Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 933: Retreat

Velociraptors are veterans of zombies, and mad zombies are elite.

They all get rid of the shackles of food sources to a certain extent, so as to maintain better physical fitness.

These ragged guys are hard to distinguish from males and females from the outside. For a hundred years, the super-sacrifice virus has never stopped fine-tuning them. They don't need to reproduce offspring, and the corresponding organs have degenerated.

The most authoritative information about super funerals is naturally kept in the Caesars Palace in Caen.

C Kane himself is generally interested in the super-sacrifice virus, he is more keen on insect swarms, in his view, the insect swarm system is his main business.

After earning a complete worm colony from self-paid Wang Kaien, he set aside some time to learn and master in depth. Although it is not as diligent or even radical as Kane in this line, but a hundred years later, the results have been remarkable.

Analysis of the super-sacrifice virus, Kane gave it to Zhinao to do it. One of the conclusions reached is that the super-sacrifice virus has symbiotic qualities.

They manage the body of the host like a super city and try to make use of the existing conditions to build a 'better', but they are not interested in opening a 'sub-base', if it feels 'overcrowded', then They will choose to migrate in an 'infected' way.

Can draw conclusions from these characteristics, that is, in the past 100 years, zombies have been declining, and at the same time, the gap has gradually been widened. The stronger becomes stronger, the weaker is wiped out in a vicious circle.

Nick Fury got some super funeral information from the Palace of Kay through Maria Hill, and then verified it with the information he had, and finally got a relatively accurate data. There are currently about 4.3 billion zombies in the world.

These zombies are no longer gathered in one place as they used to be. In order to survive, they launched the corpse tide again and again, just like the process of the river flowing in the Gobi, gradually dispersed by large strands, and eventually scattered everywhere.

Nick Fury also saw that there was no possibility of a large torrent-level corpse outbreak before he supported the new man's plan to return to the parent star.

The Obonin Kingdom does not have such a macro vision. They are more like ant diversion. When the number is larger, they try to open up new homes, either succeed or die, no matter what kind, they have solved the Kingdom ’s overpopulation to a certain extent. 1. The problem that the existing land cannot be fed.

C Kane's humanity avatar, Zhao Wenrui, is curious about this kind of problem, but his condition is not good, just the corpse wave initiated by more than a thousand violent corpses in front of him has already made him feel strenuous.

One of the characteristics of zombies' attack is that they are full of madness, especially when the number is large, it will create a distorted and fearless atmosphere, which is fierce and reckless, very contagious, and makes people tremble.

Envoy and his entourage fully realized the feeling that ‘they are all crocks, they are crazy, and porcelain like me, how can it be hard to survive such a deadly fellow’.

Zhao Wenrui saw the envoy and his entourage shivering and basically unable to exert the fighting power of an ordinary person. After contempt, he thought of the German Stuttgart during World War II.

This dive fighter is specially designed so that it can make a stern cry when diving, so as to defeat the enemy.

The zombies in front of them naturally achieved a similar effect.

Language and words are difficult to perfectly express the power of zombies' "attack attack". Some people use "hell evil spirits" to describe this. People who hear this statement or see related articles think it is describing. But in fact those who have faced the body tide in person know that it is more of a statement.

The situation really made many people think that if there is a **** evil, it would be like this.

Fortunately, all the rangers who have transformed the shining system have undergone high-frequency electromagnetic transcranial surgery, and there is basically no emotional thinking.

This operation causes them to cause a lot of trouble in ordinary daily life, but as a soldier, Zhao Wenrui feels that excellence is somewhat indescribable. They deserve the title of 'wisdom weapon'.

Unmoved and unaffected, the arrows of the Rangers always maintain a stable and powerful fire output.

These arrows are very targeted. The metal arrows are in the shape of shark teeth and contain radioactive elements, which have a toxoid effect. It is usually stored at the bottom of a specially made arrow shaft. This arrow shaft is somewhat like an eagle eye arrow shaft, with a mechanism, but there are no arrows that can switch various functions. It is not electrically driven, but steam driven.

The special pulley bow is equipped with a steam assist system, which does not increase the shooting frequency, or even slightly reduces it, but it can allow the ranger who has mastered the rhythm to easily and continuously pull the hard bow that the ordinary male Hercules can not pull.

This makes the initial velocity of its arrows comparable to the initial velocity of bullets. The quality of bows and arrows is much higher than that of bullets. The same initial velocity is naturally more powerful.

The zombie has a characteristic that the blood pressure is very high. Once the blood is broken and the blood is sprayed, the blood is often sprayed in a mist. If the blood vessel or artery is injured, the effect is more exaggerated.

Therefore, without a wave of arrows hitting, a blue blood mist will flow out of the zombies, the smell is very heavy, and people may be infected and become zombies after inhalation.

But Zhao Wenrui had already prepared here, and even the envoy and his party had prepared breathing masks for them.

Rangers' shooting was very effective, but it still gave the impression that the zombies were more powerful. It seemed that the zombies had already rushed under the wooden wall before shooting for several rounds.

"Open the trap!"

Zhao Wenrui only ordered to start the trap at this time.

With the extraction of the wooden bolt and the activation of the flap, many zombies fell into the pit for the first time.

When digging these pits, you do n’t want to be too greedy. No matter how many drops, the **** are locked immediately and will not be flipped again.

In this case, even if the trapped zombie did not die, he would not be able to come up for a while.

Rangers began to execute Zhao Wenrui's new command to shoot freely. This command does not seek the fire effect of the group fire, but allows the individual to play better, how to be comfortable and how to do it.

For a time, the number of zombies, which had been reduced sharply due to the pits, was disastrous, and the strong impulse was disintegrated.

Zhao Wenrui ordered at this time, after 5 minutes of free shooting, the whole group withdrew to the second line of defense.

The envoy and his party were even asked to leave first.

The envoy is puzzled. Now the situation is very good. The zombies haven't even touched the wooden wall. Why don't you kill more if you are sick?

But his relationship with Zhao Wenrui was awkward, and it was not easy to ask. He could only retreat.

As soon as the second line of defense was approached, Zhao Wenrui and others chased them up. Although they withdrew late, they moved faster. The envoy hesitated how to say hello. Just listen to Zhao Wenrui said: "Special envoy, please run."

The envoy said: "I am not slow."

As a result, I just wanted to say something, and there was a rumbling voice behind me.

"What's that !?" He instinctively foresighted, and asked subconsciously.

"Dead Tide!" Zhao Wenrui said concisely.

The sound of a large number of zombies running is really similar to the sound of rolling and running when the flood is flooding, and it is quite powerful.

It turned out that the ordinary zombies led by the swift corpse came to catch up. They are not as fast as the fast corpses, but the number is much larger.

Some envoys were frightened, and Sayah ran wildly, and waited for her to pant to the second defense line before she realized that there was still some distance between the corpse tide.

Can't help but wonder, according to the situation of the previous pursuit and gradually winning, it is obviously that the zombie is faster, how can it be so slow?

After watching with a telescope, he discovered that it was the Rangers who were playing around with the corpses.

The general shape of the corpse itself is a cone like an arrow, but under the guidance of the rangers, it gradually dispersed. Because the ranger successfully attracted hatred, the zombies no longer focused on going south to catch the ranger, but There are many options for turning around and going straight, to stop the ranger in the circle.

Originally due to the large number, it is difficult to perform circling tactics.

But with the pit, a channel can be pitted at a critical moment, allowing the Ranger's success to intersect.

The purpose of the Ranger is actually to lead the zombies to run in the Second Valley, and make use of those pits as much as possible.

Secondly, the rangers who lined up continuously shot and killed the zombies.

At this time, they executed Zhao Wenrui's key strike order. Like those violent corpses, they are shot first, and their speed is a threat. Just plain zombies, rangers can kite them for a long time.

"These women warriors are so good!" The envoy expressed emotion.

Although it is only a far-sighted view, it is not very realistic, but a little bit of thinking about the downstream men is like a sampan fishing boat fighting with the stormy waves. Surfing and breaking the waves, high and low, it is not sinking, it is still inevitable that it will be fascinating and cannot help but admire.

One of the envoys of the envoy looked around him, Zhao Wenrui was not there, and interjected: "In theory, all the armed forces of the kingdom are under the control of His Majesty the King ..."

This began to spoil, nothing more than to seize this powerful fighting power in the name of the king.

The special envoy was moved a bit. One is because Zhao Wenrui's "hospitality" made him hate it. The other one feels that with such a team, it is easy to make some achievements.

But he is more greedy, and he wants to catch fish more than fish.

The special envoy came to Tibet Valley for the purpose of playing the autumn wind. In the eyes of many of his people, it was a fat man to represent the Special Envoy to Tibet, and he paid some political benefits for it. Naturally unwilling to do the loss trading.

As for how to make a profit, it is very simple. The land of Zangjingu is the value that many people can see. Zhao Wenrui's placement and recruitment are too extravagant for these people. With a little writing, a lot of profit can be gained.

Special Envoy is hoping that Zhao Wenrui can open the door of convenience, let his doormen's children die, and get a piece of land here for operation.

And Zhao Wenrui's performance was completely beyond his expectation. He once wished to strangle the person who collected the information. The Kailai Wenzhao he knew, and the person who personally contacted, basically couldn't match the number. I knew that Zhao Wenrui was like this, and he would be hard-headed with his brain damage.

Even now, he is not ready to fight with Zhao Wenrui. He is going to take a look back at the elder brother of Kelvin Zhao and use it as an entry point to get what he wants.

As the Special Envoy thought about how to calculate Zhao Wenrui and his family, Zhao Wenrui's attention was devoted to this battle.

This time he was able to command more, and he commanded 4 rangers at the same time.

The pits in the Second Valley are his chances of fault tolerance. Once the route made for the Ranger goes wrong, activating a part of the pits can often improve the situation.

Had been working like this for almost half an hour before he had the Rangers retreat to the second line of defense at full speed.

The second line of defense is relatively narrow, so the wall is taller and thicker. Zhao Wenrui prepared to bring people here to attack and defend the zombies early in the morning.

The battle has been heated from the beginning. The zombies have been completely irritated by the circle of the rangers. It is extremely crazy, and soon the scene of stacking human-shaped sandbags appears.

The zombies below are not dead. The zombies behind have grabbed the pedals and stepped on them, trying to explore the purpose of raising the wall. In this way, the creeping ramp was formed shortly afterwards and forgot to die.

At this time, the top of the corpse's stacked **** is less than 2 meters away from the highest end of the high wall. It can be said that the zombies only need to step on one step to climb to the outer edge of the high wall, and then turn into the inside.

However, Zhao Wenrui did not show any confusion at all, and still ordered the rangers to focus on combating the violent corpses. Once they were found, they would give priority to shooting.

At this time, as the pioneers of the corpse tide, the swift corpses have basically lost all of them. And this is what Zhao Wenrui is after.

Taking the natural stone bridge as the dividing line, the second valley of the Zangjin Valley is divided into two parts, north and south. The whole is like an irregular gourd, with the upper and lower sides being large. The following "big gourd" terrain is more suitable for leading zombies around the circle , And supplemented by combat teams, constantly reducing its number.

But if you want to play for a long time, the violent corpse must be wiped out first.

The reason why was going around in circles was because the violent corpse had already caught up, and the strange Ranger had to run, but this run, the hatred of the zombies behind became unstable, and he could only send people to lead.

And there are basically no pits in the south of the bridge, so whether you can still play around in circles, and whether the violent corpses are cleaned at this time, is an important indicator.

At this time, the special envoy, a heart has already mentioned his throat, and when he looks at the zombie stacked wall, he will rush to the wall. Zhao Wenrui does not plan to retreat to the third line of defense, and orders the ranger to pick fat and give priority to shooting. What kind of ghost is the swift corpse in the zombie swarm? Should n’t it be the priority to shoot close distance now?

The result didn't let him worry for a long time, the answer himself appeared.

Because the natural bridge is relatively narrow ~ ~, the pile of corpse here is actually not high.

'S body is no more than sandbags, it is much more irregular and smoother, especially many zombies stepped under are still alive, they continue to struggle, and eventually they will affect.

As a result, when it was stacked to a height of less than 1.5 meters from the head of the wall, a landslide suddenly occurred, and a large number of zombies fell into the turbulent river from both sides, and then the floating load was washed down by the current.

The zombies on the bridge no matter what, they are still rushing, not rushing, the zombies in the back push the whole team forward, and if they walk slowly, they may fall down and be ruthlessly trampled.

Soon, the corpse sloped up again, and then reached the same height, and fell again ...

This was calculated by Zhao Wenrui and was part of a plan to use terrain and zombie fighting. Now that it has been achieved, it feels much more fulfilling than how many goals the Rangers have killed. After all, the Ranger depends on the system, and this one depends on itself. Because of his calculations, the height of the wooden wall here is just right, and no engineering force will be wasted, but it can properly protect the barrier.

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