Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 925: No surprises

It is said that politics is the art of compromise.

Kane basically agreed.

After all, in reality, there is no absolute difference in strength between each other, even if it is strong, it is not strong enough to pay the other party at will.

But in a world where extraordinary power exists, such absolute difference is possible, just like the stone age people and the information age people, even more exaggerated.

The absolute difference is broken, and the next is often the unscrupulous show lower limit.

Kane did not like the Jews, but this does not mean that he endorsed the nuclear peace incident in Tel Aviv that the Stars and the Arabs made.

There are some things that Kane does n’t want to talk about or ask questions about, but it does n’t mean that she does n’t know, for example, the death of an innocent person.

Many people just want to run their own lives, live a good life, be safe with themselves, most of the time they are tolerant, make occasional dizziness and make some mistakes, and most of them are not unforgivable sins, most of them even Willing to lower the dignity of being a person again and again, only to ask him and his wife, children and children to live in peace.

Such a person was tragically killed, really a bit wrong, let alone those naive children.

But Kane also knows that the country is like a giant. When there is a collision at this level, it is difficult to achieve the right details.

Plus the individual's will and emotions to play, so it will perform bad things, even the kind of shocking. For example, the constant friction between the Palestinian-Israeli border and the issue of Jerusalem.

Hate accumulates, and each person's hands are covered with the blood of the other party. This problem is really difficult to determine who is right and who is wrong.

It's just that, emotionally, most humans have the instinct to pity the weak, so the Palestinians are more pitiful. In some respects, it can be seen as a reproduction of the humiliation period of the flower cultivator for a hundred years, and even more malicious.

For example, genetic weapons, such as not giving the Haikou blockade at all, even taxes, imports and exports, are all under control.

The Palestinians are being completely utterly abolished mentally and physically, their physiques become scum, ignorance and low education, and the group gradually shrinks or even disappears.

These are the truth, but the Palestinians have no channel to speak, and the Jews tried to cover up so much that the situation in that place is far more fierce than the place where Ethiopia first mentions famine.

If one of the two populations, Arabs and Jews, must disappear completely.

Kane would choose Jews.

This world does not require too many businessmen, and from the contribution of the population to human civilization and hindsight, Kane feels that the existence of the Jews is doing more harm than good.

As for the Arabs, if you look at the history, they will find that their place serves as a buffer zone for Eurasia and is rich in two traffickers. Arab merchants were also very famous in ancient times, and there was no shortage of good or bad names.

It was only later that their cousins, the Jews, continued to deepen this way, but because the Arabs had black gold in their homes, they lived a local tyrant who became rich by selling mines.

The mine is sometimes sold out. And the group that was fed and abandoned will naturally decline.

Kane feels that the Arabs ’present future can be compared to a bowl of spit-roasted rice without having to be jealous that they are now eating meat because they will only eat rice in the future.

Has such a thought, Kane, sat watching the star power of Yaoyao in the Middle East.

The result was one, two came soon.

Hamas, the biggest difference between this organization and Fatah is that they advocate the use of force to solve problems, while Fatah is mainly consultation.

Let Kane say that both of them make sense, Fatah ’s strategy is more grounded, and the core of its approach is to use international public opinion to suppress the Jews ’malicious intentions against Palestine, thus exchanging time for Palestinians to recuperate. .

And Hamas is the backbone of the Palestinians.

Said that well: after kneeling for a long time, it is not easy to stand up.

Think of a flower cultivator who has led human civilization for more than a thousand years. After a hundred years of humiliation, in modern times, all envy the European and American moons more round, or all kinds of sour and jealous, refuse to recognize the achievements made by foreigners, money worship, The material desires are sloppy, the poor and the poor laugh, and various paragraphs are not as good as their own, such as A Sanjia, but they do not know that when they struggled to tighten their belts, at least in the eyes of outsiders, that image is not much stronger than the current A Sanjia.

Kane felt that this was a proof of lack of self-confidence, and lack of self-confidence meant that he was limited.

Has been a cow for a thousand years, and has been kneeling for more than a hundred years. This is already a comparison. It can be seen that the glory and pride brought by the ancestors can not be compared with the impact of the various subtle and imperceptible ones.

What's more, in the era of great information flow, from the individual to the group, the changes in the mental appearance of the entire nation and population are as fast as the accelerated chemical reaction. I am afraid that it will only take decades. Don't forget the national shame. Empty talk.

Therefore, the preservation of blood and the spirit of daring to shine the sword are the foundation of a population, otherwise there is no need for this population to exist.

Kane thinks so.

But he also knew that the actual situation was far more complicated than that.

Whether it is Hamas or Fatah, the Jews will not let go.

In comparison, they really hate Fatah, especially Arafat ’s ‘international beggar’, which uses public opinion as a weapon to corrupt the image of Jews and make people all over the world hate Jews. Although the Jews were arrogant, they were not arrogant enough to be hostile to other races around the world.

So from a conspiracy theory point of view, they and Hamas, who prefer to have only the courage of the average person, anyway, this organization that relies on the Arab brothers to secretly stuff some money, whether in weapons or training, is far from the hoopoe. There is no such thing as a leader of the military **** style. The hoopoe troops with the overwhelming advantages of the lighthouse country, including the map, can definitely crush them.

Sure enough, after Arafat's death, Fatah was scattered and Hamas was beating around. He was seized by the hoopoe to seize the opportunity and got more and more real profits. Later, he was still the lighthouse country at the hoopoe. All the embassies have moved to Jerusalem.

It is only 60 years since the United Nations established the country for the Jews in Palestine in 1948. The Jews have been in a position to completely expel or eat the Palestinians. For the existence of the state, this is really very efficient. It is conceivable how many Palestinians experienced the loss of power and humiliation of the country and the destruction of their families.

And in the Marvel 199999 universe on January 3, 2010, the Palestinians suddenly won.

Won very thoroughly, the country of hoopoe completely disappeared from this world. Because his people were basically wiped out.

The Star Yao Club used an unknown special weapon, which was rumored to be aimed at the human spirit. All Jewish believers and their families in the area were killed.

'S state of death is strange, like being frozen to death, smiling, it seems that walking is not painful, but there is no blood in their blood vessels, but a powder like sand.

On this day, well-known Jews were assassinated all over the world, including the lighthouse country, with a very strong ritual execution, women and children, old and young, one did not stay, and even the dog was killed.

Global uproar? No, there is a global silence.

Genocide, this is not the first time in human history, but this time the most thorough and neat, especially in the modern era where the overall moral level has been significantly improved compared to ancient times, this kind of thing makes many people can not believe it is true, After waiting for the letter, what followed was cold from the heart.

Many people can't help asking such a question: Is humanity going to die?

There is a saying in the flower family: the country will perish, there must be evil spirits.

Is now a similar atmosphere, but it is of a worldwide nature, look at the lighthouse country, and then look at the hoopoe that was suddenly extinct.

The dead-hand system of the Hoopoe bird family didn't have time to start, and it had already lost all the people who were able to execute it.

Half of the Jews have died, most of the remaining half are in the lighthouse country where the super bereavement virus is erupting, and the progress is worrying, and the sporadic spreading in other countries can be said to be out of climate.

The population base is too small, and it has been allowed to multiply. It will take at least a hundred years for it to regain its scale. By that time, its position on the international arena has long been replaced.

Of course, at this time, all the countries in the world were eating the crowd, and they were not so pessimistic about the Jewish people.

Mainly because they feel that the situation in the lighthouse country will improve. Even if the Great Lakes region is lost, including the neighboring maple leaf countries Quebec and Ontario, the lighthouse country is still not completely finished, at least some old and left. Because the barren central region of the lighthouse country is a natural buffer zone, no matter how stupid the lighthouse people are, they will not let the zombies eat along the railway line or highway line by station, but will carry out large-scale migration and necessary facilities. damage.

Another reason why people who eat melons is optimistic is that a mysterious force has appeared and joined the ranks of anti-zombies.

For example, Hydra, one of the demonstrations of this organization Gongkai's appearance is the nuclear weapons of the lighthouse country's nuclear arsenal seized. The ruling parties and the people of all countries have felt at ease. One of their biggest concerns is the wisdom of zombies, the use of nuclear weapons from the lighthouse country, and a global nuclear war.

Now only needs a rough calculation to know that even if the intelligent zombies have nuclear weapons and can be activated, the number is basically not enough to worry about.

The arrival of the Qitarui Puppet Corps on January 3 also brought certain confidence to the people who eat melons.

To prevent human beings from being surprised, Kane asked Nick Fury to come forward.

Nick is happy to carry this kind of pot. At the same time, after learning the identity of the Kitari people and the approximate process of how to become an obedient puppet, Kane has a deeper understanding.

Nick let S.H.I.E.L.D. walk to the stage completely and held a press conference, stating that this was an alien friend he had invited before. After hundreds of light years, he finally arrived.

Although the Chitarians are ugly in appearance and strange in temperament, they do n’t look like good goods at first glance, and they have a high degree of prostheticization. They can even talk about semi-biological and semi-mechanical, which can help disaster relief.

It did n’t take long for the ugly and cute Q version of the Chitari dolls, key chains, etc. to be available in various countries.

Sales are still very good, and some avant-garde women crying and shouting that they want to give Chitari a monkey for life, and I do n’t know if it is true love and no race, or for the sake of Bo eyeball.

Kane commented on this: "This is human beings, optimistic and open-minded, or nervous, or amused than secondary two, short-sighted self-deception, it is difficult to say clearly."

9 days, from the 4th to the 13th, human beings enjoyed 9 days of relatively peaceful days.

They didn't know that this was the tranquility before the storm, back to the light, the last peaceful time.

But it does n’t matter, people have their own attitudes towards life, and some people die any day, without too much regret, because they have done their best to live every day according to their wishes; some people live more and regret more Since the end of the dead, I still hope Xiangtian will take another 500 years.

And Kane, in some indifferent and vulgar words, at this time he feels very special, he jumped out of the red dust category and can watch all this as a bystander. This is the privilege of God.

Dark old days dominate the universe, the old and the new era of mankind he failed to see, this time it is a make up.

On January 14, Reed Richards and Susan Stone were hungry, and they ate in Paris. After 4 hours of the fall of Paris, the end of the Europeans opened.

The poor performance of Europeans has shocked the world ’s humans.

This may be related to their national high welfare, outsourcing industry, military and hard work, dressing up their hometowns as natural and cultural scenic spots, and then lying in the endless wealth brought by the financial scissors gap and the advantages of technology and trade. Live a good life and lose the **** result.

In the past days, humans around the world can only see some skins, such as the various decadent navy of the John Bull family, the Hans Mao family white left, and the Gaul chicken family's grinding foreign workers can quickly rival the Greeks ...

Many people's understanding of these countries was still in World War II, but it used to be that the sun never set. The thin and dead camel was bigger than the horse, and the Hans cat challenged the world almost alone.

It was only after the super explosion that it was discovered that the great powers had already become paper shells of the craftsmanship of pasting. They were well painted, and they were even out of stock. They were completely empty.

When North America, including Maple Leaf, still has 9 states that have not been completely fallen, shouting: "Cordillera is our last barrier, unite and defend our last homeland", Europe has completely lost its cleanliness.

The line of defense for zombies and humans is stabilized at the Black Sea Strait with Istanbul at the southern end, while on the north line, the Mao Xiong's Moscow defense battle was unsuccessful this time.

The zombies have been attacking the Ural Mountains ~ ~ The momentum gradually slowed down, and finally it was the harsh natural environment of Siberia that won the respite.

At the same time, Australia and South America fell, and Africa was only two days late.

In Asia, where the world ’s population accounts for the largest proportion, it was the last to fall. I have to say that this is a bit ironic.

But, it's just a few days earlier, a few days later. No one wants Asians to succeed.

Asians do not have an egg longer than people on other continents. On the 25th, outbreaks occurred in the three homes. Mumbai, New Delhi, and Chennai broke out almost simultaneously.

On the 26th, the footbath house opened the end of the zombie, perhaps because the tourism propaganda was too good. Reed and Susan, the couple of dogs and men decided to look at the snow scene in Hokkaido. .

As for the flower cultivators, it is because of the bay, when the epidemic broke out there, the mainland ruling party did not mean to refuse to accept refugees, and then ...

From Kane ’s point of view, it is worth mentioning that the super mourning virus has a higher compatibility with a certain component of rare earth. Therefore, in the flower cultivator, there is one more variant of the super mourning virus that can be used as other zombies. The red-eyed zombies are called red-eye zombies because their eyes are uniquely blood-red, regardless of the white eyes or pupils.

Kane's evaluation of this is: "I have lived up to the name of big foodie."

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