Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 866: I heard that Thor was here when moving bricks

Kane was still quite good when he was in a good mood. For example, Rachel? Anne? Adams, who was accompanied by Jiao Han, spent a few days in Mojave and became happy.

Go out every morning, drive around the nature park, find a camping spot with a good view at noon, use the power to make something delicious, atmosphere and sentiment, return to the town in the afternoon, soak up the pub Round wine, and then go home at night to unlock a new posture with Annie, which is good.

Expressing good-bye to Anne, she was going to New York, so that Olivia and Yulu could get a touch of it. By the way, when feeding Monica, Maria's phone arrived and Nick was willing to ship it.

Kane asked Maria to take Nick to the Hill, and he opened the door directly.

Nick didn't talk nonsense when the two sides met. As soon as the suitcase was opened, he lost the password and pushed it to Kane.

Kane took out the Universe Rubik's Cube, and took a hand. The regular hexahedron absorbed the energy inside, changing from transparent to bright blue, and opening from all directions, revealing the space gem inside.

Just like when I got the time gem before, just hold it in my hand, the space gem is completely broken, and disappeared.

The infinite jewel that can devour energy like this is naturally because his Evil God cell that is against the ceiling of this cosmic law is too high. It can be said that this universe does not have a container more suitable for containing infinite gems than his body. Infinite gloves are simply not suitable for shoes. In terms of containment alone, the bitter beast is more suitable than the infinite glove.

"You still need a little help." Kane said while releasing the power of space, re-condensing a space gem with fake and real, and locked it with the universe cube.

"Cosmic Rubik's Cube is a very good bait. It will soon be able to trigger a spy from a certain guy. And those guys can bring me another infinite gem. So, it takes you to act ..."

Kane said that naturally it was the original historical line that Nick asked astronomy professor Eric Schweiger to study the Rubik's Cube, and was secretly peeped by Rocky.

Nick had no expertise in research. He just knew that during World War II, the Hydra used the cosmic cube as an energy treasure, and developed energy guns, energy cannons, and sparkles. The visual effects and power were also very good.

So when he explained to Professor Shaweig, he went on the path of infinite energy.

However, Savige is an expert in astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology, etc., coupled with the secret influence of Rocky, it is natural to go to the most correct use of space gems-the path of the Star Gate.

The space gem is quite high. In the MCU (Infinite Gems) phase, Tony Stark (the first is Princess Surui of Wakanda, Russell Brothers and official certification) uses the second highest IQ in the universe. The core of the energy is the isotope of space gems. Carol Danvers, the most powerful female hero on earth, can absorb the power variation of space gems in the speed of light engine.

So as soon as the infinite gems come out, the global protection system of the Karma Taj series is not easy to use.

Loki had an open mouth that could speak, and the Hegemony granted him the scepter that blessed the soul gem, allowing him to seize the space gem. As a result, the space gem was not obtained and the scepter was lost.

In Kane's view, Rocky is so cute, his play can be played. As for the attack of the Chitarians, what is that?

"In return for asking for your help, I will also authorize the use of the Universe Cube to you, and then you can appoint an heir, and I guarantee that the new Universe Cube, except to gather a ring finger to destroy half of the universe Sorcery, used alone, will only be stronger than the original history. "

This point Nick believes that Kane has proved to him that the use of infinite gem energy is indeed Kane's even better. Even Gu Yi is full of praise, then there is nothing wrong with it.

Therefore, after Kane promised that he would trigger the attack of the Chitarians in the future, and the complex was lost, he would help with the end, and he happily agreed.

Then the original Rubik's Cube was made by Kane and worn by Nick. The copy is used for future research by Professor Shaweige.

At this point, Nick Fury has become one of the most powerful super heroes in one fell swoop. He will make such a few moves, the first is to teleport, just as convenient as the phantom migration of HP universe wizards, but there will be no side effects, and the distance is farther away. As long as Nick has been there, or he can build a complete environment model of the destination in his mind.

Of course, there will be problems with special protection, such as the temples of the mystic masters, or the Hill, and Varkanda is also enough. The energy shield will interfere with the transmission.

Secondly, Nick can build an energy shield on the surface of his clothes. The reason why he is not a skin is because he is a normal human and cannot withstand the full attachment of space energy, but the clothes are no problem. Kane set the relevant method to target the dead.

With a gentle touch, the energy shield will be blessed. Other than yourself, it is also a very useful skill. If you throw it into space, if you wear gloves and a helmet and your skin is not exposed, you can rely on this method. For a while, because it considers the problem that even the air pressure is isolated after the protective cover is blessed.

The third ability is similar to the burning hand, or it can be understood as a plasma hand, but to achieve the energy strength of the plasma hand, special gloves are necessary.

So since then, Nick has another feature, that is, his left hand is always wearing gloves, the super British generation said that the hand of light, but the outside nickname and more used to call him a dead hand, this is what the old Yinbei deserves, 'hand of light' It's so beautiful.

After Nick became a super hero, he asked Kane: "Can I change my blindfold a little bit so that I can gain perspective of tens of hundreds of meters?"

Kane knew what Nick was thinking when he heard it. With this perspective, Nick can use teleportation even when he is unfamiliar.

Kane gave Nick's blindfold a technique, and when Nick looked at it, X-rays looked through his eyes.

In the past ten years, because his left eye was blind, Nick used to keep his left eye closed. Later, because the magic insect cured his eyes, but his habit did not change, plus the need for disguise, so most of the time still closed of.

So now, when he needs perspective, he can see the perspective effect by opening his left eye, and closing it is the normal vision that is too used to. No problem, very good.

The personal part is over, and the next step is the formal transaction.

Nick Fury plans ahead and hopes that Kane can help build the Avengers headquarters.

"On the back of the moon?"

"I don't want to use the semi-finished shipyard in space to scold, and it's a little more hands-on for you."

Kane smiled, didn't say much, and tolerated Nick? Fury's purchase of this set wanted to let the other party give more play.

Give the Universe Rubik's Cube, take the extraordinary blindfold, build a base, and remember the thing on the orbit of the near moon.

Although it is said that the gravity of the moon is no worse than that of the earth, it still takes some time to get out of the gravitational circle. There is a space station in Jingyue orbit, which can be developed into Xinggang in the future, and then connected to the ground through a shuttle with a single performance, or simply come to a space elevator. This is a future trend of humanity on the earth, and Nick is already planning these.

It doesn't matter, for Kane, it's really just hands-on. After the space gems are handed over, sending and delivering materials is more and more for him. Opening the door to the asteroid to push a meteorite to add a moon to the moon is no problem. How much effort can a space station spend?

Kane also noticed that Nick Fury hoped to obtain a delivery capability similar to the Hill's teleport.

This is no problem, relying on the energy of the Universe Cube alone to provide related consumption for more than a long time is more than enough.

Kane said that you will have this technology, but it can only be used. I will build a self-recovery system for you at most. It is usually maintenance-free, and accidental damage can be repaired, but if the damage exceeds 50%, don't expect it.

Nick? Okay, can we set up more Mars anchors, for example, I have a countdown bomb, and the handling on the earth is not suitable, I will transfer it to Mars.

Kane said: "If you really think about it, losing Venus, Mercury, and the Sun is not better, about wanting to develop Mars."

Careful about this, Kane also uncovered it, but Kane said: "There are only three things, don't put any additional conditions on me."

Nick said okay.

Kane also noted that Nick is very attentive to member certification. One of the requirements is that once the target is found to be a non-Earth human, a second qualification certification is required, and the issuer of this certification is naturally him.

"It seems that in the 1990s, the Scrooge's impostor impressed you."

Indeed, it was Nick ’s first contact with extraterrestrial forces, and he always felt terrified and even had nightmares when he thought about it. He was afraid that such key figures would be replaced and then destroyed.

In fact, this kind of thing is indeed one of the most common things happening in the Marvel multiverse. Various infiltrations, acting as evil, and then being friends on the wall because of misunderstanding.

Nick obviously knows the weakness of human nature, so he pays more attention to this kind of problem.

Kane said: "I can even set up a better loyalty certification in this respect. I remember telling you in Monaco, you can use the rules of the program like the Declaration of Independence as the goal of loyalty, and anyone who violates it will be warned. After all, there are traitors in the same class. Since he no longer follows the way of the Avengers, it is a way to ask him to leave mellowly. "

Nick said that the Avengers Program has not yet been finalized. In case it needs to be added or changed in the future, but it can't be done, it's a pitfall.

Kane said: "It's very simple, the administrator of the Avengers can get the authority to revise the program. If you don't worry about the hidden dangers caused by absolute power, you can learn the world and engage in the separation of powers."

"Is there such a complicated setting?"

"How complex can it be? Anyway, an AI manager is required to handle the chores of the base, including the related operations of transmission, etc. A part of the authority is handed over to the AI, and the management authority of the AI ​​is granted by the members of the Avengers. Now. "

Nick was right when he thought about it. In this way, any one has a solution except for the problem.

After thinking for a while, he still felt that he had a little weight, and he said: "Finally, please do me a favor. I worry that my mind will be eroded, which will cause big problems."

Kane applauds: "You can have this consciousness, which is very good. In fact, I let you help you prepare the infinite gems and soul gems, which have the ability to deeply control and change the consciousness of others. The eagle eye will be controlled, causing a lot of trouble. This is also not used by the intruder, otherwise, hehe ... "

Nick said: "You just take away the soul gem, don't leave any accessories. This function is too noisy to bear."

"Yes, mind control is indeed the most extraordinary power for human beings to enjoy, and it is too easy to cause catastrophe."

Kane continued to look at the list of transactions provided by Nick.

"Want a repressive artifact that can deal with all kinds of powerful enemies? Well ... your idea can be understood. In this way, I use a technique to solve this problem. The exile technique, this technique requires the new universe's cube The holder, together with the holder of the new Ago motorcycle eye, directly exiles the target beyond the 199999 universe, and the specific location is random. "

"This, isn't it good? In case it's used ..." Nick thought about why Kane could run into this universe.

"Random banishment has two advantages. The first is low requirements for spell users. The second is energy saving, because I will add a legal system to it in exchange for energy saving. As for other existences like mine, I enter I can only say that first of all it is a question of probability, very slim. Then unless you are a great race, you can still banish him, if the other party can recognize the related consumption, then you can only say that you lost nothing. , Your heart is too far. "

Nick thought about it, and finally didn't talk to Kane about the problem. Not very satisfied, but overall it is ok. At least the skill of the joint effort is still relatively high. If any artifact is used, it may be used. What if the exile is the holder of his new universe cube? It is necessary to carry out related protection settings, which is too complicated.

Nick mentioned in the contract that he still wanted a ship. There is no need for the level of the Hill, but I hope it is also a more advanced ship.

Kane is strange: "Isn't the SHIELD's floating mothership project going smoothly?"

"The Avengers need their own ships, and since they saw the monsters in the space-time raids, they feel that ordinary aircraft are not safe and efficient."

Kane thought, too, that even the mutants have built their own aircraft under the auspices of the beast, but the Avengers have been mixing up with SHIELD ’s ships or Kun-type fighters. It is indeed a little low, and has its own ship. No problem.

"Come on, A-A, Yu-A, Lu-A, and Hai-A. The name is Tianma. Is n’t SHIELD ambitious to study the engine of light speed at that time? That ’s the dream. But it ’s really capable of interstellar navigation. In a few years, I will discuss with Yinhu ’s Rocket Raccoon to give the universe ’s transition technology on this ship. ”

Nick seemed better than he expected, it was simply a mobile fortress, so he agreed to use the universe with transition technology.

Next, Nick looks at Kane's stocking technique.

"Sorry, I really can't give this, I'm afraid you will kill yourself. But you can specifically get an active material. The specific needs of the mystics are to help you cultivate with extraordinary power. This can be given to technology. You can use this technology to train cannon fodder soldiers Then let Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. do some grassroots command to deal with enemies who invaded by human warfare. "

In the end, because the new active cells appeared to have plant characteristics, they were named planted.

It can be said that at this point, Nick has built the Avengers system team through Kane.

His specific thinking is also a soldier of the iron camp.

If there are suitable people, fill them in. As long as this system and these foundations are in existence, at least ten generations and eight generations should not fall behind.

One of such favors and favors with the Avengers was one that was stimulated by the spatiotemporal raids that took place at the Monaco Auto Grand Prix. Another one is that the SHIELD trusts the director, the lighthouse nation of the United States, and even the International Security Council, which disappoints Nick.

Nick believes that these people are too focused on their own interests, and it is difficult to consider issues from the perspective of all mankind. And various reasons restrict them from becoming aloof and unable to keep up with changes in the current situation.

Due to many reasons, such as regional culture, national personality, history, and national conditions, Nick Fury knew that the officials of these countries had certain irreplaceability. It really needs to be replaced, and it is also the people who do it themselves, without the need for S.H.I.E.L.D.

So Nick has never been like those ambitions, thinking about what to replace backwardness with advanced, to create a unified regional village. Even people who ask themselves such things as thinking about things from the perspective of all mankind are divided into distant relatives and close relatives, not to mention other people, global villages, and so on.

Of course, if the aliens invade and the earth people are erased by 90%, the rest is expected to be able to village.

However, Nick prefers to see the day when it is natural and natural; when civilization develops in place, look at the interstellar, go to the fellows outside to see the fellows, it is the day of the earth.

He hadn't thought that he could see that day, but now it's hard to say, he thinks there might be such a chance.

In addition to these, the rest of the transaction contract is the ‘element’ that Nick cherishes, the element that may trigger events in the future. He wants to know so that he can gain an advantage.

Kane thought for a while and then said: "Also, except for the soul gem that is about to be caught, the other three do not need to plan too much in this world."

Of course, it is actually the easiest to start with the real gem of Ethereum as the carrier, starting with Thor ’s girlfriend, Jane Foster.

And those who can affect this operation can be said to no longer exist at this moment.

You know, before the battle between Iron Man and Ivan in the original history line, Agent Coleson was ordered to go to New Mexico to investigate an incident that happened there.

The specific cause is because of Thor's hammer.

Thor, the Thor, came with the hammer, except that they were hit by Eric Schaviger and Jane Foster's inspection vehicle that night, and were taken to the hospital. They crashed the next day. acquaintance.

In other words, the story of the Thor chapter has actually started since then.

Saul will be with Jane Foster for a few days, and then Saul ’s comrades will come, and the large warlocks sent by Rocky will come, and then Saul will return to Asgard, in order to prevent Rocky from ruining. The Frost Giant's world, Zordenheim, broke the Rainbow Bridge.

This line is actually very good to maintain, the key task is Jane? Foster only needs to spend a simple and fun time with Thor, and in the end the world will be OK forever.

Next, we will have to wait for the overlap of the nine nations for several years. Jane Foster ’s luck will allow her to travel to the place where the Asgardians deposit ether particles in the space transmission phenomenon of overlapping nations. The body carries it out as a container. In addition, I was afraid to go to Asgard to find Odin's old yinbei and ask about his whereabouts, but his mouth was hard to lift.

So for the sake of the day, the basics that should have happened in the first stage of Thor also happened. And he sent Kara to stare secretly.

Mainly because Mayer Coleson has obtained the benefits brought by magic insects and black leaf hemp, and has certain extraordinary characteristics. In case of too much effort, the brave influence on the thunder **** and the guardian of the guardian arsenal of the fairy palace arsenal, which caused the thunder **** not to realize the heart of the king in time, delayed the progress of returning to Asgard, and let Rocky give Drogdenheim If it is ruined, it will not be beautiful.

The continuity of the nine nations overlaps, and the result is one less, which will definitely affect Jane Foster's future crossing, and even whether that phenomenon will occur is unknown. Therefore, it is better not to expose Coulson.

Kara did n’t report anything wrong these days, which means everything is on track.

Kara is like this, with a strong sense of autonomy, or a queen anyway, and lacks determination and courage.

In contrast, another similar permission gainer, Alexander Pierce, is so old that he can be suffocated. The outside world is surging, has Pierce reported to him on the development of Hydra in Africa, and he has never mentioned whether the Hydra needs to work hard or not.

Kane thinks this is not bad and meets his needs. During this time, Hydra will not have to come out to add chaos.

There is only Thor, and the home of Earth in Stage 1 of Thor is a small broken town in the Gobi region of the Mexican desert and its vicinity. The most prettier warriors came because they happened to be in the daytime and there was no vision to block them. Then, the residents of the town were persuaded to evacuate, so the casualties were only in the single digits, and Kane felt that it was really unnecessary for him to squat in person.

In this way, the chapter of Thor 1 has passed, and even Nick Fury, who has been thinking about the problem of handing over space gems for too long, easily missed this chapter.

In fact, he only needs to wait a few dozen more hours, and the successful handling report from Mayor Coleson will be sent to him, and he will also be able to resolve the pressure on the peak through the leadership and command. So there is more time to think about how to send the space gems. Maybe everything has become different because of this.

But now that this is the case, there is nothing to regret. Kane's performance was fairly generous, and he did keep his promise. With two infinite gems, Kane's strength has reached a new height. He directly opened the door to the outside world and extracted extraordinary power from other areas of the universe for the construction cost of the Avengers base.

Compared with the original shipbuilding, the courageous pattern is different at this time, and there is already a bit of the world's weather. Under the operation of the magnificent magic circle, it is easier to raise mountains and shape buildings than children build sand castles.

In the very center of a crater, Kane built a huge pyramid-like building, each side of which is 666 meters, and stands on a lone peak that flattened the top. The height of the plane is more than 1400 meters, which can be called majestic and grand.

Kane did not build an external ladder or platform down the mountain. He felt that it was interesting to leave some space for the Avengers to play by themselves later. Anyway, for a long time, I came here by teleport, and used it as a home base for rest and preparation. If you want to experience a moonwalk, you can just drive out with a small aircraft.

As for the interior, Kane is only responsible for the general layout and key facilities, such as the construction of the transmission room, control AI room, power room and the like. The rest of the Avengers will add themselves, and Kane does not need to participate in the whole process.

After getting the base, then the space station.

After thinking about it, Kane really went to the asteroid belt to select a meteorite, got the orbit of the near moon, and then unfolded the packaged platform to have a full-range intimate contact with the meteorite.

After that, a group of extraordinary puppets were mined to excavate this meteorite with high quality metal reserves.

After a period of digging, let alone a space station, it's no problem to build a small space town with a population of more than 100,000.

Nick is certainly not very picky about this, even if it is mainly used by Kane for a period of time, but a space station, a space city, can be handed over at least a dozen months, is there any dissatisfaction? Kane said that this time it was mainly because he appreciated the wave of people from Fulian (mainly because the author liked it), and he did not want to tear his face, so he gave you such generous tolerance. Otherwise, what can you do to directly grab the gems? When you are not satisfied, you will directly blow up the space station.

Kane is building such a decent space platform. One is to consider the construction of the Tianma, and the other is to consider waiting for him to start such an interplanetary activity. It is also convenient to have such a site. It ’s not good for countries all over the world to be surprised or jealous. It ’s still a good sentence, knowing that human nature ca n’t stand the test, so why bother? I have to go fishing to enforce the law, abuse the current human air and space forces, and beat the gang of powerful people. Is this cool?

Kane thinks that even if it is to be abused, it should be the Shandals and Crees. The civilization level is high. Only when you abuse it, you can achieve the courage, and even the low-level civilization that has not jumped out of the gravity well, let alone. There is not a shallow source, and there is a charming wife, do n’t look at the face of the monk to see the face of the Buddha.

Time lapsed, not long after the simple automatic excavation and rough smelting system was arranged, Karami Kane, Thor 1 ended successfully.

Kane said he knew.

Before Carla performed her mission, Kane gave her some suggestions.

For example, the existence of Heimdall.

The people in Xiangong seem to be all carefree, but in fact, they are very shady, or that Xiangong can be unique in the universe, holding the ears of the nine kingdoms, becoming the upper kingdom, overlooking the other eight realms, naturally superior to others It ’s not really stupid.

Heimdall is responsible for the feminine aspect to a certain extent. When the people in the Xian Palace are tasked, he will look at it from a distance, but far away, but really look.

So in the course of Kara ’s mission, he mainly guards against this monitor ’s attention ~ ~ In addition to ensuring that Thor 1 chapter is not jammed due to accidents, Kara also has a mission, which is any of the three warriors in the Immortal Palace. A parasitic worm attached to a god.

Kara finally chose Vostag, who is almost as burly as Sol, but has a general belly, and an orange-red wavy beard, who looks very Viking.

Vostag's character is also a bold character, stuttering meat, drinking in a big bowl, joking out loud, the kind of vigorous Japanese girl.

The other two, Hogan of the Asian face is a shrewd hunting battle. It seems that Fandal, who is shunted and died on the belly of a woman sooner or later, is actually a model that seems to be passionate, but actually ruthless. At the moment, the sand is not rubbed in his eyes. Only the female warrior Hive, with normal sexual orientation, frowned with Saul in front of the lower realm, played with little ambiguity, and used female color in front of her, wasting her talents.

So Kara dressed up as a resident of the town, pretending to fall during the evacuation, Vostag helped him in the past, Carla thankfully and looked at Vostag charmingly, Vostag gave his soul, if not Fighting, it is estimated that he can ask if he can take a nap. Later, he regretted not seeing this 'Flower of Town' again. He returned to Xiangong for a few days, but he didn't know that Kane had completed the positioning task.

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