Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 865: Marvel's climax has always been atrophy

When his own woman was engaged, Stark red-eyed and opened the spot.

The miniature missiles and high-energy lasers were launched together, and all targets on the stage were locked, including the second-generation prototype controlled by James Rhodes.

Of course, Stark will not lose his mind to kill James directly. His protection of the prototype is in the heart, and he can still be killed by giving a certain degree of damage.

Due to the improved propulsion system in Weiwei, the thermal response during propulsion was greatly reduced, and at the same time, the stealth ability was also strengthened, so Ivan found Stark a little late, otherwise he promptly noticed that Stark was such a flight. In the state of the fortress, there will be no mood to joke about the little pepper.

It was so late and a few seconds, it paid a terrible price.

The small missile launched by Stark is still on the road, and the laser strike has arrived first. Multi-target locking, laser cutting, if I see the situation is wrong, I will run immediately.

But Stark hated him. One of the targets of the first wave of attack was him.

It looks very simple, it is a laser sweep, because Ivan is not a standing pile, so there is a slight deviation, swept between the chest and abdomen, and then Ivan was cut into two pieces with the suit.

The weapon power of the steel power is much higher than the disposable laser cutting weapon power of the original six-generation suit of the historical line.

Immediately after, the micro-missile arrived.

The upgraded and controllable missiles of these Jericho missile subunits are much more powerful than Justin Hammer ’s self-proclaimed ‘ex-wife’ missiles in the original historical line. It has the effect of shelling and armor piercing, and can switch the explosion method when launching. Now it is selected to deal with EMP electromagnetic strikes of precision electronic products.

A steel warrior is coming, and those who haven't had a laser strike against Linxing have also won the bid.

This is the first mover advantage.

At the same time, it also faithfully demonstrated the concept that Stark explained when selling Jericho missiles: the best weapon, one use is enough. It's like a nuclear bomb, just like our missiles.

With a first-mover advantage, it hits, and has not knocked down the enemy, it can only be said that the weapon power is not enough.

The second-generation prototype of James Rhodes belonged to being destroyed by missiles. People also suffered some injuries, but there was no risk of life.

Because the high temperature of the laser burned the wound, Ivan, who was cut in the waist, died instantly without major bleeding.

Of course, this is not a happy thing, fear, despair, pain.

And Ivan turned all these emotions into madness. He unfolded his helmet, revealing his face, laughing wildly at Stark who landed slowly, and continued to say his famous celebrity saying: "You lost! You lost!" "

He suddenly used his two-handed gesture control device to jump towards the little pepper that was not far away. While Stark gave the weapon a destroy command, the micro reactor was detonated.

This time, there is no delay from the original history line, there are strobes and more and more rapid audible alarms, but they are directly exploded.

Ivan's idea is simple, that is, to explode into a bomb, even if it depends on fragments and shock waves, it is enough to blow up the small pepper.

And all the steel fighters on the stage that could explode also exploded.

Although the micro-reactor is not a professional bomb, it has huge energy and great explosion power.

Even Stark, dressed in a prestige suit, was affected at that moment, and he staggered a few steps before he stood firm.

Then the half of the exhibition hall near the booth collapsed completely, and the dust was flying.

‘Boom! The slap hit, causing a strong wind, blowing away the dust, revealing the Titan Hulk in front of the little pepper.

Stark rushed to save Pepper's footsteps and stopped, instead roaring angrily: "Why didn't you shoot early?"

Titan Hulk replied: "Do you mean that salvation is my responsibility?"

With that, he didn't care about Stark anymore. Instead, he snapped his fingers, and the frightened little pepper's emotions immediately became fresh again. Because the body was contaminated with soil, he was already mixed with blood, and it was all dirty and not so bloody.

The bodyguard that was killed was also buried in the dust, his face was unclear, and there was a lot of shock.

"Ah, what's wrong with me, covered in mud, ah, it hurts, what's wrong here?"

It turned out that Kane used hypnosis to make a fortune on Little Chili. As long as he snapped his fingers, what happened after the hypnosis would be forgotten. With such a foreshadowing, there will be no deep memory, so as not to be too troublesome to clear.

Titan Hulk ignored Little Pepper and turned to Stark: "I saw your efforts on the device, but your mentality is obviously still lacking. Think about the mistakes you made during this time, just Like Ivan said, if you can only get revenge, you have actually lost. "...

This vicious incident was very dynamic and quiet. The main reason is that the rich man Stark refused to give up, and he must make a statement that satisfied him. He even held a press conference and unabashedly expressed a threatening attitude, even reading the content of a declaration of independence for this:

When a series of abuses of power and power grabs chasing the same goal prove that the government-government attempts to put the people under autocracy, then the people have the right and the obligation to overthrow the government-government.

Tony Stark said that if the official can't give the victims, the casualties a statement about the incident, or if they are involved in favoritism, then he will defend his own rights. Because he firmly believed that the righteous Americans would support him.

As for what kind of rights protection is used, it is naturally a steel prestige. If it were to be torn apart, the aircraft carrier battle group would have little chance of winning. As for throwing nuclear bombs, this decision to break the wreck was not so good. Even with that power and courage, not every president has that prestige Smooth implementation.

It can be said that in today's society, one of the most terrible human disasters is the tearing of the capital predators beyond the normal rules. It is no surprise that local or even full-scale wars have been triggered.

Little Chili was almost crazy in this incident. So far, because of injuries in the hospital, the bodyguard ’s blood and bone stabs into the body, causing pollution, which is also very troublesome. Little Chili is not an athlete, his body is great. This time, it was inevitable that the skin was peeled.

This touched Stark's anti-scale, subtext: moving Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu recognized, who made pretend to be Iron Man. Move Laozi's family, are you sure Laozi is afraid of you? Lao Tzu started with arms! Now master the most powerful technological weapon in the world!

So this storm is particularly fierce, and there are many supporters of Tony Stark. In particular, many international forces have also thrown olive branches and welcome Stark to settle down. For example, after decades of hard work and a large eastern country that has begun to show its strong economic strength, Stark is welcome to visit, inspect, and invest, and the policy is extremely generous.

Faced with such pressure, the first one was Justin Hammer, who was also given a punch, and was also affected by the explosion. He was still alive with high luck, and he was only suitable for lying in bed for the rest of his life, or I'm in a wheelchair. Naturally, it is a natural candidate, especially Ivan? Vanke's solicitation, on the surface, it is Justin's first-hand operation.

But Stark did not agree. Stark clearly pointed out at the rush reception that Justin could not do it alone. In the capital circle, he also gave out cruel words, and moved Lao Tzu's family members, not to give an account of the past. When the Lao Tzu found out, don't blame Lao Tzu for his kind feedback. Is Lao Tzu bad?

So immediately following the second wave, the Air Force was charged with a crime. The hearing that the President personally participated in, the personnel involved, and the senior officials with management responsibilities, could not run away, one by one. Many people went to work on the spot, and some did not seem to move much. They also lost further opportunities, and even were sent to work in advance to retire in advance.

James Rhodes is inevitably affected. Despite his grievances, who let the steel suit come in your hands? Now it seems obvious that you don't have the ability and vigilance to guard the super weapon, then you still have TM face to continue to occupy the pit?

James was not cleared by the army, but he directly became a major from the lieutenant colonel, and he no longer needed to manage a hot air force detachment. Directly transferred to a military base in Europe.

Stark did not plead for it. It was not Stark who broke up with his good friend because of this. But after Stark experienced the incident, he heard Kane's words.

He wondered, James was not on the front line, and Shu Yuan had a good relationship with him. He did n’t have to fight to death. The war machine sounded like a killer, but that was a fate, especially after seeing what a real high-end battle looks like. Stark felt that even if he vigorously armed himself, he could only be a supporting role, and the average steel armor was not much worse than the cannon fodder. He is already on the road, there is no way, James is unnecessary, is he alive?

Anyway, Stark felt that he didn't want to let the future war machine disappear, but he was selfish. He wanted to have a reliable partner in the Avengers, but ignored the risk of doing this kind of work.

James Rhodes is in a state of guilt and self-punishment. Good friend Stark trusts himself so much and gives the prototype to himself. The result is this. It ca n’t be violated, but he can give good friends in advance. It is also good to breathe, or you may have thought of the possible consequences in advance, and take some precautions. The result was that they dared not to use anything and were used from beginning to end. Such IQ and EQ are also drunk.

Therefore, he didn't understand Stark's meaning. Although Stark chatted with him, he roughly expressed the meaning that he didn't want him to get muddy water, but he also thought about it. Dismayed.

In this way, with James' reassignment, and the careful consideration of both sides, his relationship with Stark became estranged, and the relationship of good friends began to cool. It is estimated that after a few years of meeting, it will be able to narrate the old.

Compared with these, Kane himself is more concerned about the direction of the "Super Britain Registration Act" caused by the incident.

The incident in Kosvia was initiated by Fulian 2 Ultron. But the "Super Britain Registration Act" did not happen overnight, but slowly accumulated and brewed. Most people felt that it was necessary to do this, so joint pressure was put on it. Each special event is a positive stimulus to the introduction of this bill. Many people can't help thinking this way: If you can't save your life if you catch up with this kind of police or the army, you can't find the account. It's me or my family. What should I do?

But the incident that happened at the exhibition was a negative stimulus. It makes people have to think about another question: what kind of disaster will be caused by the power of no one can be controlled by unreliable people. What happens if a nuclear bomb falls in the hands of terrorists?

The steel armor is not a nuclear bomb, it is a conventional weapon, but its performance is too advanced, with a crushing level of power. This mass-produced and easy-to-use weapon is more difficult to control than a nuclear bomb.

So many people feel that Stark is using it as a secret technology.

Stark wants to be famous, he wants money and money, he is evil, it is to destroy himself, so the steel armor is safe in his hands, the most childish, flying around to pretend to seduce women. But if the suit is in the hands of others, it may be robbing money or killing people, hoping to use it to satisfy all kinds of demands. And this weapon is extremely maneuverable, and you have to perform a chase game if you do n’t move.

On the contrary, this incident also stimulated others.

These people feel that the root cause of this bad thing is the emergence of steel armor. What is the safest? No steel suit is the safest. Without it, there will not be any related incidents.

This voice is made because Iron Man is not a street hero, and the number of people who benefit directly from it is limited, but he is quite worried. As for what promotes peace between the East and the West, so that many regions can go to the negotiating table, instead of using force to solve the problem, or saving the villages and towns in the problem areas that are highly oppressed by banditry characteristics Some Americans said there was not much touch.

So in the end, something like ‘Do the world need Superman? The public debate.

It's quite noisy. Later, unneeded accounts for the majority, because most people feel that when people really need Chaoying, Chaoying may not be there, but what Chaoying does is always bad.

There are many secrets in the eyes of Nick Fury. Many new directors who do not even know him are taking advantage of this opportunity to use this data to question the correctness of the Avengers Project.

Nick Fury replied: "So the core of the Avengers plan is to establish an effective deterrent force, which can not only manage the extraordinary people that already exist, but also deter the extraordinary people who are deliberate."

That's what it said, but Nick's life is not easy. Even if he counted the first protagonist of the Monaco incident, Titan Hulk, in his own name, the relevant departments have always suspected that his control is not true, including another Iron Man who is also said to be under his control. ?

Nick didn't know how much syntactic keratol he had scolded, but this couldn't solve the problem. To a certain extent, Chaoying is flying away from herself, and has also experienced major events. The three views are subverted and then reshaped. It can be said that the idea is very correct, and most of them do not eat hard, and some do not eat soft, oil If salt does not enter, it can only seek common ground while reserving differences.

"Maria, are you still a member of the Avengers, a member of the Earth's humans, or a member of the SHIELD?" Nick asked seriously, and she became more and more beautiful. ? Hill.

As a first-time woman, Mary has had some taste of marrow eating in recent times, and she also understands the value of the liquid squeezed from Kane. So I played a little bit hi.

However, she could answer Nick's question easily and happily. "Of course I am a member of the Avengers and a member of the human race on the earth. As for the SHIELD, Sir, I can only say that, nominally, I still belong to the department, but it is actually another matter. However, I have n’t forgotten your help. Without you, I could n’t see Kane. You saw it at the beginning. He thought he was qualified to listen to his story. Only you and Mr. Stark can probably be counted as later. Ancient one. "

"So your bold use of" serving the enemy "is very clever. I thought it would be Romanov. I didn't expect to be you, and I also grasped the key elements and succeeded!"

"Uh ... Nick, actually I'm from the heart. I think Kane basically satisfies all my major extravagances for the opposite sex, the top kind, I didn't know that he was a **** at that time."

"God? He's just a stronger alien."

"Even if it is, he would call it that, and with him, some tongues are cheap, right, Sir."

"Hum!" Hill grappled with what he said, and Nick was a little speechless. "So, can any information be extorted? The events of the exhibition proved that his prophet's memory is still valid. It should be said that although the process and even the results of the event have been biased, the factors that caused the event will not change easily. . "

"Ivan Vanke, Justin Hammer, greedy enough to forget the dangerous capitalists, these are the elements, as long as they are together, most of them are a drama. We need to know these elements, you also heard Kane said In the next 10 years, there will be considerable chaos. The director of the Universe Family Planning Office is really a mentally ill ideal! "

"I'm sorry, considering Kane's experience and your failure to try in this area, I think I'd better not repeat the same mistakes. After all, even being his woman does not mean that there are no taboos. So we usually try to talk Naturally, he is interested in blowing a few words about this kind of thing, then I will listen and let me take the initiative to lead the topic, I think it is not wise to do so. "

"Ah, well, you all have enough reason." Nick said with a gloomy face: "I am not unwilling to be a cosmic cube, nor do I not know how to be a generous person. It is really once the space gems are sent. Going out, the guy will become unmanageable, and the interests of this world, even the safety, can only be entrusted to his conduct and morals. He has said that he is not a good person ... so Gu Yi That guy is so sly, he piled such problems on me. "

Nick's vision is still okay. Knowing that the two extraordinary powers of time and space are put together, Kane has become a great race properly. At least in Marvel 199999, he really can cross the star cluster, where he wants to go.

Of course, to do this, you need something, coordinates.

In any case, after Kane got the space gem, he could fly completely. Whether from a benefit perspective or a safety perspective, Nick did not want Kane to succeed, at least not so quickly.

Maria Hill said: "Sir, I think you think a little bit more. Even without Kane, we still stopped one of the most fierce destroyers in the universe, the hegemony and its team. A great mage has gained much stronger power than the eye of Agomo. I am afraid that after ten years, the power of the mystic mage has become strong enough to become an important force for guarding the world, whether it is facing a magical invasion or Natural invasion. "

"We are the same, space gems can give us enough development opportunities. We will also be stronger than in the original history. Then there is only one problem, that is the butterfly effect caused by the arrival of Kane. Although this aspect is still unknown Yes, but we only need to make Kane promise to solve the bad things caused by him, and that ’s fine. "

"Kane mentioned the concept of great race when he was talking to us in Monaco, which is not subject to any constraints of time and space. That is to say, we put the gem of space in his hands, he can not only appear in any of this universe The place can still appear at any time. So, as long as there is a second time and space raid, I believe he should be able to trace the source, find the source, and let him go to war. "

"In addition, you also mentioned the problem that the event can change and the elements will not disappear easily. Then during the transaction, we may wish to let Kane explain what are the elements. We have concepts in our hearts, and naturally there is no big problem."

"I remember Kane said that the appearance of Pim particles, the emergence of a new generation of ant-man, further promoted the study of Pim particles, the realization of space-time traversal in the micro-quantum field, which means that we have the technology of space-time traversal, theoretically Historical revisions can be made. We can increase investment in this area and give necessary protection so that relevant elements can collide on time. If there is no space-time paradox, we can even go back to the past and give it to Kane when it comes down. Arrange a surprise. "

"So, Sir, I think we can do a lot, but it's the biggest unsuitability to keep the Universe cube unrealized. Every minute and every second is a loss."

"Well, I'm thinking about ..." Nick had intended to persuade Mary to steal information from Kane, but she did not expect to be persuaded by Mary.

In fact, he remembered the content of the Monaco meeting very clearly. He also sent someone to see Dr. Pimm, and then found the eccentric old guy who apparently retired, but actually engaged in his research at home.

No matter how much, because there is not enough information, there is no way to get it. Agent SHIELD ’s manpower is not so much, it can only be installed a few spy devices from afar, for the time being, after all, the old guy is very vigilant, and Nick is also afraid of playing grass and snakes. Of course, in fact, it is still a frightening snake, and now Nick can't imagine how sulking Dr. Pimm can direct the ants to work.

After repeated and cautious thinking, Nick Fury finally decided to hand over the cube to Kane.

The pressure is too great, including the one from Shangfeng, who has already said a little bit about him. If he doesn't make any achievements, his position may be insecure. Once that is the case, he must hand over all the secret content in his hand during the job description process, which naturally includes the universe cube. At that time, God knows what variables will happen!

Nick's malicious speculation ~ ~ I am afraid that the new director will ask Kane for a space city as its headquarters? Because every day people look up, they will remember the great achievements of Director Aegis.

Or maybe build an American city on Mars and the moon, and then declare sovereignty as if it occupied the New World? Relevant international law does have this stipulation. Whoever first proliferates in the New World will be the owner, and the symbolic symbol is to cultivate land and survive. It means solving the food problem, it means the beginning of reproduction.

Anyway, in Nick's perception, the new director is such a guy who works **** image engineering.

Since he made the decision thoroughly, Nick didn't want to delay it for a moment. At five in the morning, he contacted Hill and asked him to contact Kane.

Hill said that Kane went back to Mohave to accompany the silly white sweet wife. It is best to wait for two hours to avoid Kane ’s daring value falling because of the waking up gas. Nick will be lost at that time, and it is absolutely huge .

Nick was right when he thought about it, Kane was indeed like a donkey, who made him unhappy for a while, who made him unhappy for a lifetime. So he simply said to Hill: "You observe, wait for his good mood, call me."

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