Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 935: 3 out of 1

On August 30, 2109, Zhao Wenrui basically got the intelligence information he wanted.

Arrived with one of them, as well as the award and rebuke of King George II of Obonin.

It's all else, George II's written reprimand he read it carefully and repeatedly. It was finally determined that the king would still use him, and he was temporarily safe.

Has to say that as a typical Chinese Han Chinese, since childhood, he has been so energetic that Zhao Wenrui has great political wisdom.

Himself is very clear, he will only fight and lack political wisdom, the head of the group is over. Because the regimental commander is the highest-ranking officer who can visit the front line and conduct operations.

It's a special case like Clevin Zhao at a young age. It is a special case. The situation of the Obonin Kingdom is special. Where is the energy of the Zhao valve, there is only Clevin Zhao's young official.

It is special again, if there is no political wisdom, the seat under the buttocks will not be stable.

For example, Yue Fei.

Yue Fei is a national hero, he naturally admires.

However, in this world, there is no such nation that needs him to sacrifice his ego for dedication and protection, then a power minister like Yue Fei who is good at conscientious things but not good at self-containment has become a negative teaching material.

Therefore, from the beginning, Zhao Wenrui thought of the relationship between father and son and ministers in an Eastern way. And set the basic thinking of the more prominent the military, the more bad behavior, through such a self-polluting way, to reassure some people.

However, it is not the key for him to do so. The key is whether the people he cares about should be stubborn.

As soon as the written reprimand of George II arrived, his mentality was more than half of his belly. He thought his strategy was about effective for the king. If the king was polite and extremely formal with him, he would have to be worried. Because it is easy to think of the concepts of accounting after the autumn, unloading and killing donkeys.

Another half of the suspense lies in the attitude of Mr. Zhao Valve.

The main reason why he hasn't dealt with Jonathan, who is not his ideal consultant, is because Jonathan is an old man.

Neither he nor Klein-Wen-Zhao knew exactly why the old man took the favor and made him the new general.

He tends to be greasy behind this. After all, in the context of the defeat of 13 generals in 20 years, the pioneer general is simply a hot potato in the eyes of many powerful people. It is too late to hide. So it's hard to believe that there is no secret behind Zhao's operation.

Zhao Wenrui has analyzed this matter carefully.

Before the analysis, he carefully read the memory of the interaction between Klevin Zhao and Zhao's grandfather.

Judging from these memories, although Craven is not close to the old man, he is not alienated. It is the ordinary relationship between elders and juniors with obvious generation gaps.

As the head of Zhao valve, the old man has the authority. Whether it is the personnel right or the financial right, it is the most calculated one.

The style is the kind of few words, but every time you say something, you must say something, or an impressive or even unforgettable one.

So in general, Clevin Zhao is very afraid of his father, and not so afraid of his father.

Fear, let Clevin speak carefully in front of Grandpa Zhao, and lie from time to time to try to create the image of a good boy.

This is naturally stupid to Zhao Wenrui. After all, Klein was just a young man in his early 20s, and he didn't find it strange to have such a performance.

But he had no intention to continue to interpret such a person.

Moreover, it is impossible to do it. After all, the series of changes brought by the blaze system have been unveiled, and it is only a matter of time before the impact is produced.

If he is still like before, then the human settings are too tight.

After some thoughts, he explained this to Mr. Zhao: A mysterious man, after he became a pioneer general, expressed his willingness to give him technical support.

When he asked what the other party wanted to get, the other party said that the previous period was free.

He knows that free is often the most expensive.

But he can't think of anything that must be paid according to the other party's asking price ...

His "confession" is also a kind of temptation. If Mr. Zhao's plan is in conflict with it, then Mr. Zhao will most likely have specific instructions.

As for Mr. Zhao asking for technology from him, he had already figured it out, but when the other party opened his mouth, he wanted people to give people, things to things.

For him, the most important thing is himself, the next level is the system, and then there is nothing absolutely unshareable. He even made up his mind not to make a girlfriend or to get married. As long as the bed partner is still a female guardian, he would not believe it. If he is so distracted, he will be hurt by what is going on.

Had to say that such Zhao Wenrui made c Kane cry and laugh, but he couldn't help but sigh.

After all kinds of magical ‘vests’ faded away, he was such a sad character.

Because they are afraid of losing or being injured, they have as few possessions as possible, and divide them layer by layer, which is to protect as much as possible, and which can be abandoned ...

He was very strong since he was born, and he didn't really experience this kind of mentality of taking care of himself and taking life away as an ordinary means.

Through Zhao Wenrui, he clearly felt it. There is not even the worst option, it can only be cut off, otherwise it will probably be the cause of the trouble.

This really allows him to focus more on certain aspects. His deity, the previous life of the deity, the reason why it can achieve great achievements is closely related to this sacrifice.

Is particularly greedy in some areas, and more simply chose to give up. Such single-mindedness and focus contributed to his amazing achievements in the professional field.

On the other hand, his life is incomplete even when compared with ordinary people.

Some good things in life, he missed.

This is also the deep reason why he spontaneously compared with Rachel Anne Adams and Olivia who tried very ordinary small days. He instinctively made up for regret.

But I feel that if I miss it, I can't get it back. Just as I passed the age, I no longer have the fire-like emotions that make me feel excited, work hard and carelessly.

As far as c Kane is concerned, there is really nothing to regret about this problem. If you get some, you have to lose some. It is impossible to take up all the good things.

It's just that Zhao Wenrui's performance gave him a deeper understanding of the not-so-new argument that 'character determines fate'.

According to this argument, the reason why he is now is largely not accidental, but inevitable.

As long as there is a sufficiently large stage and external stimuli in the corresponding category, then Zhao Wenrui's future is most likely to be him now.

A sense of fatality spontaneously emerged.

This is not a good concept, because he means that he can not break the barriers of self-character, which means that the death of Gao Wei, said by God King Eugen, is a foregone conclusion that is difficult to save and change.

Of course, this news is not enough to make him collapse, or break the jar.

After all, his experience of being a human being made him have a clear understanding and feeling of the concept of "live to death". Now he can also be regarded as a larger category of life to death.

And from the ordinary life of more than 30,000 days, to his present as long as he does not die, it is still guaranteed for tens of thousands of years.

The difference between the two and the increase represented by it are still relatively touching to him, making him feel happy, making him feel that he can live for so long, witnessing the transformation of everything in the longer years, what I want to do more is this It is a kind of happiness in itself.

Since this is the case, what's so disheartening?

So c Caine continued his studies, accumulated strength, and lived a family life, and Zhao Wenrui continued his life without being disturbed by divine power.

On the 31st, Mr. Zhao's reply arrived, let him do things according to the guidance of his heart, without any psychological burden.

This kind of empathetic, but boring reply, in Zhao Wenrui's view, is far inferior to the rebuke of George II.

"Could Kelvin Zhao be the seed of the old king next door, was it found out?" Zhao Wenrui threw the letter aside, and he was not malicious.

As for the Lieutenant Colonel **** who came with the letter to replace Jonathan ’s military adviser on the grounds of ‘more appropriate’, he was also very formalized in a few words of greeting and basically left aside.

Since Mr. Zhao has no sincerity, he does n’t need to stick his hot face to stick his cold ass. The Zhao family is unreliable. As for what is owed to the Zhao family, since the human relations and interests can be converted, then the self-repayment method and the moment of repayment.

Zhao Wenrui put his attention on his new journey.

Has three choices.

One, the last fortress.

This copy is provided by the Shine system. According to the system's related statement, this is a nuclear fortification of the old man. When the super-death virus spread globally, emergency transformation was carried out.

The official of the lighthouse country once regarded it as a refuge of civilization, hoping to live in it for hundreds of years, and then return to the surface, survive and die, and then revive civilization.

It is conceivable that in this fortification, there are a lot of materials and an ecosystem that can maintain a long-term self-sufficiency.

The former is just enough. After a hundred years, it is estimated that most of them are degraded. The latter may be added to his system of local methods?

Anyway, even if you ca n’t get anything, as long as you follow the system prompts and complete the task of collecting artworks and technically valuable items, he can also get achievement points and technical points. This alone is enough to be his motivation to explore it. .

Second, the intersection.

This goal is the most orthodox route. George II and even the powerful princes also hope that his next stop is there, and it is vital to recover this omnidirectional one-stop.

From the map, the Tibetan Gold Valley is southwest of Oboning City, and the crossroads are south-southwest of the Tibetan Gold Valley.

It is surrounded by mountains to the east, some of the Bay of Skeletons to the west of the south, and to the east of the north, it will enter a canyon.

Although this canyon is also surrounded by mountains, the scenery of the Tibetan Gold Valley is pleasant, and there is no large flat area like the Tibetan Gold Valley, but it is really a canyon, known as the Tianxia Gorge. It is a very dangerous place, once the east gate of the kingdom.

Although there are also access roads in the north and the south, on one side is the icy frozen tundra, and on the other side is the zephyr raging and muddy Ze country. On the other hand, it is the middle canyon. Zombies are the best route.

It is therefore obvious that the main purpose of the king and the dignitaries was to take back the control of the Tianxia Gorge in a timely manner. In this way, the large area of ​​land on the west side of the gorge was regarded as a safe bag.

But Zhao Wenrui scoffed at this idea.

He felt that from a strategic point of view, it was a mistake in itself to expect that a line of defense would become the ultimate barrier against the enemy.

Throughout history, almost all of them have invested a lot of money, and pinned the so-called strongest defense line with high expectations. In the end, they have become synonymous with low cost performance, and some have simply become a joke.

Obnin wants to seize more land, defeat zombies, and revive human civilization. It is not possible to rely on several dangerous passes and a few lines of defense for the people and the people.

Moreover, the harder the wall, the easier it is to breed slackness. Therefore, the East has a famous saying since long ago: long-term obedience will lose.

It is with this in mind that Zhao Wenrui intends to finally attack the crossroads with three goals.

His favorite target is the last bastion.

However, this target is too private, and there is a strong suspicion of leading the army to open the tomb. Not to mention that the source will cause the deliberate thoughts of the people, and the obtained things are also easy to be missed, and yellow mud is likely to occur. The bad things that fell into the crotch made it easier to push him to the cusp.

He felt that once such a thing happened, he simply won the merits of the Tibetan gold valley without using a single life of the kingdom, and it was not enough for the king and some dignitaries to support him.

These authoritative persons will feel that he is too capable of doing things. He has just done a little bit of achievement and acted on his own, ignoring the wishes of the king and the military department, and using the troops of the kingdom as a private military. He is likely to lose his command and even enter. prison.

So in the end, he chose another route that the king and the military department could recognize, that is, the corpse ranch in the northeast of Zangjin Valley and the east of Oboning City.

A deceased pioneer general, when he first arrived at the Corpse Ranch, faced with the lush wilderness, once felt: "Here is simply the promised place to build a big farm!"

Then there was no more, and the general was successfully decapitated by a flying demon one night and became synonymous with death before he could die.

The problem with the Corpse Hunting Ranch is that there is no danger to guard. It seems that there are only a few zombies wandering around, but in fact it is impossible to say when, there will be small stocks of fish zombies who will trick the door. There will be a chain reaction and then a crash.

Anyway, when Zhao Wenrui came to this place, he felt relaxed and happy while appreciating the scenery of the wilderness here, and he became somewhat missed the system mission of the Tibetan Gold Valley ~ ~ Compared to the mission of the Tibetan Gold Valley, the corpse ranch ’s Good system tasks made him feel a little panicked.

The first one is: fertile soil.

30% increase in productivity of hunter cabins and farms

Turned out to be a positive buff!

Article 2, within 60 days, the population of the base reached 3000.

It's not a big deal at all, you know, when he was in the Golden Valley of Tibet, on the 12th day, his population exceeded 2700.

Then it was gone.

If there are a lot of zombies in the hunting corps ranch area, he is not so flustered, but he got off the train and looked around, the wind and the grass is low, and there are no ghosts in the wilderness.

So he was a little flustered, he felt that the more calm it seemed, the more the undercurrent surging, the dangerous and hidden ...

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