Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 926: 0 years

"Kane is coming, the little guy is taking care of my stomach!" Anne spoiled for Kane.

Kane put down the steak being grilled, closed the fire door a little, and walked to Annie while smiling: "Is this guy so naughty, I listen to what he wants to say."

Then wrapped around her waist, kneeled halfway, her ears pressed against Annie's belly, and listened pretentiously. And Anne touched Kane's head with her hand, and her face was satisfied. Now, the three most important men in her life, two are by her side, which makes her feel at ease.

Nick Fury saw such a very common scene in the world.

Of course, he is very clear to achieve this, the cost is unimaginable.

The longer he lived, the more knowledge he had, the more he awed those things that seemed ordinary, thoughtful, and magical, because that often represented Weili.

Kane naturally knew that Nick was coming, but he still had him wait for 3 hours.

Is not to take a stand, but for him, some happiness, some people, really use a little, a little less, need to do and cherish.

Today is the Marvel 199999 universe earth human calendar July 2109 AD, less than half a year later, is the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of super-virus.

Many people are gone, Ovilla, Monica, even real old Adams and so on.

In the Avengers, Iron Man is already the third generation and Hawkeye is the fourth generation, but Natalie Romanov is still the first generation, probably because people without a family are more independent and selfish.

Kane ’s position with Nick is now on a super starship named ‘Kaijin Palace’.

It is a farewell gift for salary king Kane.

Salary King Kane is a man with a full sense of mission. After digesting the power of infinite gems, he left the universe. Where he went, c. Kane has no right to know.

However, c Kane still separated his memory in the form of soul information points, and the salary king brought it to the deity, which was regarded as his account of the deity.

Kai Jingu is not one of those remains of the starships in the dark outer world that dominates the outer space-like mechanical environment. Instead, it was refined by a dwarf planet by the king of the king. It is a display of the power after fully integrating the power of the infinite gemstone, which is more memorable.

C Kane habitually let it exist in the form of a planet. Currently in the solar system, the distance from Pluto is about the distance from Jupiter to Pluto, which is close to Eris, which is about 27% higher than Pluto.

This is already the boundary of the solar magnetic field, the terminal shock wave day sheath, and the top layer of the solar wind.

Further outward, it is boundless, and any place where there is a large mass needs to cross a few light years of interstellar space.

Here, relying on the power of the sun, it is impossible to maintain the earth-like environment.

Therefore, all the environments here are artificial, and naturally include the Mojave Desert that Anne is familiar with.

For Anne, or for himself, c Kane completely cloned the entire area, with an area of ​​about 700,000 square kilometers.

As for people, it has changed a few times.

The reason is that sometimes Kane has no time to compensate Anne.

And when this happens, for Anne, time is suspended. She will fall asleep naturally. In fact, this sleep may be more than ten years, but for her, it is an ordinary night, or even a nap.

Kane can of course extend Annie's life.

But not everyone can bear the weight of a long life.

More importantly, Kane believes that once that is done, many things will become bad. Including his own experience.

So he said that the seemingly ordinary small days between him and Annie, in Nick Fury's eyes, the price is astronomical. Of course, Kane waves.

The child is also, because of his physique, Anne cannot raise him offspring, even if pregnant, the child will squeeze and dry Anne at the embryonic stage.

So this is also artificial, and I thought of many ways to solve it, just to have a relatively ordinary life. This is the happiness in the eyes of c Kane, similar to the kind of migrant workers who have been working for several hours in a row, and then nibbling a few iced watermelons.

"How can you, a busy person, come to visit? Isn't it nearly half a year before the 100th anniversary of the catastrophe? Is it too early to watch the ceremony?"

99 years ago, Kane finally kept his promise and opened 12 large transmission channels, transferring a total of 220 million people on earth.

A large part of these people escaped to heaven at the last moment.

Later, in order to prevent future generations from forgetting this civilized catastrophe, and in order to return to their hometown on a certain day, on December 31 each year, it was designated as the "end of the year" for all mankind. The year is even more grand, and this kind of century is more and more needless to say.

Today, only Nick Fury can invite Kane.

Speaking of Nick, he regretted it a little bit. If he knew that Kane had the most affection for mankind at the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, he would n’t be able to pretend to be himself, not relying on the comparison of the fairy emperor Even if it was a stalker, Kane shot, perhaps the destiny of humanity can not deviate from the established trajectory.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world.

Kane created a new creation star, and after completing the salvation, his emotions for the new humans were obviously weakened.

Is very normal, I can't find my feelings, even if there is a new York or something on Chuang Shenxing, it is two concepts with the world familiar in Kane's memory.

Since this is the case, it is impossible for Kane to still be active in the human community.

And Nick Fury and others naturally hope that Kane can still maintain a high emotional temperature with humans, so he always finds some excuses to invite Kane to interact with humans.

But this time, it is not because of these, but it is indeed something.

"The last wise zombie ended his life with self-sufficiency, as you predicted two hundred years ago."

Kane smiled and invited Nick to take two steps and chat while walking. He corrected: "It's just speculation, not prophecy. Forget it, there is no need to worry about these. You want to express that the time for humans to return to their parent star is ripe. This time The meaning of the end anniversary of 200 years is double? "

"Uef (Earth Federation) does have such a plan, but I want to listen to the opinions of SHIELD and the guardian temple, and I want to hear your views. After all, whether it is green skin, Titan, or dwarf, all Since you, you have the most say in their temperament and ideas. "

"Oh, do you want to understand the characteristics of these three races? Haven't you observed it for two hundred years? Oh, forget it, I want to listen to my Dao Gu, so I will tell you what they know about their origin." ...

Nick Fury attaches great importance to the past of the three tribes because human technology has made amazing progress in the past two hundred years, including the field of genes.

After intensive research, it was discovered that the concept of population temperament exists. It is the subconscious inheritance of many generations in the past, and many characteristics have been shaped before even having civilization.

Therefore, to understand a wise population, its history and origin are very important reference data.

Nick wants to make more preparations in this regard so as to better interact with strangers in the future.

Alien, this is the name of the new human beings for the intelligent creatures on the earth who have a close blood relationship with them. It has been called so more than 100 years ago.

Obviously, gratitude is not a virtue that mankind really has, but only one of many desirable and admired qualities.

Anyway, it is two generations. Forty or fifty years, human beings have forgotten. Their grandfathers had lived and died together with dwarves and green skins, and many of them have received their favors. Because in that year, pure humans did not Sufficient physical fitness against zombies.

Regarding this issue, Kane felt that it would be more appropriate to use the sentence "The lord's lord is not my lord".

Young people don't like to listen to old people's Daogu, because it is often associated with seniority and preaching.

Young people are also reluctant to bear the burden of their elders, whether it is positive or negative, of course, if it is a second grandfather who can let him inherit a lot of property, it is acceptable. After all, becoming a rich person overnight, nor Affect the realization of the ambition in my heart.

Kane was also young and knew their psychology. The most they want to say to their elders is: b is really a lot of words, I'm tired of listening. These are all simple truths, when I am mentally retarded? Repeatedly, I have understood for many years ...

Kane himself spent more than ten years before gradually realizing that understanding is different from understanding. Knowledge can be a tool for some people to learn and apply, while for others it is just knowledge.

Out of the situation, you need to come up with a solution. There is no concept or idea in your mind. Other people's solutions are taken over and looked at. Oh, that's all. What kind of whimsy should I be, these bad street things, I can also think of it.

Why can't I think of someone's plan before I see it? Because I understand, but not deep enough.

Therefore, Kane believes that most people actually have a "cheap" attribute. It is difficult to learn from the lessons of others. You have to be beaten and hit the wall, and then remember it. Or understanding from the heart.

Therefore, he can still give back to the new human beings after two hundred years, and he has no expectation. Although with the development of technology, the average human life span has been stabilized at 120 years old, not Those who experienced the Holocaust are still alive.

In terms of spiritual civilization, there is still not much progress, and it still shows shortcomings such as short-lived species and short-sightedness.

Therefore, he does not like young people of the new humanity, even if he knows strictly that it is not the fault of those young people, after all, everyone is young, there are no young people who do not make mistakes, and are not in the second place. But he just didn't like it, or said that he was too lazy to tolerate and to be considerate.

Sometimes he also laughed at himself, clearly mastering the power beyond ordinary people's imagination, but still like an old angry youth, this is hypocritical, this is sick.

But after calmly examining himself, he found that it was indeed him. He still had many shortcomings. Being a **** was not as good as he had thought. Even now, he asks himself, there is still a fear in his heart, he does not know the real What kind of God should be, but he always feels that he is still a lot worse ...

Then he gradually discovered that he would always be like this, always a breath away from the ideal image, and there would always be this fear in his heart until he died out completely.

Of course, in the eyes of others, he may be different, just like in those years, those successful people are very hung.

Nick Fury mentioned Black God and Hydra after listening to his Taoism.

A few decades ago, Nick knew about the past of the Black God and the Hydra, which is also a major reason why he later regretted that he did not interact with the human world more in ‘prime time’.

Black God and Hydra are very powerful organizations. This can be seen from the performance of the major events of that year and the performance of the disaster relief later.

But later, after assisting the evacuation of the refugees and playing an important role of guarding and guarding the refugees from the first arrival of the refugees, the Hydra and the Black God Church completely bid farewell to the human community, and together with the Qitarui puppets, they walked away Never appeared again.

As far as Nick was concerned, Kane no longer engaged in operations such as inserting eyeliners in the human community, or saving a passer-by as a servant.

It is so good to say that the worst relationship between people is not hatred, but indifference. When Kane no longer cares about mankind, that mankind's misfortune can be completely ignored and left to life and death.

Nick mentioned these two organizations today because they have a special meaning in the minds of new human beings.

He said to Kane: Even young people feel very cool, so there are a lot of imitators in the folk, some even simply claim that the Black God and the Hydra have always been in the folk, and he or she is connected with them ... ... he was worried that Kane would be upset by this behavior.

The actual situation is worse than this. Some very powerful people have reorganized these two organizations and are ready to use it again when they come back to earth. This kind of behavior under the banner clearly infringes on the Lord, and Kane is the boss behind the Lord, so Nick wants to hear Kane's statement.

If Kane was really unhappy about it, he turned around and tried to eliminate it, even at a high price.

Kane smiled: "Time is an invisible weapon, most people can't stand its test. The Black God and Hydra, to a certain extent, have been scattered."

Kane is not a nonsense. Although the core of the Black God religion, the Transformers, although young forever, have not survived the prosperity and distortion of the Protoss, and eventually became a demon, most of them died in an internal rebellion.

And Hydra, the day when the lie is finally dismantled, brainwashing is sharp, but it is only a moment. Humans are not a kind of creatures that are only long years old and do not grow wise. Experience, experience, and wisdom will be born.

Therefore, there was also a rebellion inside the Hydra.

Kane is not surprised at all, which is why his deity finally chose the swarm.

Life with wisdom and individual consciousness is fickle, and the group composed of it will not always be stable, which is why the kingship has no eternal essence.

Many people blame it on the increasing decay of the times. In fact, it is not. Kane has seen many examples that are still faultless, but still overturned.

Some people will say that if there is nothing wrong, it will be overthrown? This is a sick sentence in itself.

At least it is not strong enough, this is the problem.

But when it comes to reality, the situation is always very complicated.

For example, in reality, strong is also a relative concept. Expansion cannot produce, production cannot have enough power to expand, and it is impossible to protect against thieves.

All in all, Kane experienced so much, and found that the swarm pattern is already the least prone system.

Even so, he usually builds frames on weekdays, and will not create a lot of war bugs until the actual war.

Said in his words: At the beginning, it was the most reliable, loyal and unmatched, decisive and strong, the order was forbidden, and then sacrificed on the battlefield to put a perfect end to the warrior's life.

After a long time ...

Therefore, life is only the first sight.

For Nick Fury, Kane did not conceal his own broken things, but the tone of the tone was relatively light: "The Hydra and the Black God Religion are both dead. Now there is only the" first order ". If you are familiar, it is Pierce. , Carla and Frank are three, and others like crossbones can't stand loneliness to death. "

Speaking of which, Nick Fury learned that his most admired old comrade-in-arms, a good role model, and former SHIELD Director Alexander Pierce turned out to be the head of the Hydra, embarrassed and depressed for a while.

But as the years passed, many of the things that Nick originally thought would be unforgettable were faded or even forgotten. This includes complex feelings for Pierce.

Hearing this name today, Nick felt that perhaps he and Pierce could still cooperate. After all, there is no irreconcilable conflict and conflict between the two parties. Pierce ’s professional ability is still worthy of recognition, and his style of acting is also familiar. Feel the possibility of tacit cooperation.

After so many years, Nick knew what kind of temperament Kane was, so he directly asked about the possibility of cooperating with First Order.

"Although they will go to the earth occasionally, I am afraid that it is difficult to intersect with your purpose. In principle, I agree with you to interact, but I will not specifically encourage or support. To what extent can I see you."

Nick Fury nodded, and this is enough. He knew that Kane had not been idle for 100 years. Rather, Ma Libing has been preparing for war.

From Mercury to the Kuiper Belt, the solar system can see Kane's people carrying resources. Kane even uses the power and the gravity of the sun to capture a few passing stars, and these resources are basically made into objects.

As far as Nick Fury knows, Kane currently has at least a direct fleet of 30,000 ships, of which the Leviathan-class biological warship is the main force of the fleet.

This kind of battleship is like the creation star where the new humans currently live. The semi-organic, semi-inorganic, and inorganic parts used to be organic. It was produced in that way, and the result of corpseization.

Nick Fury doesn't know much about Leviathan's specific data, because Maria Hill doesn't know much. These biological warships are dormant, in the three satellites of the Kaiser Palace.

There are a total of four moons in the Palace of Triumph, which exists in the form of a planet. One of them plays the role of the moon. It is this dwarf planet-level Luna star that most interacts with, like the Palace of Triumph. The limited number of people will not receive other human beings.

As far as he knows, the Black God and Hydra should now be called the first order. The headquarters of the first order is Luna Star. Compared with the biological system directly under Kane, the first order is another line. It is closer to the metal mechanical system familiar to human beings, but it has not been in contact with its high level for many years.

Nick Fury wondered, since Kane did not object in principle to the interaction of the new human beings, he would come back and visit.

Sending Nick away, Kane did not continue to go back to Anne to live a happy life with a lot of artificial traces, but went to the core of the Kaiser Palace, the central hall, and sat on the seat of the gods, gaining the geometric linking ability of multiples and controlling what he built for a hundred years. The huge kingdom system.

Bocht, Musbelheim, and Titan, after a hundred years of development, the green, red, and yellow tribes have been on track, and the number of their respective brain worms has reached the red line he had drawn that year, 126,000.

The lower level of brain worms is king worms and hind worms. The former is in charge of fighting, while the latter is in charge of logistics. On average, each brain worm controls 100 king worms and hind worms, and can build a million-scale army of insects.

Of course, depending on the content of the War Bugs, if it is a hero-level or elite-level unit, the number will be relatively small. If it is at the level of the sc universe Zerg Zerg and Hydra, you can control it.

The framework has been built, and the next step is to deepen development. In recent years, it has been mainly promoting and piloting biofusion projects.

The technology verified by the experimenter, Ryan, finally began to become universal after more than 60 years.

Then, if there is a large amount of things, various anomalies and probability problems will appear. Some anomalies are malignant and some are benign, regardless of likes and dislikes. It is worth studying. The current projects are mainly these. , Anti-micro-stepping, and continue to optimize, higher and stronger.

Occasionally glance at these things and inspect them, you will feel a sense of accomplishment, starting from scratch, such a big stall, and your own dry goods, nice!

But if you always roll in this area, you will feel bored and bored.

C Kane also does not have the habit of struggling with a series of deliberate efforts, and Anne ’s small life like Mohave, there are also factors in this regard.

In addition, the successive deaths of Olivia and Monica have touched him, and feel that life is short and should be done and cherished. Everything in the environment is fake, but the situation is true, which is enough.

Except for the first ~ ~ Kane later did not have any emotional interaction with anyone in this universe. Even Maria Hill tasted a little bit wrong.

Mainly Kane himself minded a little bit, that is, Hill became one of his bedsiders, after knowing that he possessed great power. This is worse than Olivia and Monica who knew he was a rich man. Even worse than Annie.

It is precisely for this reason that he attaches the most importance to his emotions with Anne. Before building another Mojave Nature Park, he prefers Anne to be frozen in time.

After reviewing the main legion, Kane checked the direct starship combat group.

Even Nick Fury knew he was preparing for a big battle.

In fact, it is true.

Although this war has n’t been exposed for hundreds of years, Kane is very confident about his divine instincts. He knows that there will be. He hopes to be able to crush the sweep by then, rather than Kane, who is like other multiverses, always encounters a powerful enemy in the later period and is forced to turn in.

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