Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 871: Only the soul

Kane flew like a feather in the more magnificent group of starship wrecks by skyscrapers. Appreciation is secondary, mainly to find a suitable carrier.

Finally, in the wreckage, he found his favorite target.

With one finger, open your hand, the broken shell of the starship is torn apart by invisible force, splashing around, exposing the inner core.

Afterwards, like a sugar pill wrapped in layers of tin foil, the metal frame, foreskin, and parts were peeled off one by one, and finally the remaining escape cabin.

The escape cabin is opened, revealing a complete dark elf corpse inside. The special environment allows his corpse to be completely preserved so far. It would have decayed immediately upon seeing the air, but there was no problem with the energy protection released by Kane .

Kane smiled, and the man flew over, threw himself down, and then disappeared as if to merge.

Soon after, the blue light began to shine on the corpse of the dark elf, with it as the core, and time began to flow backwards. Then the shells peeled off layer by layer, flew back one after another, and closed back one by one, forming the initial wreckage. The time has accelerated a lot, the mottled traces of light and shadow on the surface of the starship wreckage continue to appear and die, just like a repeated operation.

After a long time, the years of reverse flow became slow again, and the wreckage of the starship changed significantly. It slowly recovered from the state of destruction, just like the normal speed rewind of audio and video. All the details can be revealed. As long as you pay attention, you can see To.

Eventually it was suspended in the air, like a big nail stained with blood at any time.

The turbulent blue waves suddenly spread out from the starship. With this wave, the special silence disappeared, as if the pause button had been cancelled, and everything became alive.

The gusty wind is mixed with explosions, collisions, and shouts. The air can smell burnt smell, **** smell, and other pungent smells that are unclear and unclear, and the thick smoke covering the sky, The tumbling fire wave, the highlight of the energy beam, and the figure of fighting ...

This is the battlefield, the battle has become fierce, and Malkis just ordered the start of the cursed warrior.

The so-called cursed warrior is to hold the etheric nucleus containing the power of real gemstones and release its power to merge with itself.

Realistic gems can be imagined in advance, and all scientific codes and natural laws are meaningless in front of it.

People explain it this way, but it is actually another matter.

It's not that the explanation is wrong, but it's not clear.

As with all other infinite gems, if you want to use realistic gems, you must first be strong enough.

Also, the more specific the things you want, the better.

To illustrate, reality has existed and has a deep impression (mainly details, even internal characteristics) in the memory, it is relatively easy to achieve.

On the contrary, only a rough outline is needed, and the power of the actual gemstone is needed to complete the rest of the self-consistently, and the consumption is extremely high.

That is to say, unless you have real-time computing ability above the supercomputer level, if you want to turn the imagination from reality into reality, even if it is super British, generally it ca n’t be done. The stream of Thor may be possible, but it is also top Mostly the level that generates a mansion.

The original history of tyrants was to show Dr. Strange the strange Titan star, but that is just a macro scene. If it is to become a reality, do n’t say if he can suppress that power, just brain power, just not enough. Therefore, the actual application of the tyrant is just the degree of turning the wreckage of the Star City into a bunch of bird attacks. For the power of infinite gems, this level of application can only be said to be nine and a half hairs, low burst.

The dark elves had a relatively in-depth study of the real gem. They found that the individual's mind was not enough to control it, so they thought about some body methods.

The first is to extract the power and divide it into parts, so as not to be too large and difficult to control.

The second is to allow users to form a fixed concept, which is similar to brainwashing to identify a certain result, and to combine abstract content with the known and thoroughly concrete.

So there are cursed warriors. All those who use ether crystals know what concept cursed warriors are. Even so, the appearance of each cursed warrior is still not fixed, but has its own play, and some become tall. , Some have become deformed, but without exception, they are all biological weapons used for war, which is the benefit of determining the conceptual framework in advance.

Heavy protection, strong power, and sharp response are all basic concepts. All soldiers are very clear about it, easy to build, and some can breathe fire or something. This is already a play, and only imagination Unsuccessful.

But in any case, these realistic war weapons are indeed qualified meat shields and siege hammers. They play the role of heavy cavalry on the battlefield. Once dispatched, they can often destroy and destroy the opponent's formation, and also boost their morale. The dark elves used it as a land tank, fighting around it.

Kane looked down on the battlefield. The power of space and time made him somewhere. No one could see him. As long as he didn't exert force, even Boer at this time could not sense it.

With no joy and no sorrow, the great war in front of him is just a past tense, and it is not enough to make his hands itchy and unbearable. He has no interest in meddling, just watching and waiting.

Finally, Malkis looked bad and was ready to use too much weapon.

Then the rainbow light fell, and the three Xiangong warriors were killed. Although they were quickly sacrificed, the time was successfully delayed, and the ether weapon was transported away.

Malkis crashed the starship, causing a big explosion, slaughtering as many Nine Realms as much as possible, and he himself flew with a group of people on the flagship.

When the war was over, the Warrior of the Immortal Palace asked Boer how to destroy the ether particles. Ball said that his strength is too strong, only suitable for sealing ...

Kane watched it all the way, until after the seal was completed, he found one of the specific responsible persons and used the soul power to "tell me, the seal position of the ether particles, and then you will forget everything related to me."

The person in charge had porcelain eyes, and he said something dumb, then blinked, and everything went back to normal. He scratched his head and looked around. There was nothing, he thought, he could n’t remember anything, he thought. What's wrong with me? What hysteria suddenly happened? Is this battle too tiring? "

At this time, a companion was calling for him, and the man didn't think about it any more, laughed at himself, and chased the companion away. Every time Xiangong wins a big battle, there will be several weeks or even months of carnival. The ordinary Xiangong fighters, in addition to the glory of the battle in the battlefield, are such a taboo-free celebration. Think about it ...

At the same time, Kane fiddled with the timeline as if he had never left the body of the dark elf, but only re-experienced the starship crash, the accidental death of the rescue capsule, and then death, although the process of a little bit of decay over the years.

Back in modern times, Kane has appeared in the pit containing the ether particles without scamming.

Bohr is free from Odin's stinky problems, and things are always thrown at the earth. As far as the Nine Realms are concerned, the earth serves as the atrium country of the world tree.

But Bohr ’s brain hole is just like that, and it is placed in Niforgem, the kingdom of death. There are really few people in this place, but it is only rare, not not.

It is parallel to Mosbelheim, the kingdom of flames. In simple terms, it is relatively easier and more convenient to connect. Undead creatures and flame prison creatures often even cross the door, and then develop hybrids.

When Thor started to clean up Suterte in the three chapters of Thor, the humanoids that besieged him were mixed breeds, like undead, like charred corpses, as if there were still unextinguished hot ash inside.

Perhaps it is because of the terrible ether particles, which fears unintelligent and instinctive undead, and at the same time, the undead are not enough to be the carrier of ether particles. Many years have passed, even if there is a hole leading to the outside, ether particles are better preserved , Until the curious Jane Foster made the act of death.

I have to say that Kane really ca n’t understand the mentality of the protagonists of these destiny. Anyway, he is also a Ph.D., not bad knowledge, not even the most basic sense of precautions, who gave the courage to touch some obvious problems with his hands. Strange thing? Liang Jingru?

Or, the **** of destiny, wouldn't it be a story without playing such disgusting intelligence-reducing operations?

As a special weapon made by the dark elf family, the ether particles also have a certain self-consciousness. When Kane appeared, he instinctively felt the threat. Before the time had come, he tried to call the dark elf.

But its power will only fall into an invisible cycle in front of Kane, who has the power of space and time, and will not spread out.

Kane waved his hand freely, and the altar bound to it was turned into powder and scattered. The liberated ether particles were like clouds and mists, and Kane waved his hands again. The particles eventually condense and turn into scarlet real gems.

When Cain thought about it, he took it into his hands and clicked! Pinch to crush.

The red light circulated, and the real gems also completely disappeared.

Kane waved his hand again, the **** spilled in his hands, and then turned into a scarlet light spot in the air.

Then in the cyan light, the once eroded cloud appeared again the blue and purple that had disappeared, and the scarlet light spot was re-accommodated. With the help of time and space, the ether particles recovered and appeared more active, like a furious shark bound in a large tank, crashing and cruising around.

Kane used the power of realistic gems to reshape the altar and press the ether particles into the gap of the force field. This force field will not hinder the intrusion of creatures, but it is a good binding force for the ether particles.

Marvel 199999 Earth Calendar October 31, 2010, the day before Halloween, Kane returned to Earth.

Just like Christmas is mainly Christmas Eve, Halloween is also the most lively on the 31st. It is similar to the meaning of expelling the New Year's Eve on the New Year's Eve in the East. It is to resist the ominous through the lively and lively.

After saying hello to Maria Hill, Kane became Kane Clark and went to New York to accompany Olivia.

Rachel? Anne Adams is accompanied by parents and neighbors. In the country, simple and rich life is the main theme. Like this festival, it is not noisy, but it is not boring.

Maria Hill is a workaholic. Since having the Hill, her main leisure time has become how to fill it up.

I have to say that the difficulty is not small. After all, the space is far beyond the world's largest supermarket. It's a waste of time just to fill it a little by yourself.

In fact, her work is also closely related to it. The Avengers headquarters and the construction of the space city are all she is staring at. Nick Fury still trusts Maria, and this job Maria does Nick I also think it's the most suitable. From time to time, I can wipe some oil from Kane, anyway, Kane is not lacking.

Monica went home on leave, and loved her grandmother's death. It happened that she didn't go back for some time. She went back to spend more time with her family.

Olivia is a bit lonely. Her family is not very happy, her parents are divorced, each has new love, and they have all had children. She seems a little redundant. She usually talks on the phone during off hours. Unless there is a big event, it is rare to get together, even if it is. The two running around, neither staying overnight. This is also a reason why she came to New York from afar.

Because of the Red Vest movement, New York has been relatively indifferent in the market in recent months. Categories such as stage plays have both entertainment and artistic characteristics. They are the most test of social stability and prosperity. To be interested in vassal elegance.

As a result, Olivia inevitably did not perform, and even less training, basically a semi-holiday state.

Free and boring.

Kane appeared at such a time, and Olivia, who didn't have to spend her holidays alone, was naturally happy and broken. She was full of energy and laughed all afternoon.

Kane now has 5 infinite gems. It only takes 12 years for Rocky to send the last soul gem. In addition, he has also been busy recently. The universe is full of clothes. He is tired from snacks, so he plans to rest for a while. No more trouble with moths.

Since Olivia was in high spirits, he also accompanied him, prepared a lot of high-end sweets, made a few pumpkin lanterns, and personally decorated the hall with Olivia, and prepared Halloween for himself. clothing.

Kane and Olivia actually lacked the spirit of play. The prepared Halloween characters are very old-fashioned. One is a vampire in a night-visit vampire wearing an 18th-century Chinese costume. The other is wearing an exaggerated magic hat. The shape of a witch holding a broomstick is very traditional.

However, because the men are handsome, the temperament is good, and the money is good for investing in dress, Kane himself even has the details of the vampire and the witch fan, so the only way to engage in the film is to make most of the audience recognize That kind.

On this evening, after distributing sweets to neighbors' children, the two went out to join the carnival parade.

This is a party time for adults, usually until midnight, and some will find a place to play overnight.

Kane is no longer young, and Olivia is also a more conservative old school, not so crazy, and went home before midnight. This is their plan, but the result encountered something.

At first it was a disappointment.

The red vests participated as a turbid current, and they did not know who organized them. They all became officers and soldiers of the Southern Army during the American Civil War. , Very eye-catching.

The development of the Red Vest movement today and today is very different from the original one. The most important manifestations are two aspects.

The first is that the core proposition has become unrecognizable.

Originally, I expressed my indignation at the official "dark law enforcement", but more importantly, I hope that the government can come up with some effective solutions to the sub-credit related issues.

But now, to put it simply, almost all social problems in the United States have become the content of the red vest's appeal. Like racial discrimination, people who have tainted life history, it is difficult to find a job, temporary housing, basic social security, medical treatment, children's schooling, etc.

The Red Vests also know that there is no way for the officials to solve it, otherwise why is it so commonplace?

They just rely on the law to blame the crowd, and wipe oil to take advantage.

There are mainly several ways to obtain benefits. The first is that the government will compromise to a certain extent, then some people from abroad will contribute funds, and then the protection fees and looting will be charged.

With the help of demonstrations, organized crime. This is another characteristic that is very different from the beginning.

At the beginning of the parade, most of them were impulsive crimes, rebellious verbal conflicts, or incited, and then quarreled.

It ’s not now, and even the parade route is planned now. Observe the security measures of the shop by borrowing things, such as the location of the camera, ransom after stepping on it, slamming it without giving it, dismantling the monitor, and even arranging or encouraging minors who do n’t know the importance to go to the top.

Some people go to the poor communities, struggle with the general young people, and then wait for the first wave to finish, and organize them to grab the second wave. Sometimes they are successful, but sometimes they will be caught by the police who arrived. It does n’t matter, the sentence will not be too heavy , And as long as someone succeeds in bringing back the benefits, next time I go to pull people and participate very enthusiastically.

Let these half-size boys take the lead. They have no courage and no experience. They are easy to mess up and even dare not to go. If they can be robbed, there will be no problem at all. These are the poor kids who have n’t received any good education. They have a bad life, and many of them are already inferior even in their minors. In this life, they have no chance to find a good job. Either they earn little pitiful money. Wrong way.

Not only people of color, but also whites, there is no shortage of chickens and dogs, and some even because of emptiness, stimulus, and some soft poison, coaxing emotions together, and then doing it, hurting people, burning shops, they can all do it. .

It can be said that the existing social problems were released with the help of the red vest movement.

Officials are overwhelmed, and people are gradually disgusted because they will affect normal order, the road is not smooth, and the security problems are serious. The military police who maintain order are everywhere. They are basically wearing anti-riot clothes, even carrying live ammunition, or they are piled up. The atmosphere is terrible, the tourism industry has been hit hard, the detention center is overcrowded, and when the exercise can end, no one can say clearly.

Kane often thinks of the **** sitting on the side of the ruler, the superior, and the vested interests, so naturally he has no good feelings for this phenomenon. It can even be said that his method of rule is always high-pressure and high-impact, and even engages in terrorism. To a large extent, it is because of similar reasons, so that the ruled people are not afraid that similar bad things will be endless, every day. Don't do it anymore, do your best to deal with such endless bad things.

He had heard Kara and Hill talking about the red vest before. Today, when he came across the street during the holiday season, he was naturally in great anger.

These guys are already sloppy, licking cats and teasing dogs, eating women's tofu, sloppy mouths, hairy feet, squirming and squeezing, proper turbidity.

"Come on, let's go back." Kane greeted Olivia and went back.

However, there were still a few ruffians who merged with the "turbid current", laughing all the way as a bumper car, and deliberately hitting the girl along the road, seeing Olivia, his eyes lit up, and the alcohol flew over.

Although Olivia wears a mask covering the eyes, but the dancer is born, walking and sitting instinctively shows the figure, coupled with the role-playing props and high-grade clothes, the good figure is highlighted, these guys endure Can't stop tapping oil.

Kane stepped forward with his forefinger, and the current ruffian immediately wailed and wailed, standing there twitching vigorously.

Kane said strangely, "You can do the trick with porcelain."

Several companions of the ruffian pushed and shoved away from the crowd, arrogantly shouting "What's going on? What did you guy do to him?"

Kane smiled. "I just touched my finger like this, and he started calling." He said he reached out one by one.

Everyone saw him clearly unhappy, but none of those few red vests escaped, and they all screamed in pain after being ordered.

Many people looked at them in disgust, and Kane led Olivia pacing away.

Some people think that these red vests behave strangely, and ca n’t help but gather together and ask, "What's the matter with you? Is this performing?"

No answer, just stood there and called Xuexue crying.

"Hello, can you say something?" The good guy was a little anxious, and said, patting the shoulder of one of the red vests with his hand.

Ouch, this is terrible. The pig-like cry is a loud, terrible one.

The people around were startled. The good guys had black lines and said to the people around them, "You all saw it. It was because he was ventilating himself. I didn't shoot flies just now."

As he said, he rushed back to several red vests and said, "It's really sick!"

Some people find it fun to shoot with a mobile phone, and even try again, to touch, the cry becomes sad again, and even the people who listen to it are horrified.

The video was uploaded to the tubing, and after a while Kung Fu became a small hot spot.

Later, people who walked the streets curiously asked what was going on, and some people told them that it was probably a performance.

So there were new goodies who tried in the past, and the results were extremely effective. They really called, very hard, and their voices were still roaring.

Finally, other red vests came together to see the problem. Several ruffians were already sweating and heavy shirts, so they just fished out of the water. Such a sweating method was not normal.

If you don't answer the question, touch it to see if it means pain and death.

Call the police, and call emergency services.

When the police arrived, these people were incontinent.

The emergency personnel arrived, but these did not call, but it seemed that their spirits had collapsed.

The doctor said that the second half of his life is likely to be spent in a psychiatric hospital. The kind of sitting on the potty for 24 hours, even the ability to control excretion is lost ...

Olivia naturally didn't know that the offender who offended her would be treated so miserably.

Having walked out for a while, she asked somehow, "What happened to those guys just now?"

Kane shrugged, "Maybe it's a performance art, who knows!"

Male voices were heard in the dark alleys not far from the sidewalk, "Are you the one who made them perform performance art?"

"Sorry, I'm not interested in your deductions, and I don't want to know who you are, and for what purpose, to talk to us, goodbye." He said, holding Olivia to move on.

As a result, the male voice in the dark said, "So!"

At the same time, a sharp dagger shot out.

Looking at the dagger will hit Kane's head. Kane smiled. "So you are dying."

The dagger stopped, or everything around it stopped, even the wind and the sound stopped. Kane's words sounded in the other person's mind in a telepathic way.

Then the blue-violet flame burned it to ashes in an instant.

Whether it is the super hero who is anxious and just, or the ability behind the red vest, or any other person, pretending to be like this is dead. c Kane and Black Kane are definitely the most cruel and cruel of all Kane.

It can be slow to the extreme, and Olivia and the people around him don't even know there is a fight.

Olivia also asked, "The person who spoke in the dark just left?"

"Well, it seems."

"There are so many strange people."

"Yeah, I've been away for a while ~ ~ There are more inexplicable people ..."

Kane sighed, not the same thing as Olivia.

Just before, he used Soul Search before burning the troublesome person to ashes.

With the cooperation of soul gems, the power of soul search is greater, and it is convenient and fast. In a flash, he has found some special information.

Based on this information, Kane has reason to believe that new unknown variables have emerged.

One who did not appear in Marvel 199999, but in the Marvel Universe belongs to the bragging class super hero-sentinel.

In the eyes of Kane, the sentry is very similar to the superman of the dc universe in terms of extraordinary ability, but it is very marvelous in the source of the ability. The oversized battery that is rich overnight has the energy of a million star explosions.

That night, Kane contacted Maria Hill, who wanted to talk to Nick Fury.

The next afternoon, Kane went to the Hill.

Nick Fury is a busy man. He was recently appointed by the new director to deal with the priest guard and the fighting nuns.

However, Kara is a savvy man, with strong capabilities and eyes and ears, and there are strategic tactics masters such as Frank who are head-to-head military. Nick can only say that "Aegis is not a panacea."

Regardless of this, Shangfeng ’s assessment criteria is whether the cat can catch the mouse, or not, then he will be vigorously kicked. Nick can only bow down and pucker his bust, at least he must have a gesture?

Therefore, the exchange with Kane was supported on the third.

This means that for at least 30 hours, Kane thought about it and simply drove.

Maria said that when the old lady is just eating and knowing, you have to be a car if you want to play, I am a cowgirl in the west, blah!

Kane said yes, you are tough, you are domineering, you are mighty, but you do n’t have a gun, I do n’t shoot when I play duel, you can only concave shape, see who will ask for mercy first, hey ...


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