Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 892: Leader is pitiful

The Hydra organization said that although we are not short of money, they are people who know how to work hard and frugally.

For example, the presidential handkerchief paper is wiped, then folded and wiped again, not only frugal, but also embodying technology.

The first time, naturally, was called out by DJ Jim's provocation.

From the president to the official to the public, to the people, there is a sense of nausea that wipes the **** with the face. The multi-headed snake calls out the leaders of the free world.

This is not only the right-wing lighthouse nationals, but even many people who do not have political and governance positions also feel hot and painful in the face, and then become angry and angry, roaring to revenge and fight back.

Even those with strong mobility are already liaising with the personnel to organize a march and petition.

It is against this background that the second one after another, and then again, came to attack the Presidential Palace!

There is no doubt that the humiliation is more pure this time, it is a challenge to the lighthouse country. In the words of a member of Congress: "This is a base raid invasion, this is war!"

Kane sniffed and said: "Your hindsight can be more touching, and wait until the nuclear weapons are lost before bb."

His crow mouth was fulfilled again. The Hydra was not aimed at Minot Air Force Base, but at three locations including Andrews Air Force Base in Washington DC and Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri, plus the Presidential Palace.

Nick Fury made a fundamental mistake, which was a miscalculation of the situation.

He thought that the members of the multi-headed snake dug out by the instruments invented by Tony Stark and Bruce Banner were the main fighting force of the multi-headed snake.

But the pattern of the Hydra is actually bigger than Nick Fury had expected.

In other words, the money is not bad, so the soldiers just started. Thugs transformed by gangster drug lords around the world are nothing but the periphery. The real core combat power is the same as the fake US team, fake black panther + stealth aircraft.

In other words, Nick Fury mistakenly made the Hydra's soldiers the backbone.

Only this one error leads to step by step errors.

Kane himself, it also means a little bit behind the gun. For a long time, he could not see that the combination of fake US team, Black Panther + stealth aircraft was just a big soldier.

The fact that there are loopholes is clearly there, Kane himself does not want to believe that truth.

This loophole is that he used his soul-searching skills, but he didn't find much valuable information from the fake American team.

If it is the backbone, is this possible?

It wasn't until the Hydra played live broadcast, and the national communication signal was forcibly suppressed, that Kane had a sufficiently intuitive understanding of the richness of the Hydra.

The suppression of this communication signal is carried out at high altitude. The atmosphere has two sides, the outside and the outside, forming a partition. The satellite network system cannot communicate with the ground freely.

Internally, all channels are forcibly broadcast. Unless it is wired, no matter which station is turned on, the received program is live.

And to do this, rely on an array of a large number of aircraft. Even if the control range of an aircraft is 1,000 square kilometers, the land area of ​​the lighthouse country is 9.37 million square kilometers, and more than 9,000 aircraft are required to achieve national soil coverage.

Even if it is reduced by another zero, the Hydra ’s flying machine is a cow. The height is not high, but the signal output range is wide and it is very strong. It is much stronger than the signal transmission capability of communication base stations standing on the ground. It has successfully achieved suppression.

But there are more than 900 aircraft similar to the ones that attacked the Kane trumpet and his comrades, and it still makes people shudder at the thought. What does the lighthouse country have to fight against these aircraft?

Just a wealthy concept can make anyone with a brain imagine the terrible structure of the Hydra. In the past, all the lighthouse nations used the rich and the technical skills to slam the poor children. This time, compared with the Hydra organization, who is the poor?

Take a look at the ships that attacked the third aircraft carrier combat group. At least they are also amphibious. They can fly, dive, and the hull can build an energy shield in the atmosphere. They can also stimulate light particle guns, and heavy machine gun battalions hang the flintlock regiment. Both visual sense.

From the aircraft, think of people again.

If every aircraft has a fake American team, a fake black panther ...

What is rich? Lord Batman Wei's kind of DIY aircraft, tanks, locomotives, is it rich?

Tony Stark made dozens of steel suits for himself, is it rich?

No, the multi-headed snake said that if there is money, there are mines in the family, and the gold mine has its own complete heavy industry production system. Large weapons are built with hundreds of units, and clones are cultivated with hundreds of people. This is rich.

The f-35 sells a $ 80 million knife, and countless lighthouse people say it is expensive and expensive, and it hurts. However, the vibrating gold paint used by the multi-head snakes for peripheral members, even if the technology is aside, the amount of vibrating gold contained is just Enough to buy f-35.

Therefore, Nick Fury, as a person who grew up in the lighthouse country, has a stinky attribute and is accustomed to seeing various villains from the top, and he has made a joke about the emperor's Jin Biandan.

Insufficient imagination, miscalculated the situation, taking the bias as the main force, so that the basic point of Hercules' action was wrong, and the action was naturally a total bankruptcy.

In desperation, he could only roll his sleeves himself.

After all, he still has the big killer of the universe cube, ghosts and ghosts, almost no one can cure, be considered a means to save the situation.

In comparison, the president of the lighthouse country is more pitiful. It was originally the vice president, the staff team was patched together, the foundation was unstable, and the mess was taken over. Nowadays, such a pile can not be held by any president, and it is bound to be nailed to the post of shame. Really It ’s the heart of death.

But he could not die even if he wanted to die. Now he is dead. Who will bear such a **** pot? Therefore, the current team of the President is quite strange. The strange reasons make this group of people achieve their due diligence in an unconventional way, use their brains and make suggestions, and they are afraid that the President will pick him up.

But there are all kinds of tricks, but they are not as strong as the opponent. In the past, the lighthouse country always played the role that was so strong that it made the opponent desperate. Now it is their turn to despair.

Of course, as long as people do n’t die, they can come up with a way to make a bad idea. That ’s the idea.

Some staff said, call a superhero! It felt like saying: Go and invite the Buddha!

Colleagues despised: "Is it still true that Minot Air Force Base is a superhero?"

The staff member said shamelessly: "You don't understand what I mean, I mean, the opponent we met this time is probably an extraterrestrial civilization, zenith technology, so ..."

Now everyone understands it in one word: Lai!

The team immediately started to operate efficiently, and soon the news was released that the president would give a national speech to tell the people the truth!

All media channels, especially cable channels, must make every effort to maintain signal transmission. This has risen to the height of government orders, and it is not allowed to excuse them for any reason, otherwise it will be treated as treason.

It was through this national speech that the Hydra confirmed that the President was in the Presidential Palace, not the Pentagon or Air Force One.

"My fellow citizens, this is probably the last time I speak to you ..." Every senior politician is a good actor. After all, he is eloquent. The President of the Lighthouse State is undoubtedly qualified in this regard. The opening remarks are sensational. very.

Of course, the speech was not written by him, but because of this, after reading this speech a few times, it will stand out in front of the camera. This is the skill.

"As everyone knows, the disaster has come. As the leader of the free world, we bear the brunt. My heartfelt hope can tell you that we have the ability to resist this disaster, as always."

"It's not easy for us to walk along the way. With the spirit of optimism and hard work, we have gone through difficulties again and again, and the banner of freedom is always flying."

"But today, I have to announce some sad news ..."

The president stated a section of super-modern content that was guided by experts and that the work of copywriting should be as simple as possible and concisely explain the many weapons possessed by the Hydra.

A total of 16 sentences, one sentence summarizes that we were attacked by forces supported by extraterrestrial civilization.

"Compatriots, the Monaco Auto Grand Prix event is the beginning ..."

There is no doubt that the president has begun to compile stories.

The compilation is quite smooth, it sounds like the truth.

Officials of all countries in the world are very good at this trick. After all, the truth is often not in line with needs, so everyone is telling stories. Gradually, only storytelling remained.

Although the president ’s team is no less than those in the normal campaign and has experienced one story after another, the level of storytelling is still there, knowing how to guide, and then let the people make up their minds instead of lying.

"The greater the power, the greater the responsibility. As a leader in the free world, we are in danger, we have invested huge amounts of money in weapons research and development, our military expenditures remain high, and we have sharpened the best soldiers in one battle ... … "

"We also love peace, and we also cherish life, but the danger lies in our ability. There is no mercy in war. If we don't bleed, there will be more innocent people. We usually lack blood and sweat. The price of life. "

"My compatriots, please forgive some official deception. Deception is not the end, but the means, and the care is the end. Some are heavy, and it is borne by some people. This is professional ethics, and it is also a belief, to protect the peace of the home Belief. "

"But today, the enemy's outrageous attack made us suffer an unprecedented loss. Just when I made this speech, Minot Air Force Base, one of the nuclear arsenals, is undergoing a severe test. We have sacrificed many outstanding children. , But the fighting continues. "

"Here, I entreat all superheroes around the world who view the protection of humanity as a just cause, let go of prejudice and grudges, and work together to defend our common home ..."

The president ’s speech was slightly longer, but as a crisis public relations, the performance is still acceptable, not only the lighthouse country, but even other countries, many people have been successfully fooled.

Of course, it is not solemn to say that Fool is here, there are still facts and some real feelings here, but just to come up with such a thing, it is not pure from the heart, full of taste of strategy.

Compared with the president of the lighthouse country lowered its posture, appealed to the world, and called for reinforcements, the Hydra organization behaved more like the lighthouse country of the past. It will not let the position of public opinion sway people, it can be said that the whole fist is hard enough, the combination of punches is sharp, and it is not pedantic.

After confirming that the President of the Beacon State was in the Presidential Palace, the assault began.

The Jinjin stealth technology of the Hydra organization is not so much for the lighthouse country, even if it is the SHIELD, it is difficult to crack even in a hurry.

The electromagnetic waves emitted by the radar will be 100% absorbed, coupled with the optical stealth technology that deceives the naked eye, and the heat source covering technology, whether it is a thermal sensor or other detection equipment, it is not easy to use.

The most effective way is to continue to emit high-power energy into the area where it is located. The strong energy absorption effect of vibration gold will create a black hole-like energy absorption area. By this reverse detection, the purpose of discovery is achieved.

There is no such equipment in the lighthouse country, and the Hydra's aircraft has long been in the air without knowing it.

With the order issued, hundreds of militants in power armored suits were directly dropped around the main building of the presidential palace, and the invasion was directly heated.

The Presidential Guard could hardly describe it in front of these militants. The militants did not even avoid the shooting of members of the Guard.

The members of the guard not only have pistols, but also deal with unusual threats. They also have shotguns and semi-automatic rifles. Unfortunately, these weapons cannot be broken through defense, and only occasionally hit some key points can they cause minor impact.

The militants are the opposite. The weapons they use are very advanced. One of the most common weapons is the electromagnetic projection gun. Its working principle is similar to a rail gun. There are three rails. Projectiles are arranged in a train like a train car. They are fired according to the required shooting frequency. The energy is provided by the power armor suit.

This kind of strong projection can be like the pump-driven shotgun. It sacrifices the shooting frequency in exchange for greater power, and the close-range strike effect is very strong.

It can also be suppressed by high fire rate like a submachine gun, and it can also be used as a sniper rifle through the long charge of the combined projectile.

Therefore, the biggest shortcoming of this kind of weapon is that it is highly compact and easily damaged. For example, water and sand are not allowed, and once damaged, it is basically abandoned.

The militants encountered such an embarrassing situation. They were injured by stray bullets or grenade fragments, or even fell harder, and the weapons could not be used.

Fortunately, they have headshot pistols and choppers.

With the blessing of power armor, even if it is just wielding a machete, it is very threatening.

Seeing that the Presidential Guard was about to burst, members of the Avengers finally arrived.

Eagle Eye, Black Widow, the two often form a partner, and this time is no exception.

Of course, despite being strengthened, while wearing the Hill's high-end colony, it is difficult for the two to get a multi-angle frontal power armor fighter in a limited time.

So they also brought assistants, 20 sets of high-end cloaks.

The debut was very powerful, and the black widow appeared directly in front of the president and his party who were evacuating to the underground fortifications.

The Presidential Guard was already nervous because of the pressure, and shot directly at the figure that appeared in the light.

As a result, the energy spread and energy absorption effect of the colony is better than that of the Black Panther's Jinjin suit. The shooting effect of the firearms is like playing a rubber tire with a potato gun. There is no chance of deformation of the warhead. .

The black widow said: "President, I am Natasha Romanov, a senior agent of SHIELD, please give me 10 seconds to prove myself."

Despite the gunshots, the black widow's voice was still clear and audible, and the quality of the presidential guard was not bad after all. Hearing stopped the design almost at the same time.

Immediately, the black widow drew a metal ball from her waist and pressed it. Once thrown, the metal ball floated in the air and projected light particles. These light particles constituted the representative of the lighthouse country of the International Security Committee.

"Mr. President, at this very moment, we urgently arranged the assistance of senior agents Romanov and Patton. The identification code is ..."

The president ’s secretary quickly checked the identification code on the iPad and then nodded to the president.

The president exclaimed.

The black widow said: "In the colony, ask the president and combatants to remove unnecessary artifacts and prepare to wear them."

A special agent couldn't help but ask, "How exactly?"

"Take off your shirt and tie, temporarily disarm and let yourself be neat."

In the speaking room, the cloak arrived. It was not delivered, but it was like a handsome man often played by Iron Man. It landed hard, continuously penetrated multiple floors, and directly arrived by airborne.

Then the president and his **** enjoyed a wonderful experience as if they were devoured. The cloak is just a mass of soft, human-like material, and it feels like it has fallen into a sugar pit.

Because there is no explanation, many people are frightened ~ ~ For example, can you open your eyes and how to solve your breathing?

Fortunately, the black widow explained in time: "What to do normally, what to do now."

So someone boldly opened his eyes directly, and the result felt like opening his eyes in the clear water, a little discomfort, but soon relieved.

Breathing sucked the material in at once, but the expected choking did not happen. The mouth and nose were obviously blocked, but there was no feeling of suffocation.

The black widow said to the president: "Now, as long as you don't deliberately rush into the enemy's fire net, then there is no power to hurt you."

"Four people protect the president, and the rest go into battle. If you do n’t know what to do, give the battle to the artificial intelligence that controls the colony. They are excellent warriors themselves. Letting you wear more is for protection rather than needing you. Talent. "

The black widow is very polite, but in this case, these secret agents can only hold their noses, who will let the protector become a member who needs protection in this crisis.

The chief of the bodyguard also seemed to discuss with the black widow about leaving a few people around the president.

The result was pushed back by the black widow: “It ’s okay to keep more guards around the president. I will not provide additional colonies and weapons. Our number is behind the enemy. We need soldiers on the front line.”

The President uttered a voice saying that there was protection of the cloak, and he could also enter the battle.

"Slightly later, I will leave some opportunities for you to show."

The president was choked and speechless.

The black widow smiled: "I'm just stating that there is no irony. At this time, you and your cabinet collapse, which is not in the interest of all mankind."

The president was very depressed. He clearly felt the ‘kinky prestige’ of S.H.I.E.L.D., the president of the world ’s only superpower, he was pitifully once condemned ...

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