Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 914: George is the protagonist

Marvel 199999 Universe On January 1, 2010, the Super Bereavement virus crisis broke out in Washington and was captured by zombies before midnight.

After urgent discussions on the Air Force One, the President and his team decided to preemptively inform the people of the truth.

Without him, there is the existence of the Star Yao Club. It is impossible to cover the lid with such a big thing. They worry that once the Star Yao Club will first poke out the truth, their last point of authority will also be lost.

But before giving a speech to the public, the president did a few important things, including notifying friendly nations and mobilizing the army in the name of the commander of the three armed forces.

In this era of well-developed information, less than an hour after the incident, major powers have known about the situation in Washington.

This is clear to the president, so he called AIA separately, mainly to express an attitude. According to the current situation, whether it is the lighthouse country or his own, I am afraid that there is a moment when other countries need help. At this time, take some sincerity Come out and talk later.

As for the military, this is more needless to say. The president knows very well that now he really has a meaning of ‘power is not used, expires and becomes invalid’.

While you still have the final say, plan as much as you can, and you can make a lie.

Of course, the facts are always more backbone than expected.

In fact, the real power of the army is neither the president nor the minister of defense, but the big brothers of the 'dangkou'. Most of these big brothers climbed up one step at a time. All links of the troops under control have his brand.

In ordinary times, these big brothers can still follow the orders of Shangfeng, mainly because the cost of violation is often too heavy.

But like this time, it can be discounted.

Fooling but not concealing it, several gangsters have their own plans. Before the president's order arrived, they had contacted reliable men and started some more selfish operations. This is almost the same.

Even the heads of institutions such as the CIA, FBI, and NSA have small moves.

Actually speaking, it ’s all human nature, and you and your subordinates are also vulgar. You have family, friends, lovers, or something. You have authority, but you ca n’t even guarantee their safety. .

That kind of small family, for everyone, in this country, in this society, under the capital system, generally only happens in film and television.

What you advertise means you are missing something. Such a statement is a true portrayal of the current situation.

In addition to giving orders to the army, before giving a speech to the public, the president also issued orders to the National Guard, the police, etc., asking them to dispatch urgently to guard the vital points, such as granaries, water plants, power plants, communication centers, transportation centers, official Office.

As for traffic control, this has been notified before boarding the plane. It is treated differently. For example, Washington and surrounding areas are simply banned, and no entry or exit is allowed.

Farther away, it is conditional passage.

Now there are two problems that make people scratch their heads and even despair.

The first is the first outbreak of the super-sacrifice virus (referring to the two places caused by George and Downie), which are no more than 24 hours away, and the official does not even have the ability to identify the super-sacrifice virus.

The inspection sites opened in the New York area were built on the black technology from SHIELD, the specific energy field from the Hill, and the three-in-one technology of the mystic masters' extraordinary means.

This is why internal refuges are established at JFK International Airport, LaGuardia Airport, and Roosevelt Island.

The output ability is poor, so there are not so many people who can pass the security check, then the group with the low probability of ‘winning the bid’ will come first, and the rest will go to the refuge.

Against this background, the explosion of Washington, the official has been stupid, and clearly know that the affected areas, the uninfected are still the majority, and now is robbing people with the virus.

Every time a person is output, it reduces the probability of being infected and spreads the infection; slows down the rate of virus transmission; one less zombie in the future.

But because they could not be identified, they did not dare to take the risk.

Secondly, the time is too short, even with the capacity of the lighthouse country, the army, the guard, and the police cannot be seated in time. It can only be deployed on important roads.

In this regard, it is still because of the super-mourning incident in New York that the President has issued an emergency order to allow the troops to act quickly, so that within 72 hours, they will succeed the Mystic Masters and become the main force of the siege.

These troops don't need to go to New York anymore, just deploy nearby.

Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York State, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, and West Virginia, with the super funeral explosion in Washington, these nine states are in danger, at least some of them are red alert Level.

Even if it is successfully deployed, it is just that the main body that organizes the flow of people will not move quickly along the road, but it cannot prevent people from crossing the farmland rivers and leaving the mountains and mountains.

Even if a large number of helicopters were dispatched, they would patrol 24 hours a day, and if they saw them, they would shoot and kill them. The area to be defended is too large and there are not enough personnel.

These two are enough to make the president deeply pessimistic about the future development of the situation.

Of course, the actual situation is even worse.

Although Tang Ni and her aunt left New York from the Manhattan exit, but because of the super-burial in Washington, the new ban was issued, and for a while, they could only stay in Newark, even if her aunt ’s new boyfriend was a little Energy is not easy to use anymore. Now the army is taking over, and there is a tendency that the six relatives do not recognize it.

Although Downie was blocked, George did not.

This one has already arrived in Albany.

Like many ordinary middle-aged men, George's life is not easy. His wife is a housewife, and his family is dependent on him. Finally, his daughter is older, and the money owed by marriage is almost the same. I want another child and lose my job.

This crisis allowed George to see the plastic friendship between his colleagues and the warmth in his neighborhood.

Corresponding to ‘I have n’t slaughtered a lot of dogs’, it ’s that ‘most of my heart is a scholar. ’

The communities where George originally lived were mostly scholars.

So there was only a drinker left for George to vent.

Then, with the super-sacrifice virus infection, his wife died, her daughter went mad, and her drinker was also infected. George had no one to talk about, so he thought of his father.

He finally came to Albany, but he was disappointed.

In fact, it is not difficult to understand, no one is specially prepared for another person, just want to see it is just right, just leisure, just in a good mood, listen to the complaints of others to vent.

After George's dad was widowed, he was originally prepared to live alone, claiming that his heart followed his wife and could no longer love.

As a result, an unexpected encounter radiated the second spring, and the two went to Australia for the New Year.

I once vowed to be widowed, but now I have a passion for adultery. George's dad didn't mean to call his son to inform him, lest something bad happens and affect the mood of traveling. After all, this trip is a honeymoon.

George, like most of his peers, was neglected by his father.

Parents' attention to their children is higher than their children's attention to their parents.

George threw himself into the air, and it was too late. Because of his sensitive identity, he consciously found a hotel in Sanwu.

Feeling depressed, I didn't think about anything. Go to sleep and solve my worries. I even sold two bottles of high alcohol for this purpose. He doesn't want to be good anymore. He doesn't care about the onset of alcohol addiction and he becomes alcoholic again.

However, he has a special physique. He is not drunk in a thousand cups, but he is even more hungry.

George is not a bad guy, he does not want to eat people, and as a middle-aged man, his endurance is also amazing, he is not as neurotic as Downie, nor as unscrupulous as Reed and Susan, he is deeply inertial thinking Restraint is the most conservative and restrained of the four virus sources.

But what about that?

The desire to eat will eventually defeat reason. George ’s will is not strong enough to starve himself to death, and he does not have the will to do so. He can only endure more, let those destined to be eaten by him. Yes, enjoy some life time, even if the person does not have this consciousness, it may not be grateful, he can be regarded as an account of himself.

There is a couple of dogs and men next door, who quarreled first, and then handled things well. This is understandable. In many cases, in-depth communication, no matter who treats others cool, they will be angry.

After arguing, he quarreled again, and then forced to do things. George couldn't stand it.

Sanwu Hotel has poor sound insulation, and this repeated ghost crying wolf howling + meowing spring, it is impossible for anyone who is passive to listen to the room. Just as the wine was coming up, the smoker was so courageous, so George went straight into the wall and grabbed the two of them with a chick.

The moment the dog and the man broke into the wall when George broke in, he was already shocked by the next king, and he couldn't scream and broke his neck.

George also had a murderous intention, pointing directly at the point, so that the other party could not be zombified.

Perhaps it was this psychology that allowed him to completely let go of his emotions, and his appetite was surprisingly good. It was simply a gluttonous incarnation, leaving only a few bits and pieces of residue for dogs and men.

For example, the food in the stomach is not sticky or the stuff that is changing like shit. He does n’t eat the bladder, his heart muscle has chewing head, loves eating, the lungs are tender, and the bones bite ...

In a word, two hundred pounds fell, and I didn't see my stomach bulge.

However, he has grown longer and his muscles are more developed. It looks majestic and majestic, more handsome and more manly than before.

While he was eating, there was a small episode. The hotel owner came and knocked on the door. He pulled out two 50-dollar money and stuffed it out of the door.

The boss took the money and yelled, "If you make a big move, it's not as simple as a fine. If you break something, you have to pay!"

Obviously, this was for other people who lived in the hotel. Some people who suffered from the movements here were complained.

After eating and drinking, George went to take a shower, rolled his **** shirt directly into a bag, and there was blood on his pants, but because the pants were dark, they did not show up.

Then he put on his coat and left with his bag.

When passing the door, the hotel owner stared at him in the window, but did not dare to squeak. After George left, he whispered: "When did such a murderer get put in?"

The innkeeper was scared just now. George was constantly transforming, not angry and mighty, and sensitive people could already sense his breath like a beast of floods.

Leaving the hotel, throwing the bloodcoat, George called a car, and Jean's brother introduced a bar.

He is not hungry now, but the wine is not enough.

The bar introduced by my brother is quite reliable. The bar is clean and the atmosphere is very good.

George was on the bar stool and asked for a bottle of whiskey, a bottle of tequila, and a large bar of dark beer, whiskey and tequila mixed drink, dark beer served as tea.

The bartender is a 30-year-old woman named Jessica. She is mature and charming. She is a bit amorous. She is silent, very man, very safe, and has a good wine style (not to tease the female bartender or waitress). ), George with small gloom.

George, who was relaxed, was again guilty and disgusted for his cannibalism, and had no mood to talk to his sister.

It was also that the two were destined to show up. Take New York's broken incident as a gimmick, saying that human beings are going to die and have fun in time. In fact, they are using wine to harass Jessica who is less than a month.

George usually hates this kind of person, and even hates it at the moment. The heart said: "Can this paralyzed drink some wine? There are ghosts crying and howling everywhere!"

"Go!" He squeezed the word out of his teeth, and the temperature around him felt a few degrees lower.

The drinkable, half drunk, slightly drunken, rotten drunkard feels dull, and prepares BB if he is drunk.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he was grasped by George's big hand, pulled back slightly, and pushed again, the person flew out more than 2 meters, fell to the ground, sprained his neck, and there were five clear red on his face Fingerprints quickly turned into bruises.

The two companions of the Rotten Drinker looked at this, and then looked at George, who was as stable as a boiler there.

"Thank you." Jessica said emotionally.

George waved his hand and continued to drink booze.

After a period of time, Jessica tried to find ways to talk about nothing. Seeing that George never answered, he gritted his teeth and used the ultimate means-"I am off work at 23:30, I have good wine there ... "

George understood this time, it turned out that the other party was soaking him.

George felt scarce and said: "When did I get this charm?"

Should it? Of course, he is willing to try as long as he has a way to vent. It's useless, it's due to inertial thinking, but with the breaking of fasting people again and again, it's not too far from unscrupulous. Like him in the past, he will never be busy in the bar, mainly considering his wife and daughter, Something will affect them.

In fact, Jessica's house had no wine, but it was colored.

The two met together and the fire was met with fire. Jessica was a long time, and George was suffocating.

So the interest-bearing card was a blessing. For the first time in her life, she knew for the first time that it could really feel like flying.

As George, after completing a round of killing and the song of grass, the evil fire has gone a lot, and the soul wants a sustenance more and more.

So he asked Jessica: "Will you follow me?"

Jessica's ghost messenger said: "Will, no matter where you go, what to do!"

Very sincere.

Perhaps after real satisfaction, the woman's sensibility came up. It's so good to talk. Anyway, another couple of dogs and men was born.

The process of acquaintance is exaggerated, but unexpectedly deep. It seems that the sentence should be answered: Some people, who have known each other for a lifetime, can't open each other's hearts, and some people can walk into each other's hearts in a short time.

Of course, flower growers have more poetic and concise: Jinfeng Yulu met ......

George told Jessica his past, without hiding it.

Jessica was naturally shocked, and she got goose bumps in horror.

But in the end, Jessica, who also had a story and was very unusual, chose to accept George. She said: "God has a disaster (referring to the super bereavement virus). I am on trial, but I still hope to be with good people, George, You are a good person, you have a kind heart, introduce yourself formally, my name is Jessica? Jones ... "

In this way, the treasure girl of the Marvel 199999 universe met the special mourning George, and activated the super power by actively accepting the high-level super mourning virus.

Jessica is more experienced than George in terms of her ability to break through. Although Kane swallowed infinite gems, she did not rely on radioactive chemicals to activate her superpowers, but her family was killed in a car accident. Although she was also adopted by the Jones family, she could never forget her blood relatives. Drop out of school and enter society.

Without superpowers, the private investigator's camp is naturally unthinkable, but she still learned a skill, that is, bartending.

It's a pity that her character is not suitable for service work in a place where three teachings and nine masters meet, so she always stays in one place for a period of time.

She chose George and took the initiative to accept the so-called judgment of heaven. She also wanted to strengthen her mind. She feels that since the spread of the super-sacrifice virus has become inevitable, why not be more calm, take the initiative, and perhaps get more benefits.

After learning about George's past, Jessica quickly realized that she couldn't stay here, unless George wanted to be shot or enter the laboratory to be sliced, and she could not be better off. After all, she had finished body fluids with George The exchange, has been infected, but has not yet alienated.

Before she offered to let George bite to speed up the infection, her alienation began, and then ended within 1 minute.

Then she needs to eat.

So at her instruction, the two men packed up and left the rented house, heading to a nearby black den.

Both of them are people with a certain conscience, and they can't fight against innocent people, but they are completely okay with **** and villains.

This black den was also known to Jessica when he was working, and he inadvertently heard people say that the leak was on the surface. It was a car modification factory, and was actually affected by stolen cars and the use of interlayers to traffic poison powder.

Albany is not far from New York. It is slightly affected by the electromagnetic nuclear explosion, and many cars are in need of repair. Jessica is sure that there is a repaired car in this black den, which is also a big reason why she chooses to get rich and save her poverty.

Where can ordinary people be opponents of this pair of CPs, George is the siege hammer, which already has a little meaning of Hulk, and rifle bullets can't break the defense.

The awakened super power Jessica is powerful and can fly like a Hulk. It is a stiff male and female with George. Although it is not complementary, it does not need to worry about each other. They are tough enough.

The two blood washed the black den, Jessica completed the first meal after the alienation, George also ate a bit more empathy, try to resolve Jessica's embarrassment.

In fact, Jessica's heart is much more daring than him, or it is a bit darker, at least he has seen more bad things, and the three-view perception is also more extreme.

So, although it was George who brought Jessica into the trip, then Jessica took George on the road. Like this kind of looting black den, George had no such idea. Even when Jessica proposed, he did not feel how fresh. However, in this world, there are many times when the gap between people is so small, and I understand that I can make myself think that he ca n’t think of it or ca n’t think of it.

With the addition of Jessica, the two became more consultative, and their work was more delicate and premeditated. Even if the people in the black den had leftovers, they were all in different places, and there was no way to alienate them. By the way, although the super-sacrifice virus is powerful, it is not a ghost film element. Without life instincts, it will not alienate, so the brain and central nervous system are intact, which is a minimum requirement.

When the police arrived, the two had already driven away.

It is also the two people's destiny, if a series of things are delayed even one hour later, the situation will become completely different.

Because around midnight, the local police received orders from Shangfeng to start an emergency plan.

In the next half hour, all police officers were ordered to put down everything in their hands, concentrate and arm, and then hold brief meetings and assign tasks.

This led to a pause in the investigation of the case after the hotel owner called the police.

George did not check out when he left, fearing that the hotel side would clean the room and find out.

But when he went out, he carried his bag, and the innkeeper became suspicious. After all, he did it.

When George was drinking at the bar, the innkeeper finally connected him with the brave man who scared him. Then he frowned and said, "My cognition is so ridiculous before and after. Are they the same?" "

With doubt, he knocked on George's door. No one should answer it. After thinking about it, he finally opened the door with a spare key. Then it was naturally attracted by the big hole in the wall, and then frightened by the dead souls who were scared by the rest of the blood.

After the police arrived, the old criminal investigators were frightened. Or was shocked. The main reason is that I do n’t understand where the bones are. In fact, I do n’t think about it. After all, the remaining wreckage has bones and clear bite marks.

However, people's thinking has limitations. Even if they eat it, they think it is the ordinary way. Meat can be eaten raw, but bones are generally stewed with bone meat or crushed to make bone soup, otherwise those fascias or something It ’s not very easy to pick. Even if you can eat the bones, although the dog can do it, it also takes a lot of time. People with two hundred pounds can be eaten within an hour. This is really not imaginable.

In any case, this vicious case has attracted enough attention from the police, which is true.

Anyone with a little knowledge of criminal investigation knows that within 48 hours of the case, it is the most critical. The sooner you get important clues, the better.

What is beneficial to criminal investigations is that as soon as it occurs at night, the population mobility drops sharply. Second, George is tall and burly. According to the hotel owner, it is over 195CM, and it looks almost the same without 300 pounds. Three George is drunk. Four George does not have his own car.

So soon, the brother who carried George and the drunkard beaten by George were found by the police.

Both of them were deeply impressed by George, and brother felt that George alone was equal to the ordinary two. This is the experience of the old driver who drives the details of the people in the vehicle.

Needless to say, the blue drunkard, the five fingers on his face were bruised, and the psychological shadow area was larger. At that time, he thought that his face would be directly squeezed by George.

But when I found Jessica Jones here, it was stuck.

Jessica ’s working hours are still short, and the bar people do n’t know where she rents.

The clue is that Jessica has a handsome Harley locomotive, a low-seat super version of the 1200L athlete, which is well recognizable.

So investigators went to the transportation bureau to monitor.

Because it was night, coupled with the impact of nuclear explosions, there were few available vehicles, so it did n’t take much time to find Jessica ’s whereabouts.

Waiting for the investigators to come to the door, there are signs that Jessica and George are indeed together and have not left for long.

Just about to continue the investigation, the urgent order came down, the dead order, no kidding.

After returning to the police station for a briefing, people's minds changed at that time. After New York, Washington exploded in just over two hours and fell directly.

This is terrible, but anyone with a certain ability to connect will know that even if this country will still exist ~ ~ At least most of the east coast, especially those along the coast, are densely populated and it is estimated that no one can run away .

Many people thought at that time, what should they do in this context, what should family members do?

The leader of the police station can naturally guess people's thoughts. At that time, he said that it is for the safety of ourselves and our families that we must be strictly guarded, perform our duties and control the key points.

Of course, it ’s not reasonable to just talk about the road, but you still have to be emotional. The leader said: "I am a person who knows how to take care of myself. At this time, civil servants are struggling on the front line. Naturally, worries must be resolved. You deserve yourself. I ’m worthy of you in public office, this is my commitment. "

In a word, I was relieved. The reason is very simple. At this time, when people are well-informed, people have civil servants, and problems are solved, ordinary people have official channels and stronger power? impossible!

Including those who are superstitious gangsters, those without an official closed their eyes and smuggled a wool. Shaking the machine all day and night to change patterns, what is the cost, black business is also a business, it is the cost of the business, it is too complicated, the operation is difficult, the cost is high, without the official grasping and slamming, the peers are forced to persuade, No competition!

Therefore, the gangsters are not just talking, they do n’t understand the relationship, they are not qualified gangsters, they ca n’t do it for a long time, they ca n’t do it, they can barely survive, and they are also the kind of wool that is staggered.

So when civil servants know that the most energetic organization in the world is the civil servant team, if you lose this time, then you ’re still a jerk.

It can only be done by following orders and doing as much as possible to satisfy Shangfeng, otherwise colleagues will be spared.

As a result, a certain Fu Zhi soul of the task force was connected, and the case under investigation was told in public.

At the time when hundreds of people were silent, everyone was horrified ...

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