Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 912: The capital that was destroyed in 2 hours

The outbreak of the super-sacrifice virus in Washington, DC, was naturally done by the couple of dogs, men and women, such as Riederitz and Susan Stone.

In fact, it is not intentional, the senior zombies should also eat.

And they are wolf-like attributes, do not eat for half a month, eat for half a month.

I was hungry, so I ran to a hot club.

To say that the people of the lighthouse are also big-hearted, New York is like that. People in Washington are still thinking about drunkenness, dreaming of death, and comforting their injured souls.

It can be seen that the players are lively and lively, but it does not seem to be hurt by the soul and needs solace.

Because Susan Stone is the version of Jessica Alba, angel face and devil figure, in this smoky place, naturally it is easy to provoke right and wrong.

Especially Reed, who protects the flowers, is weakly scholarly. He is suspected of being a mother in the lighthouse country. How can he protect the hot girl?

As a result, a few fat and fat ears ran over to sorrow, not taking Reed seriously.

Reed did not politely deliver the meal to his door, and with a lightning strike, he broke off the hands and feet of several people, and then invited Susan to dine together.

At the beginning there were onlookers. Even if Reed started fiercely, he still failed to retreat those decayed men and women who were usually not exciting enough in their usual days. But when they started to eat, they finally could not hold it. , Shout God's voice resounding through the nightclub.

Seeing this, Reed and Susan looked at each other with a hearty smile, and how can Lele be like Lele? So at that time, the nightclubs were basically unable to run away, and all became the second generation of mourning.

One of the characteristics of this super-sacrifice virus is the difference in evolutionary level.

Common viruses mainly show adaptive mutations. For example, regions with low temperatures, highly resistant groups, etc., will produce different mutant strains.

The super-sacrifice virus also has this characteristic, and its level can be improved, which is not what ordinary viruses can do.

According to this characteristic, zombies infected by Reed and Susan often have a greater probability of mutating into special mourners like George and his daughters, and three generations directly infected by this second generation also have It is somewhat different from the ordinary zombies, and it is basically no different from the next.

But this is not static, and as time goes by, if the benign development of the third generation is lost, it will also rise to the level of the second generation.

It can be said that this is a pyramid-like cannibalistic exercise flow triggered by a virus.

With this feature, it is only a matter of time before a superhero appears in a zombie.

Reed and Susan made a bunch of mourning second generations. The speed of their aberrations was slower than ordinary aberrations, but they were only a few, the difference between within 10 seconds and within 20 seconds.

As a result, Reed and Susan are still infected, and there is a second generation of mutations to join the carnival.

They instinctively feared the ancestors of Reed and Susan. By default, the nightclub was a place for two to eat, and then they went out to find food.

This nightclub is rich in program and popular. The kind of people queuing every night. A lot of people queuing outside know what happened. Just noticed that several people screamed and rushed out. Then the second generation of mourning appeared.

Battle Royale!

Even at this time, many of the people behind were unaware of what was happening, but the herd effect allowed them to instinctively watch everyone else run, so they also ran.

It is conceivable that such a group of cargo reports can make things clear and that is the ghost.

When the police system received the report, it just asked nearby policemen to take a look.

As a result, I saw the Battle Royale game before waiting for the place. In front, there were all kinds of ghosts crying and howling, and in the back, they were chasing and killing like wild beasts.

When people are overly frightened, their IQ often drops, especially when they were doing vigorous exercise at the time, and there was a blank in their brains, and few could still analyze it rationally.

So staged a scene where wolves chase sheep. People run along the road, no matter how spacious they go, few people bet on the use of nearby shops or facilities to hide.

But in fact, what people are most good at is the use of tools, including man-made and natural ones, which are simpler than physical qualities, and it is impossible for human beings to be masters of everything.

And now, how many of them can run through the zombies 23 times that of ordinary people? One hundred meters 4 seconds is a concept to understand. That's the speed at which the cheetah hunted. The adult cheetah spans a few meters, and this speed can be maintained for less than 5 seconds, while the zombie can run at this speed for 10 seconds!

Many streets in Washington DC, the distance from this intersection to the next intersection is within this distance, such as Lower Town, Freedom Square, George Town, Capitol Hill ...

It can be imagined how stupid it is to run along the road. People encounter intersections and are easily influenced by the established concept of traffic, but for zombies, catching fat sheep is always a charge, and the front foot is bitten. Now, within 10 seconds of the change, the hind foot will join the hunting party without delay!

In this way, with the rapid increase of zombies, the Battle Royale entered a **** state. More and more people ran on the road. They shoved and shoved. They could not run at all. They fell, scared, and their legs were soft. Abound.

Those who thought they were safe in the car quickly paid for their ignorance.

Even if the zombies of wisdom will not let the ready-made sheep not pounce, instead of killing such "canned food", there are special mournings.

Many of them are lost in confusion, and who is unlucky to look at, and how fast can those driving in urban areas?

Even if you are cruel as a road killer, once the amount of flesh and blood comes up, it can be regarded as rubber as resistance, slowing down, blocking roads, and clogging the wheels. The unique thing is the trick to open the can ...

The super funeral outbreak in Washington DC is very different from New York.

The biggest difference lies in the wave level caused by the previous cardinality.

New York is two outbreaks, one is the apartment where George and his daughter Downie live, and the other is the bar George often visits.

But no matter which one, there is no strong wave. The most important factor is that the infection sequence is in a single line in the early stage. Because the infected zombies are wise, they are not crazy, but use wisdom, Achieving the goal is a rational diffusion.

In Washington, DC, the base of infected people was large at the beginning.

As the saying goes, when people eat more, they are more likely to have trouble.

Wisdom zombies are not alone at first glance, they are better than others. Look at the hunted, there is not even a resistance, just know to escape, the courage immediately came up, there is no good ghost and counsel, just want to go!

Then it burst!

There are more and more hunters, and the initial need for food has been replaced by the stimulus of hunting. The atmosphere is here. The group completely waved up, big waves, wild waves!

Looking down from the sky, a torrent-like death race takes place everywhere, the arrow points in more and more directions, and the diffusion speed becomes faster and smoother.

As for those buildings that have not been attacked, they are already surrounded by zombies, but they are stocking food, and dare to go downstairs and flee. They can encounter zombies and special mourning no matter which direction. And staying there is nothing more than looking at the zombies. The houses in modern cities are not barriers designed to resist invasion, and they can't withstand a few damages at all.

At midnight, less than 2 hours before Reed and Susan started the killing in the nightclub, Washington DC fell. The special zone has 177 square kilometers and a total population of about 700,000. There are now more than 400,000 zombies.

Their main force did not go back to 'open cans', but diverted into several strands, killing Silver Spring, Bethesda, Arlington, Alexandria.

It was not until this time that the official made a wave of operations with a more significant effect. The f16e fighter plane with a solidified incendiary bomb was bombed along the main road, causing a large number of zombies traveling along the road to be buried in the sea of ​​fire, especially the northern Silver Spring This line of fire, which was particularly conspicuous in the night, burnt more than 50,000 zombies.

The reason why the official response is so slow is mainly because from the day of December 31st, major events have happened one after another. One day has happened more often than usual, even if it is sitting in the town, it is also very exhausting. Moreover, the president was also attacked.

On the afternoon of the 1st, the president and his team members who had been through the night for more than 30 hours could not bear it. After the rescue operation was confirmed, the credibility of the credibility seemed to be stabilized, and the group finally loosened Breath, rest one after another.

As a result, many people are awakened in their sleep, and then they cannot think effectively for a long time.

After thinking calmly, the first thing that comes to mind is the key points of his wife, children and connections, and something that can prove authority.

In New York, because Nick Fury took over after the six relatives did n’t recognize it, they locked up a few rich people, causing huge damage to the president and his team. After all, the rich people are the gold masters behind the president and his team members. The crucial moment I can't even get out of the individual, and I'm incompetent.

Such mistakes can no longer be repeated, so these people who have the authority to deal with the matter first after the incident are to clarify the end of themselves and the important people in the network.

For example, dispatching secret service personnel and all combat fast-response troops such as sat to pick up people everywhere. They quickly rushed to the Capitol, called the subway line, to Andrews Air Force Base, where the President ’s Air Force One also stopped. So, this mobile command is now very useful ...

Washington DC is the political center of the lighthouse country rather than the economic center. The political smell here is too strong, and the heavyweights living in it are also dominated by well-known political families.

After the outbreak of the New York Super Funeral Virus, the president and his team also quickly obtained a batch of green skin serum. Ning Green does not eat humans. This consensus is that some politicians still have it. They are very clear that they cannot have the stain of 'cannibalism' Otherwise, their political careers will end, and without their political careers, they will at most be wealthy people with some assets.

Of course, now you can start to consider **** sitting on the side of the zombie and continue to be a politician. Unfortunately, for a long time, even if there are politicians in the zombie, they are also kings of the Israeli military type. Under the background of organizational structure, it is not easy to mix. So now is not the time for speculation.

In any case, the dignitaries in Washington, D.C., relying on status, authority, money, and connections, have not lost much. Some of them have followed the footsteps of the president and went to Andrews Air Force Base. Most of them went to Washington National Airport with the Pentagon officials.

It is worth mentioning that Reed and Susan were called from here to leave the plane, and the tickets were booked early in the morning and went straight to Paris.

Less than a quarter of an hour after their flight took off, all flights at the airport were grounded. Of course, the planes used by the dignitaries are not prohibited.

Nick Fury got the news more than an hour after the incident, and it was through SHIELD.

The President and his team did not have the first time to greet him. He was afraid that he would also play official business here. Then he would say "For the country and the people, please be brave and righteous."

In fact, Nick Fury has done everything he can to solve the problem of New York ’s super-destructive virus. There is no room to worry about another battlefield. This can be seen from the speed of intelligence acquisition. If it is usual, why is there more than one incident? Just hours to know? Washington DC is home to the headquarters of SHIELD.

Nick Fury's gambling-like personnel who could be used were almost exhausted.

Of course, there is no one-time full pressure.

The reason is also simple, neither the people of SHIELD nor the avengers, but also the need to eat, drink, and sleep, all up to the top, what to do if there is a sudden situation during the empty window period?

This is also an important reason why he adopted repressive control rather than thunder.

The zombies are almost at ease, and his side is in an emergency situation and is urgently transferred. Just mobilizing this, there are many problems.

Even if it is modern, the kind that does not ask how many and what the enemy is, only asks where the enemy is; on demand, there are very few troops that can fight when they arrive.

And in the face of unconventional opponents such as the super bereavement virus, wave warfare often does not have a good result. If the picture is not resolved, he also puts himself in. When the time comes, he does not even play the card.

Therefore, under the auspices of Nick Fury, there are far more personnel in rear organization and emergency training than in the front line.

After the warriors arrive, they take a nap first, and then they go to class. At least they must be aware of what they want to do with their opponents.

Only if the vigilance is high enough, you will not make low-level mistakes on the court, pitting others and harming yourself.

Anyway, as soon as some results were achieved here, Washington DC exploded. Nick Fury sighed, and then contacted Maria Hill for the first time, asking if Hill could contact Kane. It is really only Kane's finger that can contain the crisis.

After thinking about it for a while, Maria Hill told Kane about Nick ’s attitude on the matter, and then told him that Kane is currently building a dwarf planet refuge in the Kuiper Belt.

Nick Fury laughed. He didn't know what Kane was thinking. Anyway, in his view, it was more difficult to build a dwarf planet that was suitable for human habitation than to snap a finger to save people.

Caienshe is easy to ask, what kind of psychology is this? Is it true that as he explained to Hill, micromanipulation is meticulous and difficult? But he feels that no matter how difficult, it can be greater than halving the intelligent life of the entire universe? That's the whole universe, how big the scope is, I can't imagine it.

Anyway, the power belongs to others, and how to use it is their business. People do n’t owe anything to the people of the earth, and they are willing to help build a refuge.

After thinking about it, Nick Fury said to Hill, "Help me, how many refuge places can I get with my position, strength, and attitude to protect humanity?"

Kane quickly replied "less than 20 million, I am responsible for picking up, and below 50 million, I am responsible for half of the picking up, and above 70 million, I prepare half of the initial supplies, up to 100 million, and the water and air required for 12 months. All materials except the outside have to be prepared by yourself. "

At the beginning, he was prepared to take in 20 million survivors. Because the 60-kilometer-long space city with a diameter of 10 kilometers, he calculated that he could accommodate so many people at most and live for a long time. This is still the premise that fertility cannot be too high.

However, after deciding to let the evil spirits cells devour Genesis Star and create a dwarf planet refuge, the population that could be accommodated was greatly increased.

The surface area of ​​Chuang Shenxing is equivalent to two Sichuan and Sichuan, and the population of Sichuan and Sichuan is more than 80 million.

In the process of transforming Chuang Shenxing, he melted a lot of ice to form an atmosphere, but in the outermost layer, he used the wall of the evil **** as the outer coat of the star.

This coat can better regulate the atmosphere, and absorb sunlight and heat in the future, and can also be better used.

In addition, he also selected other small stars from the Kuiper Belt and added them to the transformation process to change the area and composition ratio of Chuang Shenxing's ground.

At the end of the day, Chuang Shen Xing, which is completely eaten by the Evil God Cell, will become a corpse planet constructed by Evil God Cell.

The process of corpseization is the process of transformation. It will eventually have a high-heat and dense core, a vast underground world like Faerun's dark area, the surface is land and lakes, and the north and south poles are thick ice sheets.

In general, its characteristic is to move as close to the earth as possible, from gravity and gravity to atmospheric structure.

This is also to facilitate species transplantation. After all, human refuge will be a matter of years. It is unrealistic to transport materials from the earth. The capacity is too expensive. Large-scale collection and transportation again and again will increase the risk of bringing the super-sacrifice virus back.

In any case, the new refuge has greatly increased the upper limit of the population available for asylum. Even considering the long-term survival and even development, it can be done to accommodate 200 million people.

After Nick Fury had listened to Kane's promise, he had some confidence in his heart.

He was not in a hurry to take care of things in Washington, but directly teleported to a safe house.

In the field of agent work, all of them are cunning rabbit three caves. Nick Fury is naturally one of the best. He has no special hobbies. Since he has been a cat, he has been close to small animals. Yes, but he still has some hobbies, one of which is to give himself risky justice work, insurance after insurance.

He had made the worst plan, not only for himself, but for all mankind. There are more than one related plans to deal with different human doomsdays.

He certainly hopes that none of these plans will be used. But it was about to happen, at least he would not be blind completely.

When he arrived at the secret safe room, he took out a suitcase from the safe, which contained a thick document, which was written information of the Omega Project.

If Dr. Zola of Hydra is here, he will be surprised to find that the core algorithm of the 'Omega Project' has been tinkered with him to calculate who is the enemy of Hydra and who will The snake-threatening Zola algorithm has a lot in common, and even the principle of operation is the same.

They all use big data such as shopping information, bank withdrawal records, well-documented remarks, information captured by public monitoring, etc., and use special criteria as the measurement standard to analyze and speculate to draw conclusions.

This algorithm was developed by Zola in order to cooperate with Pierce's "Insight Plan" and eliminate aliens.

As for why there are no two chapters that trigger the US team, Nick Fury has something similar. The reason is also very simple.

After World War II, both Mao Xiong and Beacon State robbed a large number of talents from Germany. The b2 stealth bomber of Beacon State was the design concept of German scientists.

Zola was also taken away by the lighthouse country and continued to engage in research work. Although Zola secretly made profits for himself and the Hydra, it was impossible to get some dry goods out of the fence.

He used the resources of the lighthouse country to come up with the later Zola algorithm, and the lighthouse country also used the techniques he used to cross the mission to gain benefits.

Nick Fury's position is accessible to extraterrestrial technology. Most of the extraterrestrial technology is too high for earth technology, but sometimes it can also have wonderful compatibility effects.

The algorithm of the Omega project, which is the algorithm used by Zola for crossover, plus some relevant knowledge of Captain Marvel, touched Nick Fury and gave him ideas, and then Nick Fury looked for someone to perfect it.

The Omega algorithm calculates who is the most worth saving human being in the world.

After obtaining this information, Nick Fury went directly to Moonback's Avengers Base.

Then the algorithm was given to Zhinao Wei Ni.

After that, he contacted Tony Stark and Bruce Banner also arrived. He told the matter and said that he needed to help them to complete the screening as soon as possible.

If this plan is to be implemented, much is needed, such as the need for a "Skynet" -like IoT **** in the world of future warriors ~ ~ in order to kick off the anti-hacking portals set up in various countries for big data Collect and summarize.

To achieve this goal, the most reliable way is to upgrade Jarvis, while also using the global information network that Tony and Bruce had previously worked on.

Simply put, it is to hack all the official websites in the world in a short time and then start calculation analysis. To this end, Tianma ’s wisdom brain will also be added to the calculation, and even the well-known supercomputers on the earth will also be blacked out and added to the calculation array in order to achieve results as soon as possible.

In fact, the space port in Jingyue orbit has Taiwan's sharp wisdom brain, which is used to control and command the operation machinery to transform the meteorite collected into the empty shell into the space port.

But now the wisdom brain cannot move because it is responsible for the main body of the shuttle.

At the beginning, Nick Fury and Kane made a deal for space gems. One of them was that Nick Fury came up with a set of plausible drawings about the shuttle. I hope Kane can perfect it and make it as compatible as possible with the human energy of this era Manufacturing standards.

So there was the Dodo Shuttle, the Cree ’s advanced technology concept, and some shadows of the Earth ’s Space Shuttle. Breaking through the atmosphere requires a booster rocket, but this booster rocket will not be discarded, but can be used repeatedly. Fill with fuel and continue to use it.

To put it bluntly, this is a large, hard-working space shuttle that can transport about 1,200 people at a time. Its appearance is somewhat like a penguin, even fat, small wings, cute and cute.

In any case, after the outbreak of the super-sacrifice virus in Washington DC, Nick Fury knew that this population extinction catastrophe, human beings could not escape.

So he took the opportunity to change his focus from prevention and control to gathering human elites and keeping seeds for human civilization ...

Infinite Supreme Wizard

Infinite Supreme Wizard

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