Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 898: The core is the Wandering Fleet

Tony Stark's eyes are still sharp. He combined with the experience of his arms producers, just looking at the automated mine in Wakanda, he speculated that Wakanda's short board.

In fact, it's even worse than Tony said.

It is not just that there are not enough qualified industrial workers, and they cannot manufacture weapons insanely once they are transferred to wartime systems like big powers. Wakanda also has a problem of paying attention to tradition and national folklore.

This can be seen from some details of the Black Panther chapter.

Within them, they still exist in the form of tribal unions and emirates.

Too much emphasis on the characteristics and style of small groups is not conducive to the industrialization of the country.

Originally, there were few people. Also, taboos, folklore traditions, and the integration of manpower have too many complicated problems, so much waste.

Therefore, the production system of Wakanda is actually very wonderful, which is a combination of old handcraft workshops and full-automation of the ultra era.

For example, to build a Zhenjin aircraft, due to the need for confidentiality and objective reasons for the comprehensive advancement of technology, Wakanda has no way of outsourcing some parts and components, but can only be produced by himself.

As everyone knows, such as airplanes and ships, it is the most comprehensive test of heavy industry. There are only three countries with complete industrial systems, lighthouses, bears, and flower growers.

Like other powers, many of them are outsourcing foundries. Although the burden is less, they will also be subject to others at critical moments.

Wakanda has not interacted with the outside world, pretending to be a poor agricultural country, and industry has a compact industrial system. Among them, there are some production categories. Due to the small demand, they did not find a market outside, so that they can normally survive and develop normally, so they replaced it with manual DIY.

It is conceivable that even if these handicraft workshops have exerted some of the abilities of human beings to the extreme, the efficiency of all ‘eight-level fitters’ will be terrible.

It's an exaggeration to say that grinding a sword for ten years, but some parts, it really takes a few months to produce one with quality and quantity. So Tony Stark is right, every advanced weapon in Vakanda is saved, the more complicated, the more so.

This background also determines the strategy and tactics chosen by Wakanda after the war. The sword is very typical. It is more extreme than the foot basin of World War II. .

This also led to the Hydra organization, more like a pirate in the Pirates of the Caribbean world, which has two characteristics.

First, Wakanda is their Tortoga (Turtle) Island, rather than a base camp, it is a rest and well-established transit station that sells gold caves.

Second, the fleet, or the regiment, is their home and their root.

This led to a result. Nick Fury's plan to attack the nest, even if it was successful, did not cause much damage to the Hydra.

It's like the British or Spanish of the Pirates of the Caribbean who captured Tortoga, Jack and his Black Pearl are all right, and can be returned at any time.

Conversely, if Black Pearl is well contained, then Tortoga is good, and Jack can only fool around there and can't do any big business.

Tony Stark quickly told Nick Fury his thoughts and speculation, and Nick Fury suddenly felt a pain.

A multi-headed snake is like a poisonous tongue, and it must be pinched by seven inches, otherwise it feels threatened, and that bite is terrible.

Although Tony Stark did not completely guess the truth, but Nick Fury obtained the prophetic information from Kane, which included all kinds of Wakanda. Now that the two phases are combined, it is basically confirmed that Wakanda Not the seven inches of the Hydra.

For Hydra, the most important thing is probably the previous launch of the landing module from the underwater in the Arabian Sea to seize the diving ship of the lighthouse National Aircraft Carrier.

Regarding this mysterious enemy that destroyed the third carrier battle group of Beacon State in a devastating way, it was naturally the darling of the media after the incident, and many people participated in the discussion.

Among them, the most reliable argument is that the other party is actually a fleet. Diving is only one of its uses. The real use is space.

The reason for deriving this conclusion is mainly the analysis of the 'big black fish' leaping from the water: good sealing, anti-gravity system, and the characteristics of the ship's hull material and its shape.

Although its general shape resembles a bear-like typhoon-class submarine, it is actually wider and flatter. Experts pointed out that such a structure is not suitable for floating or sinking, but it is suitable for high-speed forward.

Combining these claims, Nick Fury has reason to believe that the core of the Hydra is a wandering fleet.

If this fleet can't be targeted, it will suffer a lot of labor and seven injuries at once, and it will suffer its mad anger.

"Natasha, Clint, the two of you stayed and conducted a full investigation of Vakanda. The rest of them returned to the base of the enemy with me." Nick Fury was a decisive master, realizing that he had made the wrong goal, and then Decided to take back the fist quickly, in preparation for another attack.

The Black Widow and Hawkeye have been with Nick for some years and have long been accustomed to each other.

Nick Fury called the two to the side, blessing them with the power of the Universe Cube.

Kane gave him the Universe Rubik's Cube, but no such trick.

The universe cube can only act on the holder. In addition to the ability of Nick Fury to obtain hyperspace induction and teleportation, there is also a trick like a burning hand, pure energy release, and melting gold and iron.

But then Kane taught Nick Fury an extra trick. It is to split a mirror cosmic cube out, so that Dr. Eric Schweiger can continue to study the cosmic cube like the current stage of the original history line, attracting Rocky ’s attention, and triggering the 1st chapter of the reunification of the Chitarians to attack the earth .

This incident is basically unrecognizable now. After all, Kane ca n’t wait to take the initiative to get the soul gem directly from the tyrant, and he also blackened Loki.

In any case, Nick Fury has mastered a trick. This trick, plus the release of the burning hand, ensures that he can deliver the energy of the universe cube non-lethally.

Of course, after all, it is energy, like lightning and flame, but it is very dangerous in itself, but if it is a special carrier that bears this energy? For example, the colony of Hill.

What is the performance of the cloak on the Hill, as the nominal owner of the Hill, Maria Hill, naturally has the right to know.

She learned from Kane about the evil spirit attribute of the cloak, and when Nick Fury borrowed the cloak, she told him that the cloak on the Hill was a transcendence that could withstand non-harmful (excited form) Powerful, including the power of any infinite gem.

Nick has also conducted experiments in private, and he feels that the cost performance is not high, and the ability to obtain it is okay, but it is a bit unacceptable to consume more energy.

After all, the Rubik's Cube is not an infinite gem, and the reserves of extraordinary power are far from it. Although Kane used the technology of cattle breaking, the universe cube has the characteristics of gathering extraordinary power, but this kind of gathering is called the gravitational effect. As the name suggests, the thicker it is, just like the higher the mass of the star, the stronger the gravity. The better the suction effect.

Nick planned to use the Universe Rubik's Cube as a heritage of the Avengers Administrator. The earth is a micro-magic world, and the use of the power of the Universe Rubik's Cube naturally requires careful planning.

Therefore, Nick ’s reluctance to give it extraordinary power is not cost-effective. Before Minot Air Force Base himself came off the field, there was no other way. Otherwise, he would rather sit in the rear as always, rather than show his ability.

But now that the overall situation is grim, Nick feels that it is necessary to enhance the success rate of the secret investigation for the Black Widow and Hawkeye, so he exerts his extraordinary powers.

On the fusion characteristics of the cloak, the Hill ’s cloak is naturally not comparable to the Avengers ’cloak, which allows the Black Widow and Eagle Eye to deeply feel their magical power after gaining the power of the Universe Cube. one side.

There is a lot of ice and blue light in the pupil of the eye. The combination of vision and perception organically changes the look of the world in both eyes. The sense of mastery of space is difficult to describe, but it certainly feels great.

"There is still such a secret technique. If there was this power in the presidential palace, those guys did not have the opportunity to retreat." The black widow sighed in the channel.

Nick snorted coldly: "The President is not worth the magical power. Well, this secret detection depends on you two."

Hawkeye, who has never talked about it, also rarely said: "I am very confident in completing the task."

"That's good, wait for your good news."

So the two sides parted ways, the black widow and the eagle eye continued their in-depth investigation, and Nick returned in the same way.

Nick also left Coulson to walk a little later, sitting in command of the operating staff, connecting the tunnel to the entrance and exit of the Zhenjin Mine cave group, spending more time to cover up, and also to cope with the Eagle Eye and the Black Widow.

The rest, like Henry, Stark, and the high-end colonial team, followed the tunnel to an open valley outside Wakanda, and then called Zhinao Wei Ni, using the transmission device to directly meet the moon base.

Out of necessity, Nick urgently promoted six people to become reserve members of the Avengers.

These people Kane are familiar, that is knight, hummingbird, primer, assassin, mandala and big bear.

Promoting these people was considered a sign. After Kane trumpeted and revived from the broken wreckage, Nick felt that they were no longer ordinary people, but had great potential.

Nick used his power in S.H.I.E.L.D. first to form a special team with standard templates. After secretly observing and the performance of the recent Hercules operation, Nick felt that they were okay. This invasion of Wakanda, just FireWire was promoted and stuffed into the leased high-end cloak.

Although these prospective players have various permission restrictions, and even specific actions are basically controlled by the cloak, they are equivalent to puppets wrapped in smart armor, but from another perspective, this is not just an eye-opening and learning opportunity.

You should know that these high-end cloaks were designed by Kane, and their intelligence-related battle-related information is rich and clever. They are indeed more useful than they have just been strengthened by demons and they are still in the groping stage of the comprehensive increase of the body comprehensive index.

It's a pity that Nick's secretly planned two points were not reached.

The first point is that Nick originally wanted to make a coincidence, and wanted to try whether the high-end cloak of the Hill could resonate with the six people who were resurrected by Kane, and unlock what extraordinary means.

It turns out that I think too much. Kane's genetic system order does not change the target to be non-human because the high-end cloak will merge with the user to a certain extent after wearing the armor, even if the other party also received his surgery, it will not be confused. .

The second point is that the battle did not take place, and the Cavaliers learned very little.

Nick Fury is a man who hates less when he uses it. The series of operations of the Hydra will soon make him nervous. I hope to grow up to some superheroes. Let ’s say that he can stand alone. At least he can talk to the fake American team. The head of the black panthers can win head-to-head or dogfight, effectively reducing the strength of the Hydra.

Speaking of which, the current Avengers League is also quite hurt. The front line commander U.S. team stood on the opposite side. Hulk became a pure logistics person. Although Thor has a fate, but the time has not yet arrived, and he will not come to the earth to join the alliance. The shock team has such a number, but it is always late. It really exists only for revenge, not prevention.

Of course, there are also good things. Black widows and eagle eyes, which were originally just ordinary people, have been strengthened to at least the level of the US team, and he has become an important force from ordinary people.

It's just that Eagle Eye and Black Widow are one ADC and one AD, and he is strategic combat power. The team lacks the main T and powerful fighters, so it seems a little weak and can't just be positive.

Although Nick Fury does not analyze the Avengers with the concept of a game, he also vaguely knows the team ’s shortcomings, so he strives to train the men, but he has to say that warriors like Hulk and Thor are not the same So easy.

Kane is aware of this, so Titan Hulk can actually start Maria Hill, Hill and Nick also have related agreements, be considered a starting card in Nick's hands.

Nick kept suppressing to no avail, but summoned Captain Marvel, mainly to let the team know about the current situation of the earth, it is best to interact with Kane.

Nick is a personal supremacist. The psychological behavior of the shock team to maintain the peace of a star field is actually somewhat disapproving. The main problem is that humans have a lot of trouble. Even if it is to maintain the peace of the star field, it should always help the earth. .

He wondered, this time to summon the shock team back, one is to resolve the crisis, and another one may interact with Kane, the shock team can be less arrogant, more focus on the earth?

But in front of him, Nick felt the most needed was Maria Hill.

After returning to the moon base, he contacted Maria Hill, hoping that Hill would use the Hill to find the location of the Hydra fleet.

The Avengers Tianma can also do it, but the level of the Tianma exploration equipment cannot be compared with the Hill. When finding the Hydra diving fleet, most of them will also be exposed.

The ship is different from the personnel. Once the Tianma is exposed, it is very difficult to explain afterwards.

This is not Nick Fury's insidious and greedy angle to evaluate those in power, but the interests involved are too tempting, and those people can't fail to snatch.

Even, it is forced to seek the situation, otherwise it will be taken by others, master the advanced technology, then do not big countries kneel?

Similar things have been staged once.

Regarding the stealth aircraft seized by Kane using Trumpet Ryan, isn't Kane looking down upon him, he wants to discount and sell the money? The former director of SHIELD bought it.

How much Nick did not know before, but he heard Hill say that Kane inadvertently revealed when chatting with Hill that with this deal, Kane can shoot in the top ten of the global rich list on the bright side.

The Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. directly transferred it to a research institute jointly operated by the Lighthouse State Space Agency and the Air Force, where the Tianma project was developed.

Nick went to the startled team once, but was left on the cold bench. In the end, the startled team fled and flew out. He didn't like it.

The Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. was too biased towards the beacon country and was asked by the council members to leave the class.

But people are not losing money. They were originally lighthouse nationals and have deep connections and backgrounds. After doing such a politically correct thing, will they still lack space?

It is precisely because the flying machine was taken by the lighthouse country, not in the hands of SHIELD. I haven't been able to research some clues for such a long time, and I don't know if it is true or false. Anyway, I asked to shake my head.

Tony Stark also quarreled with Nick about this matter ~ ~ said that he should be contacted at that time. Nick said that he sold Kane's aircraft and entered the top ten rich list in one fell swoop. Stark was silent.

The price is too expensive. If he buys it, Stark Industries ’largest shareholder is not him.

However, if it were replaced now, Tony might have bought it, who made the current situation in the lighthouse so bad.

Speaking of this, at least in Stark's view, it's not all bad news.

For example, a series of evil things contributed to the warming of his relationship with Pepper.

In fact, to be more honest, it is not a warming, but Pepper feels that the social situation is changing and life is impermanent. Even such a big beacon country says that it falls and falls, and there is a crisis of sudden death, let alone personal.

So, cherish the present, cherish the people before you, almost all together, don't wave for all kinds of reasons.

Deeper, although Pepper is also a typical beacon country, she rarely returns home after her adult independence, but her relationship with her father and stepmother is very good. Once he and Stark are married, parents can enjoy the Avengers. Members have taken refuge.

Some common things are boring to say broken. Although Stark is arrogant and like many people, he has too much expectation of his other half, but his emotional intelligence is not low. He can understand Pepper and replace his parents with alive. Tickets for the Avengers base.

In fact, the relatives of the Avengers have reached at least half, which has almost become the most important reason for the Avengers to continue to do things.

Maria Hill agreed to Nick Fury's request. She is also very concerned about the current situation. If it were not like Nick Fury, he would have been a tough shot.

Hill sailed from the back of the moon to the earth, still on the road, and received new news from Nick Fury, New York is in a big situation!

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