Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 920: Sentinel boy

The Science and Technology Museum belongs to the Koruna Territory, next to the Queens Art Museum, Zoo, Fantasy Forest Playground, Children's Park, Skate Park, Korona Park and other large public facilities.

This place was a good place for people in nearby communities to relax and unzip, but after the outbreak of the super mourning virus, it became the isolation zone for the Hill's colonies to hunt zombies.

AI-managed Rennes has continued his experimental journey. Most of these experiments are of a combat nature and require opponents, so it is natural to enter this breath.

After confirming their identities, the cloaks adopted an attitude of turning a blind eye to them, neither blocking nor getting close.

In fact, after learning of the explosion in Washington, Maria Hill ’s focus was no longer on monitoring the first disaster area, but on a more radical refuge plan.

After some consideration, Hill chose the salt flats of Utah among the many shelters provided by Zhinao.

There is a real barren land, with scarce vegetation and no large water sources. Some experiments in the lighthouse country that require open spaces, such as nuclear explosions, supersonic rocket car trials, etc., are selected there.

Hill chose it as a new refuge mainly for two reasons.

First, unless the zombies really have no food to eat, they will not march like that.

Second, if there is an outbreak among refugees, there is room for manoeuvre so as not to infect the surrounding areas.

Hill also communicated with Nick Fury. Eventually, the two discussed and decided that the people selected for the Omega project were now placed there.

In this way, Hill and Nick no longer cover up the advanced power possessed by their opponents, and opened the personnel delivery function of the Hill and the Avengers base to the refugees, respectively.

From the perspective of modern people, this is undoubtedly a very prosperous operation.

Because it does not consider equipment wear and tear, the amount of information needed to send a person alone must be combined to run the top ten supercomputers in the world for one month, and the energy consumption is equivalent to the explosive energy of 1.2 million shields.

Take a comprehensive calculation, for each person sent, the cost is about a B2 stealth bomber.

But now the two belong to the cubs and sell them, and they do n’t feel distressed. Anyway, it ’s Kane ’s creation. For Kane, high-end technology can greatly reduce the cost.

Really want to calculate this kind of account, then what is the price of the dwarf planet that the Kuiper Belt is making for human habitation? Centuries of global human work to pay off debts? This is definitely a friendship price. From a human point of view, such a livable satellite for a hundred years of work has earned a lot of money.

In order to quickly implement the migration plan, Hill and Nick both worked hard. Nick took the Avengers' Pegasus as a large transport ship and snatched various materials from the resource pools of the occupied Washington and other regions.

There are many secret warehouses hoarding a lot of materials in Washington, DC. In the context of the fall, these secret warehouses all have the risk of being mastered by intelligent zombies. Nick ’s forced looting operation, he thinks that he has done two things with one stone.

In addition, the Queensland-style transport planes of SHIELD were also dispatched to catch people in the disaster area.

No way, Washington is the political center of the lighthouse country, and the elite gathers.

Those dignitaries have connections, news channels, early letters, as well as bodyguards and secret service escorts. Most of them are proud to escape in time, but the scholars of the Ivory Tower are not. These nerds who are obsessed with research want to play Function, the requirements for external conditions are often very high, and their own self-preservation ability is also poor, and they often have a disgusting temper, and they are abandoned when something goes wrong.

But from a human perspective, a young and promising scientist is worth more than dozens of politicians and rich people.

Therefore, whenever there is a chance, Nick has to try to save it, even he himself uses the universe cube to participate in it, fishing for people from the zombie heap.

As for the method of identifying infections, mainly by taking blood and conducting chemical tests, the blood of the green skin is the source of the reagent, and if it is infected, a rejection reaction will occur.

Bruce Banner simplifies the procedure, makes it faster and more intuitive, and is called ‘traffic light’ by people. The green light means safety, and the red light equals the winning bid.

But in fact, this way of identification is still rough.

It may not be infected during the test, but the hair and clothing are infected and then infected.

Considering this possibility, Hill and Nick established a multi-level containment and observation system.

Just like regular medical institutions do when controlling infectious diseases, it is necessary to do cleaning and epidemic prevention work. Even if treatment is completed, stay in the hospital for at least one week to avoid repeated illnesses.

For this plan, Hill withdrew a considerable part of the colony. After all, the salt soil wilderness area initially required strong armed guards to support the managers.

In the same way, Nick Fury also deployed a considerable part of the manpower. After all, it is necessary to have an executor to drive a Kun-type transport aircraft to grab people or something.

Even the Secret Masters have some corresponding arrangements. The first is to make some deployments for the future. The second is that Gu Yi said that she will use the eyes of Agomo to look back. Although many things have been finalized in the current timeline, it is still of extraordinary significance to find out the truth. Better prevent proliferation and plan for the future.

Gu Yi originally did not intend to allow the mystic mage to intervene too much in this kind of disaster on the technological side, but the situation deteriorated rapidly, human civilization was severely challenged, and the mystic mage had to do everything possible.

All in all, the main forces of your own have developed their minds with the explosion of the virus in Washington, and the investment in New York's power has dropped sharply.

And the more this is, the more fierce the external performance will be, which will deter Xiaoyue from acting rashly.

For example, Nick Fury dropped a super warm pressure bomb on Rex Island, which means this. Not only does it burn out scruples, it becomes unscrupulous.

With the destruction of the mobsters on Rex Island and the robbing of two magically modified submarines, the general manager of Xingyao in New York was annoyed.

The chief person in charge was originally building a refuge point on the side of Chenggong Lake.

As a result, after the Xingyao Club no longer attached importance to the rescue operations in New York, the general manager was less concerned.

The refuge point of Chenggong Lake is just a rough set up. Since it was opened nearly 12 hours late, Xingyao ’s reputation in the lighthouse country is not very good, so there are not many people who have taken refuge. Comparing people to the total number of refugees is not worth mentioning.

Later, when Xingyao would know that there was a big explosion in Washington, and notified that he would occupy Martha's Vineyard as a stronghold, the person in charge was unwilling to continue to operate the successful lake refuge.

He ordered the people on the side of Chengkung Lake to pack their bags and prepare for the evacuation from Little Neck, and he took a part of them to meet the attack on Rex Island.

His main concern was that the prisoners were reckless and numerous, and the mob action team could not control the scene by relying on the Bailai.

So he planned to join it, and then evacuate from Flushing Bay together with the prisoners who had taken refuge.

It is naturally impossible to transport so many people by two magically modified submarines, but Star Yao Club has hijacked two 10,000-ton ocean-going freighters and a luxury cruise ship from Nova Scotia, Maple Leaf State. There are more than enough pro star club members here.

I originally expected the humpback whale class 3 and 5 to **** all the way. As a result, my eyes were not far away, but I heard bad news.

This man came through the Long Island Expressway, which traverses Queens and passes the famous Queens College. Also through Flushing Prairie Corona Park.

From here, it is necessary to turn a nearly 90-degree turn, back on the central highway, just passing by the Science and Technology Museum.

The person in charge came over in an anti-ambush vehicle. Before Humpback Whale 3 delivered electronic equipment, the Star Club members repaired several vehicles belonging to the National Guard that were paralyzed by the nuclear explosion. This is one of them.

In order to hurry, the person in charge was very publicized along the way, breathing out, intimidating all potential enemies where they passed. Even ordinary people can feel the power of anger screaming at themselves as if they were exposed to 5 meters away as an adult.

This trick really works, even if it passes the core of the hardest hit area, no zombies jump out to provoke such a horrifying passerby.

The trustee Rennes, who is looking for a strong opponent, felt his breath from afar, before welcoming him.

But it was a green-skin team that went first.

This team is from the regular army. One person has three overseas missions and has outstanding performance. Two team accomplishments are the best proof.

As a result, he has been in bad luck since he was ordered to suppress the New York mob. Even after he became a green skin, he couldn't succumb because of one or the other. This time he was finally able to fight.

Dare to fight and fight hard, and the Warhammer Green Leather will regard fighting as the greatest fun, and take the battle to death as the best belligerent factor. One can imagine how fearless these people are.

A green skin suddenly rushed out from behind the obstacle, ran forward, and the body was still sliding forward under the action of inertia. The man had already bowed and shot on his knees, and the iron fist rocket was launched, less than 10 meters away from the vehicle. In terms of launching a bazooka, this is definitely a face-to-face operation. The Xingyao party has no time to react, and the ambulance is hit by the rocket launcher.

The angle is tricky, and the position of the strike is also very particular. Although the ambush vehicle was not shot, it was blown and rolled out because of the speed of the vehicle.

As a result, before the car finally stopped, the person in charge kicked the door of the flying car and jumped out.

There is no need to talk nonsense, just start playing.

But the green skin side is an excellent soldier, how can there be only one move in an ambush?

This is also the attack of the green skin factor, which comes with the attribute of dead day show, otherwise it will not be such a **** five-step tactic.

The person in charge of Xingyao Club had just jumped out of the car, and the person was still in the air, and he had been hit by four sniper rifles in one second.

The Barrett sniper rifle of 12.7MM caliber has full power and great power.

But the person in charge succeeded in blocking it with this golden and white light energy shield, but the person was pushed in the air by a huge inertia for several meters.

This situation made the person in charge feel embarrassed, the person was suspended in the air, the sun's light was burning like a flame, one hand punished the spear, several energy-formed spears were quickly shaped in his hand, and then thrown by him .

The other hand is the whip of light, which is also high-energy, just like the electric whip of Ivan Vanke, but it has more energy and looks better.

This whip is like a light manicure, rolled towards the green skin that fired the rocket, and the light spears that were shot exploded at the position where the sniper shot, just like a 150mm caliber heavy bombardment.

During World War II, the main damage range of the 150MM artillery shell was 9 meters. In this area, people would basically be alive and shocked. The damage caused by the shock wave is not acceptable to ordinary flesh and blood.

The light spear of the person in charge is more powerful.

But the green skin is also not an ordinary person, knowing that the target is not easy to deal with, and immediately changes position after shooting. Although it is still affected by the explosion of the light spear, but only suffered some injuries, this injury often takes more than 10 minutes. Keep it up.

As for the person who used the rocket launcher, since the provocations were provocatively exposed, there were naturally two brushes. Although the dangers of being forced from the beginning were engulfed, they were not stopped in seconds, and the person in charge had to fight with spirit.

The Green Leather team launched another wave of attacks, and the person in charge was also annoyed to use various extraordinary attacks.

All are based on energy shaping as the essential blow, like the hammer of judgment and the blade of judgment.

When the former strikes, the ground shakes within a few tens of meters, and mud and gravel are all flicked up, just like a bombardment by a ship with a caliber of more than 300 mm.

The latter is a line cut, sharp and unmatched, nothing is cut, one hit, within a hundred meters distance, all on this line will be cut open.

This group of former soldiers has been completely subverted when they became the green skin ~ ~ At this moment, it is a superhero-style task, and it is also fearless, with various tactics and coordination with the person in charge.

The person in charge became more frustrated and angry because he could not get some of these people in a while, and even one of them could not be killed.

He decided to go all out.

The power of the Sun Gate opened to a new height, and the majestic energy formed a spatial distortion, spotted stars and energy vortices visible to the naked eye.

On his body, water-like liquid energy was flowing, dyeing his entire body golden.

He was Billy, a friend and comrade of the sentry, and once had a good relationship like the American team and the Winter Soldier.

However, in the Marvel universe, Billy eventually became one of the rivals of the sentry because of jealousy and wildness. Together with the enemy of the sentry, he killed other members of the sentry family.

In this universe, Billy did not become the enemy of the sentry, nor the strength of thousands of suns, but it was still very strong after all, about the strength of Thor like Thor.

He is now full of firepower, and he has the strength of Thor after the thunder has returned to power in the three chapters of Thor.

At this time, the green skin can't eat it.

Billy was only powerful before, and his speed was relatively average.

It is now more powerful and very fast.

The person who fired the rocket was disturbed by Billy's men who came down from the ambush car, and then Billy seized the opportunity, wrapped in a whip of light, and strangled into several sections.

After that, he shot with a wave of light like a Vulcan machine gun, shooting the two green skins together with the obstructions into a sieve. Several injured.

On the other hand, the green skin's shooting grenades were resisted by the golden light such as water.

Looking at the situation, the situation turned sharply and entered the one-sided link. Rennes is here.

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