the insight gained by countless people.

Kane spent three days at Karma Taj. The general mystic was too lazy to give directions, and his talents were like that. If it was in his name, he would n’t even be able to mix up with the outside.

However, Kama Taj is instructive and classless. A cat and a dog are miserable. They can join in piety. Even if there are some minor problems, Gu Yi can tolerate it and slowly correct it.

I have to say that from the perspective of teacher morality, Gu Yi is much stronger than Kane.

But Kane didn't envy and didn't want to make himself so tired.

It was two excellent apprentices of Guyi, one called Modu and one Casillas.

In fact, these two people also have problems. Mordu is too old-fashioned and unknowable, while Casillas is ambitious and aggressive.

Kane criticized Modu: "If it's black and white, your ideas are always easy to fall into extremes. When you are given a small toy, when you can twist the black and white of this little cube, it means that your short board has been overcome, otherwise it will always It's a third-rate. "

To Casillas, it is another way of saying: "You are a typical example of death, and it will give you a Rubik's Cube. It can provide the magic effect of full recovery once a day. If it is used before bedtime, then It can double the results of one day of cultivation. The condition is that all six sides are turned into white. When you can get the spell effect for one hundred days in a row, it means that your problems have been changed. "

After helping Gu Yi teach these two students, Kane ran to protect the temple. After research, the original protection system as a whole was okay. If you want to add one, just add one. In Antarctica, this new addition The temple can be used as a special hub, as long as it is not broken, the remaining three cannot be broken.

This temple was deliberately made into a fortress of war.

That is to say, if there is any extraordinary power to invade this world in the future, then it must be torn away from the Mystic Masters in the Antarctic Guardian Temple, and only then can the door be opened.

In this way, the three temples in New York, Hong Kong and London can be completely transformed into invisible. Self-running like a machine, the longer the safe operation in a short time, the stronger the entire protection system.

Gu Yi also accepted Kane's suggestion, and even eventually moved the headquarters of the Guardian Temple from Kama Taj to Antarctica.

Kama Taj became Gu Yi's annex and reception for the outside world, and the mystic masters practiced and lived in the far away Antarctica. As for the needs of life, it is not a problem for the mystic masters who have more help in space spells.

And Kane also suggested that Gu Yi, organize the mystic mage, and set up missions with the SHIELD Bureau in shifts. This is actual combat grinding, and it is also a match between each other, fighting each other, easy to be broken by each.

Gu Yi agreed in principle, but it will take a few years for the specifics. The knowledge that Kane brought to them has given them support. They need to be digested, and the organizational structure needs to be adjusted. The same is true of spiritual practice. Some are busy.

For Kane, as long as he is willing to spend extraordinary power, like building a temple, it is a matter of minutes, and pinching everything with divine power, so there is no total of three weeks to interact with the mysteries. The friendship is there. Especially with Gu Yi, the two can talk more together.

Gu Yi is probably the most human in the world. Kane is also more willing to learn more about the universe through Gu Yi.

But the banquet was thousands of miles away, and there was also a day when it was gone. The two left contact information, and they broke up.

When he returned to New York, he learned from Nick Fury that Justin Hammer had secretly rescued Ivan Vanko and helped him tinker with the steel jersey, which happened less than a week ago.

Nick Fury can stare, or because he talked to Maria Hill when he was chatting, Hill turned to Nick again, and Nick was finally worried, so he sent Eagle Eye to watch it secretly.

Nick's thoughts are more interesting. It is not difficult to see from his support for the insight plan that he is a person who believes in fists. He is also eye-catching for the steel armor, because once mass production, equipped with SHIELD, it is very helpful to improve the combat power of SHIELD agents.

Stark covered his toys very tightly, and Nick couldn't say much, so if Hammer Industries could really come out and form a competition, he would like to see it.

As for the proliferation of steel armor, it brings hidden dangers of insecurity. Nick was not worried at all.

First of all, it is high-tech, maintenance and repair are very costly, and a special technical team is required, which limits the threshold.

Secondly, it can be castrated, it doesn't have to be like Iron Man, this modern firearm is good. The official crushes private, the military crushes foreign trade.

Third, even if it is mass-produced, the quantity will not go anywhere. Each has a tracking device that can be tracked, and even a destruction device, so that even if it is obtained by a criminal, it will be useless, but it will be very bad. Come to the door.

In general, the steel armor represents the precision industry, and there are only a handful of players that can be played around the world. This feature itself is conducive to control.

It is precisely because of this that Justin knows that he is doing evil things, and Ivan? Vanke is also skeptical, but Nick Fury chose to let these two bad guys cooperate. In his words: "Since we have been on guard, the harm they can cause will be very limited."

Kane was too lazy to take care of this kind of business, and he was willing to see Stark suffer from time to time.

That guy is too mad and has no one in sight.

In terms of talent, Ivan? Vanke is not as bad as him, but not much worse. Ivan ’s steel armor is indeed a cottage, but others also have their own characteristics, neck protection design, helmet self-retracting design, foot claw toe lock design, arm noose and protection plate design, and micro reaction The output power of the furnace is remarkable.

Is nothing more than Ivan? Vanke is also a dazzling, and remember to eat or not to fight, when the car race, Stark grabbed the whip to approach and defeated, turning back the electric whip or dead connection, did not dare to install a disconnect The whip was disconnected when the whip was stuck. As a result, Stark and James tug of war, and then hit the target together.

In Kane's view, although the steel battle designed by Ivan Vanke is suspected of being too ridiculous, it is not stupid. The iron overlord of Obadea Stan is a typical stupid. , And Ivan's can be regarded as a medium-sized unit with armor.

In comparison, the steel suit designed by Stark is too focused on being handsome.

The comparison between the two is the difference between training uniforms and suits, the latter is suitable for more than actual combat.

For this kind of goods that cannot deal with battles and wars with a serious attitude, Kane is very willing to see him being taught to be a man.

He also chatted with Hill about this: "People are really different. I walked from a weak age, and even today and today, I can't treat life and death as chic as Tony Stark."

In this regard, Hill and Kane have a very common language. Hill received formal and perfect training and became an agent. His attitude is serious, and he hates being frivolous in such things.

In addition, Kane hasn't eaten her yet, which makes Hill very satisfied. Because Kane voluntarily said that it would happen for the first time at home, he didn't want to leave the background of this memory to any hotel, which was like Zhao Ji.

Kane's home for Hill is a bit unusual. He is preparing to build a starship.

The reason is that Kane ’s Prophet ’s memory has the clearest impression of Hill, that is, his heroic and commanding floating mothership commanding the SHIELD, which is the 1st stage of the reunification.

Kane does n’t want to be compared, and Hill is a business partner, and is not suitable for keeping at home, let her go to serve Nick? Fury ’s old beep, Kane is also a little unwilling, fortunately to build a boat that fits his style The mobile vehicle of the position is regarded as the RV of the spirit version.

The reason for this is that it has a direct relationship with those who learned from the Supreme Sorcerer Department of Karma Taj and drew extraordinary powers from other worlds.

The problem that troubled him with his extraordinary strength was not enough, and it was finally solved. Although the related techniques still need to be further improved, it can be regarded as a considerable entry every day. The local tyrants cannot compare, and the level of Xiaokai is explored.

So after returning from Kama Taj, he spent about 10 hours a day pinching parts.

The most strenuous thing about building ships with divine power is the large frame. The splicing body is easy to reduce the relative strength. Therefore, like the keel and the shell, Kane ’s requirements are all printed in one body, and there is no welding tenon, which is more laborious. Need to use the magic circle, otherwise the divine power and the mind will consume too much.

In addition, in order to improve the performance of the alloy, it is more appropriate to smelt in space. Therefore, the difficulty is further increased. First, we must build a carrier for the magic array, which is made of a metal structure. It is already a bit like a space dock.

In order to avoid being seen by humans and causing unnecessary over-interpretation, Kane finally decided to arrange the manufacture of large items such as keels and ship shells on a static orbit on the back of the moon.

There are too many parts for a starship, especially Kane is still unwilling to make it. The third-generation constellation-class spaceship designed by SC Cosmos Kane?

From the side, it looks like a wrench, a slender hull, a huge tail, and the tail angle is not uniform. The lower one is larger than the upper one. The lower and front are equipped with spray engines, and the back is Part of the propulsion engine array, the front is used for starship deceleration.

It has a total length of 885, a total width of 155, and a total height of 225. The unit is meters. The armored cloth is like a pistol, and the sleeve is half wrapped in the gun body. From the side, the horizontal armor line can be seen, and the corresponding interior, above the armor line is the naval gun layer, and 12 long gun bodies are arranged. The neutron beam cannon formed a three-by-four array in the bow.

If you look further in, you will find that the barrel of this neutron beam gun is like the acceleration pipe of the particle collider. Each door has a special promenade, which is connected one by one for easy replacement.

The other functional areas have few features and are not much different from ordinary ships.

In fact, this kind of starship that attaches importance to bow firepower and high acceleration is specially designed for large fleets. They can hit a terrible fire wall in space to cover the target area.

Take it out alone, the short board is too obvious, such as the lack of a powerful weapon to deal with side strikes; for example, the posture on both sides is not enough to control the nozzle, and it is inconvenient to turn, especially when it is high-speed rushing, it can be said that it can only rush forward and even brake It's all strenuous, let alone reversing.

One handle is only suitable for stabbing the front bayonet. Such a weapon is really painful to walk alone.

However, C Kane did not learn how to do it. In his head, about starships, there was only this kind of shaping scheme. Moreover, he has insufficient reserves in the knowledge of starships, and he cannot improve or design on his own, let alone take the design for granted. It is better to use this off-the-shelf, at least it has produced hundreds of millions of ships, constantly improving the details and finally finalizing the shape. version of.

It can only be said that this is the embarrassment of the non-farming faction, it is not their own, it is no problem to install a DIY boat than hand-made, just copy it, but if you want to play with flowers, you must have pitted users Consciousness. As for mass production, the cost performance of input and output is too low.

However, C Kane still added some of his own things. He made some articles on ship materials, mainly keel and ship shell, and added evil spirit cells on the basis of the original alloy.

Although the evil spirit cell cannot be fully expanded due to the limitation of this cosmic law, it is the ultimate material to the ceiling. This is not comparable to the ordinary starship materials of the SC universe, which have lowered the standard of materials for mass production.

Moreover, Kane Zhao of the SC universe, alone on the individual, has a lower body level than C Kane, after all, he has not eaten the old dominators.

C Kane ’s evil spirit cells used in combination with the alloy did not come from themselves, but from the gene cell bank when the body was built. Finding the set that is most suitable for fusion with alloys under the laws of this universe allows them to be fused with the original materials to generate active alloys with different properties, and it will come up in one click.

In addition, it is the function.

Time gems have already started, and space gems are about to be dropped. Both of these are extraordinary items of the universe's rarest quality. Combined use, the effect is better.

Expect to use them to cross multiple universes, which is likely to be restricted by the law and not universal, and the energy consumption is too large, but in Marvel 199999, it is absolutely random as long as there are coordinates, it will not cost a lot.

When pinching the keel, shell, and combination, Gu Yi, Nick Fury, and even Eagle Eye and Black Widow came to observe the ceremony.

Kane was not afraid to watch, and had a great conversation with everyone.

"I'm not very good at the technology side. The original plan was to collect the gems and leave, so I didn't bring the farming database. The third-generation constellation starship in front of me was designed by the dark StarCraft universe. You should also see it The long and short boards are too prominent, and the mouth should be a little narrow. "

I do see it, but for the Eagle Eye and the Black Widow, they are more impressed by the convenience of the extraordinary spells and the magnificent sight of shipbuilding.

The black widow also lamented this: "Suddenly, activities in space and the moon have become so random."

Their party came through the door opened by Kane. It is also wearing the armor of the evil spirit cell provided by Kane.

This kind of armor has a higher similarity to the colony of the Kaipu universe, and has better performance, but it does not assemble weapons, will not devour users, and reshape its body. It is only an active spacesuit with power armor , Lightweight and close-fitting are almost the same as diving clothes, the average thickness is 1CM, the joint part has a corresponding special design, a very protective mechanism, and easy to move.

With the addition of small pendants, you can fly as much as you want. Black Widow and Hawkeye even fell in love with them for the first time, but Kane did n’t sell them.

Just kidding, he didn't lack money, he had hinted before that Nick Fury hadn't put the space gem on his hands.

In this case, don't think he is as generous as Gu Yi, so he has such a clear love and hatred.

From a certain angle, Nick Fury is also a very stingy person. Of course he looks at Kane ’s good things, but the more he is, the more he sells the Rubik ’s Cube for a good price. To this end, we must continue to play side-by-side knock on the set.

In fact, Kane is not stupid, but he is too lazy to talk to others, and it seems that all kinds of information are three worthless messes.

Nick Fury tasted the sweetness, and it was a little endless. This kind of thick black can't be wrong, but compared with Gu Yi, it is obviously still not smart enough, playing again and again carefully, annoying.

No, here again, Nick said half-jokingly: "Kane, your gift is really precious."

Kane didn't know Nick's thoughts yet.

It's nothing more than saying: "You said you left when you got the gem, and the infinite gem series event is only 10 years left, and this starship is your wedding room with Maria Hill. What will you do in the future, also Take it all together? Isn't it right? It's not like a hero like you, if you pinch such a starship, isn't it just that you're in a hurry? "

Kane said: "This starship naturally stays in this universe. However, it is integrated into my god-level cell. Once it is out of control, I am afraid that it will not be dealt with much by Dormam, so it must be restricted, including self-destruction procedures. At the same time, no one but me will have complete control. It will not become a weapon in the hands of SHIELD. "

Kane again said: "To be honest, humans in this world are not much different from young children playing guns, and SHIELD is playing explosives. It is not suitable for obtaining powerful weapons. If it is not like the ancient Master. The wise man sits in town, and at most I add a shell to the world, even if I paid the cost of obtaining the time gem, it will not leave the system with extraordinary knowledge. As for the technology side, the nuclear bomb is already available. Even if you use the universe cube to follow me Trading, I will not give you stronger weapon technology, but only control and protection. "

Nick Fury pointedly pointed at the cloak and said, "For example, this kind of biological armor."

"Without me, these god-level active cells are synonymous with terror, and if they lack specialized energy to feed, they will devour everything. When you interacted with the startled team in the 1990s with Cree and Scrooge, you have n’t seen a bite beast. What? It ’s an orange cat outside. It can actually devour the universe. If you ’re interested, you can do a test to see who devours who. ”

Nick Fury said with a straight face: "Are you too unkind? Such terrible cell tissues are messed up everywhere. In case of loss of control, wouldn't this universe be unlucky?"

"I'm here, there's no chance." Kane gave Nick a very polite word, and then began to assemble the ship. Under the control of his mind, the various parts were like a three-dimensional puzzle, they merged themselves, and then they were accurate and accurate. Quickly snap together.

Nick Fury naturally thinks that Kane is a bragging ratio, and he said: "It's nice to say, time and space raids, aren't you even cheated? Since it's not omniscience and omnipotence, then it must be in case."

No one can believe Nick Fury. Even treat yourself, there are countermeasures. It is said that he is noble, strict with himself, and ill. Anyway, he has been relying on this core set of ideas to reach the present countless times. At the same time, he became more and more convinced of his set.

The assembly was completed quickly, and Kane snapped his fingers. A layer of light rose from the bow of the starship and spread to the stern. Although the engine was not ignited, there was no common ship that could see the light from the outside. But all observers can still be sure that it has been activated, and the divine force has succeeded in pinching the ship. Kane's technology is really not covered.

Kane packed up all kinds of bits and pieces and packed them on the shipbuilding platform.

Although the shipbuilding platform can not be regarded as a qualified starship shipyard, it is willing to invest a certain amount to make it a space station with a mooring function. Kane temporarily kept it in orbit in recent months, ready to pick up some time in the future, and completely turn it into a berth.

The newly built constellation-class battleship named Hill, needs a berth, and the surroundings of the earth are not suitable, so it is the back of the moon.

He has a special transmission room in the ship, which is similar to the transmission room of the Star Trek Universe Enterprise. Wearing a dedicated wrist wheel, the starship's control AI can transmit the target after receiving the signal.

With this feature, Maria? Hill is equivalent to a strong escape skills and teleportation skills, plus a thinner underwear-style colonial, as long as Hill does not die, even super heroes can not be How about her.

A group of people visited the ship under the guidance of Kane, and soon after entering the interior, the control AI Ella appeared in front of everyone. It is a little girl with holographic projection. She can appear anywhere on the ship, and she can also be countless incarnations and act as a guide.

So as long as you have the corresponding level certification permission, you can go shopping at will.

Kane didn't want to really act as a tour guide and introduce every one of them here. After all, even the relatively slender part of the hull has a width and height of more than 150 meters, a 40-story commercial building, and its length is several times longer. The space inside is huge, and there are many halls. It is said that it is a compact community. Something wrong.

Of course, many details have not been perfected.

In the words of Kane: "Of course I have the ability to fill, and even many supplies, it is no problem to use the ready-made products of the human civilization of the earth directly. But why should it be in place in one step? Hill can spend time to fill the rest by itself. In part, she also has a sense of belonging. This ship is perfected by both of us and has a more homely flavor, is n’t it? "

Nick secretly whispered: "I will silently look at your pretense, the taste of your sister! This starship's neutron-focused light spear can directly make holes in the earth, and the range is farther away. It can bombard the earth from outside the solar system. Who is such a gadget? "

The Black Widow prefers the ship ’s command hall. It ’s magnificent, very classical, with a round platform, throne, and ancient Greek-style columnar ring corridor. The starry sky can be seen around it, just like the entire hall is exposed to space. , Great vision.

When you want to command, there will naturally be a relevant light curtain, or even the appearance of buttons, and can be suspended at will according to people's actions, for people to control at any time, or simply voice control, which is based on personal habits.

Don't want to command, trust AI AI, here is the best observation platform, almost no view blocking, even the floor can be transparent.

But in fact, this starship does not have a suspended window, and the hull has super-absorbent properties, whether it is electromagnetic waves, cosmic rays, or even dark matter and gravity. When it activates the corresponding function, it will be like a black hole. It cannot be detected, and the contour can only be confirmed by observing the energy anomalies inside and outside the contrast margin.

After Nick Fury ’s visit, he asked Kane with a cheeky face: "Whether such a starship is too lonely for two people to live, will there be the atmosphere that thrillers pursue."

Kane said: "There is a technique called enlightenment, which is generally used to activate the extraordinary puppets of gargoyles, mysteries, and golems. The space suit you wear can use this technique. I do n’t feel it. There is no problem in transfiguring a face with a high degree of fidelity. So if Maria likes to have people walking around in a lively atmosphere, there are more such servants. "

Nick whispered: "It's still frightening to think about it, after all, it's not a living person."

Kane was too lazy to grind his teeth again, and said: "Okay, at least when I am here, I will not allow soldiers and scientists to run in and toss. This is my home. It is a private place. Occasionally greet friends. Yes, run this refuge or something, take a break early. I really think that a space station like this is valuable, you can list it as a space gem trading content, not to mention the back of the moon, like opening a base on Pluto I will give You made it. "

Kane again said: "In the end, people like you should be very clear that the uneven distribution of resources in the universe makes the Black Forest rule prevail, tearing the mask of warmth, the core is still power ~ ~ more What's more, if the space gems say the way, it's not your turn, or the people of the earth have priority. If you have to say who is in the hands, whoever has the final say, if I rob, what can you do? Crossing the multiverse is not to bring you warmth, nor is it a savior. "

"It's just that some things unexpectedly made me a little bit more interested. And the stealing failed, I admit that I lost a little, and I don't want to rely on power in this case. Just like Gu Yi. Atmospheric characters, you only have a hitchhiker. So do n’t play with your little tricks endlessly. It ’s hard to say, count humans, and you do n’t have the qualification to negotiate with me. While I still pay I do n’t intend to regret it. You can fiddle with your little abacus and sell space gems for a good price. This time, I ’ll go back and pick up the rest. "

Nick Fury looks like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water. "Thank you for your reminder, we will consider it."

Kane nodded, when Maria Hill came over to remind him: "The technical achievements exhibition of Hanmer Industries will be opened at the large booth of Stark Expo 4 hours later."

Kane uttered: "I have patronized this big toy recently and forgot about it. Ivan Vanko, Justin Hammer, Tony Stark, and James Rhodes, 2V2 , I hope not to be so boring tonight ... "

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