Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 867: Kara is in trouble again

The genus Cleopatra produced by Kane is a kind of flesh-and-blood couple, which seems simple, but the function is very complex and can perform various tasks. Parasitic Alexander? Pierce, Carla, Seal Commando Elite Rennes, and now this one, each cell worm made by Kane is unique, not based on strength and weakness, different functions.

This one who invaded the fairy palace staged the first half of the thrilling version of the alien invasion of the civilized world.

When Vostag was about to enter the city, the evil spirit cell worm slipped on its own. The thin line first snatched an earthworm, then jumped into the water to swim, was eaten by a fish, and took the body of the fish in reverse, continuing in the water. tour.

It finds the fish, and suddenly shoots dozens of silky tentacles in its body, ‘putting a needle’ on each fish of the fish. Soon after, the fish spread out and began to explore the map.

One day later, the fish parasitized by the lord of the evil **** cell insect chose a solitary peak in the sea as its base.

This solitary peak is not a partial, but a part of the complex, with steep walls and green embellishment, with a golden temple at the top and a little taste of the Athena temple, but it is actually the Valkyrie Memorial Hall .

As Asgard now has no organization of the Valkyrie, plus it will touch on some past events that Odin does not want to mention, so it fades and few people come.

The Evil Cell Worm chose this place, and did not intend to solicit the Valkyries of the past generations for Kane, but it was fancy enough here, but it was part of the building complex, and there were bones to use.

In this way, the evil spirit cell worm began to take root and organically merged with Gufeng and the building, becoming a mixed life body. The green plants and even the rooftop of the shinning golden temple became its channel for ingesting solar energy.

Of course, what is more powerful is the separation of hydrogen and oxygen from water, the extraction of heavy water, and the generation of nuclear fusion reactors.

Due to Odin ’s injured coma, the frost giant ’s secret invasion, and the break of the Rainbow Bridge, a series of troubled Asgards were in full swing, so the series of operations of the evil spirit cell worm was extremely smooth.

When Asgard's dust settled, Heimdall stood at the end of the broken Rainbow Bridge again. The most easily exposed stage of the Evil Cell Insect had passed. The energy was running in the dark, accumulating, and the solitary peak was gradually transformed into a nest.

The special connection between Kane and Divine Cells let him know the progress there.

To be honest, he was not in a hurry.

Xiangong laid down his hands, first, in case there is any need, to facilitate his operation. Another one is to use the star map of Xian Palace and the eye of Heimdall.

He wants to pass the fairy palace as a window into the interstellar civilization system, and pave the way for the next infinite gem seizure.

Realistic gems have been paved, and then wait for the nine countries to overlap.

The foundation of the soul gem has also been opened, and Nick will follow Eric ’s instructions to let Eric Schaviger study the universe cube. The Tarry attack was basically decisive.

This means that there are two infinite gems left untouched, power gem, soul gem.

Both of these are related to Yinhu.

The Power Gem was obtained by the Star Lord and eventually fell into the hands of the Nova Corps, stored in its secret vault located at Sundar.

The location of the Soul Gem, Vomir Star, Kamora knows the location.

Kane is also a yin man. He can rely on the prophet's information to achieve his goal, so he should not try to be very brutal.

After all, once the infinite gem loses its whereabouts, there is basically no possibility of getting it back. He cannot spend years in this universe because of one or two gems.

The best opportunity to get one or two times, so he has been very careful.

Especially time and space gems and space gems, we do n’t hesitate to transfer technology and work for others, just for stability.

With these two Gein, he can use the technique of time and space to go back to the past and make up for the possibility of mistakes.

However, this technique can be used or not.

Don't look at his generous shots when making the new Agomoto Eye and the New Universe Rubik's Cube, but his turn actually saves. After all, he has never forgotten what his mission is.

This universe is not difficult for him to attack. But the dark love craft universe is quite different.

Infinite gemstones mean almost unlimited power for the intelligent creatures of this universe, but for Kane, it is just the essence of the three strange substances.

It is not boastful to say that the Kane deity has been in the Warhammer universe in the Middle Ages. With the help of the maelstrom to extract the essence of a cosmic egg, the three strange substances obtained have long exceeded the amount of six infinite gems.

Even the **** King Eugen hired Kane Sun to travel to the abyss world and Ned Hogdui ’s employment fee was higher than the amount of six infinite gems.

And these are still not enough to compare with the old cult gods that devoured the universe and the old dominators. The salary king Kane and the black Kane are basically bottomless holes, and there are not too many.

Therefore, good steel should be used on the blade, C Kane even pondered, it is not easy to open the door across the multiverse, how can we take more points to send it over.

For example, that Duomam seems to be a good fat pig ...

C Kane's plan is getting bigger and bigger, the plan is getting more and more Sao, originally came only for the soul and soul gems, now six are not enough, and he is also ready to take Dormam.

But he has always eaten by his own ability, and now it is indeed a chance of success, so he did it.

The time flickered, and by the end of July 2010, Nick told him through Hill that the giant bomber of the US team's last battle in World War II was found.

Kane briefly recalled that the original historical American team was found and woke up, it should be the fall of 2011.

Now Nick Fury has the Prophet's message, this is ahead of schedule, no problem.

With the extra 14 months, by the time the reunion is 1, the US team should be in a better state?

Of course, with his intervention, most of the chapter of Fulian is also a tea party. He feels that there is nothing to look forward to.

In this regard, Nick Fury has not yet asked for the information.

But Kane speculated that in order to run in the team and improve the centripetal force, Nick Fury would probably hope that he would look on the sidelines and let the members of the Avengers perform.

If he really mentioned this request, he would readily agree.

He hasn't been addicted to war or anything. Although his birth time is not long, but his memory is full of war-related content, in addition to work, enjoy life, rarely for a long time. Hundred days is a luxury word. It is often mixed with work to live a regular period of nine to five.

So he has the same idea as Black Kane. If you can be lazy, you may wish to be lazy. In Kane's life, the working hours must have exceeded the average of hardworking Orientals by an average of 9.2 hours.

However, he was destined to stay idle, and Kara had done something new.

Carla's career has been doing well, starting from the street and including all the Luocheng erotic-sex industry.

Then there is the sale of people and snakes.

The enmity between the two sides is natural.

A large part of the station streets are sold by the black households. Kara ’s new regulations have greatly delayed these consumables, and other peers have been unable to survive because of backlogs. This has affected the trading of people and snakes.

Carla's new rules offended some others, that is, the rich with a taste for strangers.

These people who have abuse, or even killing, and hunting habit, feel very uncomfortable.

Kara's service company, but also to accept SM games, and even abuse, also have that girl who is willing to earn this high salary. But the rules are much larger than before, and according to the degree of abuse, additional fees will be added afterwards, and death is not allowed. These people feel that there are a lot of money thieves, and they are not happy to play. So very unhappy.

On the other hand, in the Hollywood entertainment circle, there is no shortage of actresses for people to play, there are all kinds of grades, but the most flirtatious ones, but they really become cheap, join the black god, more amorous than before. People reverie, but no longer sell!

At first people thought that this was self-promoting, and they planned to earn back all the expenses for the increase in the amount of facelifts and broken legs. It was only later discovered that it was really not for sale, not for much money!

People are very angry. You are a watch and you are starting a torii! Forget what you rely on? OK, wait for the day you knelt down.

As a result, one torii, two torii, and one torii. Anything that seems to make the index finger move, eight out of ten are due to this problem. It took a lot of trouble to find out. It turned out that he joined the esotericism and Kara got it out.

Okay, Kara, planning to play odd goods and sell gold X, right? You guys look good.

So the tears opened, and the human snake joined forces with some tyrants to smuggle some of the thugs who earn money for life, such as Vietnamese, Phnom Penh, Somalis, and Colombians.

In the end, it was useless to block. These people could not talk about the sky with one hand. Kara also established her own network through celebrities and celebrities. The girls with different styles selling movies like "Thunderbolt" and "Eleven Raksha" have been in flames. The American theaters refused to arrange the release, so they started from Europe and the East. The boss can't sit still, no one has a grudge against money, this kind of good film is not arranged, who will come to patronize several times?

At the same time, Kara set up fishing, and the evidence collected in secret triggered the entertainment scandal similar to the Weinstein event in one fell swoop. Due to the sufficient evidence and the help of the film fire, the public opinion was ignited in a flash. It is higher than the sun this summer.

On the other hand, Frank, the punisher, said that the boys had already sat back and worked with them.

The result is also conceivable. The dead one was called miserable. Frank was never a benevolent person, and it was called No Life when he fell in his hands.

Including human snakes and their related households, thousands of people were cut open and thrown in the water to swim forcibly, and then waited for the sharks to eat at the scene. Because of the continuous feeding at short intervals, the water area was later Sharks often come to swim from time to time and become the famous Shark Bay. Even listening to related rumors, people are breathless.

This is not over yet. With the end of July, the hoarding of black leaf hemp finally satisfied Kara. So, with a single order, a full-scale war against drug dealers in Luocheng was launched.

Those who play drugs are also naturally hateful to Kara, because standing on the street is a major consumer group of drugs. In the new rules Kara carries out, the health plan keeps the street away from drugs, which is to break people's wealth.

It ’s been a long time since I watched Carla, but now the door is open. What else can I say, just do it!

But Kara is so deep that the wind forest volcano is true, and Frank, a man who dares to poke a hole in the sky, helps the two join together, and the movement is really big.

Suddenly, there was a sudden outbreak, all kinds of death with poison, death in the nest, death in the street, alley, bar, and the slain police who were killed.

The police in Los Angeles are nervous. Is this the new Red Empire?

This night, the sirens of the police car did not stop at the end of the streets of Los Angeles.

One night later, the poisonous heads and their relatives in Los Angeles were all peeled and filled with grass, and the bodies were hung like air-dried meat in the large empty field of the Kenneth Hahn National Recreation Area.

The total number of deaths is close to three thousand.

This is a sensational news all over the world. The whole world is in an uproar. There has never been such a thing since the founding of the United States.

The president had to convene a special press conference and set up a task force to investigate.

Compared with the torrential showers in public opinion, the actual problem is more urgent-the poisonous head of Quanluo City is dead, what should the addicts do? Without food, they will go crazy.

For this reason, the official had to play the seller himself.

Then, there was a force secretly blaming, and constantly shooting related sales, and more concentrated delivery to major media. Under the circumstances that all the major media have information resources, no one can withstand the pressure and do not send it out. Basically, they are working hard and trying to seize the information market.

The storm of global public opinion has formed, and the world has seen how terrible the subtle and accumulated soft injuries are.

Immediately following, the relevant information of the CIA drug-drug system was stabbed. Really shocking.

Many Americans knew for the first time that the most ruthless drug lord turned out to be the official agency of the Central Intelligence Agency, which was responsible for defending against unconventional warfare by foreign enemies.

The states of the country soon launched a massive parade, and the United States caused hundreds of billions of losses every day.

In the words of a certain politician: "This time, the dismissal will not work, you will die!"

The director of the CIA took the blame and resigned. There were no children. If this happens, you can just step down? You have risen step by step in the system. How dare you say this? Can you do it without ordering the pot?

For a time, those who were jailed, those who were sentenced to death by injection, those who committed suicide by gunshot, and those who were dismissed and fined, were all demolished by the CIA, and the public anger was barely subsided.

However, when the drama was on stage, the opposition party immediately impeached the president, because it has always been close to the CIA system, and during the campaign period, it received more than one drug-related person's campaign contributions.

At the same time, the always low-key Vice President emerged suddenly, and the black sugar hemp as the raw material of the rainbow sugar took the stage.

"A bottle of 14 capsules, one capsule a day, two weeks, to ensure withdrawal, no adverse side effects on the body, no adverse reactions during withdrawal. Deep poison, still effective, if not fulfilled, please go to the White House to spit me, I Stand at the door and wait ... "

The vice president's remarks were more like propaganda about selling fake drugs. It ’s just that he can work at his level to do such propaganda, as some Americans say, even if it ’s fake, I will endure it. If it ’s a big deal, I will assume that the country is over!

Unfortunately, the United States is not over yet.

Rainbow sugar is really effective.

What complements this effectively is that anti-counterfeiting work is done well. It's very simple, you know if it's true or false after smelling it, even if you have never been in contact before, you know nothing about it.

This is so god! This is a characteristic of the extraordinary department. Of course, also depends on the materials and processes.

The Vice President was on fire, saving the international image of the United States and the official image of the United States in the hearts of the people.

The President knew that he had been put together, but in the end, he could only step down in despair and hand over the rest to the Vice President.

Rainbow sugar is also on fire. Major medical institutions around the world soon discovered the main components and their value in the medical field of their respective main. One after another, beautiful articles and academic papers were published in the most influential journals.

Used to detoxify? It's too big to use. It's a cancer nemesis, AIDS nemesis, and even an aging nemesis. It can even detoxify, such as cyanide poisoning.

It can be said that the diseases that can stump it in this world basically do not exist, because its role is to adjust the normal operation of human organs, cells, endocrine, etc., and has absolute priority. Anything that goes against it, All of them are hostile and will be killed by the human immune system enhanced by it.

Just like the dark HP world black leaf hemp came out, soon, as the industry with the most keen sense of news, the relevant people in the media have calculated big data, and the human demand for black leaf hemp is unlimited! How much is not too much!

Some experts more directly stated that how fast black leaf hemp spreads out directly determines how long it takes humans to enter a new era. This new era refers to the fact that human beings ingest a certain amount of beneficial substances in black hemp every day, so that they will be basically free of disease throughout their lives, and their life span will exceed 150!

At first, people thought it was a blow, and one authority after another proved that it was the truth, and it was even conservative. The latest research shows that it is of great benefit to gene optimization, that is to say, according to the increase in the absorption of beneficial substances of black leaf hemp, the generation is better than the generation. Green is better than blue. It will no longer be a dream, but a reaction. In terms of wisdom and appearance, such a natural person will not be looked after by various problems!

Oops, this is a big deal. When I lived to 100 years old, I was still very handsome, and I haven't had any years of reproduction. I think it's beautiful.

It is no exaggeration to say that this thing is strategic reserve. Einstein and Hawking, what is the concept if they can live a healthy and healthy life for decades? What is the concept that a smart leader can live a few more decades?

Black leaf hemp makes the world crazy. In comparison, let alone nearly 3,000 people who died of playing with drugs, it is that there were no problems with the death of 30 million people for the sake of contention.

So the scary things that Kara and Frank started out at first were turned over at an unimaginable speed. Kara also surpassed Mother Teresa directly and became a recognized living legend because her life experience was too dramatic, and what she did and her contribution to humanity were too great.

Her past was inevitably over-interpreted. Some people even rumored that the black leaf hemp, which was found under the bridge when Carla was dying, was touched by her tenaciousness and gave her a chance to be reborn.

Of course, more people believe that it is not heaven, but the black god.

The Black God is the guardian of all those who have embarked on the evil path. As long as the person sincerely repents and has a firm will, he may obtain the Red God's redemption.

This is why Cara promotes black leaf hemp in a rainbow candy mode.

These supporters believe that those who have been put on the poisonous road for various reasons, who have been plagued by withdrawal reactions, and have messed up the lives of themselves and their relatives and friends have the opportunity to be new. This is precisely the kindness of the Black God.

For a time, the belief of the Black God blossomed everywhere. Because I didn't know what the Totem of the Black God looked like, some people simply copied the set of faith in God and God, and they even played like it.

Of course, there are still people who take advantage of opportunities to make selfish gains by pretending and cheating. The incidents that have sprung up from time to time are endless and clamoring. The media and those so-called experts who make money by speculating news, talk show hosts, etc., All of them have joined in, looking at the fixed industry.

This is not an exaggeration. After all, the black leaf hemp can really be fried for a long time, occupying the pit earlier, and posing as a senior in the future.

Feminists even regard Kara as a banner, and feel that whether it is to expose the entertainment scandal, or to deal with snakes and drug lords, Kara is capable of ordinary people, frank and direct, it is simply a hero in women, a model of the times, especially It's because of his background that it becomes more and more valuable.

But all of this can't be compared to one thing, interest.

The interests of the country, the interests of organizations, the interests of groups, the interests of individuals, and interests are above everything else.

Kane is big for this head, he didn't expect Kara to dare to play like this, 1 million times leverage! Compared with the demand of the hungry market, the black leaf hemp in his hands is really a bit of a cow.

In the Luocheng realm, some people have already bought rainbow candy from the poisonous friends at a high price, and it is a good deal.

It's useless to call them anymore. These poison friends have long thrown their faces and sold rainbow candy in their hands. He will ask you to buy them again, and if they don't give them, they will spit and roll around, creating rumors.

Fortunately, whether it is Carla or Frank, they have enough knowledge about the shadyness of human nature. They have been very formal from the beginning, with evidence of sales or distribution, written documents, and short videos of questions and answers. These things turned out and smashed into the face, at least there was a grand reason for refusal.

But in general, the situation is still in the direction of doing bad things with good intentions. Money has this magic.

Even within a short period of time, a pharmaceutical giant took the lead in launching a new anti-cancer drug mainly based on black leaf.

Then, using public opinion, he hypocritically stated that he was for the patient, and urged Kara to sell them black leaf hemp to ensure that only the cost would be charged.

Yes, only charge the cost, but you TM took the lead in occupying the market. Moral kidnapping and forced buying, and also let patients go to Kara to make trouble, all kinds of kneeling and crying, I do n’t know how black leaf hemp was not available, just do n’t do it, just kill me without giving it, I ca n’t live anyway. Too.

Kane said: "I see, do you know what is old tyrannical cunning, well-dressed beasts? Do you think they are really decent, they go in luxury cars, and they are really good-looking people? "

If it is other Kane, then basically will intervene. He will not continue to be driven by Kara's temperament, because he can think of Kara doing so, and in the end it is really possible to start a war.

However, C Kane does not matter. His infinite gem layout is basically completed. His interaction with people in this world seems to be negotiable, but it does not mean that they like them. In the event of a world war, he can really sit in the audience.

So Kara really went to extremes.

Kara's approach is very simple, directly killing all the important figures of that pharmaceutical giant.

This is the first time that the Black God fighting nuns have been exposed in front of the world.

In fact, when anti-drug owls were used before, interested people paid attention. Because Frank and the pre-mixers who do crazy fitness every day are not enough to make such a big deal.

What really works is a very terrifying assassin team, each one can stand alone, very powerful.

The targets of this assassination are all people who are rich or expensive, specifically the directors of the board of directors of the pharmaceutical giant, the chairman, the CEO, and the CEOs of the subsidiaries. It can be said that the upper level of the pharmaceutical group was completely wiped out.

Such a big move, no matter how sharp the assassin team is, it is inevitable that there will be exposed. A few of them because of the assassination conditions are not good, but there are mission requirements, and they can only force the killing. The more, the traces did not have time to completely erase, leaving behind materials such as photographs, audio and video.

Black nuns fighting nuns, Kane had to carry a certain pot.

One time Kara ran to ask him, roughly meaning that since there was a pure heaven (the utopia of consciousness established by the group thinking of worms + the hallucinogenic effect of black leaf hemp), the sisters in the teaching were not happy In reality, they interacted with men. Because the **** of pure love is even better.

Kane whispered and said unkindly: "Which God Lord have you seen? It's hard to say whether you are a faith or I am a tool."

Kara Tian said shamelessly: "Then you can participate in person."

Kane said: "Go, I'm afraid my thoughts will be corroded."

Carla begged: "We don't hinder anyone, just want to be more convenient."

Kane asked: "How convenient is it?"

"It's like a cloak, it's wearable. Master, you can do it well, we are also changing our way to keep you loyal."

"Farewell, it's all cold!" ...

But in the end, I haven't been able to withstand Kara's soft and hard foam.

C Kane wondered: "Lao Tzu is a decent **** of eight hundred? It's really not much to say that the **** of evil can be more powerful than the old dominator. So, what is it about being shy? What are you doing with those tentacles?"

So he met Kara's request and applied a small technical patch.

Carla also needs technology. She still knows how to make a difference. She did n’t dare to let Kane upgrade her Evil Cell Worm. Instead, she mastered the technology to make better use of her existing abilities. This includes the generation of cloaks.

The members of the Black God Church are not demon parasites, but an offline fusion with the secondary evil **** cell worm made by Kara. It is a member of the official worm swarm, so that we can jointly build group thinking and enjoy the pure love paradise generated by it.

After obtaining the authority and technology, these transfiguration women can make cloaks by themselves.

This cloak is really close to that of Cap, and it is the third type of active cells produced from the body.

The first category is flesh and blood, the second category is musculoskeletal, and the third category is colonial suit with cartilage characteristics.

However, they do not call it this way, because they think it is easy to expose important information, so they are called Black God Arms.

In order to fully explain what it means to be irritated but unable to eat, these **** deliberately designed the black **** armor to be a slim type, a type that can fully display the devil's figure, and generate bone-like bones in key parts in addition to tights Modular armor. It looks pretty and high-end.

In fact, it is more high-end than it seems. It is a match with the "planetary armor" level of power armor. It can solve breathing and waste disposal in space, and also meets the needs of what. The internal massage function of the cloak can be played anytime and anywhere.

To a certain extent, it is also because Kara's ability is still not enough, and it is not possible to randomly generate radio waves that replace physiological signals, so that the deformed women can completely get rid of the body and have fun.

Of course, these are all sections. A group of rotten girls gather together to contaminate, and the male animals ’slaughter and enjoyment are different from each other. They are crazy and twisted, but they are also an inevitable. The taste is too heavy. I do n’t feel any more, and deepening can only be a singularity.

The fighting nuns were born out of these wonderful women with stuffing on all sides. The violent factors are overflowing. To a certain extent, they are also affected by the evil spirit cells.

The name of the evil **** is not called in vain ~ ~ is definitely a process of blackening, not making people become decent. C Kane can control it, and it looks like a man, not the same as others.

That's why when Kane chose people, he chose the old Yin Biao Alexander? Pierce, standing on the street poison Ji Kara, battlefield hyena soldier Ren, such as the US team, the evil spirit cell should still win, the US team Eventually it will become black, but the process will be very noisy, all kinds of humanity struggles, for a while, rushing to do bad things, and for a while, guilt, remorse, and want to make up ... quite the same thing.

Correspondingly, neither Pierce nor Cara were chosen with a simple mind, either with their hands stained with blood or with countless riders, who did not meet the standards, do n’t want to.

The battle nuns rely on the fact that it is already a kind of war worm. It is not at all possible for ordinary people with ordinary weapons. They have forcibly assassinated the target, and they can penetrate the house with the firepower and cross the ridge, escaping.

The following day, the incident broke out.

Although there is no official evidence to prove that Kara is related to the assassins, the shape of the assassin ’s bag and the devil ’s body that is too much to swallow, it is easy to remind people of the priests of the Black God, regardless of eating melons. The public, or the big brothers, are enough to have doubts.

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