Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 913: Xingyao Ideal

In the Kuiper Belt, the Evil God Cell grows at high speed, falls from high altitude, and is anchored on the frozen earth.

Subsequently, the energy from the Black Sun's stellar furnace was conducted to the forefront, spouting energy, continuing to penetrate like a drill, and the operation of heating the earth began.

A large amount of water vapor follows the ladder formed by the evil **** cells, and goes up to the upper sky, and is absorbed by the walls of the evil **** cells that cover the outer layer of the star like a super fishnet.

Combined with the energy provided by the Stellar Furnace, the second stage of growth began, faster.

Eventually, the entire celestial body will be surrounded by a nearly transparent hexagonal cell wall membrane. In fairy tales, this is the world's membrane, which is both protection and control.

While a large number of evil **** cell ladders heated the ice of Chuangxinxing, the other celestial bodies that Kane had collected from Koibo had been put in place one by one, and after the angle was adjusted properly, they smashed down.

The current surface of Chuang Shenxing is a reaction furnace that is boiling against the sky. The energy is stirred and the explosion is constant. The evil spirit cells engulf the substance and energy crazy, self-proliferate, and generate special flesh cells. When these flesh cells die, they will look like Like a coral reef, it forms rock masses, and the future crust of Chuangxingxing is especially formed.

Under the crust, there are still a lot of dark areas with domes, tunnels, earth rivers, caves, etc. The structure of this part will look like a sponge as a whole.

The depth of this area will end at a straight line distance of 20 kilometers from the surface, and then inward, the mantle and the core.

In this part, Kane's plan is to wrap the walls of active evil spirits separately. These cell walls will have special giant column-like channels that go straight up to the sky and connect with the outer membrane.

The outer membrane absorbs solar wind energy, cosmic radiation, etc. In addition to the transmitted part, it provides light and heat for the surface and maintains its own consumption. The excess interacts with the inner core system of the earth's center, so that the star is always in a self-regulating state stable.

It can be said that the entire astral body is a multi-level environmental regulator regulated by evil **** cells. Originally creating such a huge self-regulating device requires a lot of data, but the evil spirit cell as an active unit can be used to replenish and compensate through cell proliferation and death. The fault tolerance rate is very high, which is nothing more than energy consumption. In terms of, it is nothing.

With the precedent of Chuangxingxing, creating similar stars in the future will be more energy-efficient and faster.

Not only can it be used as a refuge, but it can also be a bridgehead and transfer station for the army of insects. As long as it is needed, it can be manufactured near the exclusive jumping point.

The construction of this level is more of a creator's feeling than the previous stellar furnace. Kane found it interesting and fresh.

Compared with the smooth progress on his side, the gains of the "Skin Bag" Rennes are lackluster.

The Hydra is obviously operating on multiple lines, and whichever one has achieved results, increase investment to obtain better results.

Moreover, as the super-sacrifice virus broke out in Washington, DC, the Hydra became more cautious about what follow-up plan to take here.

In fact, Kane still looked at the Star Yaohui (Hydra) a little bit. From the launch of the plan to the present, the big plan of the Star Yaohui has not changed. What they value most is always the lighthouse country.

They want to change the life of the lighthouse country, naturally not to eradicate vampires and let the people be the masters, but the emperor takes turns to do that.

To elaborate further, the core proposition and purpose of the team are divided into three groups within the Star Yao Club.

The U.S. team and the sentry are one.

The U.S. team, a first-class front-line commander, is top-level in terms of personality, organization, or on-the-spot ability, and combat style.

But his political wisdom is not good, so he is always a gun used by others. Looking at his downfall after the American team 3 civil war chapter, he can understand that without the support of a strong organization, he ca n’t even live an ordinary life. Rely on the good people accumulated in normal life.

Such a person does not have a clear idea of ​​rebuilding the organization. He typically overthrows the old rule first. As for what to do later, I will talk about it later.

The sentinel, to be fair, said that his nature was not bad, and he had many similarities with Ant-Man Scott Lang. But what made him truly align with the superman of the DC universe was after being cut out of the dark side of 'Void' by the illusion master.

Originally it was nothing more than a city-level heroic view of good and evil, but this was scored, and the part on the front has a little bit of meaning to be holy.

However, the sentinel of this universe is not so powerful, nor has it been cut into two extremes. Affected by his origin and experience, even if he has a little political wisdom, it is only street level.

To put it bluntly is to have some ideas about how to make the community a good one. At a higher level, you can only say that there is no proven empty reason. As for the national level, there is basically no concept.

So these two people were easily fooled. In someone's words: at least before overthrowing the existing ruler, there is no conflict.

The second faction is headed by the current King of Vukanda, Nibucho and his son Eric.

Nibjo, who was supposed to have been killed by his elder king Techaca in 1992, could live, but the pot was Kane.

He told Nick Fury after the Monaco Automobile Grand Prix that what they said was clear, the infinite gem got into his hand and was directly swallowed.

This is essentially different from other Chaoying including Infinite Gems when using infinite gems.

The super heroes only used it for a while, and they all worked hard and wounded, while Kane was in complete control, which is why he can make pseudo-infinite gems. He is completely Hold, with infinite gems in his hands, flattened and rounded up to his heart. After all, the essence of this thing is actually a huge extraordinary energy.

After being swallowed by Kane, the timeline associated with the present, no matter the past or the future, will no longer have true infinite gems.

This is bound to cause a series of effects.

What has already happened will naturally have self-consistent reasons, such as the origin of the eye of Agomomoto, and the story of the universe's Rubik's Cube.

But what didn't happen, Kane's prophetic predictions might not work.

So Nick Fury found the wreckage of the giant bomber in the last battle between the US team and the Red Skull in the North Pole, but they could not find the US team.

Nibucho survived for a similar reason.

Seriously speaking, it's mainly the top-notch gems such as infinite gems, which have a great impact on humans.

Like Tyrant, Asgard, who have mastered infinite gems, there is no major change. Because others have their own means, not to mention this rare and precious treasure ratio, when it is in hand, either idle or sealed, the importance of true or false is much lower.

When Nebucha survived, the old King Techaka would not survive.

Although in Kane's eyes, both Tchaca's ideas and Nibucho's ideas are quite Low, it must be said that at least Nibucho's wild politics is more appetizing for people.

The core of the settlement of social contradictions by the old king Techaka and the orthodox heir Techara lies in the people's livelihood.

According to experts and professors, all contradictions in human society can indeed be attributed to productivity.

Productivity changes production relations, and the way in which organizations manage the country is one of the concrete manifestations of production relations.

In fact, the situation is far more complicated than this theory.

Kane believes that from ancient times to the present, the key issue of human civilization is how to effectively use and distribute the fruits of labor, rather than increasing productivity to the end of the labor.

Because the latter has always been a concept completed by imagination.

How much is it? Can there be more greed than people? Modern people are even talking about cartoons about taking the Milky Way to themselves, even as the overlord of the universe.

Some people will say that it is just fantasy, but Kane feels that there is a secondary relationship here, which is called dream at a lower level than fantasy. At this level, someone Zhang Luo wanted to achieve it.

The next level is called ideal, which is relatively realistic and rational thinking.

People's desires are not one thought, two thoughts, but one thought one hundred, one thought one thousand, and one million would dare to think ten million and one hundred million.

Human nature can be more greedy, and capitals are typical representatives.

Just like a trader said: If I make enough money, I will leave a way for others? If it doesn't exist, as long as it can, it will be harvested to the maximum extent. This industry is doing so ...

The productivity of modern human civilization is sufficient to feed all human beings. But what about the actual situation? 60% of the world ’s annual crops are used to feed animals, because people want to eat meat, the general meat is not good, and high-end meat such as beef, let alone milk is poured into the river when the capital initiates the harvest. Extreme situation in a rotten field of crops.

Therefore, Zhumen wine smells bad, and the road has frozen bones.

Therefore, the way of mankind is more than enough.

Therefore, a yield of 28,000 acres will still make people hungry. In the same way, people with a strong connection, able to run a camp, and those who are not bad at the cost of subsistence allowances are often not able to get what they really need.

Techaca and Techara's father and son wanted to solve social problems by improving people's livelihood. In the eyes of Kane, they were naive and amused. If they did it, they would first become enemies of a dog ticket capital, blocking the way of making money Yeah, sell it at low prices, or even give it away for food? Does this disturb market order? Must be killed!

As for the father and son of Nebjo and Eric, saying that they are Noluko's political ideas, Kane felt a little high.

These fathers and sons are actually violent elements with only destruction and no construction.

If there is anything commendable between them, the fuller emotions are one.

The blood-stained dog-killing generation, this kind of person who justifies righteousness, is also prone to extreme conversion. Because of the sentiment and emotions, sometimes they become justices and sometimes villains.

Both of them deeply felt the misery of the oppressed, racial discrimination was incorporated into every detail of life, the community was full of weapons and poison powder, poor environment, unable to receive good education, vicious circle, no hope ...

The two have also seen many attempts to use non-violent means to solve problems.

But none of them failed.

Truth is within the scope of the artillery, and power comes out of the barrel of the gun.

Guanghui BB is useless and affects people's generosity when they can't do it. They don't bother with general knowledge. They are too loud and have gained widespread recognition.

Therefore violence is the best way.

Kane once commented on this kind of no-brainer: this group of people lacks a flower gardener who has received 9 years of compulsory education as a staff member.

This is not just a joke, but a flower grower, junior high school students know what it means to be a "party commander gun."

What is the party? Only when we have the same comrades can we share the same heart and virtue instead of sharing the same bed and dreaming differently.

There must first be a core proposition. This proposition is not aimed at destruction and violence. That is the necessary means to reach a proposition.

When you have a claim, find a person who agrees, and then set the initial programmatic rules, and then plan and implement the specific method of implementing the claim.

Anyone who skips this process and thinks about getting things started first will pay a heavy price for this kind of unstable behavior. It is also difficult to build a large tree. The foundation is not stable. How many floors can be built? Even if you catch up with good luck, you will fall badly in the future.

This can be found in history.

Therefore, it is not necessary to read Mao Xuan. If you read the flower class's political lesson carefully, you will not make the silly mistake that the output of GM of Nebjo and Eric is equal to that of powerful weapons.

But this is the kind of thinking that will definitely lead to a large number of fake GM and true robbery terrorist organizations, and still want the popular set of Bitchaka and Techara father and son.

The reason is not human nature, but some points in the set of Nibjo and Eric.

The first point is revenge.

Anyone with a long head knows the history of black people being captured and sold as slaves by white people for centuries. Please think about it, how many black people can laugh at this situation? Especially when white people have no intention of repentance.

Being a slave is even more vicious than the female family members in the family who were turned. After all, this is a lasting thing, which is equivalent to being sold to Jizhai until the death.

If you ca n’t do it, you ca n’t do it. Not everyone can do it. You admit that you do n’t have the ability, you ca n’t revenge.

But there is power but not to do it, which is a bit unreasonable. What is power used for? Better service that **** your people? Is it so cheap?

So this involves the second point, what to do with the power.

Even if time goes by, even if people can't feel the suffering of their ancestors later, even if the compatriots on the other side of the world seem to be unable to resist and begin to learn to enjoy ...

Regardless of the reason, in short, I don't want to find the ancestor's place anymore. Fighting will kill people. Is it worth taking my present life and even my life for the sake of the old hatred?

Well, even if the Wakanda people are so selfish, there is still a concept called ‘returning to the hometown’.

Obviously, it is the world's first high-tech, but it was turned into a small country by jokes, and it has a good face? What do you talk about when you meet foreigners? How much is a pound of wool or wild vegetables?

People have the need to realize their self-worth, and the one that proves their self-worth is the affirmation from those who think they are qualified to comment. Generally, the qualified ones are basically the same kind.

This is the essence of showing off.

Wealth in any form can be attributed to the success. The fundamental purpose of Hyun is to prove yourself to be strong.

The Wakanda people have this need. Of course there are.

Could it be that everyone like the original historical Techara and his party were secretly scorning the small scene in the South Base Casino, and then looking for a chance to play the role of pig and tiger? What if there are no villains? Is it easy to come out once and don't hold back the internal injury?

Techaca and Techara felt that the people in their families did not have such three customs, all of them had a high-mindedness, ambitious goals, broad vision, and magnificent structure ...

But the details prove that this is not the case. How did Eric in the original history persuade Wakabi and other supporters? Just because he gave Ulysses Crow's body as a gift, and he has royal blood?

If the Mbaku of the Snow Mountain tribe does not even say that the true king says no birds, no birds?

The point is that Eric's claim moved some people.

Wouldn't it be ironic to name such a strong man in the sky? Why is it strong, because enough counsel? Or do you think that if you have the power, you can do it on your own? Is it a kind of generous performance?

Clearly knowing that human nature is chasing ups and downs, following the red and white, why not prove its strength to the world?

At least let them be in awe, not Doudou who wants to hit twice when anyone meets.

Moreover, even if you think that you have the power and you can refrain from abuse, it is necessary to prove that you have the power but do not do it, rather than fail, in order to win respect? Otherwise, who knows that it is a dragon with a cultivation head, not a worm that has been trampled on?

This is where Nibucho and Eric are more popular: we have power, we will let the world know, even remember it firmly!

We do n’t show up at the UN General Assembly. We show ourselves more money and technology. We are not Kaizi, not fat sheep, we are cheetahs, we are carnivores, we have to see blood when we open our claws, and open our mouths to bite prey.

We are lurking, we are moving, we are killing, we are skilled and extremely deadly.

This is what Nibucho and Eric and his son want to express. Therefore, the star action series has their own style in it.

The third faction is the BOSS series behind the star show.

The purpose of this department is summarized in one sentence to rule mankind. As for whether mankind is a slave or a citizen under his rule, it depends on how human beings understand it.

Obviously, the BOSS series is a core claim. In their specific implementation, they seek common ground while reserving differences, and unite various forces to achieve the staged goal step by step.

For example, the cultivation of clones of the American team and the Black Panther is just a step.

It is also a step to build a deep diving fleet with the help of Wakanda.

Exporting technology and power, sending clones to act as instructors or military advisors, etc., and letting the officials of various countries be stunned by these armed bad elements are still steps.

It is precisely because this system has a claim, so the skill is superior. Both the Nibucho and the US teams think that this is their own, but they are not.

BOSS is the first to nibble at the lighthouse country. It is precisely because of its self-confidence and ambition that the subtext is to hit the most powerful among you. I kneeled him, who of you is okay? Ready to play to win Kyoto, the rest depends on the story.

Another important reason is that the BOSS series needs the industrial capacity of the lighthouse country.

The BOSS also knows its own short board, its power is like a sharp sword, lacking in thickness and width.

Such a force is often very powerful, and the attack is fatal, fast and ruthless, but when the organization walks from the dark to the bright, the raid effect is no longer. With such a force, it is not enough to resist the bright arrows and arrows from all directions.

Moreover, at the national level, if you want to conquer, you still have to have a just and just win, and the winning opponent will be convinced, and you will have less trouble afterwards.

In other words, the best way to conquer is to show the power transparently and make the other party less jealous.

The BOSS is preparing to completely stink the official of the lighthouse country, and its subordinate institutions have lost even the basic function of maintaining social order. At that time, those who are ambitious, speculators, potential mental patients, etc. will jump out and perform.

The entire society will be sullied by these people, but it is also easy to distinguish between the available industrial population and the garbage people who have no serious skills except for chaos and death.

Dressing up as a person and granting asylum to the workers, they will be able to contribute to the starship club's explosive ship fighter.

This is why even if the super-sacrifice virus is dangerous, Xingyao will still take risks and fight against the official state of the lighthouse, hoping to establish a good image and gain the basic approval of the people.

Thugs do evil, they cook their own backs, how bad their foundation is, most people know that when the people have the need to vent their anger, it is just to kill them.

But if there are no thugs, or even a variety of lower limits, how can it be shown that the star will be good?

The deepness of the sea and the height of the mountain means that there must be a strong contrast, and Xingyao will be able to produce results quickly as a foreign household.

Of course, the official state of the lighthouse is also a green leaf. Against the background of its peers, Xingyao will collect a lot of black history, and there have been spies breaking into it, and they are confident that they will die all the way.

But the shelling of the Hill was not what they expected.

The Sentinel did not further reinforce the New York mob, which was the order issued by the BOSS line. The Sentinel did not have the overall vision. Although he has not appeared, but it is because he has to authorize the Sun Gate to be busy ~ ~ After all, before he became a superhero, he was just a drug addict. His basic qualities determined that after becoming a super hero, he needed a lot of time to master the many abilities of the sentry. Therefore, his luck is still not good enough, otherwise there should be a dedicated manual on those superpowers.

The BOSS line let the sentinels close because they understood the power represented by the air strike of the Hill. At least far better than ordinary people who eat melons.

There was a certain suspicion, after all, the Hill controlled the weather in New York, causing a series of unnatural phenomena.

When the high-energy particle cannon was used, it was completely exposed.

Such power is enough to pose a threat to any member of the Star Yaohui, even the stealth aircraft and the deep and shallow ships.

Before enough information is obtained, the BOSS line thinks that it is unwise to go on stage and let the other party assassinate in the dark.

So he changed his strategy, hoping to rely on cannon fodder to lure this mysterious force to expose more.

The more you do, the more you show.

As for the Middle East, if the lighthouse country is a hard bone, then the Middle East is the soft persimmon. Do not pinch too much.

Of course, it's really soft, and places like Ethiopia seem to be so soft that they have no knees.

But this is not the case.

There is a saying that poor mountains and evil waters are out of the crowd.

Poor mountains and rivers are often unsuccessful in culture and education. The traditional rules are large. There are many dogs who talk about emotions. They admit death and have special feelings. They are wrong in two sentences.

Therefore, in the eyes of the Star Yaohui, like Ethiopia and Somalia, they are not within the scope of choice.

Not to mention the hoopoe, the gang of Jewish riches in the lighthouse country will naturally jump up and down to put pressure on the president. In fact, it is equivalent to continuing to compete with the official lighthouse country ...

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