Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 872: Seems to be in trouble

When Kane saw Nick Fury again, Nick was gushing water.

"You are just back from moving bricks in Sahara, so thirsty."

Nick pouted. "This is pure moon water. It's much higher than the salve mineral water that Gates drinks as the cleanest water."

Kane hummed. "So what? Not water yet?"

Nick gave Kane a glance and was too lazy to be surprised by this kind of acquaintance. People who looked dull continue to talk on this topic and asked, "What do you want to talk to me? I think the topic of the Black God is good, just they In terms of performance, it is much more powerful than the Hydra, and there is no concept in your prophetic message? "

Kane said, "That was caused by Brother inadvertently. How can there be in the Prophet's message?"

But he replied, “I ’m talking to you about this kind of existence that is not on the inherent historical trajectory, but it ’s not a kind of small organization or little person like the Black God Church that is not capable, appealing, and acting in a somewhat principled way. It ’s about a strong man, and a super nation. "

Nick put down his glass, adjusted his clothes, sat down, tilted his legs well, looked at the lonely moon outside, and said, "How powerful is it? Can it be compared to Carol Danvers? The super nation, America." Is the only superpower. "

"The person I'm talking about has the energy to explode a million stars. The force I'm talking about, called Wakanda, is the most technologically advanced country in East Africa in East Africa."

"What?" Nick stared, thinking he might have heard it wrong.

To be honest, he does not know what the concept of the energy of a million star explosions, but it sounds like a bunker. As for Wakanda, he knows that a poor and backward agricultural country cannot catch up with many countries. The prefecture-level city has a large area.

Kane said, "The stellar explosion, plainly speaking, is a supernova explosion, mainly gamma rays. Taking the sun as an example, a 10 billion-year career can release a total of 13x1044j. The energy of the sun in one second is 5x1020j per year. To calculate, it can be used for about 800,000 years. "

"Once it erupts, the energy poured in a few days is the amount of normal radiation for hundreds of millions of years in its youth, and its shock wave is enough to destroy all planets within a few light years."

"According to the energy received by your retina, which of the following is brighter to watch a supernova explosion beyond 1au (sun-earth distance), or a hydrogen bomb exploding in front of your eyes? The answer is that the supernova explosion is brighter, In fact, the difference in brightness between the two is at least 9 orders of magnitude. "

"And the energy that this guy I have has to multiply this effect by 1 million."

Nick Fuqin "You said that this is definitely human beings on the earth, not what kind of sin you came from to kill you from other universes?"

Kane hummed, "I told you before, Marvel's multiverse is very perverted, all kinds of monsters that destroy the universe as easily as eating and drinking. And Marvel 199999 is a relatively low-end peaceful type. It can be peaceful again. "How much of an outrageous commodity with such a high cardinality, even if it is cut? What I am worried about now is this."

Nick's airway, "I'm not worried. When he exploded, I instantly became gray with the solar system and didn't feel it."

"Okay, you can think of it, which is a good thing."

Nick asked again, "What happened to that Wakanda?"

"Pretending to be poor, what else is going on. You must know what Zhenjin is. The largest and only Zhenjin mine on earth is in Wakanda. The technological system they developed, what magnetic levitation light train, empty Spacecraft, energy shields, nano-vibrating gold suits that can absorb kinetic energy and so on, are now used by American scientists as a cutting-edge technology for gimmicks to ask for funding.

Nick stared one-eyed, mouth wide open, and said for a while, "If I'm right, it's a black country."

"Yes, is it a bit of a little pride, people of all colors are the most athletic talents of black people but generally have no brains, which satisfies the infatuation of countless black buddies, and it is also your sharpest on innovation."

Nick smiled bitterly. "Are they having problems?"

"I'm not sure, it's just suspicion at the moment. By the way, Wakanda was originally part of the prophet's message. The king panthers and Wakanda were also an important force in the late series of tyrants. . "

"Why didn't you say that before?"

"There are no indications in the many questions of the transaction. I answered them in the same way as the examination papers. Besides, Zhenjin ’s precious materials are rare, SHIELD has never thought about the source of it. I just thought you knew, I have a question, you know that it is Wakanda. "

"I'm not the Director of SHIELD, there are many things I don't know."

"I forgot about this for a while, and always regarded you as the Director of SHIELD. To be honest, in my Prophet's memory, you are equal to the Director of SHIELD, and the other basic concepts are not."

"Thank you for your compliment. If I said this before today, I will invite you to drink because I am happy."

"It's okay now, borrow wine to worry about it."

Nick grunted and asked, "It's mainly your credit to elicit such exaggerated Chaoying?"

"To be honest, I'm not afraid of carrying trouble, but I can't stand it, and I can't help it. I have to say that this first superhero called the Sentinel in the Marvel Universe appears, and it's not very good to rely on me. , I guess it was mainly caused by drug and social problems. The sentinel was an addicted gentleman before he became Chaoying. "

"Oh my god!" Even people like Nick couldn't help but shouted, but he quickly grabbed an important point. "You say he is a superhero?"

"Yeah, it probably means that the power of the explosion of millions of stars is his dark personality, and his own ability is not so good. The two personalities game each other, and they must always be unified. In Marvel. The universe ’s nuclear universe number 616. The sentinel finally completed the personality fusion. After easily defeating the avengers who suspected that he was controlled by nothing, he said that he was in good condition and was also a party of justice. . "

Nick is still frowning. "Even in this world, is it true that his level of personality united war can bear the earth?"

Kane nodded. "I'm also worried about this. In the Marvel Universe, Dr. Strange helped create a universe in the sentinel spiritual world, and then Robert Reynolds and the nothingness are tearing apart in this universe. But now Dr. Strange He was also a surgeon, a staunch materialist, scornful of magical superpowers, and lacked a good opportunity to change the three views. Even if Gu Yi and his budget are the greatest supremacy of the mystic masters People, it takes time to learn and grow. "

"So catch one from the other timeline, no, please ask a mature version of Doctor Strange?"

"Doing that would cause a paradox of time, leaving a huge hidden danger of destroying the two timelines. It's not as simple as the exile of the sentinels. He was sharp, thrown into other universes, and let him go to the waves, that is."

"Oh, this will do."

"Look at it in secret first. I was also the unintentional guardian of justice who accidentally encountered in the Halloween parade before I found out some information. The sentry is very powerful, but his body Robert Reynolds is just an ordinary person, which is a bit ugly. Now, besides biubiubiu and Hafen, what other skills does he have? If the deviation from the Prophet ’s memory is huge and its power is within the tolerance range, maybe the Avengers can have more officers, what do you say? "

"Uh um, okay, okay, that means you won't intervene?"

"There are just a few people I control. Bain is my bodyguard, Titan Hulk is a weapon, and the other is the SEAL soldier Rennes. I will play Rennes for a few days, but do n’t expect Too many, my core purpose is to ensure that the main line is basically not too much deviation, wait until 2012 to harvest the soul gem. So ... "

"Understood, thank you for your reminder. Don't you mind borrowing Hill?"

Kane hehe, Nick ’s abacus, he knows that one is to hang him through Hill to prevent him from letting go or fly completely in these two matters, and the other is to borrow the colony and strengthen the combat team, after all, this time The targets of the response, whether they are sentinels or Wakanda, are very unusual. As for the combat power of the eagle eye and the black widow, is it not enough to look at it?

"Okay, I thought about this day from the beginning. If you can do the job at Hill, it will be no problem."

After the two of them pulled on something else, the most nutritious part is that Kane talked about what he did a while ago to let Nick know that he has already started with power gems, reality gems, and soul gems. .

Although the counterfeit is still there, and its power is enough to survive the toss and die of human beings for a few times, the fake is fake. In the words of Kane, "With the power skills of the so-called super hero, either the power cannot be exerted, or three or five Under the waves, as long as you are willing to use your brain and use the power of the universe cube, it is enough to solve the problem. It is no longer possible to cooperate with Gu Yi and banish the target to the unknown time and space. They cry nowhere to cry. "

During this time, Nick naturally spent a lot of time on the universe cube that Kane gave him.

He was also fully aware that, after being handled by Kane, the Cube of the Universe was more suitable for Chaoying, even half-hanger like him.

In order to develop functions, he has long hung up a project that is to use the brain holes of the earth people to develop the use function of the cosmic cube, that is, to collect golden ideas. skill.

It can be said that with this cosmic cube, the Avengers Alliance also has a treasure of the town alliance that can be inherited.

But this does not prevent him from crying poorly in front of Kane.

The crying child has milk to eat. If a big cow like Kane, if he is willing to go straight, he can effectively promote the positive cause of human beings with root leg hair. So as far as possible to promote its participation in the right, Nick's core policy to deal with Kane.

Others, he thinks it is better to think less, so as not to consume brain cells prematurely. The good news is that through multi-faceted observations, Kane is not an elusive neuropathy. As long as he does not violate his anti-scales, there is no major problem. People, even if they want to play two hands, they are playing the trumpet, which is already very good. If you want to slap it, you will destroy a city or a country like a nuclear bomb explosion. Who is going to reason?

When the two were leaving, Nick couldn't help but ask again, "That strange doctor sounds so strong, can't he pull the seedlings to help?"

"You go to Gu Yiyi to discuss it. But I advise you not to have too high expectations. You secretly investigate the neurosurgeon Stephen? Strange will find that young people and skilled people are generally arrogant, this Bit is another Tony Stark, who needs to be hardened enough to become a qualified super hero, and his brain is so broad that he is not a sharp soldier like an eagle eye or a black widow. Anyway. "

Nick pouted. "Isn't my job to deal with this kind of diamond ore with a lot of corners? But I still need more reminders."

"I also found out that even the elements of the building blocks have changed. I'm afraid you will find a few more bb sentences after looking for the transaction of space gems."

Nick hehe "Are you still afraid of this?"

"Of course, the soul needs coordinates, or guidelines, otherwise it will get lost."

Kane meant that Nick understood, not to explain to others, but to himself. He shrugged. "God knows how much world you have ruined to understand this truth."

Nick himself is also a very angular person. When talking to people, he is either strong, imperative, or choking each other. When he is softly asking for help, Kane also knows that Nick is urinating, Will not care about him.

After the two separated, Kane began to spend his small life in the upper class. It is now November 2010, and there are about 18 months before the Chattari attack, except for the appearance of the sentry and Vakanda. He felt a little resentful, and the other was okay. He felt that it would not be too difficult to spend the day.

There are three wives, three homes, and one Monica, enough for him to play.

The US team disappeared, and the Winter Soldier, who became Baine, continued to be a promising career as a bodyguard. Titan Hulk is a weapon in the training tank, and Kane did not intend to always make it out. After all, Bruce Banner is still alive, and disgusting people don't bring it like this.

Over time, this biochemical weapon became Maria Hill's killer. There are special virtual devices on the Hill. Maria also pays attention to training, including the control of this weapon.

I have to say that Ms. Hill is very ambitious. Of course, Kane does n’t think so. It ’s a good thing to be busy a lot of times. It ’s easy to think when people are idle.

Olivia's life may have been right in the dance. Her own song and dance troupe was in a slump and had little training. In turn, she opened a training class to train the children.

Perhaps it is because the fees are not expensive and the training courses are okay. Nowadays, if the children are not very tight and the children are interested, most of them will be allowed to attend such training courses, especially for girls, mainly to correct the posture of walking, sitting and lying, and to cultivate temperament. Just like boys who have undergone strict military training, it is a reason that the appearance of instrumental style will be more masculine and tough.

Kane felt that Olivia could be busy, and it was a good thing, so he sent Winter Soldiers who were close to the Quartet to serve as guards. Unexpectedly welcomed by children. Kane said, "Isn't it said that the children have a strong sixth sense? Children in the lighthouse country have taken the wrong medicine? What are their eyes? Is that a humanoid beast?"

Rachel? Anne? Adams is still crazy in the Mojave Desert every day, and has been strengthened a little, accompanied by a permanent spare mark, and there is no problem in safety.

Speaking of which, there is a small interesting thing. Mark is married to a girl in a neighboring town. The two are classmates. At a certain party, the other party just fell in love. The two of them speculated. Then Fengzi got married. Not long ago, a caesarean section of 127 pounds of fat boy, born naturally, will also be on the news.

This is his pot. He had casually ‘spotted’ it for a while, but he did n’t expect Mark to mutate, and then inherited it to future generations, and got a fortified person. Kane also gave a gift to Anne, and met the child, and said, "This is not an evil spirit, but also a blood of the Devil Race?"

Anyway, his influence on the world is getting more and more serious, and this kind of thing doesn't matter anymore, just gossip news. But he and Annie had no children. Both Annie and her parents were eager.

Kane thought about it, and now he can bear it, and after a while, it is estimated that he will be a demon. Simply, he felt that he synthesized a bullet, which made Anne pregnant directly.

Kane started to do the little things of **** and cook, and after a small day, he had more time to remote control one of his toys, the soldier Ren.

Although it is also called Rennes, it is not the rescued, but the rescuer.

Since the Hulk capture incident, Rennes ’movement has been frequent, and is now the fbi ’s thug. Not long ago, because he shot too heavily, it was in violation of the rules, and he is now on a long vacation.

I have to say that this is also Kane's pot. After he transformed Ryan, Ryan's own skill in using power is not enough to control the new body. Even if Kane will restrict it when he is not on his body, it is still stronger, so ... …

But no matter the army or the secret service team, they are more convinced of those who can dare to rush, so Ren ’s life is not uncomfortable. Some people in the circle hold it and there are beautiful women.

This guy was driving when Kane got up, and Kane was a little embarrassed.

It was the sister who said "eon, baby!" So he continued the battle, and finally took the sister as a winner and took the sister to take a bath.

After returning to the bed to chat, the relationship is still an adulterer. He opened the patty in the family while the male owner was away.

This is not good. I am a person with core socialist values. How can I be so casual? So Kane's righteous words rejected the proposal that changed overnight, and most of them shone in the middle of the night.

What about thirst, of course, go to the bar.

In the bar of the soldiers circle, the unfamiliar chat is about which kind of army you served in before.

Entered the bar and found that he was a celebrity, and some people jokingly asked if it was a bad job and was kicked out by the girl.

Kane said, "Mom, I still eat the grass."

Drinking beer in front of the bar, after a scent of fragrance, there was a girl with an oval face beside her.

Kane glanced, and then compared the women in Rennes's memory, and found that there was no match, so he didn't care, and still drank beer on his own.

I do n’t know if it ’s an old person or what ’s going on. I used to drink this thing and could n’t taste it. Obviously I felt really good.

"Hi! I heard that you are good?" The girl took the initiative to accost.

Kane grunted and stretched out an arm. "You can use it to play horizontal bars. If you ask the other hand, you need to find a room to practice."

The girl didn't feel awkward, "You don't need a room, just outside."

"Bang? Even if it's a lighthouse country, there are not so many wild and hungry people." Kane thought, turning his head to glance at the other party a little seriously, and found it interesting. His face is good, his body is good, and most of them have not been used.

He said to himself, "Will Ren have such a blessing?"

I have to say that although Renn ’s length is not bad, his tendon is more natural and feels better than playing bodybuilding, but his temperament is a little rough, and he has no culture, he does n’t understand much fun, and he does n’t talk sweetly, He likes this, and he usually catches some grievances who are disgruntled and milfs.

As for the girlfriends, there were a few, but they all broke up, because he always took part in secret missions from time to time, did not know how many days to walk, and could not say that he always disappeared and lost contact in this way, let alone ordinary women. , That is, the average family can't stand it. Who knows whether it was going out, or which one died in it, and was brought back in a state of incomplete beauty after a while.

The girl in front of him, with Kane's vision, is all above 80 points, which is not for the bad soldiers like Rennes.

Wait, this girl ... Kane has memories, Agent 13! Peggy Carter's niece!

"This is a female neighbor and prospective girlfriend arranged by the SHIELD Bureau for the US team. It is an official arrangement of the thorns and roses of the anti-bubble team. It is also the true girlfriend of many US teams in the Marvel parallel universe. The highest achievement agent level has reached 9, And joined the Avengers, actually appeared here! If there is no US team, it would be like this? It should not be, Peggy Carter is not dead yet. Although the lighthouse country is the largest capital, it is also humane ... "

Thinking about something in his head, his behavior did not fall. Kane drank the beer in a few sips. Some of them hurriedly lost a whole money, and then went out with Sharon Carter.

Someone in the bar whistled at him, he also showed an expression, that means don't envy brother, brother is a legend, one on the eve, one on the eve ...

However, in fact Sharon was looking for him instead of going to bed to practice, but playing on the cement floor. This girl, who is proficient in combat techniques and various weapons, is theoretically far better than the original Rennes, at least in terms of skills. The higher than the original black widow, that is, some less proficiency and experience.

But in front of Kane ...

Kane did n’t show any great fighting skills, but played the ‘sculpture’ routine. To put it bluntly, it was the American team ’s words that I could play like this all day!

For example, Sharon ’s power is not dominant, and it is similar to the black widow. He moves around and locks his neck, and then uses his own weight and strength to pull the target upside down. But Kane is a sculpture. With one arm playing horizontal bar, Sharon's entanglement became a mother monkey climbing a tree.

After Kane concealed several shapes such as the meditator and the discus thrower, Sharon found that this set of Jiu-Jitsu sleeping skills, twisting techniques, and solid techniques was really not good. It was too ambiguous to fight, so he took the initiative to close his hand and said slightly, "You have passed."

"It means that you can go to bed to practice next." Kane said in a playful tone, Sao soldiers, the soldiers are so shy to make such a joke, not even a piece of meat.

Sharon Carter said seriously, "No, you are hired."

Kane said, "You are very melancholic right now, dismounting Mawei is unsuccessful, such a team is not easy to bring!"

He said, "You should know my situation?"

That means Lao Tzu is a thug in the lighthouse country, and he hasn't retired yet.

Sharon's natural show is very strong, showing the badge "Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau!"

The official name of S.H.I.E.L.D. is not only mouthful, but also bluffing. It is also a country and a strategy. It means that nuclear strikes are also among its available means. Defensive attacks and logistics support mean super independence. Can anything be involved?

Kane's upper body, showing the first time the soldiers heard this name should be dumb.

"Are you a regular organization?"

"You can check." Sharon's face was calm, and he even enjoyed watching the series of unconsciousness that people showed because of this name.

The official website, the national prefix, and the agent number are also correct, and even the online registration function has been opened. This is quite a tide. You must know that in 2010, the government civil servants registered online and immediately went to work. Who dares to say that this is not fashionable?

"Is this a job transfer again?"

"The file hasn't come yet, it depends on the results of the mission tonight."


"How? Soft legs?"

Kane smiled and said with heart, "You are a girl who fights with a soldier, are you wise?"

Now he pointed to the hips, "three legs, none of them are soft."

Sharon snorted and decisively gave up more rogue than anyone.

Under Sharon's guidance, Kane took a Kun-type transport plane not long after.

There were already people in the transport plane, all companions of the operation.

"Okay, everyone is here. Let me introduce myself." It wasn't Sharon who spoke, but a man with a disfiguring scar on his face. Sharon was next to him and he looked like an adjutant.

"Big bear." A guy who is more than 2 meters tall and weighs 120kg, and at first glance is a heavy fireman said muffledly.

"Shark." This person's hairline matches with that of middle-aged Jude Law. The Greek-style big nose forms the facial features that the central mountain range drives to bulge forward. It is a bit of a shark's head. The teeth are also triangular. It should be intentional. Grinded like that.

Kane thought this should be a commando.

"Bottom fire." Ordinary men who couldn't be found in the piles of people. They had very white skin, **** red faces on their faces, and messy hair. Knowing the code name, they knew that they were explosive blasters.

"Father." Said the man holding the portable version of the Bible.

This Kane could n’t understand it, maybe it was a medical soldier and a priest, but it might just have been a cleric.

"Mandala." The person who spoke was still a pretty girl, and it was also a beautiful woman with amorous feelings, but the amorous feelings were like perfumes, and the tastes were different. The one in front of me was closer to the flamboyant and cheap goods. When people see it, they are full of oil and want to drive. But mandala is poisonous flower everywhere.

"Assassin!" The facial paralysis man's voice comes with a cooling attribute, which is quite cold. Looking at a species like the Caucasian, it can't be said that it is yellow hair, but dry hair. The green color of the iris is also very green, gray and light gray. Blue's eyes were momentarily bright, and it was difficult to distinguish Xuan Yi.

Kane estimates that this is either just what the name implies or a sniper.

It was his turn, "Pioneer." His codename was quite satisfactory, and he was a commando when he heard it. However, as the top character in the SEAL team, his resume should be quaternary (sniping, bursting, exploding, fire) + iron man, this is naturally caused by the evil spirit cell after the monsters are changed, so the 'pioneer' It's too suitable, it can only be said to be okay.

The shark rubbed his big nose and interjected, "I've heard of you, this year's red."

The priest nagged and said, "The performance of arresting Hulk is better than that of manslaughter."

At this time, everyone looked sideways. If Hulk and Hate ca n’t be known in the Harlem area of ​​New York, then the Monaco Grand Prix is ​​unparalleled, and it is really famous in some circles.

These circles naturally include those holding swords and rice bowls, including thugs from violent institutions and high-end mercenaries.

It can be said that when Hulk is involved, there is the concept of violence, but anyone who can reach out without dying is not an ordinary person, but a man who can hold it for 100 seconds.

Kane's upper body was awkward and he smiled awkwardly. "It was nothing more than being carried back into the car, Hulk did not drive Wushuang, nor did he catch it."

The mandala said, "I said, why are you more handsome than them, and communicate when you are free."

Kane Kouhuahua "Experience? Or body fluids?"

"Depends on the situation." The mandala was not as Sharon as he said, and Kane flirted with a wink ~ ~ When Sharon saw this, she would chat, clear her throat, and sign up. "Hummingbird."

Kane said, "It really is a correspondent."

Finally, Captain Scarface, "Knight."

Kane said, "Okay, when you hear it, it's the thug who is killing the landlord."

Just listen to the knight saying, "Now, let me briefly talk about this operation. We will raid a drug dealer ’s den in Hell ’s Kitchen in New York. The intelligence pointed out that the enemy has military-grade assault rifles and body armor, as well as grenades And received training from the instructor of the Cordillera Division in Colombia. "

The Cordillera Mountains range from Alaska in the north to Tierra del Fuego in the south, and stretch for 15,000 kilometers. Throughout the west of North and South America, the name is actually a mountain division. Having been trained by the instructor of the division means jungle warfare, street battle There is one hand in indoor warfare. The knight said this, of course, to remind people not to be overwhelmed by the little trick of the turtle.

"The core tenet of this operation is to be low-key and fast. The smaller the movement, the better the tongue. The higher the status, the better. Other freedoms."

In fact, this means that the action is very hasty, the intelligence work is not in place, and no one knows who is the leader. The team members are playing by themselves, and they are trying to catch. Eat more experience, so it is a bunch of old birds, not new ones.

As for the amazing destructiveness of finding such a group for Mao, they are basically killing and setting fire for violent elements in third world countries or hotspots because they are unfamiliar and no one asks.

Besides, what do you know? The duty of the soldiers is to execute orders. Forced soldiers like them can choose not to take orders, but inquiring about them will still be suspicious and unprofessional.

They just need to make sure that someone is at the bottom of their pockets, and the rest is about those things on the battlefield, everything else is superfluous. Even rather choose not to know, otherwise it is the tongue in the eyes of others.


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