Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 896: Reality is more complicated than expected

Nick Fury ’s operations at Minot Air Force Base were generally successful.

After investigating the situation of the opponent, it still ended up in violence.

If you succeed in defeating the king, you will basically win even if you win.

Nick's method is more shady.

When it comes to fighting, whether it is a fake American team or mass production of the Panthers, he dumps him more than a dozen streets, but there will inevitably be physical contact even if he is fighting.

Nick's colony powered by the Universe Rubik's Cube is not something that can be defeated by ordinary combat power. On the contrary, he can use the physical contact to open the displacement effect that the Universe Rubik's best is at, and send the opponent to any place.

Nick chose the helium 3 mine on the back of the moon, the place that he had visited with Tony, Pepper, Bruce, etc. not long ago.

It is conceivable what the result will be for those who are sent to the past.

When the backbone is finished, the rest will not work. Coulson and Henry will enter the market to clear away the remaining evil. The Minot crisis was lifted.

Since the actions were initiated at the same time, it was already afterwards when Nick Fury learned about the situation of Andrews and Whiteman. The interaction between S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Black Sect was pretty good. Andrews handed over smoothly. S.H.I.E.D. simply used the stealth aircraft seized by Kane to transport the nuclear weapons away.

As for Whiteman, it is really impossible, but from another angle, the Hydra has not completely achieved its goal.

The Hydra's initial plan was to transform the nuclear weapons control system in situ, and then form a nuclear deterrent around the radiation.

It can be said that if these three places are all handled by them, then the most essential, most fundamental eastern and central and eastern parts of the lighthouse country are all under the deterrent and can be completely eliminated.

And now, Minot is looking at success, but Nick Fury is distracted.

Andrews simply failed.

Whiteman cannot afford to fight, but can only be transported away.

After that, the Hydra can only cover and deter by air strike.

Of course, it is still very powerful, enough to destroy the national power of the lighthouse by at least 100 years by destroying key cities such as Detroit, Chicago, Pittsburgh, and so on. But the ability to threaten the population is still much worse.

In fact, the Hydra did not intend to use nuclear weapons.

One is to do so against their set of liberated people, defeating dignitaries and capital.

They do n’t need to do that again. They are the elite soldiers route, high-tech armed, although the lighthouse country is powerful, but it ca n’t make it, and it ca n’t win in some battlefields. If you want to be tough, you ca n’t find the target. , Can absolutely play the behemoth of the collapsed lighthouse country.

Therefore, in addition to being an insurance, nuclear weapons are more importantly deterrence. When the deterrence is large enough, the other party does not have the cards to rely on, so most of them will kneel. After all, things like freestyle cooking in a lighthouse country are self-serving, and they are typically difficult to adjust. Downwind and headwind collapses are the norm.

But now, the Hydra has not enough nuclear weapons. The lighthouse country has been stripped of its trousers before losing, so the resistance will still exist, which really makes the Hydra's top level angry.

With the help of DJ Jim, they sprayed the "despicable" behavior of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers to the world.

The Hydra said that it is because of the loyal dogs of these dignitaries and capitals that the dignitaries and capitals can be lucky and continue to fight against the general trend, so SHIELD and the Avengers are guilty of human civilization!

Jim also sang a paragraph for this, first describing the inferiority of the S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers, and then buckling the hat, emphasizing that this group of so-called superheroes made the otherwise simple things complicated. The confrontation between New York and Los Angeles today, and the war that is bound to expand in the future, these two organizations have unshirkable responsibilities. Both economic losses and casualties should be counted as one!

Nick Fury and others saw these naturally ugly faces. The most important thing is that it is unfavorable to send teachers. Whether it is the SHIELD or the Avengers, they are all twists and turns. Even after completing the task, they are discounted.

Like Natasha and Hawkeye, they originally planned to reinforce SHIELD and wiped out all the members of the Hydra that they had discovered, and turned into firefighters.

This led to the failure of Hercules' operations of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Not to mention the Minot Air Force Base. When Nick Fury personally rolled off his sleeves to solve the problem, Hercules action was also in full swing.

After all, Nick Fury initiated the persecution. There is no problem with long-line fishing for big fish. It also successfully dug out multiple mob strongholds.

The only thing that was not beautiful was that he thought the Hydra would expect these fortified cannon fodders to happen. Unexpectedly, they were playing elite strategy and the trick of bluffing. But after the confrontation outside the air force base, Nick Fury believes that even a **** can cause considerable damage to the regular army. Ordinary people lack sufficient vigilance and psychological preparation for this group of guys with high-tech means. It is easy to be pitted.

So Hercules proceeded as usual, and the special team of SHIELD broke into more than a dozen strongholds at the same time, hitting those guys by surprise.

Originally, one side of SHIELD should end perfectly, but the other side has high-end combat power, but the high-end of their own side is caught in the sudden bad things. By the way, the people who were killed and arrested were basically little ones.

Even so, the side of the Hydra is quite hurt. The main use of these thugs is not to guard the nuclear arsenal that has been occupied by their own side, but to be in the crowd and act as a troublemaker, such as shooting a black gun on the opposite side during the confrontation. ,and many more.

The Hydra is not interested in organizing a group of public representatives to hold a forum with the ruler. They are well aware of the advantages of the official. Once they are given time, the official will soon be able to use his own control over various domestic industries and his strong network to regroup.

Therefore, even if it is a talk, it is necessary to bleed enough blood to talk again, rather than engage in peaceful evolution like the state of Hawaii.

It is a pity that the thugs everywhere in the lighthouse country were stirred up by S.H.I.E.L.D., New York and Los Angeles are the most fierce places in the Red Vest movement. The personnel arrangements are different from other cities, and the results have escaped. It was not destroyed by S.H.I.E.L.D. in advance, which is why the armed confrontation of the Hydra organization occurred in New York and Los Angeles.

It should have bloomed everywhere, and the result was only two points. First, it was not big enough from the momentum. It is important to know that the public is fooling. The public will kneel as soon as the general trend is gone, but if they feel uncertain, most will choose to continue to wait and see.

So it seems that the Hydra is still engaging in sound and color, but it is much worse than their own expectations. This is one of the reasons why DJ Jim scolded SHIELD and the Avengers.

The Hydras are unhappy, and Nick Fury is not happy. In addition to not having a good fight, Nick Fury also emphasized in particular: "The other party even knew the Avengers and had some preparations. The news is How did it leak? I am very curious! "

Yes, although the Avengers plan had Nick Fury had an idea, but the plan did not really take long, even the members of the International Security Council only knew that Nick Fury was searching for strangers to deal with Special enemies.

Nick Fury just reported to the directors, knowing that there would be such a thing, no specific details at all. The people of SHIELD are even more unclear. How did the Hydra know?

Tony Stark thought about it and said, "It is likely that, as Kane guessed, there were two spatiotemporal raids during the Monaco Grand Prix."

The others also agreed. After Kane raised a mouthful with Nick, Nick flipped his hand to remind everyone, so they all knew the black widow.

This is not because Nick Fury's mouth is not secure. But if it is really ebony throat, against it, there is a big difference between psychological preparation and non-psychological preparation. In the case of no preparation, it is likely to be pitted by it accidentally. After being confused and accused, he pitted himself, and the scene was full of excitement.

After all, the Avengers have the delivery equipment to use the Avengers base and the authority to control the Tianma. Sudden mutiny may cause huge losses to organizations and humans.

In order to prevent it, Nick Fury went to the Antarctic in particular and asked Gu for help.

Gu Yi did help everyone, and gave everyone a magical pendant that was time-effective once activated.

This small pendant carries the power of Ago Moto Eye, and can be traced back through time to eliminate the influence of confusion.

This time, Nick Fury shyed and asked if Gu Yi mystic mage could intervene and break the wrist with the Hydra. Gu Yi said NO, Gu Yi said that the mystic mage has the mystic mage's criteria, which is a more confusing situation than now. The mystic mage has no exceptions, but rather fulfills his duties to prevent foreign enemies. After all, there are some things that secretly covet the earth, and they also know how to touch fish in muddy water and take advantage of the chaos of oil, such as Dormam, they will take advantage of opportunities, or even create opportunities.

In any case, the secret law of Gu Yi's leadership is neither stubborn nor intimate, nor is it a person of righteousness that he promises without words.

The Avengers' previous preparations were intended to deal with the high-end game. As a result, the Hydra's high-end combat power did not show up at all, and the situation was already frustrating and frustrating.

Bruce Banner said with some caution: "Will Kane help?"

Tony Stark snorted holding his shoulders.

Romanov eased the atmosphere: "I am afraid not, he is not on the earth."

Bruce Baan asked stubbornly, "What about Titan Hulk?"

Nick Fury interrupted: "The main problem now is the lack of intelligence ..."

As it was said, new information was sent, and after Nick received it, he laughed: "The President asked for help from various countries, saying that if there is not enough assistance and the safety of nuclear weapons is not guaranteed, the huge debts may not be able to bear.

Hawkeye wondered: "Just got caught in the other side's words? Is this blackmail?"

Nick was about to talk, and suddenly a stern alarm sounded.

Everyone changed their faces. This kind of alarm sound is not the base being invaded, but Nick Fury specially designed and built it for the concept of "volunteer police". Once the big situation on the earth occurs, such as the release of high energy, this The alarm will sound.

On the other hand, Nick Fury was obviously frightened by the time and space raid in Monaco.

"Winnie, what happened?"

Wisdom Brain said: "A nuclear explosion was detected, at a distance of 2,400 meters from the surface, with an equivalent of approximately 1.5 million tons, coordinates, 40.46 north latitude, 73.58 west longitude."

Tony Stark murmured at the time: "Central Park, Manhattan Island, New York!"

Then there was silence, playing with fire and setting itself on fire, and finally reached this point!

A few seconds later, Zhinao Wei Ni continued to report the conclusion of the immediate calculation: "This explosion is mainly EMP attack, with a radius of 17 kilometers as the first strike radius, and a second radius of about 58 kilometers ..."

Little Pepper interjected and asked, "Where are the casualties?"

"Evaluation of casualties, minor."

It's also a coincidence to say that at ordinary times, this is the beginning of nightlife, just to catch up with the faith, there must be no shortage of people on the street.

But this time it was martial law and confrontation. Many people did not dare to stay in the urban area. Even if they hid in the house early, that is, those who are engaged in trouble and fish in the muddy water are outside.

And EMP attack, to put it bluntly, is an electromagnetic bomb. Its radiation and shock waves are not the main means of killing, its power is relatively low, and it is a clean nuclear bomb. Nuclear radiation is not serious, but the air explosion has a wide range. Electronic equipment has been affected to varying degrees.

Bruce Banner originally studied gamma rays. He knew his situation clearly, scratching his head and saying: "It's not like a multi-headed snake. After all, their information suppression effect is very good. Now it is completely disintegrated. "

Hawkeye said: "I don't think the president did it, most of it was the guys on Wall Street."

The black widow meets: "Stocks, futures, and bank data are destroyed, they can suspend all transactions on the grounds of it, and then go up and down. UU reading"

Bruce Banner's girlfriend Betty Rose couldn't help but ask: "Those who are involved in finance can control nuclear bombs?"

"Individuals may not, but the consortium should be able to."

Nick Fury, he is really afraid of coming. This is a time of chaos, and some people are really desperate for the benefit!

Before waiting for him to ask down the details of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Secret Service personnel in New York, the International Security Council ’s video call request came first.

Nick Fury is now the uncrowned king, acting director of SHIELD, and it's normal for the directors to find something important.

"What happened !?" one of the representatives asked.

Thanks to the wisdom brain of Winnie the Avengers base, Nick responded calmly and outlined Winnie's analysis.

"You can't go on like this anymore. Things have deteriorated to the brink of runaway. The global nuclear war may start at any time. What other cards do you have, you should use them now."

Nick Fury smiled bitterly, then said: "I can only do my best." ...

At the end of the conversation with the directors, Nick Fury turned his face and said to everyone: "There may also be traitors in the directors. Everyone except the one present must be on guard."

Everyone nodded.

"Okay, we can no longer be led by the nose. The channel on the Wakanda side is ready for excavation. I originally planned to let the S.H.I.E.L.D. teams perform reconnaissance missions, but now I change my mind and we go To see if there is a chance to behead. "

Natasha nodded again. They knew that Nick ’s personal show at Minot Air Force Base in the morning. The unlucky eggs thrown into Yuebei Helium 3 mine area were later recovered. They all feel that Nick ’s special ability is still very good.

Nick glanced at the special pager and said, "I don't know if I can catch up ..."

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