Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 911: Paranoid gains and losses

Since ancient times, flower growers have advocated that Shangbang should be tolerant, open, and magnanimous, and people must be self-improving, be virtuous, moderate, and rarely confused ...

But in modern times, this is not the case. At least many people do not believe this, but believe another way, such as:

Not crazy, not live.

Only paranoia can survive.

These concepts are talking about two points: a strong desire is the source of power for climbing, and doing it to the extreme, it is easier to win, and it can capture the maximum profit.

The flower planter has an idiom called ‘Qi Ba Bi Bi’, which is very stingy and derogatory, but in modern times, in the eyes of many people, it is a correct attitude.

That's why there is a sentence: Take me back to me, and spit it out after eating mine.

Why is this happening?

Because more and more people worship money. Money represents material wealth, and worship of money represents the pursuit and desire for material enjoyment.

There is nothing wrong with the pursuit of wealth and enjoyment.

But it will occasionally conflict with the "too little time" in the wisdom of the mean.

Dialectic and revision, the flower cultivator has not lacked the analysis of the two sides of things since ancient times. If it is too left or too right, the opposition will increase greatly and halt. Zhong Zhengping is king.

This is not popular among Jews. They are paranoid, crazy, and money worshipers from their ancestors.

The earliest capital prototype appeared among the Jews. MLM was created by the Jews. They are almost synonymous with financial capital and the main camp of hedge funds ...

The Jews and the Arabs had the same origin. They were first neighbors to the Sumerians of Mesopotamia, and later moved to Canaan, which is now Israel and Palestine.

Then the Romans came and the two sides were very unhappy because of ethnic traditions and religion.

It must be pointed out that monotheism is never a tolerant type of religion, only self-respect, others are heresy pseudo-gods. The Jewish religion that the Jews believe in is even more representative of it. It basically does not have the characteristics of advancing with the times, and it is sharp and paranoid (even compared with the same Christian Protestantism and Catholicism).

As we all know, religion and ideology are closely related. It can even be said that in the era when religion was invented, it basically represented the three views of those who believed in it. Of course, there are deepening, high-end, and idealized parts.

So what kind of temperament the Jewish nation is is basically clear at a glance.

In the saying of the flower cultivator, it is a group of young people who are not big-hearted, open-minded, and very sensitive. If you get close to them, they will think, come to me for Mao. Mao is treated differently and has prejudices!

In response to the old saying of the flower cultivator: the nearest one is not inferior, and the farther is complaining.

But many of these people have good results.

The Jewish population is 14 million, and the proportion of the global population is less than 0.25%, but it has won 22% of the global explosives award. There are countless cattle people, saying in modern times, Einstein is, Marx is, the father of the atomic bomb, Oppenheimer, and the father of the hydrogen bomb, Edward Teller, is even Asimov, who formulated the "Three Laws of Robotics."

Many people blame the wisdom of the Jews.

Actually not.

The real reason is paranoia.

People of this temperament are always full of anger, holding on to be a man, and pretending to be a face. This kind of qi can best overcome laziness, struggle, and be cruel to yourself.

As for the love of Jews.

From the historical reasons of the surface, after the two Jewish wars that year, the Jews were dispersed by the Romans from their original residence and became the same wandering people as the Gypsies.

In ancient times, one of the similarities between Western and Eastern cognition was that business was regarded as cheap business.

For a long time, Jews were second-class people in the eyes of people in various countries. Without citizenship, they could not become nobles, and they were not allowed to own land or real estate. Many Jews used the characteristics of mobility to do business.

And their paranoid nature makes them maintain the national characteristics of Judaism even if they are broken up. Including holding groups, xenophobia, intermarriage, etc.

This has also become a big reason why they are always foreigners in the eyes of local people. After all, their behavior and folk activities always remind local people from time to time of their uniqueness.

Human nature cannot stand the test. Without land and real estate, how to express wealth? Naturally, it can be taken away as belongings, jewelry, and cash.

Therefore, anti-Semitic people have been a profitable business since ancient times.

On the other hand, the paranoid nature allowed the Jews to advance their business to an extreme state, from buying low and selling high to later loan sharking, and they were condemned to hate.

After all, the early people did not have the financial consciousness of modern people. Borrowing loan sharks was basically not because of 'rising career but capital turnover', but it was a difficult Kaner. Borrowing loan sharks at this time often meant drinking thirst to quench thirst. Holes, have to sell fields and ancestral houses, and even children and girls.

The Jews are good at seizing business opportunities, while adhering to the attitude of business quotation, usually the neighbors nodded and nodded. What emotions do they talk about and hurt more money?

Okay, not talking about feelings, and earning money at the risk of others, how can others not retaliate if they have the opportunity?

Old Europeans are out of place with Jews.

The ancestors of the old Europeans were robbers. When they ate, they stuttered meat, drank a large bowl of alcohol, and went out to **** it. This habit, even their descendants, could not be changed. .

The Jews made money from robbers. In ancient times, they took advantage of the careless characteristics of the old Europeans, taking advantage of their enthusiasm and pretending to be cool, and selling their consumer goods at a high price. In modern times, who invented the concepts of loan and early consumption can Go to understand.

So the old Europeans are still waiting for it, it is from the heart.

Jews do not like old Europeans, but they like money. So although they could find a place to live and work very long ago, they would rather wander for 19 centuries.

Because they chase interests, they can go wherever they can make money.

From a long time ago, the Jews understood that it was the real profits that were made for the robbers' logistics and stolen services.

So from the time of the great voyage, Europeans looted the world, but the Jews took advantage of the situation and controlled enough wealth.

Even in the modern era, Soros and Buffett, these are Jews, financial looting, chasing interests. International capitals have never delimited by country.

In modern times, Europeans' anti-Semitic behavior has intensified, and many Jews took advantage of the situation to go to the emerging New World, which is the lighthouse country.

As a shelter for robbers, thieves, exiles, speculators and their descendants, the lighthouse country expressed its preference for Jews, especially their money. Development and construction are inseparable from money.

However, by the middle of the 20th century, the Jews showed a strong will to build the country.

At that time, the Jewish refugees who were liberated from the concentration camp were not receptive to European countries, and the lighthouse country was the country with the most Jews.

Then continue to accept the chant, anyway, the lighthouse country was vast and sparsely populated at the time, let alone millions, even tens of millions.

No, the Jews said that they wanted to return to their ancestral land, just to be in the eyes of others. The lighthouse country also tried its best to help, and pressured John Bull, who dealt with the matter at that time, to relax the quota of the survivors.

Arabs launched terrorist attacks on Jewish settlements, while Jews bombed bridges, assassinated officials, and prevented John Bull officials from pursuing illegal Jewish survivors.

In the end, John Bull said that I couldn't stand it, and I was miserable, too? The family belonging to the sunless empire is completely gone, and the family is in vain. Where else do you have extra experience to control you?

So the question was thrown to the United Nations, and the second session of the UN General Assembly passed Resolution 181. Establish two countries on the land of Palestine, Arab and Jewish. Among them, Jerusalem is specially managed by the United Nations.

Arabs say NO, one of the reasons is that two-thirds of Arabs get 43% of the barren land in the distribution plan.

The Jews obtained 57% of the fertile coastal land.

On May 15, 48, the Jews unilaterally announced the founding of the country, and they did not use the name of the Jewish State of the General Assembly, but called the hoopoe.

The next day, the Arab League declared war and the first Middle East war broke out.

After five wars in the Middle East, hoopoe's national sovereignty was recognized by other countries.

Why do the Jews who have been wandering for 19 centuries want to go home, and the Jews who are good at calculations and never make money at a loss? Is this a thorn in the eye, instead of buying a more livable land in the lighthouse country, the maple leaf country or other places, playing autonomous?

Here is a conspiracy theory with the characteristics of a postmortem, that is, World War II made the Jews understand the importance of crude oil, and the hoopoe is an important layout for their future interests.

Indeed, with the hoopoe hoopoe, the land has never stopped, creating conflicts, selling weapons, controlling oil, smashing other countries, and then taking the most oily disaster reconstruction projects ...

So the Arabs especially hate the Jews and the lighthouse people.

Although the current President of the Beacon State has not married his daughter to the Jews and announced that the Beacon State ’s embassy in hoopoe will be placed in Jerusalem, the Arabs still have enough reasons to believe that the Beacon State has become a Jewish thug.

So how much they hate the Jews and the lighthouse people, the more they like the Hydra organization.

But the multi-headed snake also stated that the human **** and capital crocodiles they are dealing with are indeed the most representative of the Jews.

This time, the two sides can be described as a hit and a love affair.

When Hoopoe Bird heard that the Holy Crusaders had received the aircraft carrier fleet in Yemen and then sailed towards the Red Sea, they entered an extremely high alert state and asked the lighthouse nation.

Reason one, the ship is from the lighthouse, and it seems that there are captured officers and soldiers on it.

Reason two, the lighthouse country has always been the biggest supporter of hoopoe, and nothing else, just sharing information resources such as military satellites can make the map of hoopoe fight against Arab countries, and the hoopoe army has staged several times. Various military shows and hanging various desert scimitars are directly related to this.

It is a pity that the Lighthouse State is now overwhelmed and even the nuclear arsenal has been looted. It is no longer possible to support the Jews.

It doesn't matter, the hoopoe has nuclear weapons.

To say that this nuclear weapon is also gradually spreading over time, and the hoopoe's nuclear possession feature is that he is not a member of the nuclear weapon club, but he can illegally prepare dozens of pieces, which is called: protect himself.

So the two sets of standards are the most disgusting. One side is armed with teeth, opened, and then pretends to be a victim, and a poor person surrounded by a group of villains. The other side is ravaged by conventional force, and the chickens and dogs are restless. Check water meters for weapons research and development.

This time, the Arabs said that they also have a dad. Is n’t it just a nuclear bomb? We can also throw it away.

To say that in terms of thick black, the Hydra still cannot compare with the veteran ruling countries. For example, in this jihadist military operation, the Hydra basically has no bias.

They just used their own advanced technology to prevent the hoopoe bird from hanging like it used to be, such as using the military information chain of the lighthouse country, and the dominant armed forces, etc.

The Hydra also quickly trained a group of qualified pilots for the Jihad through knowledge instillation methods, and then these pilots drove the carrier aircraft on the aircraft carrier and launched a fight with the Israeli Air Force.

Facts have proved that the hoopoe air force is not an invincible myth. The Jihad army won this remarkable air battle in the Gulf of Aqaba with a loss ratio of 1: 1.5.

The jihadists became famous in the first battle, and there were countless fans, and the multi-headed snakes standing behind them were also very satisfied. One had two. Give an invitation.

So, make persistent efforts, when the jihadists offered a hard lesson about the hoopoe, the Hydra agreed.

Six clean nuclear bombs of 100,000 equivalents, a sub-munition split warhead, and an air base. This nuclear weapon belongs to the classic model of the fourth generation of nuclear weapons and is very representative.

The Crusaders bought it from the Hydra, which was of great power.

In the face of another aircraft attack, the Israeli Air Force naturally intercepted.

But for such a country with limited territory and lack of strategic depth, the difficulty of interception is not so great, especially in the context of no intelligence advantage, and the air combat is defeated once.

After all, an air-based missile-type nuclear weapon can be carried by a heavy fighter, and it looks like an external fuel tank. Moreover, unlike land-based missiles, air-based missiles often have a longer reaction time. After the space-based launch, except for the first few tens of seconds, there is basically no possibility of interception.

Kane knew that the Tel Aviv nuclear strike was more than an hour later.

At that time, the specific disaster situation had not yet been concluded, but Kane looked at the location of the nuclear explosion and had a rough estimate. There are 380,000 people in Tel Aviv, and the explosion time is the local night ...

Such a clean big bomb, its own harm is actually limited, and the secondary disasters associated with personal and social impacts are the big heads.

The Jews did suffer bad luck this time, and even a qualified object of revenge could not be found.

Can you drop bombs on the Palestinian area?

Although Hamas is in harmony with the Jihad, and may even provide key intelligence, the real executioner is the Jihad, and the black hand behind the scenes is the Hydra.

These two goals are not the kind that can be reported, after all, they do not have their own territory.

To vent anger to the old enemies in the surrounding area?

Doing so will only make people in these countries fall back to the Jihad and the Hydra more quickly, so the next nuclear strike will not be one place, but the whole territory.

It must be said that in the five Middle East wars, hoopoe has also fully demonstrated a series of excellent characteristics of being able to fight, dare to fight, head to head, and not afraid of sacrifice. After all, the iron has to be hard, otherwise the equipment will not be effective.

For example, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the first-class equipment, the ability to fight is called rotten.

The Jews are indeed excellent, and it is easier to get results by being paranoid and doing anything. After all, there is nothing difficult in the matter. I am afraid that there are people who are caring, not to mention people are not only caring, but also always passionate.

But this time, Kane felt that the Jews would counsel.

Because smart Jews know how to judge the situation.

They are well aware that the only real willing to help them in the world is the lighthouse country. This is because they occupy most of the country ’s economic, financial, media and other fields, and even every president will Buy their account.

But the bear-like state of the lighthouse country most likely to give them powerful help now, if they dare to make trouble, other countries probably don't even have the slogan of solidarity like "spiritually support you".

Instead, it may be said: the dog bites you, and you bite the dog? Moreover, even if you bite, who bit you? Who do you bite? What is the difference between you bullying the innocent and those who bullied you?

Therefore, Kane felt that the hoopoe would most likely choose to sell miserably in front of humanity around the world. He took this wave of sympathy first.

At that time, you can use some extreme means, such as gene bombs, chemical weapons, and shady means. Mushrooms are just shocking the audio-visual effects. On the cost performance, there are still some ways to lose it.

As it turned out, as Kane had expected, the hoopoe officially condemned and called ...

However, before the sympathetic attitudes and sympathy telegrams of various countries were communicated, face-slaps appeared.

In the area to which Palestine belongs, but actually occupied and controlled by hoopoe, a company of hoopoe left alone, and more than 100 soldiers launched **** revenge on the local Palestinian people, killing and wounding thousands of others ...

This is the difficulty faced by the rulers of almost all countries-to control the difficulty.

There is basically no absolute control.

Even if one is concentric, one may not be able to be one.

Like this time, I said roughly: It is not your loved ones who die, you can pretend to be generous and talk about the overall situation.

People who can choke in one sentence ~ ~ But similar things have actually happened in the past.

Often it is the hoopoe that makes sudden and terrible efforts, willing to spend money, and the bitter Lord ca n’t hold much of the real evidence, and even lacks channels to make a voice. Coupled with the lighthouse country and other pulls, they can often fool things over.

But this time with the multi-headed snake, the force of the operation became the Jihad side, and they prepared a lot of precious audio-visual materials, fully showing the other side of the Jews.

Everything has an inertia. The performance of the hoopoe soldiers at first glance is that they are used to doing this kind of work at ordinary times. It can be said that they are familiar with it, but they still have a little bit of peace. This time is to let yourself go. For ever.

There is no need for a special explanation here, but anyone with an IQ online can see the way.

Many people who eat melons have a bad impression of the hoopoe.

Humans are visual animals, and the same is the death penalty. Injections will remind people of euthanasia, while beheading will remind people of cult rituals with venting nature ...

For the same reason now, there are few videos about the tragic state of personnel after the nuclear explosion, mainly because the explosion effect is eye-catching. But the Palestinians were beaten into sieves, women, children, children and old people formed piles of blood, and the blood was flowing into the river. They were obviously defenseless, forced to the empty field and suddenly burst, the visual effect was really sad, and it was filled with indignation.

The hoopoe was crying without tears, and also felt the pain and suffocation of the past Palestinian victims. Tel Aviv had more than 100,000 casualties and a 100: 1 ratio with Palestine. As a result, on the battlefield of public opinion, the Palestinians actually won!

The hoopoe once again remembered their dependant eagle sauce, but before they asked if the lighthouse country could give some Austrian aid, new news broke out on the side of the lighthouse country, and the super-sacrifice virus broke out in Washington DC!

People giggled in their hearts and said: This time, the lighthouse country is really cold ...

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