Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 910: The heart cannot stand the test of a sharp blade

Maria Hill was in a personal emotional decision that had a lot more impact than she expected.

Her operation is equivalent to helping the lighthouse state continue its life.

The international image of the lighthouse country is not good at all. Even in the eyes of small partners, it is a villain who is fisted with fists and is very tasteless.

But on the other hand, NATO member countries have been convinced of the force of the lighthouse country. Over the years, the knowledge of the lighthouse country's combat power, which is cattle, has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Since World War II, apart from encountering resistance from the world's strongest light infantry at the time in the country of Sticks and the country of Jiaozhi, it was indeed disgraceful. Later, he never lost the pinch.

In addition, the lighthouse nation has been fighting for three years and one battle for five years. It has refined the army and has rich actual combat experience. Its strategy and tactics are constantly being updated with the upgrading of military equipment, and its combat effectiveness is indeed strong.

As for the so-called two countries that are trapped in the war quagmire, they are only limited by modern public opinion. They do n’t want to tear off the shame of civilized people because of a small country. The words are basically achieved.

It is so exhausting, and it is also the interests of the country of the lighthouse country. Furthermore, it is taxpayers and other countries that have to buy their own national debts with a gap of five and pay protection fees to fight.

And for the interest groups that are dominated by arms manufacturers, when the cannon hits, the gold is 20,000, which is definitely a golden sentence.

A country shrouded in war is expensive, meaning that human lives and human resources are cheap, and they can be squeezed by the law, let them sell everything they can sell under various unequal treaties, and then buy their products at expensive prices. , And at the same time, it can be used as a new weapon testing ground.

The lighthouse country is so sturdy, and his European friends are gradually accepting their fate. Their own armaments are gradually becoming deserted, and the lighthouse country is being asked to be a bodyguard.

Then every time we played a good fight together to show our national strength, show our sense of presence, and wipe some oil and water.

Although not much dry goods were obtained, they were the winners after all.

But suddenly one day, it changed!

The lighthouse country was nowhere to be found by a group of punches from a group of unknown organizations, and it is about to be KO!

NATO countries are not calm, the sky is falling! ?

Even the flower growers are not calm. my money!

I bought N multi-national bonds to eat interest!

The lighthouse nation owes a total of 20 trillion yuan in debt, with an annual interest of 290 billion yuan. The national debt purchased by flower growers is more than 1 trillion yuan, and the interest is about 16.5 billion yuan.

As for why a foreign country loves the beacon country's purchase of the beacon's national debt more than the beacon people?

This is all sadness and tears. The lighthouse country ’s oil currency is tied up. It ’s not just the flower farmers who are kidnapped. Few in the world do n’t pay protection fees ...

Life is like X, you can enjoy it if you ca n’t resist, so the flower grower becomes the first creditor country, and the main reason for comforting yourself is that the lighthouse country wo n’t allow itself to decline.

Indeed, the lighthouse country really wants to be the boss. For this purpose, one of the ways he thinks about is to prevent other countries from sitting on their decline.

Then the lighthouse country operation was successful!

By intimidating and tempting again and again, the lighthouse country became the largest debtor country and the grandfather owed money.

Not to mention the complete downfall, all countries will lose their lives.

The subtext of Beacon Country: Ye never birded the UN, but he couldn't do it, but the UN must come to the rescue, come, and wait for him, and continue to lend money to him ...

As a result, no one expected that the lighthouse country, which seemed to have no worries, would be assassinated by flying feet!

The series of events on December 31, 2009 was this sharp flying foot, which almost made the lighthouse country directly KO!

As we all know, the sharpest fist of the lighthouse country is their fleet. As a result, they were grabbed with **** this time and squeezed and smashed. The third aircraft carrier battle group was finished, and the Atlantic fleet was destroyed.

On a normal day, the giant of the lighthouse country is now dead like a slaughtered animal. He knows that the end is not good, but he still has to wait for the rules.

The world can't help but ask, being completely defeated by people in the areas they are most adept at, and what can you do in the future? And you said that it is no longer counted, and why do you pay interest? Not to mention paying back the money.

Such a question itself represents a loss of confidence, so the reaction to financial markets such as stocks is a mile.

Officials from various countries felt despair when they met. Can't pull it up and dare not pull it. At this time, no one wants to die with Beacon Country.

Therefore, it is true that I was afraid that the lighthouse country would die too fast, and that it would take more time to recover the losses and prepare to divide the cake.

But now, when the President of the Beacon State has shown signs of successful self-rescue by relying on a wave of crisis public relations, the rulers of various countries can't help but feel sorry.

After all, some of the decisions made before, and now look at it, there is a suspicion of self-interest.

If combined with the comprehensive impact of the slogan 'Destroy the rulers and vested interests of various countries' put forward by the multi-headed snakes, the rulers of various countries felt like riding a roller coaster during this time. Dizzy.

In their eyes, the success of the beacon country ’s president ’s self-rescue did not fulfil the slogan with a rescue operation. Many of them even believed that the rescue operation itself was a failure.

Although the main melody of "Don't Abandon, Don't Abandon", and the power of the pot lids are displayed, it gives people the feeling of being one foot tall and one magic tall.

The villain has taken over!

Brainless zombies are sturdy, intelligent zombies are deceitful, and special mourning is a nightmarish existence. Especially the flying demon, if it just fell out of the hole and was harvested by a cannon, what is the ending?

Facts have proved that even the elite special combatants who are well-equipped, powerful, and well-prepared are forced to face danger. It is not difficult to imagine how ordinary people will encounter.

So this is a failed show. Not only did it fail to establish in people's hearts that the official armed forces of the lighthouse country are still powerful and powerful, but it has made the super-destructive virus mutants the protagonist, making people feel fear from the heart.

It was the last death light that was too compelling, with a strong and invincible ending, changing a torture drama to cool drama!

It is natural for people to think that they are so mourning that they can only be seen in the building. When they come out, they will be judged. Under the light of the light, the armored vehicles are transformed into molten iron, and the special funeral is naturally extinguished.

Therefore, although the conventional power of the lighthouse country has repeatedly deflated, and the nuclear weapons are also in crisis, there are still trump cards, and there is still a big killer that can let people cast a mouse ....

This is the result of Maria Hill's righteous indignation, and the decision of the head when he was hot, successfully helped the lighthouse official to continue his life.

And her operation is not necessarily a good thing for the entire human community.

People are deceived, thinking that a team that is no longer okay is okay. Of course, there are also elements that they are willing to believe. After all, the force of the lighthouse country has already penetrated the people's hearts for the first time.

Whether they are deceived or self-deceived, they will eventually pay the price.

Even this wave of operations by Maria Hill also affected an action arranged by Kane.

Although he is in the Kuiper Belt, in fact, if he wants to, he can always make waves in any place on the earth, including New York City, the latest hot spot.

Sentinel Bob Reynolds appeared in the publicity propaganda of the Hydra. Although Kane felt that the killing of the current Baba was a bit boring and forced, it does not mean that he did nothing.

Now that the sentry has exposed his tail, he will have to follow this line to obtain intelligence.

In addition, the arsenal of nuclear arsenals before Alexander Pierre led the arsenal to perform better than he expected. Kane felt that they had the ability to carry a heavier burden, that is, taking Wakanda.

The multi-headed snake pretends to be the Hydra's wrongdoing, so it will simply make it come true.

However, he needs to collect a wave of intelligence and make some arrangements to prevent some situations, such as how to deal with the multi-headed snake throwing a nuclear bomb apart from despair.

Although the proliferation of the super-sacrifice virus is now a foregone conclusion, it seems a little redundant to consider this issue, but Kane has his own ideas and rhythm. His operation is not to be responsible for humans in this world, but more to let himself support Be a habit of doing things carefully and meticulously.

Even if civilization is destroyed, he did not make a big mistake, which he can recognize. Conversely, even if the remedy succeeds afterwards, it would be unqualified. He would ask why he had n’t thought about it and made proper arrangements in advance.

Soon after the sentinel appeared, Kane arranged for soldier Ren to investigate.

Ever since he was taught to be a trumpet player after failing to play the trumpet, Ryan was thrown into the cultivation tank, not only doing nothing but to be used as a mouse, and endured many experiments.

Many experiments can be completed by Wise Brain after Kane's explanation, and Kane does not need to do everything.

The theme of the series of experiments on Rennes is precisely the anti-sentinel experiment.

To put it bluntly, Kane felt a hooligan who felt the birth of the sentinel, trying to artificially create a superman against it.

The core of this experiment is the biological fusion furnace.

Kane always habitually starts with energy to determine the strength of a weapon, and this time is not exceptional.

He used the extended wall of the evil **** to successfully make a small sun into a Dyson ball with gravitational isolation, and then folded the relative space to make it the power source of the Black Sun.

After this operation, he had more ideas on the use of evil spirit cells, and the biological fusion furnace was one of them.

With a fusion furnace, there must be a channel system that can withstand the surging fusion energy, and a way to convert it into mechanical energy or release it after molding. From a certain perspective, this is a series of subversive transformations.

At present, the progress is not bad. According to the setting, Kane will use part of the technology applied in the colony for this project to solve the problem of large-capacity energy storage cells that have not yet made a decisive breakthrough.

That is to say, in theory, each cell of the artificial superman project is a super battery, which can store fusion energy, but it can not be done now, so it uses a crystal specially used to contain energy, so as to form the energy of the colony. No matter the shape or the inside of the crystal, they are basically the same gem-like nodules.

However, the cloak is a molded product, the energy crystals are evenly distributed, and even the position is optimized. Not only is the structure reasonable, it looks mysterious and handsome.

Rennes is different. He has many energy crystals, finely divided, unevenly distributed, and different textures, so it looks like a blister pack, all over, and it feels very painful.

But what does that matter? It was originally an experimental product, but it wasn't used to pick up girls. What's more, it is not unsightly to be equipped with full-coverage equipment.

Kane sent him to New York, trying to trace the line of the thug rescue team, collecting more information about the sentry, the ideal purpose is to stare at the sentry, so that he can be killed at any time.

But it was disturbed by the air strike of the Hill. When the Sentinel was informed that the mob rescue team was pitted and was in a state of retreat, he planned to come and hang in person to preside over justice. The plan is directed to Rex Island.

Kane can understand the sentinel's thinking.

One of the purposes of the original mob rescue team was to compare with the rescue team appointed by the president.

I can you can't, or I can do much better than you.

By stating such a concept with facts, the purpose of further striking official credibility and beautifying one ’s own image is achieved.

As the so-called forest grows, there are all kinds of birds. Even the IS-like organization can fool people. The black technology is cool and has a strong combat strength. It has a good appeal, and then it is mounted from a moral perspective. A few times, I believe that the cannon fodder that came in was even more rushing.

From the perspective of the Hydra, they have entered a new stage after gaining international fame.

In terms of personnel recruitment, rogue villains can no longer meet their needs.

This kind of scumbag is not bad, and the ability to do things is not bad. Let them scourge their opponents and be very competent. But when it comes to construction, it won't work.

And there is a shortcoming in scum, which is not easy to adjust.

Correspondingly, it is those literary and artistic youths who are far away from each other, idealistic, romantic, sensitive and emotional. These useless scholars are more suitable for training.

Before the reptile became famous, it also walked on multiple legs. In order to attract people with high basic literacy to take refuge, they learned from the TOEFL and went to developing countries to pick fruits.

He used the name of studying abroad and drinking foreign ink to deceive those young students who are not familiar with the world.

It ’s a pity that the young students who are the best flower marketers in the preparatory talent market have already learned it. Most of them no longer believe that the foreign moon is more round. They also know that the concept of “capitalism runs schools to make money”. There are many famous universities.

After being a flower grower, A Sanjia was exclaimed by people from many countries to occupy the world by immigrants and spare no effort to export various populations to foreign countries. However, people in this country are not rigorous due to the influence of population culture and creativity is also a problem. Let them work Strong technical or scientific research work, the cost of investment and the return obtained are not satisfactory.

The students from developed countries in Europe meet the requirements, but often the individual consciousness is too strong, and the legal concept is also strong. They are also absorbed by high costs, but they are not very useful.

So generally speaking, although some students are attracted by the good money, they are not enough to meet their needs.

Now is another scene. Those who are willing to come, except for the spies who are born with ghosts, are dreaming of fame and happiness. No matter which kind of spy, they will not shrink back easily, and the latter ’s mind will not be placed on fighting with the school, but on studying or working To realize your dreams.

This kind of educated and motivated young man is exactly what the Hydra needs most in the future. For this reason, it is still very profitable to do some moral-looking projects.

However, the presidential team of the Lighthouse State has now achieved its purpose of enhancing the public's confidence in the government. It can be said that the staged competition in which the multi-headed snake snatched the public's identity has failed.

In this case, there is no need to do anything deliberately. The thugs can freely play it, and then go back and delete the news materials to prove that the multi-headed snake is not bad.

But what Kane hadn't expected was that the Sentinels had easily given up their original plans. There was another reason, because the Middle East had made relatively great progress.

Specifically, hundreds of thousands of Arabs have clearly expressed their support for the Hydra.

‘Bringing His Sin to the Crime’, the Arab encounter ~ ~ explains this concept very well.

Global powers have agreed that they are unconventional and do not want to see a unified power appear on that land.

This is why there have been no real pan-Arab emirates there for many years.

Even so, the country there is still too wealthy because of the jealous family, and from time to time it is cut in various forms ...

There are many Arabs who hate the mean foreigners.

What they hate makes sense, but it makes little sense.

It would be another face to let the Arabs hold the oil pricing power of the entire region in their hands:

They will also come up with an oil currency bundle, and then lie on the black gold with a look of buying and not buying, and when they have money, in addition to spending a lot of money to build a strong force, to ensure that the oil monopoly can last for a long time, idle If it ’s okay, export green religions globally ...

This is not malicious speculation, but who is similar in that position.

There may be innocent people in the world, but no innocent country.

If they were so good, they would not have been fighting for so many years for various complicated reasons.

The emergence of the Hydra allows those Arabs who resent the main problem to blame others and see the opportunity for revenge and to change their sad state of affairs.

Under the pressure of huge public opinion, Ken jumped out to buy the thieves of the multi-headed snake, which is enough to prove their determination.

The specific delivery was completed along the coast of Yemen, and then they entered the Red Sea under the banner of jihad.

At this point, it is necessary to make trouble. If it was n’t too shocking for what happened in New York, the new focus of various countries will probably be on the movement of this fleet.

The facts once again proved to be a sharp-edged sword and a self-defeating one. This self-proclaimed jihadist army and originally infamous organization contacted Hamas and launched an extreme military attack on Israel ...

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