Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 882: Gems in hand

In the Great Marvel Universe, the collector Talia? Dewan is actually a very powerful person.

His collection addiction is mainly based on species. It can be said that most of the races and species that have died out for various reasons can be found out of print with him. It can be said that he is backing up the species of this universe.

Therefore, things like Temple 1 cannot theoretically be sold for price.

However, in Marvel 199999, the depth of the characters of Dewan and Gao Tianzun could not be reflected, so many are still unknown, but unfortunately Kane did not have too much interest in digging.

The Black Sun was not invisible, and was close to the advance base of the Chitarians, and was naturally found.

The patrol ship came forward and asked: "This is the private leader of Chitari. You have been locked by weapons and docked according to our ship's guidance."

"Okay, no problem. My host is here to do business, and high-value information is brought to the tyrant." Shipborne Zhinao replied.

In this way, under the **** of the patrol ship, the Black Sun first went to the designated airspace to accept the boarding inspection of the Chitarians.

It must be said that this process is still very formal.

Perhaps the Chitarians know that they have done too much evil and countless enemies, so their inspection system is relatively complete. When it comes to personnel execution, they can also be said to perform their duties with due diligence.

However, when they met Kane, they could only say that they were unlucky enough. The two sides were not of the same order of magnitude. They were first parasitic in the silent cell insect, and soon afterwards, they became apostasy.

Although Kane does not yet have a soul gem, the god-level puzzle control skills are also extremely powerful, not to mention that the evil spirit cell worm has also completed physiological alienation.

It can be said that Kane first turned the shells of these Chitarians into cages that bound their souls, and then, under the blessing of a whole set of auditory hallucinations, these people had a long dream involving life-long memories, and then their souls It was completely swallowed and replaced.

Some individuals with exceptionally strong wills are imprisoned first, and then a little bit collapsed and eaten away.

It can be said that from the moment the two sides approached each other, the war has started, but he is an unconventional and one-sided slaughter, just like an alternative ionizing radiation strike, undetected and strangely damaged.

While the parasitic infection of the evil **** cell worm, comparable to the zombie virus, spread rapidly and silently in the advancement base of the Qitarui, Kane saw the leader of the Qitarui, Theother, the name is also drunk, Who are the "others"?

Kane knew that the leader was a pass to see the bully, and he smiled and presented a written document.

"This is a secret way I obtained from the Nova Army. The new vanadium alloy is already a mature material formula, which can effectively improve the protection ability of the Chetari warriors. It is hereby presented as a gift."

The Chitarians are taking the path of metal machinery transformation, half human and half machinery, combining organic and inorganic materials, so it will have the appearance of incomplete armor.

Kane presented this material formula, which naturally scratched the itchy place of the leader of the Qitarui people.

But he still hummed: "If the formula is found to be problematic by experts, or the key data is missing ..."

"I'm here to seek profits, not to die, so how can unreasonable things be done? I'm willing to stay with you for a few more days, and wait for the experts to thoroughly verify the true and false before leaving."

Chief Chitarui snorted, that means: count as your acquaintance.

"So, what kind of information exactly needs to be interviewed with the commander-in-chief?"

"It's about how to speed up and reach the wish of the great commander."

Chief Chitari stared at Kane for a moment, both a warning and a reminder: "You know, the commander never lies, and he hates lying most."

"Please be assured that I will not make fun of my life, and the commander will surely be very satisfied with your referral afterwards."

"I hope you are not bragging, otherwise, you will be subject to double sanctions." Chief Chitarui personally went to meet the bully.

Kane waited quietly for more than ten minutes, and he was summoned to dominate.

Tyrant sat on his dangerous throne with a strange style, and said: "It's you, saying that it can bring me a way to accelerate the realization of my wish."

"Yes, Commander, please allow me to take out the items." Said Kane showed his hand and took out the infinite gloves made by him from the void of space.

Hegemony is well-informed, and super powers have also been seen a lot. Kane performed the hidden possessions with a light weight, which really gave him a high glance, but that's all.

Kane said to Chief Chitari on the side: "Could you please present him to the Commander, this is the one I specially asked to go to Nideville to ask the dwarf king to make it by myself, called the infinite glove ..."

"Huh?" As soon as the Bully heard the name, the connection triggered, and the body instinctively probed forward, staring at the infinite glove.

Seeing the body language of tyrants, Chief Chitari realized that tyrants were really interested, and took the infinite gloves from Kane and offered them.

The Bully was not taken in a hurry to take it, but looked carefully.

After a while, he said: "The craftsmanship is good. It is indeed the craft of the Nydweiler dwarf. I can feel its powerful power."

Kane said: "I still use you to say? Lao Tzu went to Asgard and visited the weapons of Odin's whole family. He closed his eyes and made a fake. The dwarf king can see nothing wrong. You can be strange. . "

"This is obviously a semi-finished product, let's talk about his ideas."

Kane simply said the source of the infinite gems, that is, copying 1 chapter of the silver guard, Tanya Diwan explained the set of infinite gems to Kamora and Xingjue.

In the end he said: "Six infinite gems, each one is unique and powerful, so they are incompatible. For ordinary people, one power cannot bear it. I think if there is anyone else in this universe, If you can control six of them at the same time, then it can only be you, commander. But you still need some ways to use them better. "

"Is it it?" Said the bully, pointing to the infinite gloves on his hands.

"Yes. Realistic gems can realize any idea, soul gems and soul gems can affect soul consciousness, time and space gems can span infinite distances, and power gems ensure the arrival and execution of the effect. Then by then, you only need With a snap, your wish will come true. "

The bully touched his chin and exclaimed: "It sounds really good."

Kane Xin said: "Of course it is good, this is your own creativity, which is very in line with your sullen personality, a finger snapping half of the universe, how many games can be more pretend than this?"

Mouth said: "Unfortunately, I am not capable of exploring. After so many years, I have not found an infinite gem. There is no way to test this glove."

"I have one here. If the last person who owned him told the truth."

Kane said: "Oh, look at this meaning, you haven't been able to understand the convention that infinite gems have a containment shell."

He plays with his upper body and expresses the desire in his expression: "Can I watch you use that infinite gem?"

Ba Pa chuckled and nodded, saying no problem.

So the soul gem was ordered to be taken out of the secret vault and presented.

Now it has not been embedded in the scepter. The reunion 1 is a scepter between the spear and the staff, which was specially created for the Loki by the Chitarians to make up for its immortal gun imitation (Austria) Ding ’s eternal spear is the only artifact that can open the Rainbow Bridge except Burtgang between Heimdall ’s guardians). It ’s a pity that he was lost in the final chapter of Thor.

Soul gemstones exist in the form of headband inlays in the hands of knowledge narrators.

After he got the bully, he didn't do much research. When he got to Loki, it became a way to control the mind of others.

Now, it is a gem.

The Bully is actually worried about this thing, because the knowledge narrator once used the soul gem to make him suffer. If he was not negligent for a while, he might not be the last winner.

Picking up the gems, Domineering made a rough gesture on Infinite Gloves, and there was no special response at seeing, so he was a little hesitant.

Kane said: "Please allow me to help."

Chief Chitarui shouted: "Irreverent!"

Domineering is a wave. I have to say that in Marvel 199999, the tyrants are still good. They belong to the cute villains. At least they have a lot of flash points. For example, the love for Kamora is sincere, never lying, and there are also superiors. The personality, the charm is not bad, the sticks and sweet dates are very good.

Both Infinite Gloves and Soul Gems were thrown to Kane, and the Bully said, "Come on!"

Kane got the soul gem, while carefully confirming and analyzing the structure, he said: "I heard some secret news. Because the power of infinite gems is too strong, when they are excavated and tossed in the hands of the intelligent life, the intelligent life combines its own The techniques of perception and mastery have created shells for them, which, although limiting their power, have made them safer and easier to use. "

Speaking of which, Kane's fingers pressed hard, ‘ping! ’The outer ice blue shell of the Mind Gem is broken into debris, revealing the original appearance of the Orange Mind Gem.

Suddenly, the psychic energy overflowed, and both Tyrant and Chitari felt the majestic and palpable power.

The gem came close to the infinite glove, attracted itself, and with a soft sound, it actively attached to the corresponding position.

Destroyer showed such an expression, and Chief Chitari was very nervous, ready to shoot.

In fact, Tyrant also worried that Kane would wear it and use it. After all, he knows how strong the shell of the soul gem is. Kane simply crushed it like that, and the power he showed was even more daunting than the ability to show his first hand space. .

However, as a strong man, hegemony is very confident in himself. Speaking of it, he is indeed the first master of this naked battle of the universe. Of course, like the sentinels, those monsters as big as the planets of the Tenjin group must be removed. At least in the chapter of infinite gems, the tyrant is NO? 1.

Comparable with Kane, it is a little bit less than looking at the tyrant, especially Kane, who has mastered 5 infinite gems, in the face of the tyrant and Chitari leader, through the ability of space gems and time gems, play Both stopped at once and stolen the dragon to turn the phoenix, neither of them even noticed.

Mind gems are still mind gems, but like the gems in Nick and Guyi's hands, they have all become projection-level.

Anyway, even if hegemony is unable to exert the full power of the infinite gems, a snap of the fingers will pay the price of serious injuries. The success of the Kane gems does not mind continuing to lose a projection to coax this group of so-called big names, BOSS.

Kane handed over the infinite gloves to the leader of Qitarui, and then gave the tyrant first. During the period, there was no semi-pretending covetment, but the kind of high-end items that should be controlled by a person like Tyrant.

This makes the Bully very satisfied, especially after wearing the infinite gloves, it is natural to understand the magical use of the soul gem, and also feel the powerful power, so I can't help but be happy.

"Speak, what do you want? Oh, by the way, I still don't know your name. It's really rude." Hegemony and Yan Yue said.

"Lord Commander, I heard very early that you have high ambitions, and you will do what you say. I see today that I am indeed a leader, and I have an extraordinary style. I am here only to ask you to be open to the human network on the earth and exempt them from sanctions. "

"Earth? Seems to be one of Asgard's Nine Realms?"

Chief Chitari echoed: "Midgart, the earth is named by human beings, humble lower species, and even gravity wells have not come out ..."

Hegemony nodded and asked Kane: "How can you plead for such a group of people."

"For some reason, you owe human favors and have to pay debts. This is the motto of the Lannister family."

Hegemony nodded: "Well, the Lannister family is very interesting, and you are not bad. Your request for this transaction, I agreed." ...

In this way, Kane did not turn his face with the tyrant, and achieved his goal.

The goal was achieved, Kane would naturally not continue to stay.

He said to the tyrant: "Master, unless you confirm that the soul gem is the first, I ca n’t handle the rumor that the infinite gem is packed in the shell as reliable information. This time, the soul gem has made me new. The idea is that infinite gems are far away from us, but they may not be too far away. "

"Cosmic Spirit Balls, Cosmic Rubik's Cubes, these may be the encapsulated state of infinite gems. There are also ether particles of dark elves, this magical thing is also very likely to be the disguise of infinite gems. The transformation, claimed to be able to sink the entire universe into dark ether particles, is most likely a realistic gem. "

Domineering nodded frequently.

In fact, when Kane crushed the shell of the soul gem in his face, he was touched, and it didn't take long to be connected to other wonders. After all, he was smart and experienced, and the mind itself was one-on-one.

It is for this reason that Kane has been honest throughout the whole process, telling the truth as much as possible.

"As far as I know, the destruction of the dark elves was in the hands of the Asgards. The great decisive battle in that year was precisely because Asgard first suppressed the artifact of the ether particles. The dark elves failed miserably. So the clue of the ether particles, Most of them also sought from Asgard. "

Hegemony also took it for granted, and the hero who touched his chin felt the same.

After seeing Kane in such a short time, Chief Chitarui became a celebrity in the eyes of the bully, and he was envious and jealous. He grabbed the white road: "I caught a defector of Asgard not long ago. , According to him, he is also the son of Odin. "

Kane looked at Chief Chitari: "Your Excellency, as far as I know, Odin has two sons on the surface, one is Sol and the other is Loki. Which one is he?"

"Rocky." Chief Chitari said with some pride.

Although the bully is not a lot of words, but wisdom, calmness, and insight are all very good. He noticed the concept of Kane's expression "on the surface", so he asked with interest.

Kane talked eloquently: "The years have passed, and Odin, who once broke the prestige with the eternal gun, now gives the world the impression of a benevolent and generous king, the guardian of the Nine Realms, and his executioner Hella He was imprisoned for many years, and even the Asgards did not know that Odin had such a murderous daughter, and the blood and cruelty of that year. "

"Sol is indeed his son, but Rocky, the son of Lawy the King of Frost Giants. The information I received shows that a series of incidents that occurred in Asgard some time ago are due to this, Rocky. I want to be the king of Asgard, so he pretends to betray him for this, and then puts Laufi into Asgard, killing Laufi when Laufi is about to kill the unconscious Odin. This news is very good to verify, after all The King of Frost Giants was killed by the invasion, but it was a great accomplishment. Loki also pointed to this to gain popularity, so the spread of the rumors. "

The Bully frowned slightly, and he judged that Kane should not have lied on these issues because it was easy to verify. So his impression of Rocky was much worse.

Although many people in the original world commented on the Rocky of Marvel 199999, it is actually a big bear child who wants to attract people's attention by doing things.

But C Kane did not know that there is the concept of the source world. He also didn't think that the things the Rocky did in the Prophet's memory were just prank basics.

As for the brotherly love between Rocky and Sol, it's a matter of him, he is not good at it. So there was a chance, he didn't mind Black Rocky at all.

Although the chapter of Thor is a typical royal palace fight, but some things have been done, and they are still known, it is still quite offensive, like Rocky, Odin calculated by him, Sol's mother Friega He was indirectly killed by him, and he pointed the cursed warrior of the dark elf to the left and went straight into the inner palace. Saul was habitually pitted by him, not the protagonist aura, and was already played dead.

Parents who have nurturing grace for him, as well as brothers who have been playing big since childhood, are so engaged in him. The blood-related relatives did not hesitate to kill the invitation. It is difficult to imagine who he still cares about.

As Frigga said when he visited Rocky, who was imprisoned in the Asgard dungeon after one chapter of the reunification, "You are indeed smart, see the world, and point to the essence, but you do not see yourself."

Although Loki was completely whitewashed with death at the end of the chapter of Infinite Gems.

But Kane still didn't think he was cute. Instead, he remembered the poem: He usually used his hands to explore his mind, and reported to the king when he was in danger.

He felt it appropriate to describe the last whitewashed Rocky. When I was accused of doing something wrong, I scolded this stupid person for not understanding, the nature of power, the shadyness of the human heart, the hypocrisy of calling others alive, and so on. It is painful and the most difficult.

Kane maliciously guessed that Rocky was afraid of feeling the power and despair of tyrants, so he played that trick?

Anyway, the Asgards have been hit hard one after another, everyone is dead, and the dream of kingship should be awakened.

Next, will you spend the rest of your life humble like a stray dog, or take advantage of the asgard's corpses still warm, and catch up with the last train, bravely as a prince, just leave a perfect ending?

Such mercy, he owed a little sympathy.

After Kane hacked Loki, he said again: "I also know that the Universe Rubik's Cube appeared on the earth, as if it was more than 70 years ago, it was held by a mysterious side department of human power with the core of ethnology Master it, buy some **** and get some energy weapons or something. But in the end, as this force was defeated by another group of powerful forces, the Universe Cube lost track again. "

This time the chief of the Chitarians was scratched again and interjected: "The Rocky pointed out that he has discovered the whereabouts of the Cube of the Universe."

"Oh, why don't I feel the difference at all?" Kane said, explaining: "A little ghost, an old ghost, Odin doesn't like to put eggs in a basket, maybe because the earth is the atrium of the Nine Realms, Austria Ding has a soft spot for it, as if even his daughter is being held there. It does n’t matter, what I want to say is that the Universe Cube was controlled by the Asgard people many years ago, and Odin threw it to the earth Mostly, there is a way to get it back, maybe even a bait. "

"I originally planned to go to the earth to find the cosmic cube, and then deal with the commander. But since you already have the relevant plan, I naturally want to avoid it ~ ~ Maybe I can check the universe spirit ball. whereabouts."

Tyrant and Yan Yuese said: "Lannister, bring me the spirit ball of the universe, and the reward will definitely not let you down."

"Then I'm here to thank the leader in advance. It is really a reassuring and happy thing to deal with a wise and powerful existence like you. I wish you an early control of everything and achieve your aspirations."

"Well, borrow your good words."

Kane is about to retire. Before he leaves, he will give the leader of Citali fire: "The little devil is good at calculation, but not necessarily the opponent of the old ghost, sir, you pay more attention."

The leader of the Chitarians is also cold-hearted, because Kane has a lot of face in front of the tyrant, and he looks very red, so he has a bad taste for Kane, and coldly said: "I do things, it is not your turn. Come worry about it. "

Kane laughed: "Sorry, I just want to wake up to please you ..."

The chief of the Chitarians snorted coldly: "These **** cosmic brokers have no dignity at all! In the future, let them have as few contacts as possible ..."

The chieftains of the Chitarians are so tight to kill the bully, even if they are so sincere after licking them, mainly because this race also has a core concept. They have always claimed to be a part of the universe ’s immune system to eliminate Order and free will are our responsibilities.

The Kane deity naturally understands that the Marvels of the origin world have made these villains, whether they are Hydra or the Chitarians, all a reflection and satire on the political-government system in the East, but C Kane is I don't understand this kind of stubbornness, I just think that these people's thoughts are a little too short, so they appear to be two strokes, which can be modified and corrected.

Of course, his main task now is to send the collection of strange gems to the dark old branch of the universe, the Chitarians, and let the evil spirit cell worm continue to infect. After the infection is completely completed, it will naturally become a good comrade ...

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