Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 891: Villain encounters green skin

At the time when SHIELD's operation at Minot Air Force Base was **** abused by the Hydra due to a wrong judgment, in the Arabian Sea, the fate of the third aircraft carrier fleet has reached the most passionate surge under the global attention. Moment.

On the two aircraft carriers, when the defense system urgently organized by the officers and soldiers quickly collapsed in front of the power armored commando, the value-added aircraft carrier with tremendous practical power and influence became a fat.

A large number of non-combatants were captured, and the specific process was simply brutal and **** by the Hydra side.

Captives must be highly focused and at the same time try to control their personal emotions, because if they fail to follow the commando's request in time, or if there are excessively large illegal actions, they will be shot with a headshot!

Headshot, this is a very characteristic operation that has been implemented by the Hydra side since boarding the ship, which impressed everyone.

They seemed to be dealing with the legendary zombies, as if they hadn't done the other side and would have a chance to survive.

It also seems to be performing some kind of sacred ritual.

Of course, more people who eat melon believe that the main reason for this is revenge. Because countless details are showing the heartfelt hatred of the Hydra people.

Whether they hate the soldiers of the beacon country, hate the beacon country, or hate the white people has not yet been clarified, but the hatred itself is already very clear.

It is the kind of killing that is of a general nature that feels insatiable, and it must be humiliated to get out of this bad breath.

The melon-eaters in a certain country also ridiculed this: “This is the complaint of the black uncles about their ancestors’ history of suffering as slaves sold to plantations in the Americas? But if so, should it equalize Spain first?

Anyway, this group of fighters boarded by the Hydra really has a soft spot for headshots.

Like the defensive nets that disintegrated the officers and soldiers on the mother ship before, there is a need to replenish guns after success. This is also the operation.

It even uses a pistol that is powerful enough to explode the head when approaching.

This behavior naturally aroused the resentment of most viewers worldwide.

Too much, this is not simply refusing to leave the other body, but second only to the whip body.

Fame stinks.

But conversely, what about?

Others are a terrorist organization. From the beginning to the present, there is no way to say something like Hydra, what human self-cultivation does not support excessive freedom, freedom is actually an indulgence, and Hydra is committed to let people understand this. , Building an orderly world ...

The Hydra did not do this, and the seemingly suspected information scrubbing seemed to be an objective statement of facts, telling the audience that the Hydra ’s hatred of the lighthouse and its army was not to prove that it was actually White lotus.

Powerful, cruel, and fearless ... The bad is so purely persistent, I have to say that people's fear of them has been greatly improved, and they are chilling when they think about it.

While looking at the problem on both sides of the thing, the live broadcast of the Hydra, and at the same time, it does not hesitate to serve as a negative teaching material, it really has a certain educational significance.

For the first time, many people saw the cruelty of real war.

In the past, these people were deceived by artistic treatment and even romanticized film and television. They did not have enough knowledge about the cruelty of war, or they were all distorted.

This time it's an experience.

There are some female soldiers with good faces on the mothership who have not escaped bad luck. The head was shot, the brain was broken, the face was twisted, the eyes were dripping, the limbs twitched, and the urine was incontinent due to the loss of basic control ...

Not to mention that scene is a visual impact with subversive characteristics to the young people who see the girl is soft except for the middle leg. There are even people who are scared of being out of control and in a trance because the live broadcast is too bloody.

Beauty has preferential treatment? Not so tragic to die?

Hydra tells people with facts, the actual situation is just the opposite. Exhaustion is one kind of death, and what happens on an aircraft carrier is another kind.

The latter one is more reflective of the cold nature of war, as someone interviewed some people who experienced the war ’s turbulent regions: “Sometimes the reason for the killing is simply outrageous because you are wearing a pair of Shoes that look good. "

It is also difficult for the most disciplined army in the world, because soldiers killed a civilian in the occupied area, and then justified the sentence and let the soldiers bury the civilians.

Roughly speaking, there are two points. First of all, there is a shield between comrades in arms. Whether this civilian is a pitiful honest man, or he wants to break out, it is difficult to make it clear.

Even if the former is an honest man, the soldier is emotionally nervous, and because of the suspicious action of the other party, the judgement is wrong and the result is a shot.

Is this an argument?


It ’s not a similar excuse for the white policeman in Lighthouse Country to shoot black men in cars, more than once. The truth is sometimes not important.

This involves the second point, what is the background.

In the newly occupied area, the resistance of all kinds of cold guns and cold artillery is very intensive, and it is urgently needed to suppress it. This will most likely become a big deal.

On the contrary, if it is already a stable period and you want to buy the hearts and minds of local people, then soldiers, who violate the group ’s disciplinary actions seriously, may be arrested and heavily punished.

There is still a clear saying that it is a civilized army. In reality, many have no idea at all. For example, the soldiers of the lighthouse country have always been known as seeders, and they can't control birds to do bad things. What can you say? It was still the nominal ally of the Allied Powers, and it would not be said if it was replaced by an attack on the occupied area.

There are actually many similar things that people can think of, but people can think of it, but they refuse to think about it, and it's boring to spoil their mood.

This time the Hydra is shaking out these things to some extent.

As the saying goes, there is no good player. Once the fists and feet are added together, it will inevitably sweep the ground and be embarrassed, not to mention a much more serious war than the fighting level.

This is really a class, live broadcast, no editing, no editing, let people deeply understand what it means to be ‘Ning to be a peace dog, not to be a troubled person’.

Of course, this time also highlighted another theme ‘coming out and mixing, sooner or later I have to pay it back. ’

The multi-headed snake dj Jim brother used his rap to express the core idea of ​​"the old feud, multiple returns".

Jim Ge also accused the lighthouse country's army of being inferior when using troops overseas.

According to Jim Brothers, what is known by people as a so-called conscientious field reporter is a superficial thing, even the lighthouse country itself is playing tricks to steal the concept.

Beacon countries are very good at this kind of tricks, such as scolding the president through movies, talk shows and so on.

This is a vent for the public, and it is also a cunning technical operation to lighten the concept. At the same time, it is also a bragging ratio: look at us to cook more, so the big leaders will scold and say, and they will open.

In fact, what this type of show exposes is some content that flows on the surface, or the tip of the iceberg.

Jim brother said, let you look at the real black information, look at the morality of the lighthouse army.

Then I inserted a live target, a bayonet or something.

It is indeed cruel, especially with the laughter of the soldiers. It can be said that its behavior is a little better than direct cannibalism.

Jim Brothers also does not deny that the Hydra is prepared this time, he also rap for this, that is to make you feel the feeling of being strong and unable to resist, please enjoy it!

This refers to what happened on the aircraft carrier, it also means information suppression, live broadcast signals are forcibly broadcast, and the official of the lighthouse country can't do it if it is interrupted, and can only watch the hacking and humiliation.

The aircraft carrier has entered the carnival stage on the side of the Hydra organization, and the officers and soldiers of the lighthouse country have completely lost their resistance. The sentencing and execution of the Hydra continue.

Counting the counts, it is quite the case.

But when you think about it, you don't think about it.

For example, the female soldiers convicted of crimes were charged with bombing orders, offensive orders, or orders issued by them. This is obviously a conviction. If convictions are made according to this standard, then there is no innocent.

Convicted, then humiliated.

It has to be said that it is really not hard to be brave enough to face death, and be brave and righteous. It is also difficult for the lighthouse country ’s military environment to train such people.

Wagging his tail begging for life, a lot of ugliness revealed. That scene, heh ...

In Kane's view, the Hydra's troubles can be said to be vicious and in place.

It seems crazy, but in fact it is decent.

It didn't turn the scene into a poultry carnival party. It really needs to be that way. It is easy to guide the attention of the people who eat melons to the direction of vulgar and dirty, but not beautiful.

He believes that this action by the Hydra is the first to humiliate, and it is indeed well executed.

The powerful, professional, majestic, and cool image that the lighthouse army has built over the years has been mourning, the face is thrown into the mud, and then 10,000 feet are set on.

This potential damage is definitely much larger than simply sinking the ship.

The show continued, humiliating means one after another, Jim brother was clamoring, provoking the lighthouse president again and again: Is n’t it not to talk to terrorists, is it coming?

Jim Ge shouted from across the air: "Family of tens of thousands of soldiers and soldiers, I am afraid that more than half of them are watching my special program? You don't come out, these people have to watch their relatives get headshots, how do you choose? Maintain your face, or save people !? "

Undoubtedly, this is already a serious problem that if it is not handled well, it can completely collapse the official image.

Even the beacon country has always had it. Whenever there is a major incident, the representatives of the opposition party desperately devalue the ruling party and highlight their own excellent and capable political phenomena. This time, nothing happened, and one by one wished that they were invisible.

The President of the Lighthouse State finally stood up.

He is also helpless.

It is politically correct to not talk to terrorists or compromise with terrorism.

But not giving up or giving up is also correct in politics.

According to the Constitution of the Beacon State, the president is the commander of the three armed forces. If he does not stand up and let all the more than 10,000 officers and soldiers be shot, not only the families of the victims will make trouble, but it may also cause the three armed forces to lose control. Dare he throw away the gun?

So after the urgent consultation of the staff, he played a trick, that is, he did not recognize the Hydra as a terrorist.

I have to say that this is very ironic.

When needed, a country that operates in all aspects consistent with the basic concept of the country will be accused of terrorists.

Conversely, in the face of humanity all over the world, organizations that practice terror do not recognize each other as terrorists.

But there was no way. The battle was lost, and it was crushed by technology, and everything was exposed to the public. If I tried to fool it, I couldn't find a way to do it.

The President said, "Hei Hei is thick, I hope to have the opportunity to write such a paragraph in the memoirs in the future: That is the most bleak moment in the lighthouse country, and in my life ... (If you can write this, most of them will later defeat.

It is a pity that the wicked have their own wicked grind, and the Hydra is obviously thicker and darker than the lighthouse country.

The president jumped out, willing to talk?


We don't want to talk anymore!

The sentence shall be pronounced as usual, and the law enforcement shall be enforced as usual.

As for those who do not die from sin, we also have arrangements.

They will turn into a coolie and build an area where the people of the lighthouse do not live.

The construction cost, the cost of eating and drinking Lhasa, have to go abroad.

Beacon Country ~ ~ We reach out to the families of these officers and men.

If you pay the money, you can let people go in the day, otherwise, hehe ...

Therefore, we ask you to come out, not to talk to you, but to find a representative to facilitate the formal notification, but I said it in place, don't say you didn't hear it, don't know.

There is no doubt that this is another humiliation.

The politicians represented by the President of the Beacon State are good at denying and pretending to be deaf and dumb.

In addition, it is also a system in which the disgusting Caucasians have been redeeming themselves in the wars of the Middle Ages.

The Hydra organization is obviously not short of money, nor does it embrace money, but pushes the benefits out.

The most wonderful thing here is that those areas that have been ravaged by the lighthouse state are basically puppets, and they simply dare not take such hot potatoes.

I really want to take it, the Hydra organization also has a back-office, and the wealth and interests are all scattered into the people, and they have the ability to go back and pick, and the result is mostly more guerrillas ...

This operation of the Hydra reminded Kane of the remote viewing of the fake Manchu in the three chapters of Iron Man.

It's a similar gameplay, but the pattern is much smaller. The adults play with only the accountants of oil companies in a beacon country, forcing the president to call him, the president fights, and the person is killed!

The original historical line whip Ivan? Vanke also has an interesting evaluation of this operation.

After the Monaco Grand Prix event, in prison, he and Tony Stark said in private: "If you can make God bleed, people will no longer believe in him, blood will flow into the water and attract sharks."

If the lighthouse country loses its compulsion, the number of people who dare to sing the opposite will increase.

The overlords who once used a roar to deter the heroes will only rely on **** fighting to maintain their majesty. Bloody will exchange for more hatred, and when the hyenas are red eyes, the lion will fall down at any cost!

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