Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 934: And the war will not retreat

In reality, there will always be some unexpected problems.

Zhao Wenrui also encountered this kind of situation this time.

For example, the battle situation at the Shiqiao defense line was too fierce. He and his people were stuck by the zombies, and some could not escape.

If this happens, the main responsibility lies with him.

Because he sent his heart to classify the zombies, he still lacked intelligence.

Specifically, he failed to fully consider how crazy ordinary zombies could face food in front of them.

Describes in one sentence that once the zombies start to attack the target specifically, the overall damage output caused by the violent zombies, mad zombies and ordinary zombies is actually not much different.

Because when the corpse tide occurs, there are always the most common zombies, and when they pile up, they will become endless and unbeatable.

Of course, Zhao Wenrui also made some mistakes in his favor.

That's the number of soldiers in the shining system. Once the number is up, the combat effectiveness is higher than he thought. The premise is that he has to give the correct order that is most suitable for the moment.

This time, there was also a suspicion that the blind cat had killed the mouse. He saw that there was no chance of evacuation, and he simply made a ruthless choice and chose such an instruction as teamwork.

The shining system provides several special templates. Zhao Wenrui has also studied and understood it, but without actual combat, it still lacks an intuitive concept.

This time is an opportunity.

This teamwork actually means a tacit understanding of a hundred people.

In general, this level of tacit understanding cannot be imagined, and the most elite special forces group can not do it. The tacit understanding that can reach the team level is already the industry leader, generally at the group level, 6-8 people, often touched Rolling, quite familiar with each other, do not need verbal communication, one eye can make each other understand their intentions, and even have a lot of small routines, one moves, the other immediately understands.

After receiving the command of ‘teamwork’, the Rangers entered this state.

There is no doubt that this is when c-Kane was building a shining system, using cluster awareness technology to help open it.

Blessed by this technology, the soldiers obtained the Shining Mind Network system, so that they could be like a thousand people. Literally, it supports up to a thousand people, which is close to the limit of information processing. After all, the network has no entity, but is jointly constructed by the individual's spiritual power.

Therefore, it also has a requirement that the personnel should not be too scattered. Generally, it is disconnected when the distance exceeds 30 kilometers. And if it is a group of people, then this group of people still maintain this buff.

Teamwork allows Rangers to instantly know which target they should attack. In this way, the firepower basically saves the waste when shooting, which is equivalent to maximize the killing efficiency.

Suddenly changed the mode, naturally it paid some price. The rangers were once riding their faces, and more than a dozen were injured, the defense line was in jeopardy.

However, Zhao Wenrui has already sent a ruth, and has the psychological preparation to lose the soldiers, and understands that frequent replacement of combat instructions is taboo, so he simply resisted the urge to change the order and did not even make detailed adjustments to the battle position replacement.

Facts have proved that his decision is correct, and today his luck is not bad. The order to change tactics is still fairly immediate. Those wounded rangers, more than half of whom have little influence on the combat power, can still fight.

More importantly, it coincided with another overturning of the corpse slope, and the pressure weakened a lot.

Then, the zombies have no chance. Although the arrow rain of the rangers is not as tidy and beautiful as when the array is shot, but it looks a little sparse, but it is sparse and not leaked. Under such a blow, an invisible death line gradually The formation, the zombies can not cross this line, despite their large number, but the latter can not play a role, can only wait in line to be killed.

Then Zhao Wenrui encountered new troubles, and the rangers' ammo was not enough.

At the beginning, three defense lines were prepared, plus two tactics for circling in the two north and south valleys. Ammunition was naturally prepared in accordance with this tactic. Now the second defense line has become a decisive battle. If the ammunition is not enough, it becomes a considerable The problem.

At this time, the shortcomings of the shining system will be revealed.

Under the influence of the system, once a battle occurs, the engineer will not go to the front line. They work at most at a position of 120 meters on the front, such as temporarily constructing new high walls with prefabricated parts.

So now let these engineering soldiers carry arrows, but also move to 120 meters away and refuse to go. Obviously the front line of defense is very stable, and there is not much danger, but it is still resolutely rejected.

Special Envoy, Jonathan, all look weird for this. The envoy said: "Lao Tzu can take the lead on the front line, but these people are not willing to take any risks. It's really damn! No, this is the coach's problem. The main reason is that Craven is too arrogant to these untouchables ! "

Zhao Wenrui understands himself. There is no double law in the world. These engineering soldiers maintain quality and quantity while working, and are meticulous and resolutely implemented. Correspondingly, those who exceed the limit will not be made. This is nothing wrong.

Although it seems too rigid, but to understand from another angle, if not exceeding the limit is just a necessary condition for excellence?

For example, someone is timid and scares the urine as soon as the battlefield is over, and someone cannot work for more than 8 hours, etc., otherwise the attention cannot be concentrated ...

Each individual has its own problems, and the blaze system simplifies and unifies these into a problem, that is, it cannot exceed the limit drawn by the system.

Can't accept such a rule?

Of course accept.

How much skill is required to be confident that all individual problems can be settled, thinking that he is a tangible representation of the political and religious abilities of many political commissars? When others see you, they bow their heads and bow down.

So Zhao Wenrui can accept it from the heart, and he is not angry.

What he thinks is how to solve the problem through other ways.

Is just like he used the soil method to make up the tricks of forming villages and trapping pits to make up for the shortcomings of the shine system.

He wondered, it is possible to hire a part of people, this part of the people do not carry out systematic treatment, just like Jonathan. Then the amount is applied, which can basically solve the embarrassment similar to the present.

And now ...

Zhao Wenrui greeted Jonathan as a 100-meter porter.

Later, the special envoy let his subordinates help, and he also pretended to show himself.

Just like this, the Rangers ended the tide of corpses to the north of the stone bridge defense line.

After a day of rest, recaptured the first line of defense that had been basically demolished by the zombies to the north.

'S undergarment is really too powerful. The wooden posts and wooden walls wrapped around it attracted many zombies to violently vent. Until the first line of defense was recovered, the zombies of the ‘pile’ can still be seen.

On the 24th, the first line of defense was stabilized and stabilized again. On the 25th, the envoy and his entourage returned to Oboning City, along with Jonathan, who reported to the military department, and Major James, who arrived in the Tibetan gold valley to build a fort.

After experiencing this wave of corpses, Zang Jingu is basically completely in the hands of the kingdom, and it will not be too long before Zhao Wenrui leaves.

The order he accepted was to lay a territory for the kingdom to flourish for a hundred years.

The objectives of military operations are so general and lack accuracy, which will definitely be ridiculous if they are left in the past.

But in this special era and special country, it seems to be full of political wisdom. Because it allows the king, and even the generals to be executed, to be accepted when they see it.

Those generals in the past couldn't even achieve such a flexible goal. If there is no pettyness in them, Zhao Wenrui doesn't believe it.

But he felt that, on the whole, the performance of those generals was not tough enough. Otherwise, it won't end. Before he took on the pioneering mission, Oboning Kingdom had only one town under the town except Oboning City, which is the best proof.

Zhao Wenrui knew that internal dumping would inevitably happen, but he didn't have much idea about its appearance and specific types.

He personally hopes that these kind of guns and arrows will come later, so that he can earn the capital of ‘do n’t stay here, keep his own place, keep his place everywhere, and do his own business’.

Therefore, it is an extravagant hope for him to live a relatively stable life and study hard. He is an arrow that has been shot out, and he can only go straight forward.

Although there are many depressing things, there are not happy things, such as system settlement.

Occupy and guard the Tibetan gold valley, the system counts it as a complete battle, and the achievement points and technical points he finally obtained are 140 and 120, respectively.

Achievement points are used to strengthen oneself. Technology points are used to unlock the technology tree.

Specifically speaking, it is to buy a certain effect.

Whether it is a reinforced panel or a technology panel, there are a lot of effects that make him greedy with only a few points.

This time his commander's evaluation is c, be considered a pass, he does not know whether the evaluation is higher, get more achievement points and technical points, at present his control in this area is really limited.

Achievement points He eventually spent 100 points to purchase the first stage of the "Perfect Body".

This is a one-line series, only the front is enabled, the back is allowed to buy.

There are 10 layers in total, and the number of points required for the first 5 layers is a double increase, and the geometrical increase is for the last 5 layers.

Although he suspected that he could not complete the 10th layer in his lifetime, and maliciously speculated that the designer of the shining system probably asked him to command the legion in one battle after another to destroy all the zombies on this planet In view of such exaggerated purchase costs, he eventually chose this upgrade line.

He felt that people should set a long-term goal for themselves, even if it is hopeless to achieve it throughout their life, but they can unconsciously erase some complacency and laziness.

And technically, he did not hesitate, so he chose to buy assault infantry.

The three major arms of the shining system, Ranger, Warrior, Sniper.

Combat soldiers actually mean assault infantry. Although in theory the term "war soldier" can be used for all officers and soldiers fighting on the front line, but the shine system is not so marked, and Zhao Wenrui has no way.

Zhao Wenrui thinks this is a detail bug of the system, either by the terms such as Ranger, Assault Infantry, Sniper, or by the terms Scout, Warrior, Support. If the two are mixed, the first one is not particular. unprofessional.

But in any case, he is still looking forward to the assault infantry equipped with armor and using a shotgun.

He believes that the use of assault infantry clusters, and the array of shotguns, is a very favorable fire barrier.

Plus heavy armor, the assault infantry can be understood as a movable wall!

He believes that with the addition of the assault infantry, the Ranger will be able to output the station with confidence most of the time. In order to solve the problem of lacking enough circuitous space, the Ranger is more exhausted and harder to get to the zombies.

The rest time given to him by the shine system is one week.

This also happens to be the time required for the first stage of ‘Perfect Body’ transformation.

In other words, do n’t expect to spend any time in this week. You can rest assured that you can do some paperwork in the command center of Zangjin Valley, or further improve the defense system of Xiajinjin Valley.

But Zhao Wenrui finally chose to focus on investing in intelligence.

He currently does not have his own intelligence agency and personnel.

The soldiers who shine the system can't do without the system with him as the core, and they don't have the ability to act independently.

Therefore, intelligence collection depends on home and other channels.

He chose three ways to go side by side.

One, open your mouth with your family, hoping that your family can support him and help him gather the information he needs for a round.

Second, reach out to the military department, hoping that the military department can come up with some authoritative relevant information.

Third, do transactions with intelligence brokers, explain in one sentence: money is in place, things are generally not bad.

As for where he came from, he recovered the Tibetan gold valley, which is money in itself, and he is not a pedantic person. Some land business can still be done. Of course, it is enough.

While Zhao Wenrui was preparing for the next round of battle, at the other end of North America, the Titans also started their expansion journey.

This is not a coincidence, but more like a hero's.

Hundreds of years of waiting, a hundred years of accumulation, but who still have visions for the future, they all chose to launch their actions during this time period. The first step is almost all land expansion.

The dwarves have relatively low demands in this respect. They have been working on building underground kingdoms for many years. The results are generally good.

Their main problem is internal division. Not because of political disagreements, but in the early era of survival, some dwarves mutated into radiation dwarfs due to long-term exposure to radioactive materials.

Can only say that the survival history of any population is hard, and much of the knowledge that is easily obtained for future generations was exchanged for blood and tears.

Therefore, the dwarves are not on the same channel with other populations and have their own rhythm of development.

The main reason for the expansion of the green skins is the gradual demise of the zombies, which allowed them to release themselves more and more, and finally exceeded a certain limit. They released from the original battle + tease farming mode and entered the current running and cutting. Killing mode is either playing a zombie game or on the way to play the game.

Needless to say, the new human beings have long wanted to return to their parent star. Now, no matter from what aspect, we should act.

After a hundred years, many emotions of that year were put down.

This has advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that the officers and soldiers will not stop the dwarves, green skin, and other intelligent populations. The new human regime with the original East Asians as the main body is still very popular in the ‘non-my family, whose heart must be different’.

The disadvantage is ~ ~ As time goes on, hatred is no longer so unforgettable, and the desire to 'go home' is also fading. The new generation of teenagers have lost their spirits, and the victory of the windfall Yes, it can be regarded as a good adventure, but if you need to pay a high price, then forget it.

They have more choices, such as going to the asteroid belt, or Mars, after all, there is only one life, why is it too wave?

Therefore, Uef fears that if he does not act again, the plan to return to the parent star will go bankrupt on its own with the passage of time, so that the most orthodox humans become astronauts, then cosmics, and emigrate outside the star, rather than having to follow the wisdom of the blue star Die.

Although that is not necessarily wrong, but the feelings and expectations of several generations are just sore, they are not reconciled.

Since uef is mainly based on the original flower-growers, the first goal of military operations is naturally the homeland of China. Therefore, the forces of all parties have not collided for a while, but since the new era of passion has begun, it will only be time to spark problem.

And Kane is still saving and waiting. For him, only the level of God War is in line with the real battle ...

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