Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 895: I'm going to die

The New Year's bell in 2011 will ring in less than 4 hours.

It should have been a state of celebrating a banquet and welcoming the New Year.

However, the atmosphere of the presidential palace meeting room was heavy as if to hold a memorial service.

Did not eat dinner, hungry, but no one has the mood to eat.

The reason is not how many weapons were lost on the front, how many officers and soldiers were killed, or how many nuclear weapons were lost from the rear, how many hostages were kidnapped, but **** suppressive news tracking reports.

At first glance, it was very low. The people have always been stupid X turned around by politicians and the media. Can you broadcast real-time news?

That is to say, these are lies, a kind of attack method prepared by the enemy early in the morning, and then pretend to be passionate, pretend to be patriotic, pretend to be merciful to the people, pretend to be poor, and vigorously consume the patriotic feelings of the people.

This is the basic skill of politicians. They have been raising the media for so many years, letting them casually BB, not just to gain credibility, so that the dead people really think that this is a free country, say whatever you want, scold whoever you want, There is no secret. Even the color of the underpants worn by the President ’s wife can be broadcast in the evening news.

Now, it is time for them to contribute. The people are used to the broadcast of the conscience of XX and XX, a well-known anchor, honest Xiao Langjun, and little girl. Now it is time to consume the credibility of these people.

Unfortunately, all this has a premise.

That is, the government must be able to control the mouthpiece of the media, at least in terms of momentum, to overwhelm opponents, including the Internet, professional sailors, and a large number of technicians, with a full grasp of the battle of public opinion.

However, from the beginning of the attack on the Hydra organization, the lighthouse country was completely defeated in the field of information warfare, completely crushed by the other party, and the network and wireless have completely collapsed, mainly by wire.

It can be said that, jumping out of official helplessness to fight against the Hydra, they have already lost.

Officially speaking, it represents a certain degree of recognition, recognition of the strength of the other party, and recognition of status.

Now it's okay, the Hydra is making a show in public, playing against the official.

Not long ago, the Hydra published the video of raids on Minot, Andrews, Whiteman Air Force Base, and the attack on the presidential palace, and commented on it.

The superhero was exposed in detail in front of the public, and the multi-headed DJ Jim Brother continued the black lighthouse official with a rhyming rap. At the same time disgusting superhero.

Probably means, before the life of the rich and powerful, look, you think they have no good things, no super warriors, some, but that is to defend themselves and their killers.

It is this gang of rogues who, in the name of defending their homeland, have created a large number of weapons that destroy the world, and are actually used to defend their power, money, and status.

The real purpose of this jihad is to defeat these dignitaries, capital, and their faithful dogs.

However, these gangsters raised by the people's fat are quite difficult to deal with. They still have a large number of killers.

It's time for a showdown, and it's time for people to understand the truth and see the true face of the garbage.

DJ Jimco said that the Hydra snatches nuclear weapons, which is by no means for use, because the Hydra masters the technology of the times, and simply disdains to use such weapons of mass destruction to win.

The Hydra was worried that the rogue rogues took risks.

Now that the Hydra is willing to deliver the nuclear bomb in its hand to a trusted public representative, does the official dare to do the same?

Now, the Hydra will represent the exploited in the past, count the guilt of power and capital, and arrest and try them. Does the official have the courage to let those exploiters be tried?

The President is now discussing with the bigwigs in various departments how to deal with such a forced palace.

Do you want to go to trial? Of course not, who has no **** under the ass? Most of the laws violated by this group were shot enough, and some were not so dark, and the conviction was enough to go to jail to death.

Is it acceptable? The multi-headed snake is very popular and has delivered nuclear bombs to the so-called public representatives in New York and Los Angeles.

There are even **** fools, or unreasonable untouchables who have accepted the bewitches, joined their team, and are armed, and the foolish and powerful are going to do things, including those who were previously keen on the red vest movement.

At present, the National Guard and the police are confronting these people. This is not a face-to-face confrontation during the parade, but a confrontation based on buildings like street fighting and street fighting. The nearby garrison is rushing to the reinforcements at any time. May start.

In the Arabian Sea, the third aircraft carrier battle group is continuing to be humiliated, and the Hydra has already negotiated the next home. They packaged and sold aircraft carriers, carrier aircraft, supply ships, etc. to internationally renowned terrorist-organizations, as if to prove their identity.

There are also shameless oil-producing countries in the Middle East, such as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, who even took the initiative to pay up for the protection fee, asking whether the Hydra sells weapons, no matter what, even if it is AK47, as long as they have the stencil of the Hydra, they are willing to buy!

Wang Yeguo is all about it. After all, the world knows that they have no morality, whoever is caught and who pays protection money, and when they buy it, they throw away the dust in the warehouse and hold the best weapons, but the poor Yemeni people ca n’t wait to eat the sand.

But the chicken, but a member of the free world, an ally, even kneels and licks, which is really annoying.

Even more annoying is that the state of Hawaii surrendered after being forced by a multi-headed snakehead gun!

Now the President and others suspect that state officials are likely to betrayed early in the morning!

It has to be said that the official operation of the State of Hawaii started a very bad start.

The Hydra is also like a very veteran politician, successfully seized this opportunity and made a fuss.

Roughly speaking, it is the bone of the golden city, and the slogan of the propaganda is that the people are the masters of the house, the real election, and high salaries.

Moreover, the Hydra obviously made sufficient preparations and even launched a system of transparency in government affairs.

In the words of a senior politician: "It is retrogression to hand over human affairs to machine supervision, this is anti-humanity, this is suicide!"

The President and others can understand the fear of this senior politician, and they are also afraid. After all, this set is really implemented, so those who engage in politics will really become civil servants. What good days are there to speak of? How is it above the law?

Like the untouchables, it is restricted by the law. In the past, it was just a matter of saying, why do you still have to know politics when you know that the political path is sinister?

fart! The people are parents? Parents and mothers have never kissed their children so much, why should they kiss them? Why don't you spend time with your loved ones during the Chinese New Year holiday, not with the people you like, but go to shake hands with an unknown guy and ask for help? Who knows whether the man was picking his feet with his hands or what he was doing last minute? Are there any infectious diseases! ?

It is for the privilege, with this privilege, with the status, with the reputation, with the money, and with the more or less circumvention of the law, the taste of mankind is really beautiful!

Now that government affairs are transparent, it has to be supervised by inhuman machines. Who will suffer?

It must be reprimanded, and it must be firmly opposed!

Of course, you can't just say it directly, but be implicit.

The President has found a bunch of sprayers, experts and professors, and sociologists who have scolded them.

This behavior of scolding the multi-headed snake is a life-saving, quick success, unscrupulous operation, not taking the interests of the people seriously, and carrying out unsafe pilots ...

It must be said that the most critical fist is not hard enough, which makes these operations seem weak and weak.

Now the state of Hawaii is having a big party. Those surrenders have successfully retreated. The wealthy man ’s status is preserved, while those who do not know the current affairs have been found guilty and awaiting the trial of the so-called people.

The most disappointing thing for the president and others is that the Hydra did not kill all those who did not understand the current affairs. It even deliberately launched a few "hard bones" to report their deeds and called them the conscience of the industry.

The success of this operation has fooled many people, thinking that the Hydra is the real liberator, seeking truth from facts, and not falsifying.

At the same time, they also used advanced technology to stare at every corner, recorded the behavior of those who took the opportunity to steal and make trouble, and quickly arrested.

Such behavior has increasingly convinced the public of the benefits of AI monitoring.

The Hydra easily stabilized the order on the 132 islands of Hawaii. The next step was to have a truly transparent referendum. Even the sprayers had no choice but to use the cyberpunk settings to buckle their hats and question this. The high degree of supervision stemming from machines is inhumane, infringes on privacy, and terrifying.

As a result, the Hydra's muzzle counterattack was also quite fierce. The prism door incident was detonated in advance. The lighthouse country has implemented the top-secret electronic monitoring program since 2007, including the allies!

The president is very speechless, that is not his pot, but now he is the president, he has to express his position, he has to make a difference, he is now blue skinny shiitake mushrooms.

To make matters worse, it is not enough to describe the crisis situation facing the president. He pointed out at the beginning of the meeting that the lighthouse country has reached the point of life and death, and once it happens, the people present will not be well.

Unfortunately, even with such persecution, the big brothers are silent and golden, as if waiting for the president to take his orders and give orders.

The president hated it. Especially when I think that it is this guy who ties in and implements some bills on weekdays. It ’s up to them to do a lot of things. This wo n’t work. That ’s wrong.

He said in his heart: "You bastards, start to protect yourself now. This is to plan for your own future and think beautifully!"

The President knows that his position is too special, and there is no good fruit for surrendering. The lighthouse country ship sank. As the captain, he must be buried with him. This is the default behavior. Otherwise, what awaits him is life and death. Endless humiliation.

"None of you have any ideas, so I will make the decision." The president finally broke the silence: "After obtaining evidence from many parties, we have confirmed that this incident we encountered is a jihad involving the destiny of all mankind. This is not a country. It ’s a matter of humankind. I ’m going to send a note to all countries and ask them to participate in the process of the incident quickly and effectively ... "

When the bigwigs heard the president's words, they immediately had some bad associations, such as nuclear blackmail or something.

In fact, they did indeed guess the president's ideas and pull all countries into the water, which is what the president called the method.

A few years ago, there was such a sentence: the proletariat of the world united ...

Now what Mr. President wants to say is: the ruling classes all over the world unite ...

This is not a joke with a ridiculous attitude, after all, the Hydra side has started action against it.

The specific method made the president shudder.

Judging from the information currently collected, the Hydra organization is very powerful in gathering and grasping intelligence.

Its high-tech products, such as stealth aircraft, power armored suits, etc., are also completely used to suspend the equipment commonly used by the military of modern countries.

In this context, the Hydra organization is fully capable of launching multiple beheading tactics.

It is similar to their raid on the presidential palace, except that the scale can be smaller and one team can.

As for the goal of beheading tactics, they are the dignitaries and capital crocodiles whose slogans shout loudly.

They can unexpectedly arrest these people, and then use their information to suppress, publicly expose the conviction, sentence and execute them, just like they did on the two aircraft carriers of the third aircraft carrier combat group.

But they did not.


Why not simply, not directly, not reach your source directly, get the target straight, but use the soldiers who are instructed to act?

The answer given by the alumni team coincides with the president's judgment. The Hydra organization really wants to completely overthrow the existing system of the country.

They spend a lot of money on it, just asking the people to participate. And this process is linked, from shock to fear, from humiliated anger to choice after calming down ... The Hydra organization even came up with a model project, the rebellion and independence of Hawaii.

They obviously wanted to reproduce Hawaii in 49 other states.

But they are not strong enough, other states have been fully penetrated by them as early as Hawaii, and they do not have so much power to take good care of each state so that it will not be caused by riots and riots during the period of major changes And the losses are heavy.

So they carefully constructed a model for people to see, and then organized people to participate.

This is a nomination!

Without participation, justice or evil are all other people ’s business.

If you participate, it is related to yourself. You can only go one way to the end to avoid liquidation.

Once the Hydra has really completed this step of operation, the lighthouse country will be completely destroyed. The 300-year-old country from Washington is completely over.

Newcomers will spontaneously pursue all key objectives related to the existing system, making sure that there is no possibility of restoration.

So, this time, the Hydra is a snake bite and three points into the bone, instead of just being satisfied with the surgical attack.

It is not only the president and his staff who understand this, but many dignitaries also understand it.

They realized that they couldn't run, they couldn't run out of this planet, and the strength shown by the Hydra organization was almost invincible.

The countdown of local tyrants to divide the cake and divide the power has entered the countdown, so they gave the president unprecedented support, provided that the president can still fight the battle on their behalf.

When the meeting was just held, the President said this, and counted a bunch of well-known consortia and companies, saying that these companies are all supporting his leader in the free world.

But these bureaucratic politicians were shaken, and officials like the governor of Hawaii stepped down in decent form, saving their lives and personal assets, and let them feel lucky.

Then there is nothing to discuss, he has already adopted an emergency bill.

The general effect of this bill is that the president can be more authoritarian when the country is at the forefront, instead of making some decisions, he must first run to Congress and the politicians in the House of Lords and the House of Representatives to explain why they did so. Of course, this lesson will have to be filled sooner or later, but it ’s still a lot of effort to cut it and play cheaper.

With this bill, if any big guy present does not cooperate, he will be able to drive the other party. But if most people don't cooperate, he will be troubled, so he has to use some strategies appropriately, instead of really giving orders, whoever opposes it, let him get away.

Now this step is also what the president expected. There is a subtext: You haven't said anything, and you can't come up with a solution. Then I will come. If you are reasonable in this case, then you are wrong.

So, the almost absurd plan of global blackmail was passed.

In the modern information society, news delivery is fast. In less than 10 minutes, the ambassador of the Beacon State to the embassies of various countries, accompanied by the military attaché, issued an official note to the governments of all countries, requesting the officials of all countries in the world to unite to face this crisis.

Specifically speaking, if you do n’t participate, I wo n’t be able to live, so I wo n’t pay attention to it. The money owed to you will definitely not be paid back. I wo n’t be able to control any nuclear bombs. trouble.

Correspondingly, it is a combat meeting held at the same time as the president ’s cabinet meeting. The national level is attended by the main five military officials.

In fact, shortly after the attack of the third aircraft carrier battle group in the daytime, the violent organs of the lighthouse state fully operated and automatically entered the orange state, and then directly entered the red state after the president ordered, that is, the war has begun.

In this case, like all garrisons in Europe, all the fakes are canceled, and the officers and men must be rushed back within the time limit. Even the more important officers, who have dedicated manpower and material resources to track their travels, will not be slow, let alone Lie not back.

This is followed by a state of full combat, with firearms fired, fighters hanging bombs, including nuclear weapons, all in place, ready to work at any time.

The only embarrassing point is that the military has basically not studied how to respond quickly and effectively to organizations like the Hydra. What they studied in the past was mainly aimed at other countries, such as the Pacific Ocean, the Middle East, South America, and even Europe. Little partner.

Now they suddenly jump out of such a sharp terrorist, they are also very uncomfortable, the information is too scarce, and some overseas garrisons have gotten news that they even said that the lighthouse country has been captured.

So to speak to a certain extent, it makes sense, after all, information suppression has not yet been cracked.

This is not everyone's effort, Iron Man flew over, and the target was found by the advanced equipment on the steel armor, but failed to pass the other side.

Or to put it this way, even if he wears a prestige suit, the Hydra is not very uncomfortable. After all, he is a person, and he has opened all types of suits, but there are only dozens, and those unmanned steel suits There are structural problems, and there are not many team battle data to follow, and the combat power that can be exerted is very limited.

Look at the multi-headed snake, there is no war jacket like Tony Stark, but the weapons of others are completely prepared for war, simple, effective and mass-produced.

For example, the Hydra has an unmanned aerial vehicle. Looking from the tail, it is similar to the tail of the dart throwing that is often seen in bars. The cross-fixed wings look like a pyramid from the side and front.

This type of aircraft is very fast and highly intelligent, and it can also be driven remotely by humans.

A dedicated stealth mother ship can throw hundreds of such aircraft at a time. Iron Man is not an opponent to play dog ​​fighting with him. What's more embarrassing is that his weapon can't even destroy it at once, it must be laser irradiation 2 It only takes more than a second. It can only be said that the energy conduction and absorption properties of Zhenjin are really abnormal.

The dazzling Iron Man and the person did not tear apart, and the result was a sad exit. This is what happened at dusk.

Tony Stark is desperate to open the Tianma.

The Pegasus created by Kane is indeed okay. In the past, the mother ship of the cross-dart aircraft organized by the multi-headed snake could be slagged, but Nick Fury cast a mouse.

The ship drove the Hydra, and the situation escalated. The Hydra threatened the people with nuclear weapons, demanding that the Avengers hand over the Tianma, or self-defeating. How to choose the Avengers? Does it really avenge all humanity?

Moreover, Gu Yi also said hello. Before the situation has completely deteriorated, I do n’t want the Avengers to provoke a fierce battle and escalate the war.

The mysteries' attitude towards this matter is this: If it is only the dynasty change within human beings themselves, and the regime changes, the mysteries will not interfere.

It's hard to say, what the current rulers and vested interests are, everyone knows very well, and the mystic master has not taken an extra dime from these people, and has no obligation to maintain their rule.

The rulers may say that we have maintained social stability and the development of civilization, and without us our order will collapse and many people will die.

Gu Yi said that this is your basic responsibility, and the work is even a part of the existence. It is like that the sanitation workers are to ensure that the links in the area are clean. If you do n’t want to do it, you can do it. No one is forcing you. Can you still play tricks?

So in general, unless the Hydra begins massacres or something, the Mystic Master doesn't care.

Nick Fury also asked, the third carrier battle group in the Arabian Sea ...

Gu Yi directly responded: "They are soldiers ~ ~ Yeah, they are soldiers. The soldiers serve this job. It makes no sense that you are only allowed to kill others, and that you are not allowed to kill you. Because of advanced equipment and well-trained It is an illusion that victory should always be due to other reasons.

There are risks in the industry, so you need to be cautious when entering the bank. That's it.

Nick Fury understands that, he estimates who will first provoke the indiscriminate killing of civilians, the mystic will deal with whom.

But the balance of the Hydra is very good. For example, New York and Los Angeles, they organized mobs and distributed weapons, but they did not participate in the civil confrontation.

The current situation is that the National Guard, the police and some patriots have faced off with the mob, and they have been hit with cold guns.

The Hydra ’s powered armored commando is only responsible for killing each other ’s heavy weapons, such as armored vehicles, Wuzhi, etc., and pulling the weapons of both sides to a light weapon level, this battle is really fought.

Many of the mob are desperate, with advanced weapons and equipment provided by the Hydra, and real-time intelligence information provided by the Hydra. In addition to their training, they are not worse than the opposite, and even have some advantages.

On the urban battlefield, the terrain is complex and the situation is changeable.

Moreover, the modern era is no longer the tactical era when the charge of the past sounded, and thousands of people charged, focusing on informatization, asymmetric combat, and so on. Nowadays, intelligence has been pushed back by the multi-headed snakes, not to mention the police and the National Guard, even if the special forces come, they can't pretend to be forced, and it is very likely to fall into the pit.

So the situation has actually eroded, and New York and Los Angeles are running on the road to Grozny in the lighthouse country.

The Mystic Master refused to reach out, and the Avengers tried to hate less, and looked at the building step by step.

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