Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 916: Ins and outs

After Xingyao will give up to the New York Mob Rescue Team for a show, the situation facing the Mob Rescue Team is a bit awkward.

After all, this is not the later stage of World War II. The psychological quality of the thugs is far from comparable to the world's strongest light infantry in the past, with only 30% remaining, and it can still fight on the front line.

In this era, there was no such iron army.

Take the lighthouse country as an example. In addition to individual small troops, the general regular army is the standing army that performs overseas missions more than three times and has good actual combat experience. 10% of the battle losses are wailed, 20% It's basically impossible to play.

The thugs are naturally no match for the regular army. Some of the so-called brotherhood between them seems to be the friendship of a villain. When it is good, it is really good, sweet as sweet (sweet wine), but there are too many involved here. Benefits, I help you, the purpose is to let you help me, the appeal is very strong, so if you do n’t get feedback, or think that you wo n’t get enough feedback, then it ’s easy to cool down.

Naturally, the dead can't give feedback, so they use life and death indifference to cover up the indifference of the people and leave them alone.

But they can't fool themselves. So they are afraid of death and disability. After all, they know that once they are disabled or dead, no one can care about what happens behind them.

This is also the main reason why people like them are going down the wind and going against the wind, knowing that once they lose, they will become unfinished, and won't afford to lose.

Of course, there is also a difference in the quality of this type of person, so there is only such a concept as a "desperate".

In any case, the rescue team's forward support team, with a loss of nearly 50 people at a time, is a traumatic thing for a team of more than 200 people.

The thugs were afraid, so they contacted the Star Yao Club and asked for tactical guidance.

Then Xingyao intends to send sentries to sit in person.

Then Maria Hill was filled with indignation and ordered the Hill to attack with a high-energy particle gun to lower the light of judgment.

Then again, this kind of attack was mistaken as a secret weapon of the lighthouse country by the people who ate melons, and restored some confidence in it. The purpose of the lighthouse country president and his team was being achieved.

Then again and again Xingyao will be in various considerations and decide not to send sentries to the front line until the situation is ascertained.

In addition, they feel that this round of competition with the lighthouse official is better than the public image of the public, which has ended in advance with the appearance of the mysterious space-based weapon.

They believe that even if there is a beginning and an end, efforts to help the New York thugs complete this round of the show will not get the expected attention.

It happened that everything went well in the Middle East, so the power was invested there, hoping to have a better return.

This all happened on the day of January 1, 2010.

When the mobsters in New York called for help from their dad, they were at an Asian grocery store on North Street but more than 300 meters from Flushing High School.

Although it is called this name, it is actually a comprehensive supermarket. It covers an area of ​​about 2,000 square meters. There are parking lots on the left and right sides. It has a wide view and a simple internal structure. It has three floors in total.

They spent a long time here, experiencing a process from hesitation to exhilaration to curse mother, and then decided to go to the New York Transit Bureau according to the original plan, but the process is no longer cleared all the way, but passed quickly.

There are some large shops near the Transportation Bureau, such as movie theaters, Marriott hotels, Audi dealerships, power company buildings, police academies, etc., with a large parking lot that is second to none in the entire region. For them who use firearms as their main output, Such a place is safer.

In addition, there is still some basic support from the Star Club, such as the ‘Big Black Fish’ that transported electronic equipment from Litnereck Bay to the ‘Successful Lake Refuge’.

As its appearance is realistic, its basic structure is precisely the typhoon class of Maoxiong, the largest nuclear submarine in the world.

Related technologies and parameters are not stolen by Xingyao, but bought.

Since the end of 1991, after the Red Soviet used a trick to disintegrate the heavenly demon, as the main nation's big hair, life has been very difficult. The economy has stagnated, there is no financial development, research, and even the maintenance of normal military expenditures has been stretched.

Xingyao will be backed by Wakanda's Zhenjin Mine. If it is not bad, it will send representatives to talk directly.

The price given is of course no problem. The priest Mao Xiong also felt guilty of each other. As we all know, like ships, submarines, airplanes, etc., the test is the industrial system, ranging from small screws to large engines, integrated circuits inside, and shell materials outside, which are not easy to pass.

Mao Xiong feels that the other party has bought a lot of technical materials at a high price and wants to build a typhoon-class submarine, but he has to buy more technology or parts, so for Mao Xiong, this is actually a long-term profitable project. The knife is sharpened, just wait for the fat sheep to come home again.

It turns out that they made a wrong calculation this time.

Xingyao will not be bad money, but not Kaizi.

While buying information from Mao Xiong, Xingyao Club also contacted flower growers.

As soon as the information is available, it will be changed to the flower grower.

The representative of Xingyao Club said to the flower gardener's receptionist: "This is a knocking brick, not a dime. Now let's talk about business. How much can you spare parts for this ship? What price? How efficient?"

The flower planter said: This nuclear reactor ...

The representative of Xingyaohui said: I am not embarrassed by the suspected nuclear proliferation. We will come to this part ourselves.

The flower-growers are speechless, in fact they want to take a stand and ask for a good price.

Another way: This weapon system ...

Xing Yao: If this doesn't bother you, we mainly use it for scientific research and exploration.

The florist said: It ’s strange to believe you.

The flower planter is like catching this bold customer. Even if the other party is not a good way, you can talk about buying and selling before pitting people.

But Xingyao will not keep his hands, and will not give flower growers a chance to squeeze. If you say you can't do it, then we won't talk about it.

But when it comes to profits, both individuals and countries can be described in that sentence: the most profitable ones are written in the criminal law.

Individuals have state control, while states supervise each other. If they are caught, they will often lose their credibility.

This also means that if you only buy screws or something, you must not violate the law. There is no profit at all, not even money. Does the production line change the model and change the money?

For large weapons like this, the overall sales profit is often the highest, and then those high-tech, sensitive components, such as power systems, are often sold as a set, fire control system, detection system, etc.

Like other four big hooligans, the flower grower takes some gray private work, which is still very professional, but encountering such a special customer for a long time.

Looking at it again, it means that all the sensitive and profitable ones haven't done it. Why should someone find a flower OEM? I also took a complete set of typhoon-level technical information and went directly to the international market, and some of them were cheap and good-quality parts.

Finally, we urgently negotiated internally and came up with a more sincere sales plan. The miniaturized nuclear reactor is really not for sale. Everything else will do.

At the same time, Xingyao Club also came up with its own purchase plan.

As soon as the two met, the flower growers found that the sale could be done, and the cooperation began.

Xingyao Club also introduced a special reward mechanism, one week in advance, one month in advance, 50 days in advance, three grades, the most ruthless 50 days in advance, the reward is to buy the same set of prices.

As the saying goes, having money can make Mo push ghosts, the flower cultivator will double the price 50 days in advance. If I can't earn this money, I will not regret it afterwards? Fight!

Xingyao will give full play to the advantages of Wakanda's semi-manual and semi-automatic industry, and build key components by itself.

Anyway, it is manual DIY. Except for the difficulty of getting the quantity, nothing else is a problem. As long as the relevant equipment parts are known in human civilization, they can be manufactured as long as there are relevant materials.

Relying on this method of buying from the outside, buying from the outside, you can't build it by yourself, and finally save it directly into a magic modified product, Xingyao will quickly own a fleet.

It is this large blackfish that has the largest number in the deep diving fleet.

For example, there are only two black technology ships that jump directly from the water into the air, generate energy beams, and bombard the cruisers and destroyers of the third carrier battle group.

The only one capable of launching a landing module with three power armor suit warriors is called Xingyao, which is the flagship of the fleet.

In addition to these three tech blacks, people are mistaken for zenith star visitors, and the rest are not so cool and high-end.

Among them, this type of magically modified typhoon nuclear-powered submarine named Humpback Whale is the main force of the fleet.

But the largest and most active are the "sea lions" class diesel-electric submarines, which destroyed the torpedoes of the third aircraft carrier battle group of the lighthouse country and the battle of the Atlantic fleet, which were launched by those sea lions.

Xingyao will not allow sea lions to appear in the public view, so as not to lower their mysterious image.

So the impression is that the humpback whale is already their lowest class ship. Such a sharp nuclear-powered magically modified submarine is actually used to carry out the chores of transporting things. The starry night ’s force is immediately set off. .

This time, Xingyao will deliberately arrange this. Ship No. 3 made its debut in Little Neck, and Ship No. 5 went to Flushing Bay and other thug rescue teams.

In this way, the thugs can cross the bay directly to LaGuardia Airport from the side of the Transportation Bureau, rather than around the Citi Field and the densely populated communities on the south side of the airport.

Seeing that it was not early, the thugs acted.

Their idea is that if everything goes well, they can settle in LaGuardia Airport at night.

There is one of the three official refuges established by the government. However, compared to the refuge point at JFK International Airport where Nick Fury is more concerned, the Roosevelt Island refuge in Manhattan, which has been more concerned by the President and dignitaries, LaGuardia The airport refuge seems to have some grandma's pain and uncle's love.

Of course, this is just the surface.

In fact, this place was covered by Maria Hill.

This was decided by Nick Fury after consulting with Hill.

The two agreed that the super-sacrifice virus is not trivial. When dealing with it, it would rather leave more flexibility margins, rather than just sorting it out.

Therefore, in the process of establishing a specific prevention and control plan, always avoid excessive greed.

It is divided into districts, south of Flushing North Street, north of Jamaica, from Alitham Park in the east, to Citi Field in the west and Flushing Prairie Korona Park in the south, this area is classified as a hard-hit area (more than Amount), almost gave up from the beginning.

The SHIELD personnel, the colony of the Hill, and the green skins who later resumed communication and received unified command, tried to ensure that the borders of this area were operating safely.

There are wide streets on this boundary, and there are park vacant areas on both sides as isolation zones.

The north and south are more troublesome. Later, due to a series of reasons, the line on North Street was abandoned, and the new defense line was determined to be on the northern cross-island highway.

There are two bridges connecting the Bronx, and between the bridges, the northernmost section of Queens, called Baishi.

Most of the people north of North Street have been withdrawn to Baishi District.

Then, following the practice of the Jamaica area in the south, a large number of street-front buildings were blasted to form a man-made separation zone. If there are zombies crossing the line (mainly anti-special funeral), then the shooter at the end of the separation zone occupying a favorable position will shoot kill.

Surrounding the hardest hit area in the core, the southern section is mainly responsible for the SHIELD, including the Avengers.

The western section is Hill's cloak.

Its performance characteristics are that it seems that there is a big omission here, there is basically no striking combat team in isolation, but in fact for the zombies, this side is terrible and strange.

This is a truth that has been proved by the lives of many zombies. Although the number of cloaks is rare, they are all elite. They guard their respective jurisdictions in the form of invisible assassins, and also set up mobile teams to assist them.

In addition, here is also the most focused on the aftermath. After the killing, it will use a special biological tool to devour the corpse, just like licking it with an tongue.

So for the zombies, this is the ghost area, and it disappears when you enter it, but it is basically confirmed to be dead, because there are various ways to communicate with each other that have been discussed in advance, and they have never been fulfilled. For example, flashing a few flashlights after confirming safety.

One or two do n’t give back, and can use the other party to forget, or selfishly just explain by crossing the buffer, but this is the case for all the tryrs. That only shows that there is a problem here.

Zombies know how to observe, warn newcomers, and even try to drive brainless zombies to see if they can try out the depth.

I did find some situations, the number is large, the colony needs to spend more instant killing, and the corpse will not be processed too quickly, which is followed by the opportunity of observation.

So the wise zombies knew that there was a terrible invisible defense line here, killing people to eat corpses, a ruthless one.

This is why the zombies led by the Black Witch, as well as the military and police zombies, have the ability to pit equipment and are relatively advanced thugs, but they have no choice to go west into Jackson Heights, Korona, Amherst, and the forest. The reason for these areas in Kookaoka.

Not wanting, but afraid of being destroyed.

They also know that rice worms are not a solution in the hardest hit areas. Once the survivors have been evacuated or died, the humans are ruthless and the area is dealt with. They are likely to be killed or buried in fire, or or Was buried alive.

The impact of the defense line is faster and the probability of survival is lower.

So they waited until the super bereavement virus broke out elsewhere.

The reason why we can be sure that the super mourning virus will break out in other regions is because senior zombies, like the black witch, can vaguely perceive each other's existence.

This is why Kane said that the super-sacrificing virus has the drawbacks of being sad and side effects and sharp side effects. The rest is simply a major reason for the evolution of pharmacy.

The prototype of telepathy, if it has the opportunity to continue to develop, will be like the ghost system of the SC universe, not to mention the level of Kerrigan and Zeratul, the ghost boss of the next level and the ghost representative promise. Baby, all have certain telepathic abilities, and one that looks naughty (who promises to be mysterious to voodoo) has the ability to predict.

Although it is still in its prototype form, it can already be used for some purposes. For example, these high-end special funerals are very clear that the ancestors are not in this area.

They didn't know that there were four ancestors. Reed Richards and Susan Stone were the ancestors. The other two George and Downey ~ ~ are special circumstances and have their own unique experiences. And rose up.

What happened is related to the amazing four heroes Reed and Susan from the zombie universe, which spread the near-perfect super-sacrifice virus in the later period.

In addition, it is also related to that the ancestor is a special super hero. Reed and Susan in this world are potential super heroes, but they have not been activated. Later, Reed and Susan of the zombie universe were activated by the way of the Starlight Club.

In other words, in addition to their superpowers, they also have the sentinel, American team, Wakanda Zhenjin biochemical technology, and the power of black leaf hemp derived from Kane.

Although it is a typical hodgepodge, from an extraordinary perspective, the force can be said to be very high, especially suitable for the spread of viruses.

Say in a certain advertising word: there is always one for you.

Like Jessica Jones was activated because of her potential superpower, which has many similarities with the sentry.

It is said that the sentinel is the most perverted. After all, his original intention was to be nearly perfect and omnipotent. To put down the virus is almost versatile. The US team ’s super soldier system is also general. The power characteristics of the two are almost ...

When Downie and George each had trouble in the community and the bar, causing the spread of the super bereavement virus, Reed and Susan of this world had left New York in a sports car.

Therefore, the ancestors of all zombies born later, telepathically, were George and Downie.

But the two left the area, but vaguely sensed their existence. So these high-end zombies are convinced that new virus outbreaks will appear, and by then, their pressure will be greatly reduced.

The New York mobsters did not know these secrets. After being taught to be a man, Lang Tzu planned to start taking refuge in LaGuardia.

As everyone knows, it looks weak, but for the intruder, it is a black hole ...

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