Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 921: Please stand firm

The car was overturned by the fish in his eyes, and after a long battle, Billy the Sentinel boy became angry and angry.

In fact, he is not young. He is in his 30s and has two overseas combat experiences. In theory, it should be relatively calm.

However, gaining the power of the sun to become a superhuman person makes his mentality expand, and he feels that with his original combat qualities, coupled with this super ability, he is also top-notch among superheroes.

Being arrogant, but frustrated here, naturally feels extremely unbearable, so the means are exhausted.

In order to kill the enemy efficiently, I saw him with his fists clasped, his arms stretched out, lifted up and raised flatly, the front end energy gathered to form a spotted star, an energy vortex, the whole process was done in one go, obviously amplified, but the warm-up time was extremely short, Arms carry ghost images.

Then, a bright plasma beam with a diameter of more than two meters is ejected. After the ejection, there is still a ray of light.

Ryan, who happened to be on the scene, saw this scene, and the impact was shared with Kane. Kane, who was paying attention to the progress of the big explosion in Washington, glanced at his busy schedule and commented with half a joke: "Humanoid starship particle cannon, it can also ..."

For Kane, it is okay, the skills are jerky, and there are no creative highlights, but a sense of both eyes. Such a character, he is not interested in shooting himself.

However, the green skins are a bit unlucky. The mobile fire point composed of 6 people who was bombarded by Billy has always been the biggest threat to Billy. Although it does not break the defense, it is stiffened by continuous kinetic energy, which is very uncomfortable. .

This time it was a complete recovery. The Greenskins knew that Billy was strong, but he didn't expect that his 'bigness' could be displayed so quickly.

The 5 people couldn't dodge, and they were burnt to the outside and were called tender chickens. The only one who escaped his life was also a level 5 burn. Half of his body was scorched, and he made a subliminal howl.

At this moment, Ren, who didn't even have a sentence, started.

"Be careful!" Billy's men reminded him.

Although the ratio was not seen, the airflow change caused by the powerful attack was felt. The corner of the mouth slightly raised, and the heart said: "Want to yin me? Dream!"

He learned from experience that what was attacked was physical, not energy. He has conducted tests privately, and he can carry even the 35mm machine guns that are more common in the modern army, and he has a deep sense of his defense.

Indeed, there are not many moves that can break through 35mm machine guns.

But when Billy tried to kick the flying blow with a beautiful roundabout kick, and turned halfway to see the incoming object, he couldn't help but scold the mother.

The bombardment was not a fist, but a huge rock with a diameter of more than 5 meters. This thing was a part of many natural things here a few seconds ago. At this time, Renn easily broke a large piece. When asked The road blasted over.

"Hey!" Billy exhaled, kicking back and forth on the boulder, he kicked it back and forth for more than ten meters, and rolled on the ground again, plowing out a long groove of several meters.

However, the effect of force is mutual. He has limited self-weight, and he was also blasted out.

In such a situation, Rennes' real attack came.

At this time, the Billiards were in the air, and there was no way to forcefully change their direction. The response they could make was very limited.

At the level of Rennes, the speed of the crossbow arrows in his eyes is similar to the speed of the ball and the movement of the ball in the eyes of ordinary people. Billy flying in the air naturally did not shoot the crossbow arrows faster, so it became a A high-quality target, like a baseball with his own hands, he has full confidence to hit a home run.

It was also a kick, but it was a run-up kick.

boom! In the gas explosion sound like a high-energy grenade exploded, Billy was even worse than the boulder just kicked by him, and the whole person flew around.

It was supposed to perform a water-drifting effect on the ground once, with three touches on the ground, a burst of soil flowers, and a pit in the ground. Unfortunately, he failed to stop his body until the fourth landing. He seized the opportunity, used both hands and feet, and drew a long dent on the ground like a sledge, which only resolved the strength.

However, before waiting for Billy to react, Rennes's second foot arrived.

The speed of his movement is faster than the speed of Billy Fei's fall. Especially after the effect of ‘drifting’, Billy ’s speed will gradually decrease, which will make him more comfortable to catch up.

In fact, he will also encounter a reaction force when kicking, but he is more skillful and has enough related preparations, so the hysteresis effect is not obvious, and it is less likely to be reversed.

Rennes kicked a world wave on his second foot. Billy rolled and continued to fly in the air with an arc.

Although there is still no defense, but this wave of operation of Rennes is really looking at the dry green skin of the comrades who have just died.

"Is it such a show? Playing like a ball?"

There is no doubt that Rennes can continue his pursuit in the air, because Billy flew an arc and he cut a straight line.

Billy was mad at this humiliation.

But he has no better way. His physical skills are no problem for ordinary people, but compared to his overall strength, fighting skills are actually a shortcoming.

It usually does n’t show up, but it ’s a tragedy when it comes to Rennes, especially when Rennes takes the lead. Rennes is not in the best position. If Billy ca n’t come up with a decent 'brake' technique, he will always So kick.

At the same time, the puppets under Rennes simply killed Billy's men.

Both sides use strong and abundant energy as the main support of the battle.

However, in terms of technology, Rennes is clearly superior.

Although Billy's men use the power of Billy, the energy output is comparable to Thor's three chapters Thor's energy output during the Battle of Rainbow Bridge, but the method is relatively simple.

As a result, two flesh-shield puppets who were staring at the energy shield rode directly on their faces, hammering to death.

The remaining one reminded Billy before, he was cast by the black witch puppet to break down the energy shield, and then cut off his head with a hand knife.

Billy was so self-sufficient that he could only watch the broken wings, but could not intervene.

Maybe it was irritated, or maybe Ryan woke him up.

After Billy was kicked off for the fifth time, he finally thought of it, he said: "Why do I have to try to stop the momentum with my hands and feet, I can burst!"

As his head opened, he saw the power of the liquid sun on the surface of his body, and suddenly all of it was condensed, just like the flames suddenly receded in the pipe with the telling flow of air, ‘huh! In the sound of the sound, there was no trace.

Following that, when Rennes kicked again, Billy exploded like a big bomb.

This not only slowed down, but also delayed Rennes' progress.

Although in the end it was still kicked off.

Billy has mastered the trick, and this time Rennes is not very comfortable playing, and his speed is also behind. Billy thinks that at most two more times, he can pull back the disadvantage, instead of being constantly kicked. Ball rolling like a ball.

However, this time Ryan did not pursue, but began to show his skills.

Seeing a backflip completely dissolving the power of Billy's explosion, his feet were firmly and heavily inserted into the ground, followed by a wave of circular earth waves that spread as his energy was released.

Deeper than earth waves, it is the energy of bright root-like fissures that form on the ground like a fissure.

What's amazing is that at the end of these energies, magic patterns and mysterious symbols were eroded on the ground.

This trick alone is much smarter than Billy.

Billy has never eaten pork and has seen Pig Run, knowing that this charge attack by Rennes, once successfully issued, the power is absolutely terrifying.

He said: "Never let him do it!"

Therefore, even if he has not yet stood firm, the person is still in the air, still trying his best, throwing two energy bombs.


The golden translucent energy shield on Rennes only flickered when he took the blow, letting him see its true face. Normally, it is not obvious, which fully shows Rennes's technicality and control.

Upon seeing this, Billy knew that ordinary strikes could not break Rennes' defense. So he abandoned the half-hanger attack, stopped his body, and tried his best to accumulate energy.

He also has a charge attack, which is the previous light cannon. In theory, the charge charge is about 12 seconds, which can knock down the peak of power.

Of course, in a real battle, it is difficult to have such an opportunity to accumulate power, especially when encountering a powerful opponent, the chance of accumulating power for a long time is even slimmer.

Therefore, after special training, Billy mastered the skill of being able to play and can charge, and he could shoot at any time, but he could also keep saving.

The bombardment of the Greenskins before was a typical example of firing as soon as you were ready.

So the two sides of the battle started to accumulate from extremely moving to extremely quiet.

The Black Wizard puppet wanted to help, but was stopped by Rennes.

It was difficult to meet a beating opponent, which was just used to test some projects. It was too boring to kill easily.

In order to stimulate the opponent's blood and potential, Rennes deliberately used humiliation to kick the opponent like a gourd. How can outsiders now destroy such battle data collection?

He also gave orders to the black witches and other puppets to make them pay attention to the green skin, so as not to disturb his ‘good thing’

After three seconds, Billy appears to be oncoming, and the whole person looks like a radiant sun, a bright flame, filling the area within a radius of 1 meter and a distance of 10 meters. You can see the phenomenon that the air is distorted by its power.

However, after two seconds, the sound of Rennes was even more amazing. The ground was shaking, and the high-frequency vibrations like the copper pan of the sieve sands filled the ears of people.

Billy's face changed slightly, and he felt the horror of Rennes' power.

In fact, he felt that it was less than one-fifth of the total strength. After all, Renn ’s control is extremely high. This phenomenon means that the majestic power cannot even be perfectly controlled by him.

Two seconds later, the ground began to crack and spray light, straight up, straight up to the sky, the first one was one by one, then the beam, then the strand, and finally the pillar, the black beam of light, as if to put the clouds Blackened.

In fact, it is indeed black, and the corresponding lead cloud changes drastically, and becomes darker and deeper. The red, orange, and green magic arcs flow, and the brewing trend is very obvious.

Billy was already greeting Rennes's female family, playing fantasy when she didn't agree. The situation in front of me is obviously unscientific. What is this for? Summon meteorites?

In the field, there has been flying sand and rocks, the huge suction is rapidly forming, with the circle of Rennes as the core, and the black arcs around it. The fool can see that once sucked in, there is absolutely no good.

The green skins are naturally not stupid. They realized that the play could not be seen at close range. They should hide farther and farther. Not because of fear of death, but this level of confrontation, they go up to give away, although they are proud of the death of war, but they will not die lightly.

"Quick withdrawal!" Greeted the leader and ran wildly.

They withdrew very decisively, but they saved their lives.

Energy collapse begins, reality coheses, and then bursts.

Billy bombarded Wren at the moment of cohesion. He couldn't help it. He felt that he would be the one who finished the job.

The other party was really too evil, and the energy gathered gathered him, making him tremble with fear.


Billy's attack is quite powerful, and it really has the momentum of the starship's main gun. The fiery white beam of energy engulfed Ren in a stern manner.

But Billy didn't have the slightest joy, but understood that he had completely failed in this round of confrontation.

Sure enough, the white light dissipated, revealing Ren, who was protected by the force field, and Ren took the blow of Billy hard, unscathed.

Billy said nothing and ran away.

At this moment, Ren's body burst into energy, which was also golden light, but not the gold color of Billy's, but the deeper gold and **** red.

The aura of shock waves, accompanied by scarlet lightning, swept in all directions in a diffuse manner of rotating cutter wheels, cutting everything.

Billy fiercely shrank, and the energy was full.

Afterwards, I felt like I was in the furnace, every inch of my body was suffering from extreme heat.

What scared him even more was the crazy loss of the power of the sun.

It was as though Rennes was a black hole, and although the Sun Gate on his side was a small window, it was still sucked insanely.

Billy knew that this was not a good thing, but he did not dare to close the gate of the sun. Without the power of the sun, he was afraid that he would be pumped into the population every second.

But this is not the way to do it now. The pumping efficiency of Rennes has already exceeded his upper output limit per unit time, that is to say, his Sun Gate is melting!

Billy is not even in the mood to blame her mother, only to lament her bad luck. How come you encounter such a rare monster, a human black hole? This is too good, right?

In fact, Rennes, which is managed, is only testing the energy throughput efficiency of biological fusion cells.

Due to the large amount of extraordinary power required, either Kane personally took part in the participation, or just like this, find an ‘extraordinary high-energy battery’.

The specific fusion, imitating the sun, is first hydrogen, then helium, and then carbon. The details are naturally extremely complicated, as if there are tens of thousands of miniature fusion furnaces on the body at the same time. Also consider the overall effect and so on.

Rennes have fun, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com Billy is suffering in a hurry, want to run away, can only resist desperately.

And for the green skins, they lost their lives. They fled a few hundred meters in embarrassment. Looking back, they saw a huge rotating semi-spherical sphere on the ground. The sphere was made of smoke and gold-red Composed of flame waves, these energies and dust roll and sway, destroying everything within range.

Even if it was the periphery, the sand and stones flew away, and the trees with thick human legs were directly pulled up and rolled in, and then burned and crushed by the twist.

"Is this really a human effect? ​​It's too exaggerated!"

"My three views have been subverted again!" ...

The green skins dismissed the heart palpitations and shocks with meaningless nonsense. As a result, they heard a gentle male voice interject: "Is it convenient to tell me what happened? My good friend seems to be involved."

The green skins looked over and saw a handsome blond man wearing a golden corset and a wide black belt, which is the kind of wwe competition champion belt, but he is not so fancy, only one is flowing gold The energy s, the sentry arrived ...

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