Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 899: The first days of the virus source

The first feature of Marvel's zombie universe is the zombie superhero.

The secondary feature is that this zombie virus is really cruel.

Anyway, a god-man like Thor and Hulk are so strong that they can't burst their skins and their skin bullets can't be broken. They can still be infected with this virus, and then become a super evil boss in the eyes of ordinary people.

Reed Richards and Susan Stone, the pair of living zombies and after absorbing the essence of their own parallel world, patted their **** and left, leaving behind the poison to wreak havoc on the world.

The particularity of this poison can be said to have reached a very high level. US team gene + sentinel gene + evolved N generation of super zombies virus.

With these three majors, even if the indigenous Reed and Susan were absorbed most of the essence, it is still very comparable.

There are two main characteristics, the first is the potential, and the second is the boosting gain.

The first point is easy to understand, mainly because the super zombie virus is very abnormal, and the sentinel gene is even more abnormal.

After all, the original intention of the Marvel universe creation **** Stan? Li to create the sentinel is omniscience and omnipotence. Although the universe has been weakened, the underlying pattern has not changed much.

The second point means that the indigenous Reed and Susan can have a future. All the losses are made up, and even beyond oneself is a matter of course. There is no pass, just ask whether the "tonic" is enough.

So in fact, the two did n’t eat very much at first, because they found that ordinary people are like eating meat and leaves for people who like meat, and they can eat and digest, but the taste is faint, It is uninteresting.

Reed is a high IQ, Susan is equally outstanding, the two quickly found the crux of the problem-they need to speak out about the extraordinary existence!

After discussion, the two planned to be police officers. This certainly has an inherent three-view effect, and it has not been completely blackened. What is more important is the social status and past encounters of the two, which determine their narrower horizons. If they are considered extraordinary, they are sure The backbone of the Hydra organization that is now actively working on things.

In this way, the pair of pathogens, although unaware of Nick Fury, could teleport to reach the opponent and then burn the opponent to ashes with one touch, but they were lucky enough to complete the 'one blow away'.

For the two of them in their infancy, this is really important, otherwise it is very likely to be like many novice pilots in World War II, the first battle is the last battle. Because the two are relatively weak now, the most important thing is consciousness and literacy. They are not yet qualified soldiers. There are too many related operations to take for granted. It is easy to be traced by professionals.

Reed and Susan are out of the pit, and the zombie virus outbreak has just begun.

This time it was more like the zombie virus that most people are familiar with outbreaks. In the eyes of people like Kane, the basic version of the cobalt bomb is dirty, but it is really good for ordinary people.

It was a pair of mother and daughter who were bitten by Reed and Susan. Reed and Susan were also the first in life. They did n’t have much experience. The scene was a bit ugly. I couldn't help but bite more.

This caused the mother and daughter to be infected, but spent more time repairing themselves.

In the end, my mother failed to survive.

Because the super zombie virus itself does not reduce intelligence, and even has a bonus. What really makes it crazy is the hunger and thirst from the depths of the soul, which is a kind of instinctive physiological need.

Although this need is stronger than the functional stimulation caused by the drug-addiction attack, it is not uncontrollable after all. The mother does not rely on reason, but on maternal love, and endures not to slap her daughter.

The result was bitten by the daughter who was awake late because of her minor.

The male host of this family returned home in the middle of the night and saw a strange and terrifying scene where her daughter gnawed her mother. It collapsed.

This man named George is a member of the red vest movement.

Like many participants in the Red Vest movement, George is mainly to support his family, and secondly to find the dissatisfaction in his heart.

The sub-credit crisis caused him to lose his job and house, and fell into a vicious circle. But with his wife and daughter, he did n’t dare to be too surfer. He took part in the red vest and waved his flag and banged his drum. When you get some cash, sometimes you can get some extra benefits.

Cash is really important to George. The personal financial system of Beacon Country is relatively complete and sound, which is convenient for individuals and a noose.

For example, if you owe money, you have to repay the money without dying. You will be deducted directly from the bank account. No matter how much you earn, you can only get the basic living expenses stipulated by law.

George wants to love his wife and daughter. Sometimes he invites guests to drink a bottle of beer or the like, and he relies on cash. And the red vest sports account does not need to pay taxes!

Today, he received an online call to get a guaranteed bonus of $ 200 for this order. If he does not come, he will not use it in the future.

George, on the one hand, out of the desire for money, on the other hand, worried about losing this extra job, will be more constrained in the future, so he went head-to-head.

Confronting the police, he still has a point in his mind, but as soon as the National Guard arrived, he immediately counseled, and it was still very stressful to be pointed at by the machine gun of the armored car.

He slipped away with a few of the same Gu family, but was successfully lured by his companions.

The companion said: "You see what the situation is now. With the turmoil, prices will immediately grow crazy! By the time 2000 dollars will not be able to buy the daily necessities that the current 200 dollars can buy. So, while there are still opportunities now , Prepare a batch of daily necessities for yourself and your family. After this night, I want to be afraid of any chance. It is too dangerous! "

George thought the companion's statement made sense, so he ransacked the supermarket and got a rickshaw to move things.

It was time to find the car. After all, the electromagnetic explosion of the nuclear explosion not only failed the alarm device of the supermarket, but also caused the electric cars to lie down. Finding a usable car was very difficult.

The success of the looting made George feel that he still had such a little wise brilliance. He was tortured by the frustration of work and life, and obtained a twist of comfort.

"At least, my brain is still above the horizontal line, and my luck hasn't fallen into a debilitating part ..."

It turned out that he was wrong. When he moved the items from the supermarket to the car, he lost the two most important people in his life.

The tragedy I saw at home caused George to collapse, and missed the best offense or escape opportunity. It was almost too late to wait until his daughter found his ‘fresh meat’ more attractive.

Of course, George also instinctively rebelled, but he was surprised to find that his daughter's strength was greater than him ...

George's zombie took only 7 seconds!

Then she flung her daughter away and scolded loudly with the ragged voice of the air: "You little bichi!"

But that's it. Although George was angry about what his daughter did to his wife, he still couldn't lower the lower limit than his daughter.

George's eyes glowed fiercely, his face distorted, his blessed body rapidly changed, calories burned in madness, he was repairing him, he was strengthening him, and his body was fundamentally changing.

This change is like the genetic reorganization of Spider-Man after being bitten by a spider, but it is more dramatic, and it is not the optimized combination of cattle that Spider-Man encountered, but the mud and sand, for example, corresponding to the enhancement and super resilience. It is a metabolic rate more than ten times faster.

Soon, George felt the hunger that would have swallowed a cow immediately.

He turned his head away from this sadly.

Strangely, instead of looking for a new target, his daughter walked back to the mother ’s inadequate body with a daze, knelt on the ground, watching the wreckage fall into a state of distraction.

After a while, the girl under the age of 14 who had just started to develop became thinner, her skin was white and bloodless, but her hair was mad.

The newly-grown hair is scarlet, and it is extremely dense and thick, like a wire, and it will quickly reach the waist.

In addition, a pair of tiger teeth turned into sharp canine teeth, but there was no white eyes in the eyes, and the lacquered black hair was bright, and there was a little scarlet in the center, just like the brightness of the laser pen, which was particularly conspicuous.

Her hands became dry like bird claws, her fingers were slender, her nails were long and sharp, and slightly curved, like a razor.

"Woo ..." The girl began to cry at the remains of the corpse, whose voice had a strange sense of hollowness and penetrating power.

The first flying demon in this world was born.

The Marvel Zombie Universe has its kind, known as Harpy (Greek Transliteration), which means Hawk Harpy, but also robbers and thieves.

George slammed the door before, and the open door opened the strange cry of the flying monster farther.

It was originally a small unit of BAK, and the sound insulation effect was not good. Generally, all the noise was solved by suffering. But Fei Yao's endless crying soul-like voice, and the Buddha heard it and became angry.

Neighbor fat man dressed in pajamas and came over with a baseball bat.

Today, the New Yorkers have not had much comfort, especially the nuclear explosion, which has scared a lot of people. The fat man also learned the "truth" through the official emergency publicity notice. He was upset and slept for several hours later than usual. But he was tortured and awakened by this crying voice.

He wanted to scare the other party, but he did n’t want to be scared first. Under the lighting of the candlelight, the horror scene of the blood screaming scene was particularly intense. When he saw the corpse and the weird redhead who was crying The fat man was shocked and gave an extremely high-pitched scream. In the words of some male animals pretending to say: "It looks like a lady!"

The fat man's cry disturbed the flying demon. The flying demon made a sharp scream and flew towards the fat man. During the period, he also pedaled on the side wall.

fast! Faster than lightning!

The fat man's attention is mostly attracted by the flying demon's red hair, like a burning streamer, and then the claw light.

The fat man was decapitated with a paw.

The fat daughter-in-law paid close attention to the situation. He heard screams and knew that the situation was not good. He called more neighbors to observe the situation. As a result, he was slaughtered by flying monsters.

In the Marvel Zombie universe, the virus spreads so quickly, the creator of the Magneto Magnetosphere has contributed to the artificial poisoning.

In this world, the zombie virus has a higher probability of "special mourning" mutation rate.

It can even be said that this zombie virus should be prefixed with ‘magic’, and among the first dozen or so zombies infected by flying monsters, one person with a history of tuberculosis became a spitter.

There is another one who uses steroid hormones for fitness, then becomes muscle tyrants.

Such a probability can be called a lunatic.

It can be said that every element that can provide higher traits has a high probability of becoming a special funeral.

For example, high blood pressure, high blood fat, and high blood sugar, even if it is a trait element, even genetic disorders, stubborn chronic diseases, are all trait elements.

George created a virus spreader that is more efficient than the spitter—the stink guy.

The power of thinking inertia is powerful. After leaving the house, the strong thinks habitually: why solve worries? Only shochu.

He had a history of alcoholism before, and it was his wife who helped him out of trouble.

But I still have a drink from time to time. Collecting money to participate in the Red Vest movement is an alternative job introduced by wine drinkers.

In addition to wine drinkers, there are dead enemies in the bar.

He did not deal with the bartenders in the bar. The bartenders always like to use him as a typical chewing tongue. The reason is that when he was relatively turbulent, he came to drink without tipping.

Of course, he is not completely innocent, Jiu Zhuang admonishes the courage, it is he who makes the disgusting remarks of the female bartender's body odor in public.

All in all, these two people have dark eyes on each other, a typical enemy in life.

Later, George simply couldn't afford to hide, and he didn't go to the bartender's class. But today my mind is particularly chaotic, so I forget about it.

Said he was absent? He also knew to change into new clothes from the goods in the supermarket details and throw away the **** clothes.

Said he was sober? After being bitten off, two large pieces of meat were recovered quickly. After encountering such an extraordinary event, he was still in the mood to change clothes and drink.

George didn't expect that he was a zombie virus, and he wouldn't believe it if he told him.

After all, in his cognition, zombies are dead first, and he is alive.

In addition, many movies and TV shows have been performed. Only the brain stem part of the zombie is still active, and the other brain parts are no longer working, so they have only instinct, no wisdom, only animal nature, and no human nature.

George was already in a bad mood. As a result, the bartender was also in a bad mood. Today, there were so many major events, even nuclear explosions. The bar owner was still letting her go to work, and she couldn't feel better.

I have to say that the bar owner is still very smart and the business is hot.

In the context of being disturbed by disasters, in addition to the need for safety, people also need to talk to get comfort.

Moreover, when the nightless city became black and light, but there was a place with light; when people were lost and overwhelmed, but there was a place where business was normal and the voice was full; it was really very attractive.

What's more, today is New Year's Eve, and many people originally planned to buy drunk overnight to celebrate.

Of course, there is another reason for the attitude of the lighthouse people. In addition to freedom, there is optimism, positivity, and tolerance. At least they have always been so publicized, and many people also believe it.

Anyway, after the nuclear explosion, normal business, really business can be hot, this kind of thing will not happen in many countries, but the lighthouse country has a high probability of happening.

The female bartender had grievances and was busy on all fours. When she saw her old friend, she opened it on the spot and said she would go away. The old lady would n’t wait for your poor man!

Since working life has become difficult, George has feared a lot, and George, who is afraid of getting financial troubles, is extraordinary today, mainly not hunger, but daze, resentment and self-blame after losing the most precious things in his life.

In this matter, what else can he worry about? No more!

So George was very fierce, and hugged the bartender's neck through the fierce probing arm of the bar, and then she directly took it out, and then slammed and sipped a few times.

People nearby were shocked by this scene. After a brief shock and loss of emotion, emotions broke out instantly, some screamed, some cursed, and some drank two glasses that they thought they could beat and beat up.

George threw the female bartender aside like a rag doll, and then waited for Fei to beat his man, splitting his mouth and letting out howl.

His cry is not like a human voice, it is more like a legendary tyrannosaurus roaring!

The appearance is also very scary, the flesh on both sides of the mouth was torn when he swallowed it.

It has been torn to the position where the masticatory muscles are directly exposed in the back, and the tooth is transformed into a triangle shape like a shark's teeth in a short time, and it is staggered with the teeth like a beast clip, which is used to cut off the flesh more conveniently.

George is also very mourned!

The model number is unknown, and Marvel ’s Zombie Universe does not have his number!

This appearance of George terrified the crowd, people rushed to run, many people exited small, and there was a congestion for a while.

George, who had eaten **** food, was like a wolf. He faced him face-to-face. He still had some hesitation. He dared to expose his back to it. Fighting was almost inevitable.

And just a few seconds later, the bartender was alive. Although she still hated George, the strong **** smell in the bar stimulated her. Those who were hiding or running around looked like in her eyes. It's a delicious duck that is cooked but still moving ...

This is a massacre. At the same time, it is also a true viral spread.

About half an hour later, when the female bartender who turned into a gangster left the bar, the spread of the virus was a foregone conclusion.

Her body odor intensified into poisonous gas, allowing the virus to spread through the air. Its range is measured in kilometers. Under the spread of this virus, the countdown to the completion of infection throughout the city began.

The gangs of the Hydra provoking the organization stopped the operation because of the nuclear explosion. This was requested by the Hydra's top management. They also wanted to save their public image.

The National Guard, and a department of the Army of the Beacon State, who arrived later, assisted the police and turned into a security patrol after the nuclear explosion. However, they had to withdraw from the cold guns and cold guns of the Hydra mob, and at the same time, it took a certain time to complete the deployment in the context of the unavailability of electronic equipment. George also used this vacancy to successfully rob a supermarket.

Although a patrol system has been established, the affected area is so large, and the personnel are scattered, like a place where mercury is flowing, which is not obvious at all. In particular, vehicles have basically lost their functions, and many people can only patrol on foot.

This caused the news of the zombie virus outbreak in the bar to fail to be delivered in time, and the police did not arrive in time.

The most recent patrol arrived, almost half an hour after the incident. Their weapons were very powerful. The riots seemed to be endowed, and it was the Army of the Lighthouse State, not the police or the guard.

For many years, the army of the lighthouse country has been fighting overseas, and its fighting power and fighting will not be comparable to those of the second-tier troops of the National Guard.

Upon seeing the situation on the spot, a powerful blow was organized immediately, but the black lights were still blinded, and the stupid guy escaped.

Until then, no one realized that this was a zombie virus.

Just like George's thoughts, how can zombies have wisdom?

The army squad encountered a shout, ‘wait, do n’t shoot! ’S zombie.

It's also because they have seen blood and are soldiers with outstanding will to fight, changing guards or policemen, perhaps hesitating, even if the other party looks very **** and even incomplete.

Regardless of this, the army squad first subdued if it felt dangerous.

As a result, the zombies were exposed!

Some people have calculated that as long as it is not the point, if a person is injured by 30%, he can still fight for a while, but in fact, 10% of the damage is basically not saved.

This theory is also the origin of the 'Long Live Charge', and the performance of the gray cattle in the early stage of the war during World War II was the most impressive.

The zombie, if it is non-critical, 30% can not be killed, or even 50%, only half of the body, one arm, there is a certain threat ability, can bite, and even use weapons to fight!

The army squad was also scared. ~ ~ Afterwards, he described the situation in detail at that time. The soldier who made the report said: "The lieutenant said at the time: Was this thing caused by nuclear radiation? ... "

For this army squad, only this soldier survived.

Two reasons:

First, he is a relatively rare virus immunizer (and often an excellent virus carrier).

Second, the other team members, thinking about their comradeship points, put him a yard.

Yes, they have mutated without waiting for them to finish the task and report to their superiors.

After the formation of the stink guy, its terrible virus airborne ability began to show its power, and the more stimulated, the more exercise perspiration, the more powerful the virus transmission effect, that is really the existence of humanoid nuclear radiation source.

Although airborne, it will not be like a bite, almost a second count variation, but this type of infection with a certain incubation period is sometimes more terrible, and the infected person is unaware, even mutated, none Know what happened.

Nick Fury knew the information was timely.

The Hydra mob and the official staged a street battle in New York. Nick specially sent SHIELD agents.

These agents are not simply observers, but once they find the fake American team, the mass production of the black panthers and the backbone of the multi-headed snake, as much as possible to capture or kill.

So these agents have been looking for organizers who might be hidden in the mob.

In addition, if you want to fight against the fake US team and mass production Panthers, the combat power and equipment are naturally not bad. These dispatched agents are all users of monsters and cloaks. They are elite personnel recruited through the International Security Council. A team of old Aegis agents familiar with the national conditions of the lighthouse.

It is precisely because of the existence of demons and cloaks that they are aware of the existence of zombie virus ...

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