Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 900: Join forces with the siege

The colony is a living creature, and its genetic structure is more robust than that of humans. It can even be said that the gene chain is locked, which is derived from Kane's advanced technology.

Devil insects have extraordinary qualities.

The combination of the two, at least the airborne zombie virus can't parasitize the demon, how about the agents who are half-fused with the cloak.

But there will be an alarm prompt.

Agents instructed to operate in New York know that something went wrong, and a powerful virus is spreading.

As a world-class special department, the logistics of S.H.I.E.L.D. is undoubtedly very strong. Kun-type transport aircraft sent new communication equipment in time, the lighthouse army, but due to a series of problems such as system, bureaucracy, cost It takes hours to get replacement electronic equipment.

As for the large-scale EMP strike of nuclear explosions, most of the electromagnetic pulses only exist for about 1 second, and there is basically no secondary disaster. Therefore, the most unlucky are those flying aircraft and vehicles in the nuclear explosion range, especially the former. The main casualty of this nuclear explosion was caused by the crash.

Nick Fury received a report of the virus disaster and had a very bad hunch.

The nuclear disaster was followed by a virus disaster, which was too coincident, and the means were vicious, and it seemed not the same way as the Hydra.

The Avengers Base is not only an ecological fortress built on the back of the moon, but also a lot of advanced equipment beyond the time. Bruce Banner quickly confirmed that a deadly virus appeared in New York and was rapidly spreading.

Nick Fury contacted Maria Hill in hopes that she could go to New York first and use the more advanced equipment on the Hill to obtain more first-hand information for emergency treatment.

Maria Hill naturally knows the priority, and she is more concerned about the safety of most ordinary people than punishing bad guys.

Although she also directed many people in the past, most of the time she was an executor doing specific tasks.

After following Kane, more and more involved in making strategic intention level decisions.

Although it is basically around the Hill, the internal space of the Hill is approximately equal to the internal space of 6 Ford-class (100,000-ton) aircraft carriers. I want to play such a 'mobile territory' even if I have a brain Assistance is also very difficult.

Maria Hill feels the lack of her own knowledge, and has more understanding and recognition of Nick Fury's past and current behavior attitudes. Many times, not in that position, it is really not easy to understand in that Locations are difficult.

It's a bit fictitious to say that I am far-sighted, but I do have a bigger perspective on the problem. As a result, my cognition and even the three viewpoints have changed. This is the so-called living and moving body. Criminals, to pay attention to the reasons behind the situation of most ordinary people, as the saying goes, it is promoted unconsciously.

Starting from the awakening of George's wife and daughter, at 1 hour and 17 minutes, the Hill arrived in New York. Considering various factors, this efficiency is definitely not slow, but it turns out that it is still a little late.

The virus has begun to become fully dominant, and it is no longer the non-classical zombie performance of the previous special funeral, which makes people confused.

Specifically, most zombies will be driven by hunger and become crazy. The existence of wisdom makes them mad but intelligent hunters.

For example, in the middle of the night, many people are asleep, and zombies know how to knock on the door and pretend to be normal.

"I need help!" This is poorly sold.

"There is an emergency, I'll come over and let you know." This is pretending to be an enthusiastic neighbor ...

In short, it is to use the brain, not blindly.

Of course, there are also reckless ones. Among them, the more showy ones are specialized into muscle tyrants. They directly incarnate into siege hammers and hit the door. They can directly break through the wall if they start to come!

Ordinary ones are often like wine lunatics, who can't speak nonsense and act wildly.

It must be said that the outbreak of man-made disasters is called a textbook level. Since its opening, the situation has plummeted into the abyss, and even those who have always been optimistic feel despair.

Although there are many military police in the city, black lights are blind, lack of contact, and each fights separately. It is difficult to distinguish between authenticity and authenticity, and it is difficult to protect itself, let alone act as a savior.

Those New York police who formed a team with the Army were considered lucky, and the veterans all saw the wrong situation and greeted them with weapons instead of mouths.

The group formed with the National Guard is more hanged, some lines, and some miss the best opportunity due to hesitation, and thus fall into danger. In this infection crisis, the danger is often desperate.

Because of three points:

One, zombieization is particularly fast.

Second, after the transformation, he was extremely hungry and crazy.

Third, all zombies have a weak essence absorption effect, which means that the first few mouthfuls are particularly sweet. It further means that if they can, they are a bit of a bite from goal A, and then go to goal B ... and so on.

In particular, the third point has greatly accelerated the speed of infection, and has also rapidly increased the number of zombies. If you catch a bite and rest, then the overall infection process will be much slower.

After all, the person who gnaws the person lacks enough desire to drive it, and his wisdom will turn his attention to other aspects; once the degree of physical loss of the person who gnaws exceeds the proportion, it cannot be zombified. Although the zombie is so strong that it can still survive by losing 50%, the premise is that it must first become a zombie.

There is a special point here, that is, except for the special funeral, it will not be zombie when eaten.

The reason was later found out that the zombies will continue to inject the target with toxins when they are eating. This toxin has the effect of paralyzing the target. However, if it is a special funeral, the toxin will instead become a vector for the fusion of the zombie virus and its own elements, causing it to rapidly transform.

Therefore, the special funeral is very special from the beginning, and then more and more special.

In addition to the gangsters born from sweat gland disease elements, the muscle tyrants born from steroid excess, the flying monsters born from very special elements, the spitters born from the alcohol liver element, and the hunters born from the big-ma factor Cigarettes born from the smoke gun factor, fat **** born from the obesity factor and so on.

Among them, people who have consumed a certain amount of black leaf hemp have a high probability of becoming special funerals. Two kinds of people who still have a reasonable sense of hunger will become black witches, and those who can't survive it are death claws.

Most of them have become death claws. After all, those who use narcotics to anesthetize themselves and can enjoy black leaf hemp are mostly weak-willed.

The Hill flew over New York in an invisible state. While looking down and observing, it sent a colony squad down to the ground to collect samples.

The Hill itself has the ability to send and recall personnel like a federal starship in the Star Trek universe. The Marines appear directly on the ground, and then carry out recovery operations with clear objectives.

Now more than half of the puppets on the Hill are no longer empty shells.

Kane received a gift from the salary king Kane, and after completing the technology of the genetic system, he produced the body and enriched his Black Sun. The relevant technical parameters were also synchronized to the Hill, the operation of the gene factory, the operation body alpha, and The ferrite beta for ships was produced and put into use directly.

This time it was occupied, Kane spoofed, calling it the Star Warrior, not a human machine gunner who was in the StarCraft universe, but a stalk that sold Warhammer 40K universe.

These warriors are better than the Warhammer 40K interstellar warriors, in addition to combat experience, they have won a lot in other aspects, and their fighting power has burst. They acted in groups of three, and according to the intelligence tips of the Hill, they respectively arrested and contained different types of special funerals.

The first one to fight is the muscle bully.

This muscle tyrant has grown into a gorilla-like presence, more than three meters high, with an exaggerated upper body ratio and extremely sturdy arms.

It is smarter than it looks. When I see the Star Warrior, I feel instinctively uncomfortable, and I do n’t want to fight, but when I see that the Star Warrior has n’t let go of it, I will act decisively and initiate an attack. Fell off, so it was tough.

However, it is not as hard as Star Wars.

The Star Warrior has an almost perfect body shape, with a bee-waist waist and muscular but not excessive, but their height is obviously a little over 2.3 meters. This is a little giant in the eyes of most humans.

In fact, their cell structure is much different from that of humans, and much different than that of sheep and humans, but their appearance is similar.

The humanoid structure, in addition to having Kane's feelings inside, also means that Kane is willing to let them use tools to fight instead of fighting with fangs and claws.

Star Warrior, naturally use a chainsaw sword.

First of all, the punching force counteracted the muscle tyrant's momentum. With the backhand saw, the muscle tyrant's arm was gone.

‘Oh, uh! ’Heavy chainsaw swords in their hands are faster than ordinary people wielding chopsticks. When they are abnormally fast, they will overwhelm their muscles, inject enough medicine to make the whale comatose, bag, and capture successfully!

For the Star Warriors, the new special funeral is not a difficult target to deal with, but the thought of such monsters is increasing by a geometric multiple, Hill will inevitably feel heavy.

Soon after, the wisdom brain of the Hill completed a preliminary analysis, and told Maria Hill, even if it was judged by the standards set by Kane, this was a virus crisis of extinction level.

And only for humans, animals and plants are almost unaffected.

Nick Fury contacted Gu Yi, the International Security Council, and the lighthouse official immediately after obtaining the detailed report from Hill.

This sequence is the importance of Nick Fury.

Faced with this crisis, he first thought of the mystic masters of the guardians of the extraordinary realm, then the great power representative of the Security Council, and finally the lighthouse.

As for Kane, he hoped that Kane could solve the problem with a snap of his fingers, but he did n’t think that Kane had said that it was a joke. Even in such a crisis, he did n’t dare to expect Kane to take action, but let Greek hope Earl said to Kane, and he did what he could.

Perhaps it was because the matter was indeed large enough, or perhaps it was because the detailed data from the Hill gave the mystic masters a more intuitive understanding of the situation. This time Gu Yi did not refuse to shoot.

Nick Fury was overjoyed and contacted Hill for the first time, hoping to use the Hill ’s transmission equipment to cast the Mystic Master, because Hill ’s similar equipment is more advanced and more powerful, and now it is racing against the clock, hoping to control the crisis Within New York.

So when the day was close to 4 a.m., except for the guards, the mysterious masters who could come in handy basically arrived.

After Kane perfected the technique of the arcana system, the arcana had the ability to cast spells together. This was the first actual combat. Gu Yi used the "time avatar" to simultaneously command the mystic masters in different areas, that is, the three chapters of Dr. Strange who became a bunch, and at the same time restrained the hegemony.

It was not a pure illusion, but a avatar realized with the eye of Agomomoto, a tense existence.

Gu Yi spared no effort to consume the power of time gems, in order to unify the control over a large range, fine-tune the details of each part, and expand the super mirror space.

That's right, after simple deliberation, Gu Yi and Nick agreed that if we want to stop the proliferation, we must first turn New York into a dead city!

No one can leave this area, walk to the edge of the city, and then enter the mirrored space, and then turn back.

The mirror space is supported by mana, too much containment will overrun and collapse, so there is no way to use it as a cell.

Since the antiviral agents have not yet landed, in order to avoid the air-borne infections of the mystics, the Hill can only be used to adjust the cloak to protect the mystics.

This virus is technology-side and very high-end. At least most mystic masters can't immunize them by extraordinary means. The main reason is that the duration of this spell is bound to be not short. Under the background of huge consumption and continuous casting, the mystics can't maintain the energy shield for a long time.

After Hill supported this wave, it means that the bowstring was completely tightened. Except for a 30-person Star Warrior squad, no more colony can be produced, which is equivalent to filling a super war group. Pitted.

Of course, both Hill and Nick believe that killing and killing is definitely not the most important thing now. Compared to the huge population base of New York, the Star Wars has to cut one knife, one second per second, and also have to cut N days.

As for why all New Yorkers are counted as enemies, naturally it is because Nick thinks it is necessary to estimate the situation from the worst angle. He is also the kind of commander who can let a few people die for the majority ~ ~ Compared to the lighthouse country and the entire human population, 8.5 million New Yorkers are the minority in his eyes.

When the mirroring array was completed, he told Gu Yi and Hill: "Thanks to the spread of the virus close to the city center; fortunately, the nuclear explosion caused the scrapping of non-human vehicles, and the cold, which made travel more difficult; fortunately it was the night after, The flow of people is at its lowest ... The rest depends on luck, I hope luck is on the side of humans this time! "

Indeed, Nick Fury did everything he could, and did his best to make it happen.

Hill is also very helpful this time. The Hill simply hovered over New York. This starship has the ability of an air battleship similar to the US team ’s 2 chapter insight plan. It can lock multiple targets in a wide area and make accurate Blow.

Of course, the Hill is definitely more powerful than those air combat warships. It will form a death ring around New York. Anyone who enters this ring will be warned. If you ca n’t follow the warning, you will be killed!

The Hill is also responsible for the use of meteorological weapons to create a windless snow-crushing climate in the area, hoping to further reduce the intensity of airborne transmission.

Therefore, the Hill is now a fixed sea **** needle, and the control method on the technology side depends on the Hill. The Tianma cannot. It does not have these capabilities, especially it cannot control such a wide area.

Of course, even so, there are loopholes, ocean!

Animals will not be zombies, but they can be carriers of viruses, those on land can be killed, what about in water? Even if the Hill ox is broken enough to pass the temperature difference, it is accurate to the point that even the fish are dried. However, there are relatively small creatures that may leave with viruses.

This is why in the end Nick Fury said that humans need a little luck

As Hill said: "From this moment, human beings are waiting for the judgment of fate!"

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