Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 893: Fully open

When the Black Widow interacted with the President and his entourage, Hawkeye Clint and 15 sets of colony had already become popular with the invader bayonets.

Hawkeye still uses bow and arrow as the main weapon, but the power of the weapon is far from ordinary. One of the main reasons is that Hawkeye's personal ability has been significantly improved, and he has a certain ability to exert extraordinary powers.

When this power is attached to the arrow, it is supplemented with magically modified weapons, which doubles its combat power.

If nothing else, let ’s just say speed, 950 / sec. The initial velocity of the SS109 rifle used by NATO forces is 946 / sec. The arrow of the rifle ’s bullet speed, the kinetic energy brought by the speed alone is very tough Not to mention that the arrow of the eagle eye has always been rich in content and highly targeted.

Even so, the eagle-eyed arrow is still not enough to kill the militants in power armor because the material of this armor contains vibration gold.

Even Kane, who watches remotely, has to admit that the Hydra organization has done a great job in some areas, such as the use of Zhenjin.

It is not a puppetry at all, but it does its best.

Speaking of which, we have to compare Wakanda in the original history.

Wakanda is technologically advanced, but has no weapons of mass destruction or even qualified heavy weapons. Wakanda has a wealth of vibration gold storage, but ordinary officers and soldiers are only light infantry, a vibration gold cloak (national costume) that can form an energy shield, and a vibration gold spear that can emit an energy beam. This is the standard. Armed.

In this regard, Kane's evaluation is: Low forced home, the face of a rich and rich local rich man.

Relevant description, said that this is the Wakanda people love peace, while keen to maintain the cultural traditions of Africans.

Kane said it was untimely and pretended to be a model of stupidity.

What does the outside world look like, isn't it psychological?

Do n’t you understand the truth about sin?

Thousands of years of civilization history, the years have lived on the dog?

Zhenjin armed is the strongest individual weapon in Wakanda.

But its symbolic significance is far greater than the actual use.

Do not believe? During the three chapters of the reunification, the two Obsidian generals under the **** led the front guard to attack Wakanda.

In the first step, in the absence of any pre-surveillance work, a hard landing was played directly. As a result, the large shuttle hit the protective field cover of Wakanda and exploded.

The second step is to continue to lower IQ and use light infantry to carry a protective field cover that can hold a large shuttle to fall.

The third step is to get a few large-wheeled chariots. After the enemy and the enemy have fallen into armed battles that are inefficient than the queued shooting, and they have already reached a state of great melee, they are horizontally united, and they are crushed on the battlefield like a roller .

With regard to this, he said complacently that he successfully mobilized the Scarlet Witch and could start with Vision.

Kane all feels a bit of a pain. At this level of tactics, he can also develop in the interplanetary world, looting a large number of advanced civilization races.

At the same time, it was such a low explosion that he kept killing a team, Wakanda came out of the nest, and still quickly fell into a hard fight.

Looking at the range and shooting frequency of those golden gold spears, a few Mark Qin water-cooled machine guns during World War I can completely explode their damage output per unit time.

Let's take a look at the more funny white-blade battle. I don't know what battle arrays are there. After all, when the array was started, there was still a little bit like it. The result was that it directly exposed the true nature of the gang community level, the poor global begging Somalia's black uncles have stopped playing like this for a long time.

If all of them are Jedi Knights, then count.

It's a pity that no matter whether it's a weapon or a combat skill, it doesn't show any force.

Including the Black Panther, the killing efficiency is really terrible, and some fishes can get into a hard fight.

In fact, how low the Panther's combat power is, it has been reflected before. Where does his cousin Eric come from? Or aside from the title of Abandoned Prince, what is Eric? But he is an elite of the Lighthouse State Marines. Is he the best player? No, it's just that this product is cruel, and treats murder in reality as a video game.

That's the kind of person. When he hadn't got the Jinjin suit, he relied on ordinary weapons, and he succeeded in leaving arms dealer Ulysses Crowe. The Black Panther went after it and got a grenade.

It can't be killed, but its own tonnage is there, and the blast shock wave of the grenade is enough to lift it off.

Okay, then we can think about it this way. If there are just a few well-trained soldiers who can hold the Panther right now, and ammunition is sufficient, 10 people are enough.

This is Wakanda's strongest combat strength. There are several pieces of Jinjin's suit, most of which are cloak + Zhenjin spear.

With this kind of force, I have the courage to expose myself to the world! Where are the five big hooligans, regional powers, such as Iraq, etc., are enough to let them sing down and conquer.

In a small country, you need to have no depth and no population, but you have to keep a much more vibrating gold mine than an oil pit, but you still have to play with a local rich man. Can it be made into a toy-like ring or spiral shape, otherwise I am afraid to go abroad without waiting to run?

In such a funny country, it is almost impossible to directly raise a sign and ask for grass. Who really eats a bite of fat.

It's awkward to say, can the energy field be forced again, can it withstand the bombardment of three-phase bombs? The Wakanda is smoothed out, and the Zhenjin Mine will not be lost. Maybe because it is deep enough, it can be put into production quickly without any need to pick it up.

In the face of sufficient interests, what is morality? Which country has spoken about? Why is it called the top five gangsters?

Therefore, Kane has always looked down on Wakanda, a group of self-righteous teases.

Techara is, so is Eric, just graduated from Annapolis University, what pheasant university did he study, and what kind of garbage did he study? With the output of light weapons, can the old world rulers be overthrown? Do you have a brain? People in World War I knew the power of industry, and people in World War II witnessed how the lighthouse and the bears exploded ships, planes, and tanks. Have you lived back to life?

Give advanced weapons to the so-called GM, and then the spark can be ignited? It is impossible for elementary school students to come up with such a strategic deduction.

The biggest possibility is that as soon as the advanced weapons reach the GM, they will soon betrayed for the sake of their own self-interest, and the news will be leaked to the ruler. Then the ruler will demonstrate the national level of criminal investigation capabilities and quickly find out the source of the weapon Then there is no more.

A nuclear accident happened accidentally. I originally wanted to build a nuclear power plant for African people. The result was like Chernobyl in the past. I tried to use non-high-quality concentrated fuel cheaply, graphite water-cooled. There is no way. After all, it is free assistance. , The result burst!

Now that we are deeply aware of the mistakes, based on the trauma caused by the accident to the African people, as a responsible country, our country has decided to spend a lot of money to carry out aftercare, including but not limited to a large number of garrisons, sending engineering personnel and so on.

Our goal is to solve the resettlement and compensation problems of refugees and the problem of environmental pollution completely and completely. We promise that this is not a show for March and April, all due to the fact that Feng Brother has no account, but is responsible for the end, which will last for at least 100 years ...

Then it was not the peaceful rise, but the rise of Zhenjin.

Of course, this is a good thing, the biggest possibility is that the lighthouse country gets the first move, and then the other rogues said that they would set the table without a slice of the soup, and the nuclear war started immediately. Anyway, let your family monopolize. Arrived, fortunately, according to the great man, if you want to fight, then fight early!

But now, the original historical line of the Bibiwakan has reached the green leaf of the Hydra organization. The Hydra is vigorously exploited and the vibration gold is used in an all-round way, thereby creating a high-tech high-tech combat power beyond the era. Don't sell badly in front of people all over the world.

Hawkeye's upgraded weapon is so sharp, but it can't be as furious as the original historical reunification 1 against the Chitari people.

The colony is also plagued by insufficient firepower. Of course, they also have the advantage of hob meat. Laipi's play still effectively prevents the militants from swooping in.

Seeing this scene, Kane directly switched channels.

Hydra's action, if he could not cut the butter like a hot knife, and fell into a struggle, he had already lost. Letting the President hide his ugliness, begging for mercy, or simply killing him, and killing a large number of official personnel, the impact on the people is almost two concepts. The former is typical of letting God bleed, so that the official majesty is completely gone, the latter It will only inspire their rebellious psychology, even with the enemy.

The multi-headed snake lost a little bit of injustice, and the hanging of the evil god's cells was almost unsolvable to them.

But after all, fairness itself does not exist, and bullying is the norm. The reason why the expression of wailing of the negative dog is popular is largely because the reality is cruel enough, and what is fair and fair is actually suspected of the weak.

This is the case in this series of events, as is Kane ’s own experience. When he bullied people, there was no fairness. When he was bullied, there was no fairness to say. The enemy was never just better than himself. It can be defeated by luck or luck in place, and then a wave of experience, a wave of benefits. The enemy, like him, either counsels, stalks, hides, escapes, or spreads his teeth, and wins.

The operation of all things in the universe is never shifted by the will of anyone, and neither can God. Therefore, those legends are really stories. Occasionally, a good show that meets opponents is a rare climax in life, which is worthy of a special book. .

Unlike the presidential palace that attracts global attention, Andrews Air Force Base, dozens of kilometers away, is a typical dark battle.

The two warring sides are the Black God fighting nuns, and the elite Hydra team. As for the officers and soldiers of the Air Force Base, they live in the cracks and are responsible for the splinting and performing various kinds of tragic deaths.

Carla stepped on the high-heeled shoes out of the rhythm and rhythm of the war drum and walked in the semi-ruined passage.

Here is the underground station, under the Presidential Palace and the Capitol, there is a special train leading to it, and Air Force One also stops here most of the time.

This design is highly consistent with the relevant settings of the radiation world, and even has a special chapter of broken steel, but the airport is called Adams Air Force Base, not Andrews.

The fierce fighting has caused serious damage to this area. Some of the long passages are simply not illuminated, and some are extinguished due to poor contact, or they are sparking.

There is silence in the vicinity, and from time to time there are gunshots, explosions, or dying wailing, which is issued by the people of the air base. The combat nuns have special costumes, and even the sound will not be worn outside. The elites of the Hydra have the coldness of biochemical weapons, even if they die tragically, they will die in silence, and will not let their opponents get the thrill of even a single click to kill.

The mass production of the Panthers, the fake American team, and the Hydra elite are not easy to deal with. Even the nuns fighting one-on-one are obviously at a disadvantage. Fortunately, they have Kara to open the situation.

And now, Kara has met a strong enemy. At the end of the passage, the opponent just killed a combat nun, specifically locking the opponent's limbs, and then superhuman eye-shot high-energy beams, through continuous attack to break the combat nun's colonial protection, and kill the brain. .

Coordinated with the atmosphere in the passage, this powerful enemy appeared powerful and grotesque.

In the eyes of the other party, Carla is also full of BOSS fan children.

Kara's dress and style are somewhat like Kerrigan, the queen of blades in the SC universe.

However, she is not as petite as Kerrigan, but a typical ocean horse physique, similar to Nicole Kidman, but the style is more like the mother of Snow White played by Charlize Theron.

Of course, there are actually some deliberate intentions. After all, the age is there, and there is a lack of years of precipitation.

Carla did this, of course, because Kane, the two chatted, and Kane shared the memory, invited Carla to watch a movie, Snow White and the Hunter.

The highlight of the film is how much the director and the photographer have a hatred with Kristen Stewart, letting him play Snow White, then playing with the queen Charlize Theron on the same stage, and then the shots are so ironic. , Plus the magic mirror is better than ten black, hum ...

From then on, Kara knew what the Queen Faner Kane would like to look like, so she tried to evolve from her mother Sang to the direction of the poisonous queen.

As the saying goes, there is only the wrong name, not the wrong nickname. The name of Kara Wanderer is not to say that her fighting style has the characteristics of the old dominator. If it is in the magic world, it is a typical Ozaki creature.

On her back, there are eight tentacles of light, which are very different from the skeleton of Kerrigan ’s Demon Wings. They are more like the ray wings of the angels in the universe of Diablo, like a whip, like a water grass, always Swaying.

What she wore was not a colony, but a demon armor.

Black and red, perhaps because the black Kane who gave birth to C Kane had devoured the flesh and blood of Shab too. Carla had a clear tendency to meet the Kane himself in the dark HP universe at the end of the 1mad adventure in 1853. The face of the Lord of Bloody Thorns has many similarities.

The armor is black and red, and the thorns and spikes are faint, but if you want to take a closer look, it has inexplicable characteristics, which makes it impossible for people to judge accurately. This is supplemented by the swaying water grass-like tentacles and the eyes with scarlet mist ~ ~ gives people a very special and magical feeling, and it is scary to look at it.

Kara has a wonderful instinct. She knows that this guy has the ability to kill her, but she has to find the door, because no one except her can control the opponent, and he hates failure.

"Once upon a time, I forgot my master's admonishment and relaxed myself. It turns out that there are really other powerful people in the world. I'm going to redouble my efforts. I must never be a waste that can't help my master!"

When he thought of Kane, Carla seemed disappointed when he saw that he had failed, "Can't you even do such a small thing?"

She knew that Kane probably would n’t say that to her, but she would n’t send any more tasks to her in the future. When she left the next day, she would be left behind instead of going with her.

At the thought of this possibility, she became mad, the scarlet light in her eyes triumphed, and the light tentacles tore everything around the place like a steel whip.

The person on the opposite side was obviously frightened and forced a targeted shout: "You, are you the demon girl who sheltered the **** ruler and capitalist evil spirit?"

Carla was stunned. The murderous intention to climb up for a moment appeared to stagnate. Listening to the sound, the other party seems to be just a young lady, or a girl?

Then there was greater anger. Someone hurt her master in bad faith, and used the simplicity of the young girls through brainwashing to let them go to the battlefield to kill and slaughter.

"It's such a sin!"

Then, the next line of thought reflects the difference between Kara and the average person. She does n’t want to save the person in front of her from the boredom of thinking, but thinks that people like this who have left a deep bad mark in a few hours should Get free!

"For them, death is liberation! Death is the best redemption!"

Thinking of this, Carla slammed suddenly, and the arrows rushed towards the target ...

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