Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 917: The last round of the thugs

When the New York thugs went to the Transportation Bureau, it was already past 17 o'clock, and there was not much time left until dark.

The time is obviously a little bit hurry. Although the outer motive exoskeleton module armor suits provided by the thugs provide night vision assistance, they still instinctively try to avoid night action.

Of course, there are actually opponents. If they are ordinary people familiar with them, or policemen, soldiers, etc., then they are still willing to play the role of raiders killed in the dark. At LaGuardia Airport, they are ready to do so.

At this time, Kane lurking in the dark, looking for clues to the sentry, lost the motivation to follow up.

So, he withdrew his consciousness and entrusted Li Baoren to AI assisted by DNA computers.

This computer is based on the biological fusion project carried out on Rennes, which is too complicated and unstable, and the ordinary brain is not enough to control and load. It replaces the function of the pineal gland and occupies its position, even on the forehead. The position generates a special energy eye, which can relax the energy and complete the operation similar to perception. This is an evolutionary version of Rennes' original perspective eye. The distance is farther and the effect is stronger.

After being entrusted and becoming a free man, Ren, controlled by AI, began to test this body in various categories following the principles of the experimental field set by Kane.

The external manifestation is that the zombies are exterminated in various ways, so the two zombies teams who had pitted the mob before did not wait for the opportunity they wanted, and they were killed by a single canary such as Rennes.

The team of Black Witch was used to perform the power output test, so most of them died miserably, some were torn, some turned into barbecue, and some were smashed ...

In the end, the black witch failed to hide from the cats and became a puppet after he was caught. In fact, it was also equivalent to death, because the original sense of independence was wiped out.

Military and police gangs were used to test control. Although many survived, those who died were more miserable than those of the Black Witch team. They usually burst out of energy, and others succeeded. It fed biological fusion cells, but was pumped into a corpse.

These pots are mainly Rennes, but live experiments are like this. Zombies have no human rights, no zombies, and those who are really villains are also okay. It's just that Kane didn't need it before, otherwise he wouldn't be polite.

AI is different from Kane. The inertia of thinking will make Kane instinctive development force, but AI will not, AI is more focused and more efficient.

After the test is completed, it will be terminated immediately, and it will not be further added to the development of a small puppet team because it seems to have developed a small puppet team.

This puppet team of less than 70 people was quickly exhausted in Rennes' subsequent tests. Basically, it's all tricks and tricks. The advantage is that it kills many zombies. Among them, most of the special mourning and brainless zombies are entrenched everywhere.

Compared with the intelligent zombies, the special mourners prefer to accept the brainless zombies as younger brothers, and their affinity is also higher.

From a traditional point of view, the combination of special funerals and brainless zombies is more like a familiar zombie, just like the nightmare version of the world of survival, but that is the taste.

As for the wisdom zombies, it is more like a group of two or five pups at the ends of the first rat. It is not a good thing, but it is black and incomplete, and the heart is struggling.

Of course, this kind of mentality is normal. After all, most people are mean, not paranoid. But as time goes on, reality will eventually make them want to understand and make up their minds, telling life in vain, and focusing on the dead.

In fact, according to Kane's prediction, most of the intelligent zombies did not even have the opportunity to face this choice, and unknowingly embarked on the road of no return to become a brainless zombies.

Specifically, it is a situation in which the frogs boiled in warm water created by a large environment kill them.

Most intelligent zombies are not broad enough, nor have the habit of deduction, and at the same time they cannot obtain enough intelligence for deduction, even without the consciousness of gathering.

In this context, they will only focus on the present, feel that they can be patient, be patient, and wait for opportunities.

After actually changing from alien to a zombie, he embarked on a path of no return.

The super bereavement virus has brought about earth-shaking changes. With so many benefits, how can it be free?

If it's so great, when Kane was born again in the dark HP world, why did he spend so many years to build a war bug like Sigma Werewolf? Directly infected with a similar virus, and then puppetized, put on a virtual soul, is it okay?

Kane did not go this way, not because of the problem of viral infectivity, but because he knew that equivalent exchange was a law applicable to the multiverse.

The more you get, the faster you get, the more you pay, and the greater the risk. It's just that sometimes people don't pay much attention to certain efforts, so they seem to gain more than they get.

One of the costs of the super bereavement virus is the accelerated metabolism, which requires adequate nutritional supplements.

To be more specific, it is to obey life.

The body does not remind the brain for no reason, but really needs it.

It's just that human consciousness is often not really clear what the body wants.

There are many types of hunger to be detailed. Although many people know that satisfying hunger is not clear, or that there is no targeted and targeted progress, they use their fullness to deceive their bodies, and then they are found afterwards.

For example, obesity is basically eaten.

Some people say that the key lies in sports.

Actually not.

Some people have always been poor and needy, or they are more economical. They eat a lot, but they do not eat well, they are very tired, they do not seem to be fat, but their bodies suddenly collapse, or in the middle and old age, various problems appear.

This is because the nutrients brought by relatively cheap cereals are indeed consumed more than other nutrients that are needed but not supplemented, but they are not supplemented after a long period of time.

The super bereavement virus, from a certain perspective, is to magnify this scientific problem of diet rationally.

Therefore, after being infected, the first priority is to know how to eat.

It can be said that the hunger sensation of the super-sacrificing virus can be eliminated in theory.

The so-called hunger and thirst from the depths of the soul is just because ordinary people have never ingested some high-end nutrients, so they don't know what they want, they just want it instinctively.

And once that high-end nutrition is in front of him, his instinct will tell him that this is what I want, especially after tasting it.

So what exactly is high-end nutrition.

Using metaphysical fairy tales, Linggu and Lingmi are high-end nutrition.

In magical terms, the meat of Warcraft is high-end nutrition.

In scientific terms, it is rich in certain types of extraordinary energy that can be absorbed.

Evolving to a new level, the old digestion methods naturally cannot meet the needs. This is just like oil replacing coal, more efficient energy release can meet the needs.

Reed Richards and Susan Stone of Marvel ’s Zombie Universe basically figured out the problem, so they seem to be very picky. They have to activate Reed and Susan in this world as superheroes before they **** on it. power. In the words of the flower cultivator, this means eating without getting tired and eating without getting tired.

It ’s useless to eat, to eat a pile of junk food, to satisfy the desire of the tongue, to deceive your own stomach, and finally it is only you who can hang.

But in general, eating is better than not eating. After all, if you eat it, you can supplement it more or less. If you do n’t, it ’s really dry.

It can even be said that the zombies of wisdom become brainless zombies, which are self-regulating behaviors of life instinct for survival.

Kane said that the super bereavement virus is an evolution for humans, so where is the high end after becoming more high-end? This self-regulation of life instinct is one of the manifestations.

All aspects of it are strong, that is to serve a better survival, and will change according to the actual situation. In addition to reducing the largest energy-consuming unit, brainlessness actually represents a decline in the pursuit of food grade.

That is to say, when the zombies of wisdom become brainless zombies, it turns from a human to a pig, all omnivorous, but the food category of pigs can be more complicated and lower-end. For brainless zombies, they can live with blood, even fresh flesh of the same kind.

In theory, even if the brainless zombies continue to be fed high-end food, its "wisdom" will return.

In the process of non-brainization, the retention of personality consciousness is similar to the consciousness required by Kane to resurrect the knight, hummingbird, and big bear, but they must be more complete.

In this way, the technical requirements required for the restoration are much reduced, and it can even be said that it is a matter of course, as if sleeping for a while and waking up again.

The physiological characteristics of the legendary vampires are quite similar to those of the super-disease virus.

It's just another matter when I wake up and think of my Ru Mao's life as a blood drinker, whether I can accept it without being mad by those memories.

So to sum up in one sentence, after becoming a zombie, we must start a journey of desperation, and we will die.

This is brought about by the super-sacrifice virus. All people who take hunger and hunger as their own abilities, who stealthily eat two bites and are safe, will eventually be eliminated.

It can only be a **** way to kill, but for ordinary zombies, there is no better way.

This is why, in the Marvel Zombie Universe, after Chaoying's zombies, they have become a major scourge in the world, one by one.

In order to support themselves, they get what they need from each goal. Millions of ordinary people can satisfy their hunger and thirst, and it is not permanent.

So they finally chose to kill beyond the solar system, or even into the multiverse.

The New York zombies in the Marvel 199999 universe are more tragic. The gun shot the head bird and was surrounded by the shields of the SHIELD, the mystic, the Avengers, and even Hill ’s cloak, and they failed to explode. The vast majority Zombies are tampered with in the cradle, they have no future.

There is something there in Washington, but it's actually average. Because the blood-feeding way of vampires seems to be not too picky, it doesn't fundamentally solve the problem of demand for high-end food. The larger the food intake, the easier it is to become hungry.

Kane believes that the success of the vampires in Washington lies in a wave of large corpses that rises higher than waves.

It must be fierce enough, and form a **** situation, without giving humanity a chance.

If it is done, it is believed that a group of intelligent vampires that are equal to the legendary vampire will be born.

But Kane thought it was difficult for them to make things happen.

No brain is a bruise.

Not to mention human beings, even a beacon country is far from losing combat power.

The important barracks and arsenal are not in the city. The blood-sucking corpse is a beast that decides the direction of attack according to the ‘smell of food’.

Once the lighthouse country trades space for time, the vampires will not be able to wave.

Especially their intensive march and assault, humans don't do this after World War I.

Who is so **** dead.

After the explosion in Washington, the zombies attacked Silver Spring along a relatively straight road. The result was burned into a magnificent burning zone, which can be clearly seen from space. This is the best proof.

Even if the vampire is faster, it is no match for human vehicles.

In Kane's view, what is really scary is the mixed arms.

There are a large number and rich categories. Such a corpse wave is basically incurable. The fighter jets throwing bombs will appear to be inflated, and the ground has no power to stop its advancement.

This is why he did not optimistic about the human side and created a colonial planet.

The population base of the lighthouse country is still a bit less. Once it breaks out in Europe, especially in Asia, it is sour and desperate.

However, the east coast is the essence of the lighthouse country, and the population is relatively dense. The starting point is here. Kane believes that the zombies can still make some noise.

At dusk on the 1st day, the New York thugs successfully occupied the Transportation Bureau. But they did not feel very fulfilled, but chose to leave because of fear. Because there was less than an hour ago, it was Rennes's testing ground.

Although a certain degree of cleanup has been carried out, it is not detailed enough, and there are still blood stains of bone and stubble. This attempt to cover up the traces that were not successful enough, in the eyes of people with certain investigative capabilities, belongs to the desire to cover up, but it has increasingly aroused curiosity or attention.

As a result, the more you understand + brain supplements, the more shocking you are, and finally the thugs brain supplement a brutal, brutal and brutal beast with a vicious nature.

The thugs were frightened. They thought it was better not to provoke such monsters, so they ran to the small container terminal nearly a kilometer to the west and stayed there overnight until the submarine arrived.

Less than 500 meters west of the pier is LaGuardia Airport.

But this 500-meter water is relatively deep, and it is now severe winter. Like this bay, the water temperature is still relatively affected by the local climate.

What's more, the mob's equipment does not have the crossing function.

This small container terminal has a large factory-style processing workshop. Thugs used the items collected from Asian grocery stores in the afternoon to build a simple camp inside to make corrections.

The individual equipment from the Xingyao Club is not comfortable to wear. Like them, it has been regarded as high-intensity combat. Although it took nearly 3 hours to rest in the afternoon, it still feels tired physically and mentally. It can roast fire and eat something. For a while, it's already a very good enjoyment.

The humpback whale class 5 is late, and the thugs don't care too much ~ ~ They don't take much rest.

But the delay this time directly affected their next trip.

Because just at the time of their break, the outbreak of super bereavement virus in Washington has already begun.

When the late No. 5 boat arrived, it also brought new orders.

The senior management of the Star Yao Club believes that with the spread of the virus in Washington, the rescue operation in New York has no meaning.

It won't take long for most of the east coast of the lighthouse country to fall.

Xingyao's latest expectation for the New York thugs is to survive, and to pull up a capable team. Then wait for the timing and wait for new instructions.

According to this core idea, it does not make sense to capture LaGuardia Airport. There is a lack of strong logistical support. The containment point in this dangerous place has no possibility of being held. It attracts a wave of corpses and all the waves are overturned.

The thugs agree with this statement. In the face of the latest situation, the most urgent thing is not to save the people, but to seize the time, taking advantage of the corpse tide before it has developed rapidly, including finding a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Be a stronghold. After all, take the elite route, the number should not be too small, otherwise it is difficult to make a difference, and it is not easy to survive.

So the mob decided to land on Rex Island directly by submarine, collect a wave of people there, and then take a boat to Massa Vineyard Island in Massachusetts, which is south of East New York on Long Island, separated by more than 80 Kilometers.

The north and northwest of the island is the Wynyard Strait, opposite the Northen Island, and the Baziz Bay to the north. It can be said that the geographical position is better. The strait is just right in depth and width, and it is not far from the land. Recently, Xingyao Club meant to let them take the lead and take it there.

It is best to occupy the island of Nantaki, which is 6 kilometers east of it, and serve as an important stronghold for the future of the Stars in the northern part of the east coast of the lighthouse country.

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