Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 883: Equal variables become miracles

Deep in the universe, vast void.

This is outside the Virgo supercluster.

The galaxies such as the Milky Way, the Andromeda Galaxy, the Triangulum Galaxy, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds constitute the local galaxy group. The local galaxy group is a member of the Virgo supercluster.

Without increasing the level by one level, the air width will be increased by a geometric multiple.

Outside the Virgo cluster, the space width has exceeded the limit imaginable by human beings. On average, for every 10 million cubic kilometers, no space of atomic level can be allocated.

Kane arrived here shortly after leaving the Qitarui's forward base.

He wants to complete the settlement with Black Kane. He chose this to avoid accidents, and the facts later prove that his prudence is correct.

After opening the transcrystalline wall system according to the contact method set at the beginning, Kane established a conscious connection with Black Kane for the first time.

He confirmed that the opposite side was indeed Black Kane, but there was an almost earth-shattering change to the Black Kane that he already knew.

For a moment, C Kane even thought that the opposite side was a fresh old dominator.

God ’s super-high-speed thinking rate made C Kane quickly understand the reason. The time velocities of the two universes are different. This side is much slower than the opposite. For him, he came to Marvel 199999 to obtain infinite gems. It was a move many years ago.

After confirming that the opposite side is indeed Black Kane, C Kane directly threw the Supreme Gem after the six infinite gems in one.

There is nothing to hesitate, especially this kind of cross-crystal wall channel is very expensive to open, C Kane does not have the luck of the deity, and can rely on the precious sand of time to replace consumption.

In fact, enough sand of time can condense a gem of time. From the perspective of essence, such treasures are not mysterious to Kane. The main benefit of getting them is to save the accumulation and collection of years. .

Almost the next moment after the supreme gem was cast, there was a new energy response in the void.

Upon seeing the energy ray with an initial diameter of more than 10 meters, C Kane knew that the newly opened channel was super huge, and immediately transmitted it, and notified the nearby Black Sun main brain to stay away.

Shortly after the evasion, C Kane witnessed a violent energy explosion like a supernova explosion.

In the bright radioactive rays, a planet that is two circles larger than Jupiter is virtualized, and when the ray completely subsides, the outer appearance of the planet is also clearly shown.

Like the earth, it is a blue planet, which can clearly see the land and ocean. Unlike the earth, it emits light.

This light source comes from a film wrapped around the planet.

Speaking of the film, it is only relatively speaking. C Kane estimates that the film can be several hundred meters thick.

In a quick glance, C Kane failed to understand the material and all functions of this film, but one of the functions is to replace the atmosphere and the magnetic field of the planet. This is still certain.

Simply put, the reason why the planet's surface can be beautiful without the sun and the sea blue forest is green is because the entire planet's ecosystem is artificial.

He also felt the gravity of the planet. According to his assessment, the mass of the planet is likely to be similar to the mass of the solar system in the solar system where the earth is located, because the gravitational numbers of the two are different.

Under such a total mass, the surface of the planet can still have a similar surface appearance, instead of the vast expanse of plains, which is obviously artificially balanced, so C Kane guessed that the planet is not only external, but also the core Artificial.

He is naturally related to the construction of the Kingdom of God on the outer plane by salary king Kane.

There are no relevant details in his memory, but the general situation is known.

He realized that this should be a completely conquered quasi-mechanical realm. After years of continuous ordering, it has become a real state of order.

"This is considered exile?"

Sure enough, the dark sky shone one after another, and then turned into a light burst. With this light burst, a large number of stars 4-6 times larger than the moon appeared.

In contrast, the surface of these stars is not as delicate as the surface of the first star, but they are not the same as those of the most common asteroids in the universe, but they have obvious artificial features, are very round, and the surface is It is made of hexahedral metal, like a deck.

There seems to be a complete gravitational operation system between these stars. By controlling the gravity, they pull each other, and soon the stars surround the largest blue star like a moon, becoming a functioning according to a specific operation law. overall.

At the same time, in the void not far in front of C Kane, a golden flame appeared out of nothing, and the next moment, the golden flame expanded into a human form. But even C Kane couldn't see the other person's face.

But he has an instinctive feeling that this is actually a good thing, even a kind of protection, but seeing it will have a bad influence on him.

"Salary King?" C Kane tried to ask.

"It's me, hello, pioneer, I have known your pioneering experience, the task is completed very well, and the infinite gems are delivered in a timely manner, which affects our final decision."

C Kane laughed sarcastically: "So, did I fail again?"

"No, this time we succeeded. In the dark old dominating universe, we have spent 3,300 years with the old dominators. Except for Agathos, we have dealt with all the old dominators and successfully obtained from them. The source media. "

"Then you run and analyze the research, sending a batch of data to the deity every once in a while?"

"It's almost like this."

"What made you decide to exile this universe?"

"The old dominators were completely irritated. They gave up the engulfing process, continuously destroyed the galaxy, and created the void."

C Kane nodded and understood that the old supporters played the three-light strategy relying on their own fat and fat. The black Kane and the salary king who could not get supplies were naturally gradually out of support.

However, for that side, more than 3000 years have passed, which is beyond his imagination.

He traversed Marvel 199999 in the spring of 2008, which is the end of 10 years. It is only a few days away from the 11th New Year. It is less than 3 years from full play, but it has been more than 3000 years over there. No wonder Black Kane has changed so much.

"I won't see him again, right?" C Kane asked.

Salary King naturally knows that C Kane is talking about Black Kane.

"Yes, I won't see you again. He persisted for a much longer time than expected, but it has been inevitable to become the new and old **** evil spirits, gathering the original medium of the entire old dominator system, he is actually another An Assatos, after the medium is completely fused, will devour his consciousness and completely blacken. "

"Is it what he wants? Or is it self-sacrifice again?"

"Everything counts. His wish is to fight until one side dies."

"That is to say, in order not to become a part of Assatos, he will completely fall into the darkness, and the darkness will be chaotic. I am afraid it will take a long time."

"Indeed, what you see again is not him, but the incarnation of darkness."

"It seems that when he sent me the task, he thought of this ending. I am the best proof of his existence."

Salary King thought for a while and said, "It's okay to understand it. You are a free man and have no tasks. Do what you want according to your wishes."

C Cain replied: "The deity has been ample enough to support such a release?"

"Actually, I'm still finding a way. My efforts are one of them, and there are a few. If any one goes through, even if we are completely out of the predicament, we have the opportunity to rule the world and sweep all the haze.

"It's really reassuring to hear such news, our actions are meaningful, and our efforts are not in vain."

Salary King nodded affirmatively: "It is indeed so."

There are some truths that people understand, but understanding is different from understanding. It is different from reading from a book. It is different from practical understanding. It is also different from whether you are engaged in feelings or not.

So Salary King can understand the feelings contained in the seemingly simple words of C Kane.

No matter how many details win, it can't hide the depression caused by losing in the general direction. It's like inventing more than 10,000 methods for longevity. The effect is quite remarkable. The future looks promising, but in the end Still did not succeed in longevity, whether it was a horizontal or vertical death, this is equivalent to trying in vain, without ending.

Although Kane has never been a resultist, he has gone through so many times that he has become obsessive.

"Let me win once! Just one!" This is Kane's obsession.

Of course, he also knows that winning this time will most likely trigger the domino effect of victory. All the previous bad situations will usher in a victory ending. The reason why he keeps ‘jumping field’ is to keep a variable at the same time as the situation enters a dead end, a variable that can turn the tide and counterattack before a complete failure.

The only question now is, which one is this variable? Has it been wiped out, or is it still on the way to success.

From the perspective of C Kane, the King of Salary has the potential to become a key variable. When the old source media collected is thoroughly analyzed, the deity will most likely become an equivalent to Asatos. But the order with the opposite characteristics to the King of God sounded the horn of counterattack.

"Will you stay in this universe for a while?"

"Yes, infinite gems, or the most powerful power in this universe, make full use of its power to accelerate analysis."

C Kane said: "When I first came down, I encountered some troubles, that is, the laws of the universe do not recognize some of the old qualities."

"I understand what you mean. In fact, this feature can also be used. Using the rules to filter out a part of the old branch feature to make the analysis easier. For the filtered part, go back and look for the old branch universe analysis."

C Kane was right when he thought that he was restricted by the conditions and excluded by the law of the universe. Not only can it not be applied, but it cannot be preserved for a long time, but the salary king obviously does not have such troubles, let alone master the supreme. After the gem, the salary king can make the middle realm, which is the accumulation of 3000 years of accumulation and these possessions, and some are ways to save samples.

"The last question." He said: "Do I need to worry about the old master's pursuit?"

"No," Salary King said very simply: "This is also an important reason for Black Kane to stay there. Healing the traces of time and space is the last thing he did for us."

"Okay, no problem. Next, I will live according to my wishes, and maybe send him a memory packet in the future."

Salary King nodded, flicked his hand, and something came out, "This is a gift from me and Black Kane."

Again: "We should never see you again. For me now, Infinite Gem is just a resource that can be used for a period of time. Once it is exhausted, I will go to other Marvel universes to say goodbye to you in advance."

"See you then, and wish you all the best. Take care!"

"You take care too." Salary King said, turning into a golden flame again, and then turned into countless spots and Mars scattered.

Soon after, the salary king's astral fleet jumped and disappeared in the cyan light, which used the power of space gems and time gems.

Although Salary King didn't say where he would go to this universe, he was probably an area very strange to him.

C Kane was suspended in the deep sky, where most of the starlight could not be irradiated, and the dark and deep people made my heart panic.

Losing the infinite gems, C Kane could not help but feel a little awesome about this. The universe is so vast. In terms of the relevant information in his memory, not even the Milky Way is familiar, let alone a larger area.

Teleport back to the Black Sun, and start the transition process. The Black Sun tears the space in front of itself, creates a wormhole, returns to the vicinity of Sundar Star, and then uses pure working medium engine to head to Sundar Star.

After all, he was more cautious. He did not go directly back to Earth, but planned to stay on this endless interstellar cosmopolitan planet for a few days, eliminate traces, and then turn back to Earth.

The last time I came to Shandal, the sightseeing experience was very bad, so this time he did not enter the planet, but stayed in Xinggang.

The identity was resolved last time, and he pretended to be a Spartan.

In the Marvel Universe, Xingjue is not the son of the **** Igo, but the son of Prince Sparta and the Earthman.

In Marvel 199999, the Spartans also exist, and the external image is an excellent star hunter. In fact, like the Spartan city-states on the earth, they are a militarized country, and group combat is the real strength and highlight.

Because the appearance of the Spartans is not much different from that of the earth, and they always like to fly alone, they are like toilet stones and they can play well, so they were selected by Kane to explain his solo and no one. Provoked easily.

The only downside is that you ca n’t get a girl, especially in places like Sundar Sing. No one ’s sister can withstand the Spartans ’distorted masculinity due to militarization.

This is exactly what Kane thought. He was not interested in being accosted by those sisters who had more than one leg with strange-shaped creatures.

After staying in a high-end hotel in Xinggang, C Kane was lying on the bed, pillowing one of his hands, and the other hand playing a small gift given to him by the King of Salary and Black Kane.

It was a transparent crystal with the length and thickness of the index finger, spontaneously shimmering, a very delicate gadget.

C Kane knows what this is, the information crystal, more bluntly, the knowledge patch package, after playing this package, he will become a farmer who masters the system technology.

The patch he had already hit on the way to the Sundar Star ~ ~ Now this crystal is more of a memorial, and Black Kane obtained it from Shab Nicholas.

The supreme Assator of the old rulers claimed to be the origin of all things, including darkness, from him.

And Shabu Nicholas, was born in the darkness that originated from Assatos.

So if you define darkness, Shabu is a representative of limited darkness, or chaotic darkness.

And Black Kane, the dark contractor, the deity Kane, is the Lord of Dark Dimension.

In terms of forcedness, Black Kane is the highest, but in terms of specialization, he is not as good as Kane and Shabu.

In the dark old branch universe, Black Kane's main opponent is Shabu Nicholas.

Although in the long years, other old dominators have also dealt with him, but the wool of Shabu Sha is the political correctness of Black Kane, and his first life is here.

Only by defeating Shab, he can control the dark forces of the dark and old universe and become the king of elements. Although single, he is supreme.

And this crystal is the loot that Black Kane got from his brain after a major incarnation of Shab, which is a very special and symbolic object in the light bred in the dark.

Later, after being refined by the salary king, it became this object, which was regarded as an artifact.

Compared to this return, C Kane feels that his own existence is actually the biggest return that Black Kane has given him to complete the task. After all, Black Kane could devour him if he wanted to, and this restraint was not transferred at all by his will.

So, how should the next life go?

C Cain's main consideration now is this issue.

But before he thought about it, that is, in the early morning of the second day of his stay at the hotel, Maria Hill sent a message that Nick Fury had a result there ...

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