Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 918: 9 head snake perspective

Nick Fury also knew the truth of "not afraid of not doing good things, not being good", so at the beginning of taking over the virus prevention work in New York, he sent a senior agent of SHIELD, Grant Ward.

Ward holds written and video documents from the President and the Mayor of New York City to prove his qualifications and thus obtain authority over the warden.

It has to be said that the speciality and independence of the prison is almost equivalent to that of the military. Even in an emergency, without the authorization of the president and the mayor, no one would want to be bigger than the warden in the prison.

Even the chief of the Federal Prison Service of the Ministry of Justice cannot airborne a cadre to get power from the warden.

Under the title of Special Adviser, Grant Ward, who issued a series of instructions to prison guards, is a 7th-level agent at SHIELD, and is actually a Hydra spy.

In the original series of S.H.I.E.L.D. chapters, he can be said to be the last leader of the Hydra. Like his adoptive father John Garrett, neither the pattern nor the ability is as good as that of Alexander Pierce, or even Ophelia, Madame Hydra.

In a world completely influenced by Kane's arrival, Grant Ward is still in the growth stage, and the Hydra can't get him to pick the beam.

He was Alexander Pierce's false death after leaving the SHIELD, and he was lurking in SHIELD.

His own comprehensive quality is not bad, Hydra also gave him some benefits in private, so he stood out in SHIELD and was evaluated as a pragmatic first-line performer.

Ward came to Rex Island this time with a personal purpose.

Although Hydra did not activate him as a lurker, he seemed to be self-motivated.

As an elite fielder of Hydra, he has secret channels to enjoy Hydra's information.

Therefore, Kane is not optimistic that the organization represented by Nick Fury can control and prevent the virus, which Ward knows.

He certainly did not know the existence of Kane, he did not know the true identity of Alexander Pierce, and even reported to his own online that he should kill Pierce, who caused Hydra heavy losses, by assassination.

Like many members of Hydra, Ward vaguely knew the "Far Star Project" and the founder of Hydra, a supernatural being in alien star, as strong as a god.

Later, after Pierce was incorporated by Kane, in order to integrate Hydra, he shouted the slogan "The Supreme has returned." This Ward is of course only known.

Since then, God will send out some oracles from time to time. Facts have repeatedly proven that oracles are always correct, and faith gains benefits.

Ward also had a transition process from doubt to faith.

So good, now that Oracle believes that the super bereavement virus will become a catastrophe sweeping the world, then Nick Fury's prevention measures are simply wrong in their core thinking.

Grant Ward can also understand that the official has official helplessness, and some things must be done, even if they are not optimistic, they must work hard to save. After all, compared to the loss of popular support, doing some useless work is typical of the two evils.

But he has no scruples in this regard.

The task assigned to him by SHIELD was to guard the largest prison in New York City during the disaster relief period, so as not to let the scumbags out of the prison.

In the words of Nick Fury: "Those guys, whether they are humans or zombies, are all scum and will only have a bad impact, so if they are too violent or suspected of being infected, I will allow you to adapt."

This is equivalent to killing human rights, just go back and add a report.

It is this power of life and death that has inspired Grant Ward's ambitions.

Another source of motivation for him is the company of a National Guard company.

Before the nuclear explosion on December 31, Xingyao would send backbones and order the gangs and red vests that they bought to unite. After armed, they overthrew vampires and overthrown vested interests. The government blatantly dispatched nearby garrisons Admittance, unite the police and confront it.

Officials worried about the mob attacking Rex Island Prison, so they sent a company of National Guard officers and soldiers to the island, along with 8 armored vehicles, 4 Hummers, and 2 anti-ambush vehicles.

With these hundred people and vehicles, the roundabout on the outermost edge of Rex Island has patrol forces, which can timely prevent intrusions from waterways.

Facts have proved that it is indeed very wise to send these hundred soldiers to the scene. It was because shortly after they settled in there, an electromagnetic nuclear explosion occurred, and all electronic equipment in the prison was scrapped, including some electronic door locks.

This almost caused riots and even riots in the prison.

Thanks to the armed strength much higher than the prison guards, the seemingly mighty soldiers, the newly-risk prisoners counseled, and this was suppressed in time, and there was no big trouble.

For a period of time afterwards, this team that had lost contact with the outside world had been stationed on Rex Island.

Grant Ward, holding the power of attorney from the president and mayor, also became their new boss.

It's a bit funny to say that these soldiers are more accustomed to obey orders. After the nuclear explosion caused the loss of contact, they were quite uncomfortable. After Ward came, they quickly settled down.

On the contrary, the prison guards, when this group of people did not come, relying on the prestige of the warden, no one BB, as soon as he came, they began to fly slivers, one or two expressed concern about the family or something.

In addition, they did get off work. It was less than half of the people who came to replace the class, and the prisoners were not very stable. This was the reason for the extra class.

Faced with the floating hearts of people, Grant Ward is still smart, and he directly pulled the tiger skin to talk about things. Bragging against prison guards and even the soldiers of the National Guard.

He said that in New York, where a highly contagious, highly mutated and highly fatal virus spread, who was the first to rush to the scene and take effective action?

Aegis Bureau.

He said that he came from SHIELD, whether it was the president or the mayor, who authorized him. In addition to SHIELD representing top-notch crisis public relations capabilities, it also showed the sharpness of its channels. You can interact with the top gangsters directly.

"There were troops from the disaster zone that had entered before the riots. Even they felt powerless and needed all kinds of support from SHIELD in order to survive and function. You are alone, or a group of three, dare to enter In the disaster area, dare to pass through the streets where there are no lights and may jump out of monsters at any time? "

"Recklessness is useless, it won't save your family, it will hurt yourself."

"I have a solution that is not a solution. I have channels and connections, and I can report directly to those who are in charge, and now it is my boss who manages all affairs in the disaster area."

"We abide by the rules, but we also have to be human. You are also excellent workers who are still fighting on the front line during the disaster, and your family deserves preferential treatment ..."

What Ward meant was that I was so forced to speak for you, but it was more useful than protecting and rescuing yourself.

With my words, whenever there is a possibility of rescue, your family must be prioritized. This is more reliable than solving problems by yourself.

These people are right. Without their uniforms, they are just ordinary people. Even regular combat troops with good fighting experience and good armament need external assistance. Their strength is not worth mentioning, and it is difficult to protect themselves.

They also understood what Ward said, and the news came out, but if they were rescued and their relatives were among the rescued, there would be preferential treatment. If there is no such action, then there is no complaint, not only their relatives and friends, but also many families.

In this way, the prison guards basically calmed down. Ward also talked and used the equipment he brought when he came to say hello to Shangfeng.

For Nick Fury, this is just a trivial matter. Nick Fury will not change his plan to save the relatives of those people, but if he can piggyback on his actions, it would be fine to give some discounts.

This kind of personnel verification is done by the intelligent brain of Tianma, which is meticulous, comprehensive, and basically free from mistakes.

Later, among the three refuges and even those who passed the security check, among the people who left New York, they retrieved the family members of the prison guards, and also simply spoken and reported the safety.

Therefore, these prison guards and soldiers who acted on orders also became the driving force for his ambition.

He wondered how could they use these people, even those prisoners, to build a camp on Rex Island and become a real refuge in the catastrophe.

Thinking about it, he felt that, in addition to collecting materials from the outside as soon as possible and planning for a long-term garrison, the most important thing was to obtain assistance from the Hydra.

Because the virus itself is almost unsolvable, it is not a simple geographical environment. If you keep your mouth closed, you can ensure worry-free.

There is indeed a way for Hydra, that is, the evil spirit cell worm.

Whether it is the Pierce system or the Kara system, after the Evil Cell Worm has eroded and completed the fusion with the original body, it has the highest priority, and the super-death virus cannot change it.

But the fusion of the evil spirit cell worm, this is the treatment that only their regular members have, even if those prison guards, soldiers, or prisoners want to join the party on the fire, Pierce they still don't look down on them.

Since being collected by Kane, Hydra has become more and more elitist, and will not develop offline casually. Rather, they have to undergo rigorous assessments on the premise of confirming their qualifications, not to mention the kind of temporary commitments for life. Most of the Hydra seniors are lack of cost-effective garbage.

Ward made a bold statement, saying that since the Oracle has revealed the necessity of the global spread of the virus, what do we have to do?

His online reply: "This does not need you to remind, the organization has its own plan. However, if you want to engage there, you can also, the organization will give you some support."

In this way, Grant Ward got a fusion gene medicine in the day of the 1st.

This medicament is a new product manufactured after adjustment by the brain-controlled laboratory on the Hill, based on the feedback of the use of the green skin medicament.

Its essence is still green skin agent, but its performance is not as good.

After the green skin potion is used, it can be nourished by ordinary eating like the green skin of the Warhammer universe, or it can sustain life through photosynthesis like a plant.

This new product cuts off the photosynthesis, and the external changes after use are relatively small, especially the iconic green skin, which is gone.

The development of such a medicament for the benefit of the outside world is also at the request of the Hydra.

Alexander Pierce contacted Kane because of the super bereavement virus.

He asked Kane, what should Hydra do in the face of this catastrophe?

Kane told the truth that he made a dwarf planet suitable for human survival in the Kuiper Belt as a future refuge colony. The Hydra naturally has to contribute. Otherwise, who will gather, manage and transport hundreds of millions of refugees? It ’s all Nick Fury and others who ca n’t deliver it?

Pierce said, if that's the case, we have a shortage of manpower. I plan to develop some temporary requisitioned cannon fodder. Is there a suitable antiviral agent?

The final result is this genetic agent used in conjunction with the green skin agent. Pierce they finally named ‘Titanium Elixir’.

The performance is not as good as the green skin pharmacy, but humans are visual animals. Anyway, most people would choose Titan instead of green skin when there is no way.

Grant Ward, after getting the Titan potion, became more and more energetic, and said: "My Hydra is awesome, and my god-class lord is awesome!"

All he thought about now was a big fight. As for the green skin pharmacy, the green skin team that fought in the disaster area was controlled by Nick Fury. It was his own person, so he could find a green skin to draw blood. Although the variation ratio of the injection of green skin is only a few seconds after the infection of the super-sacrifice virus, it is not a delay.

As long as a Titanized human being is born, then a large number of Titans can be generated by green skin transformation.

It has to be said that this is simply a genetic war caused by visitors from the outer universe, and the human beings in this universe have become a hapless war carrier. The four camps of Pi, Titan, Zombie, and Old Man will appear in this world, and the world will become more chaotic by then.

Kane also felt that some nasty villains used dirty and high-end weapons to destroy the world at once, and then he created a colonial star. Looking back, he was bored and could come to the world to purify.

For him, it's almost like hitting a child on a rainy day. After all, his swarm needs time to develop, and his real opponent has not yet appeared.

For people like Grant Ward, the current environment is the time for the rise of heroes. The chaos is not strong enough. The original ruling class was too repressive. It was a dragon with a plate, a tiger with a lying. Now it is a dragon with a leap. By skill, chance, and luck, you can either eat Wuding or cook!

As soon as the Titan Elixir came out, many soldiers and prison guards who had agreed with his commander had chosen to use it and joined.

This is really the case, because Hydra is not the Salvation Army Kaishan Hall, and its medicine must be said. It used to be a game similar to the "three corpse brain god", but now it is natural to take over the atmosphere of the times, genetic control, the longer the Titanization, the more complete the integration, the more will be the master.

This is a subtle influence. Pierce also used the same method to Hydra members, but now it is just a simplified version of the textbook.

Ward also vaguely knew that some of them were greasy, but he was not annoyed that he was only a passive bearer of a similar system. On the contrary, he was full of things like "one person under ten thousand". east. It's a bit of power and desire.

Originally developed quite smoothly, and it was the time for farming in minutes, and as a result, in the middle of the night, the New York thugs killed the island ...

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