Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 897: Variable appearance

Someone exploded a nuclear bomb mainly based on EMP attacks over the Manhattan area. This news Kane knew at the same time as the official gangsters of various countries.

It was Maria Hill who informed him.

Hill also told Kane that the bodyguard Bain had given Olivia and Monica the so-called anti-radiation pills according to his request, and then sent them to the Hill in a lethargic state.

Kane is satisfied with Bain and Hill's operations.

Olivia and Monica only need to know the identity of his heir to the European tyrants. He feels that knowing the opposite is not beautiful.

Now that the two are safe, he has nothing to miss.

Before telling Bain to **** the two girls home, it was to prevent this from happening. Relevant memory tells him that war is no easier than combat. It is always easier to start a fight than to fight. Unless it is a fight, there will always be unexpected moths. The key point here is naturally control.

"How did the nuclear bombs go forward, was it observed?"

Hill replied: "No, but it is not an intercontinental missile, and the Avengers have also verified it."

Kane nodded, and Tony Stark and Bruce Banner worked together to create a satellite network system, but not only convenient communication, but monitoring is the key point. Under such a background, even the front of the nuclear explosion was not found. The situation is a technical issue? Or is it a non-mainstream way of delivering nuclear bombs?

Unlike the superheroes who heard about the electromagnetic nuclear explosion in Manhattan, the first thing that came to mind was the famous Wall Street, the New York branch of the Federal Reserve System and other concepts related to economics and finance. Kane heard the EMP nuclear explosion. The first thing that comes to mind is what the other party intends to do in this area and do not want to be informed in the first place.

At the same time, in the nuclear explosion area, Reed Richards was chatting with his wife Susan Stone: "This time and space is very strange, but luck is on our side, and overall it is smooth!"

Susan Stone raised his head with a grin and grinned, revealing the **** blade-like teeth.

In her hands, a long woman who is highly similar to her, but younger and has a relatively young temperament, has fallen into imminent death, her blood has almost been absorbed, and her limbs are still subconsciously convulsing ...

These two are Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman among the Fantastic Four, but the two are not from this world, but from the Marvel Zombie universe No. 2149.

The zombie superheroes in the Marvel 2149 universe interacted with multiple parallel universes (in order to step on the tail of the zombie trend, sales were unexpectedly good, so they were uncollectible ...).

The beginning is the Fantastic Four (the sideline plot mentions that there is such a universe). In the Ultimate Fantastic Four series, the story of the ultimate Marvel Universe and the zombie Marvel Universe of the Fantastic Four crossed each other, and finally frustrated with the ultimate universe The zombies invaded and ended.

There are three important points here.

First of all, this zombie virus has almost no side effects except for the unbearable hunger. The benefits are stronger, sharper and smarter. In terms of efficacy alone, it is not an exaggeration to say that the life of an infected person can be evolved.

Second, the space-time shuttle was invented jointly by two Reed Richards.

Specifically, Richards of the Zombie Universe, first contacted Richards of the Ultimate Universe through quantum information, and then succeeded in deceiving Richards of the Ultimate Universe on the grounds of joint bigger cause.

Richards of the Ultimate Universe completed the manufacture and use of the space-time shuttle, and went to the other side to discover that New York was already in ruins, while Richards of the Zombie Universe in turn used the equipment and went to the Ultimate Universe.

This is not only because there is more ‘food’ there, but also because the zombie universe has been scrapped. Richards cannot find enough materials and spare parts to build a space-time shuttle.

Third, although the Fantastic Four of the Zombie Universe was eventually defeated, it did not die, and Richards obtained the materials and parts used to build the space-time shuttle ...

As for the reason why the two of the zombies Richards and his wife came to Marvel 199999, there are their own reasons, and some of them are Kane's pot.

The zombie virus in the Marvel Zombie Universe is very brutal. It took only three days for human survivors to become an absolute minority of survivors. Terrorist than the virus spread mechanism of the zombie world war universe.

After that, time has passed for many years. After the cruel natural elimination, the humans there have re-established a new civilization.

Of course, it is a bit inappropriate to say that humans are actually a new species after zombies and physiological structures have been stabilized again.

That's why these two only **** blood, not eat like a normal zombie.

This zombie couple now has a more lofty goal, not just to satisfy the crazy hunger.

The two embarked on a peculiar way of engulfing growth. By absorbing the essence of their own lives in the parallel universe, they gained more life yuan and a comprehensive increase in strength.

The scientific side explained that some points coincided with Kane's statement, that is, to improve the 'measurement', so as to make yourself a more powerful container of extraordinary power.

Therefore, blood-sucking is just a form, the key point is to concentrate the so-called essence in the blood, and then **** it away.

This leads to a problem. The target of smoking needs to concentrate its essence first and capture the other party. It will take some time.

So the two gradually sorted out a set of professional methods, including the loss of an EMP nuclear bomb, which caused all electronic devices to fail, so that they could not quickly transmit information and win time for the two to achieve their goals.

The point about Kane ’s pot is that he triggered a dramatic change in the history of Marvel ’s 199999 universe. One of the points is that Sentinel Bob Reynolds was activated.

Kane collected and melted infinite gems, which led to the appearance of the sentinel. Although this cosmic sentinel does not have the power to explode millions of stars, its capabilities are similar.

The sentinel ’s power comes from a so-called independent universe. If he only enjoys the power of this universe himself, he creates the sentinel family, which has a loophole.

As a clever man in the Marvel Universe, and a member of the Illumination Society, Reed Richards ’wisdom and invention ability are not covered. He has studied sentry with Dr. Strange and Iron Man who are also members of the Illumination Society. Although the power of the Sentinel is too strong, even the short board can't do anything about it. It can track its unique stellar power, Richards can still do it.

The location of Marvel 199999 was discovered because of the power of stars.

Reed Richards once thought that he was a member of the sentinel family who used his power indiscriminately. Only later did he discover that it was the sentinel himself. It was Marvel 199999 that the universe limited the power of the sentinel. Some new.

The persimmon picked up a soft pinch, and not long after Reid Richards discovered the unique stellar fluctuations, he and Susan Stone made an invasion plan.

When they arrived, it was Kane who ran to find the tyrant to get the soul gem. This is where luck is. Otherwise, Kane is in New York, and the high-energy response from the two is hard to hide from Kane.

Due to the suppression of the laws of the universe, the two of them have also been greatly weakened. They ca n’t even do what Kane did. Although they were cut during the fall, they just pushed all the indexes to the ceiling.

Therefore, the two did not rush, but carefully searched the intelligence. While discovering their own namelessness and superpowers in this world, they also discovered the Hydra organization behind the Red Vest movement.

The two took the initiative to find the door in order to activate their own extraordinary power in this world. It must be a transcendent person to extract the essence, and the technology of mass production of transcendental persons has the multi-headed snake.

But the two sides were not happy with each other. The Hydra wanted to exploit their extraordinary abilities. Fortunately, Reed was smart enough so that he was not killed.

Susan's stealth force field was indeed captured by the sentry. They finally managed to get the "Awakening Potion", so they returned to New York and completed the core mission while chaotic.

The two knew Kane through the multi-headed snake, and they knew that such a man could not afford it. For safety (mainly to leave without being intercepted), the two used a super electromagnetic explosion to cover up.

Now, it seems that there is no problem in achieving the goal and leaving the universe completely. Reed was in a good mood and asked Susan: "Do you want to leave a special gift for this world? According to our agreement, you have the final say in this round."

Susan thought of her and her husband's encounters with the Hydra and sneered: "Of course you have to keep gifts! No matter which **** or those people will face a devastated world!"

He pointed to the indigenous Reed and Susan on the ground: "Let them start their own future, maybe they are the only two beings, and they can also use this to spark."

Reed was very happy to hear the words and stepped forward to grab Susan: "It's really my good wife. When I came to the other world, I never forgot to match us. Without you, I was very picky about the illusion of the opposite sex. Can be a single dog, you are my destined goddess ... "

Susan returned to Reed with a wink that meant ‘you ’re sensible’ and said in her mouth: “Oil cavity slips!” Then the dog and the man flashed.

Shortly after the New Year's bell struck, a pair of unlucky men and women on the floor woke up, showing stiff movements, as if the joints had rusted robots.

At the same time there is a kind of feline light.

The combination of two nearly opposite qualities makes the body language of these two people seem very strange.

The two were confused, and then found each other, while twitching their noses and sniffing, while looking up and down at each other, their faces were solemn, their eyes cold, the center of their pupils gleaming with a red glow, which allowed them to see in darkness.

After a moment, Reed took the initiative to invite: "Go eat something together?"

Susan swallowed hard and asked, "Live food?"

"Of course! I can't bear it anymore, but I feel a little scared, together!"

Reed's honesty made Susan smile and the hunting began ...

By this time, Nick Fury and others had been dropped directly from the Avengers base into Vakanda's underground tunnel.

This long tunnel has been excavated for some time. It is so-called slow work and hard work. It could have been fast. Nick Fury specifically asked for the quietest possible operation.

What's more, Nick Fury was not satisfied with just passing the energy shield barrier of Vakanda, he asked to dig directly to the Zhenjin mine.

Wakanda is not too big. After years of excavation, the Zhenjin Mine has become a cave system centered on a huge dome.

With advanced equipment in hand, Nick Fury's request is not too difficult for a strongman.

A group of people walked along the tunnel supported by the steel prefabricated reinforcement, and came to an end, a stone wall.

Nick Fury gave a final briefing to everyone: "Behind the stone wall of about 5 cm, is the cave system. We are currently only guessing that the system is connected to the Zhenjin deposit. The operation officially began."

Subsequently, Nick used a pressurized hydrochloric acid spray to corrode the last stone wall, and a group of mermaids penetrated into the cave. Nick finally used the equipment he had prepared early in the morning to block the entrance and conceal it.

This operation is mainly considering that Wakanda has advanced technology. In case this newly opened tunnel causes air to enter and disrupts the environmental balance of the cave, it is not beautiful if it is discovered by the detection device.

Nick Fury's prudence, and the use of his ability, made the group's next move very smooth.

Cosmic Rubik's Cube not only provides displacement skills, but also allows people to gain powerful space perception.

With this ability, Nick Fury can see through the space within a radius of 500 meters with the instrument.

The perspective of Kane's trumpet Rennes also uses this ability to say that the credit of the gamma rays is just to fit Rennes's arrangement.

The colony worn by a group of people does not have an optical stealth system ~ ~ but there is a mimicry simulation system, just like the chameleon's ability, but it changes quickly and can basically achieve synchronous color change.

However, everyone soon discovered that there is no need to disguise and stealth here, probably because the Vakanda people are very confident in the safety of their underground systems, or their folk customs are like this, and there is no dense distribution in the Zhenjin mine. Surveillance cameras, or patrolmen.

In fact, the entire mining operation is highly automated, in addition to the fact that Wakanda's technology is indeed advanced, but also because the vibrating gold mine's growth environment is special and harmful to humans.

This is why in the two chapters of the reunification, when Autron and Ulysses Crowe traded the gold ore mines, those mines were sealed in containers, not for preserving the high end of the show, but for long-term preservation and safety Need.

Even the famous Black Panther suit evolved from mining protective gear.

The earliest mining method was relatively primitive. The miner inhaled the dust containing the vibration gold element and was affected by the radiation in the mine. The combination of the two achieved the effect of strengthening the vibration gold with a soil method.

This native approach cannot naturally be compared with the life research of Dr. Zhao Hailun in the two chapters of Fulian, but it laid the Wakanda dominance pattern in which Black Panthers are different from ordinary people and can outperform others in their skills.

However, it became Laozi's hero and hereditary system of heroes, and became a symbolic activity more than fighting rituals. Instead of being a winner, the ordinary people were not eligible to participate.

Nick Fury They came here this time, to a certain extent, it was also a feast for the eyes. Even Tony Stark nodded frequently, praising the unique and advanced technology.

Of course, it is not without problems, as Tony said on the channel: "Wakanda does not have enough industrial population, the production cost is high, and the efficiency is not good. Their family is saved, it is a big deal ..."

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