Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 944: Survival Team

By the end of April, even the new capital will be rendered with new green, let alone Shanghai and Guangdong.

Uef has established 1080 cultural properties in the capital of Beijing. Among them, the largest forbidden city has been repaired, but due to the lack of utensils, it has not yet been opened to the public.

Nick Fury was fortunate to be one of the first to visit here.

But the main character of this tour is not him, but the leaders of the First Order headed by Maria Hill.

Perhaps because the utilitarian nature was a bit heavy at the beginning, c. Kane ’s relationship with Hill, after a hundred years of history, has faded a lot.

To be more precise, c Kane has never treated Hill like Olivia, let alone compared with Rachel Anne Adams.

In the eyes of people who are familiar with c-Kane, today's c-Kane, like an old man enjoying his old age, is addicted to playing games with Annie.

Yes, in Nick's view, c Kane and Annie together is a game, too deliberate, not at all groundless.

Of course, Kane has that willful ability and is very devoted, and there is nothing wrong with the details. Therefore, people regard it as an `` elderly activity '', just like some old people like to grow flowers and grass.

Compared with these c Kane, Maria Hill has the meaning that the more you live, the more you understand, and the more you live, the more energetic.

Especially since the establishment of the Kaiser Palace, Hill thoroughly realized that the cairn that C Caine sent her was really just a gadget. First, the richest man in the world gave someone a hardcover cottage.

Hill also gradually understood that for c Kane, one of the most valuable concepts is time. Furthermore, how much time C Kane is willing to spend with her can basically show the degree of pampering.

Therefore, she is better than the lover named Monica who has never been able to get a place.

Coupled with the later gathering and separation, and the physical and psychological changes brought about by the years, Hill's thinking center gradually shifted to power and ideals.

Later, she became a difficult sister with Cara, who was also frustrated because she couldn't get enough love for C Kane. Under the sway of Nick Fury, C Kane's acquiescence, contact Alexander Pierce, plus the punisher Frank Custer, as well as Bain (the original Winter Soldier Bucky, was transformed into a muscle by c Kane to act as a bodyguard, and later on the basis of his personality, new memories were given.), Ryan (c Kane during the Hulk event The puppet of temporary will, the process of gaining self-awareness is similar to that of the Winter Soldier), and Chitari formed the First Order and became one of the 7 elders.

Chitarui, as the name suggests, represents the part of the Chitarians who were infected by the puppetization of C-Kane ’s cult god.

This half-flesh and half-metal population was summoned by c Kane when the super-destructive virus broke out and participated in the big rescue operation. Later, together with the Hydra and the Black God Religion, they lived on the satellite, Luna star.

With the establishment of the First Order, it is equivalent to fully integrating with these two organizations.

At this point, the puppet Chitarians were reduced to the most basic soldiers of the First Order. The original Hydra was mainly responsible for intelligence and logistics, and the Black God was orthodox.

Therefore, the First Order is essentially a military organization with a strong religious flavor. Although it also has its own economic system, it can support its related consumption needs with high-end technology and a small amount of investment, so it has been nothing in this field. Build a tree.

Military aspect is another case. Integration, improvement, development, and personalization, the first three steps took a total of 30 years, and the last one continues to this day.

Now the First Order has its own series of weapons, ranging from starships to small bullets, advanced and perfect.

The three civilizations in the Marvel Universe, the oldest is the Scruce people who originated from the fairy galaxy. They were created by the Tenjin group, destroying the mutant and eternal tribes also created by the Tenjin group, thus stepping out of the cradle and entering the interstellar age.

However, they were defeated again and again in the long war with the later rising Cree, and now they are in a desperate end. Only sporadic personnel remain in the Cree chase and hunt, the one protected by Captain Marvel The handful is considered to be a better end, and at least one hundred years have passed.

Cree is the only civilization in the galaxy that has mastered full-wave projection technology.

This technology allows them to perform space jumps, or enhance the ability of weapons.

They are also proficient in genetic modification and nanomolecular technology.

The reason why is so powerful is largely due to the absorption of the Scrooge technology.

The most impressive impression this population has left on other intelligent races is not gray-blue or pink skin, but serious racial discrimination.

Their hometown is the Earth-like planet Hara of the Large Magellanic Cloud. However, if the Crees come to the earth, they need to wear a mask, and excessive inhalation of oxygen is fatal to them.

The Cree are by far the most active interstellar race, and they are everywhere in the Milky Way.

C Kane didn't know or care about what the Cree were busy with.

As far as he knows, the Cree will become a past tense in the future, and the most active population in the future universe will be the Shia.

The Shia are humanoid races purified from birds. They are also viviparous, and have the ability to breastfeed. To replace a human hair with feathers and cluster some short feathers on the elbows, a standard Shia is born. .

This civilization is good at absorbing foreign culture and technology, which is the main reason for their future rise and becoming the largest and most dynamic alliance of civilizations.

As for now, the Shia people are not well-known, at least the Milky Way knows very few of them, but in fact they are completing the great cause of unifying the galaxy, and have entered the final stage.

In the not-too-distant future, when the Shia show their muscles in the universe, about 1.5 times the galaxy of the Milky Way is their basic disk.

But even so, c Kane did not take it seriously. Because he has a swarm.

It is conceivable that such a c-Kane would naturally not expect any important role of second-tier troops like First Order.

So basically it has been in a state of grazing for 100 years.

This is also an important reason why Nick Fury thinks that C Kane is in retirement.

And Maria Hill, they are willing to walk out of the solar system and interact with other interstellar civilizations.

In fact, they have quite a lot of ideas, including rejuvenating human civilization, searching for the culprit of super bereavement viruses, and completely eliminating internal hidden dangers.

Mary Hill's visit to the capital this time is to attend an important summit related to these three points.

Participants included Huefing, Prime Minister of Uef, Strange, the leader of the Mystic, Nick Fury of SHIELD, Maria Hill of the First Order, and the top leaders of the Titans and Dwarves. Participation, as to whether it will come, it is not clear.

And visiting the Forbidden City is an activity arranged by UEF during the summit, hoping to awaken more of these mysterious gangsters' sympathy to the long and splendid culture of human civilization.

The subtext here is actually: uef is the most qualified to become the main civilization of the future earth.

That ’s right, uef now thinks most about not how to restore the earth, but how to be the only one. For Titans, dwarves, and even orcs, uef means migration, such as Mars, such as Titan, with the help of advanced technology, there are still some places in the solar system that can allow populations to survive, and the earth must be a human earth !

This is also Nick Fury's idea.

But some of the mysteries, and even some members of the Avengers, have different views on this, including Captain Marvel, who does not agree.

Against this background, the attitude of the first order is very important. And Maria Hill is recognized as the most authoritative person in the First Order.

While visiting the so-called authentic oriental cultural heritage in Maria Hill, c Kane's humanity avatar, Zhao Wenrui, was awakened in New York, the former lighthouse economic center on the other side of the earth.

Although uef used the new era calendar extensively in the fifth year of Chuangxingxing, c Kane himself still used the past timing as the standard.

For him, earth time is a standard, which is also a feeling.

According to this standard, the capital of Beijing is 12 hours earlier than New York. When Zhao Wenrui was awake, it was 22 pm local time.

"Zhao, you are awake, this is really good, we all think you are going to be cold this time."

Zhao Wenrui looked at it in a sound, and by the fairly bright lights, he saw a woman dressed in hunting clothes.

"Emma!" A name blurted out, followed by the emergence of related memories. This is one of his survival partners. The actual age is at least 10 years younger than it seems.

It is such a woman suffering from hardships and suffering from premature decay, who is actually a beautiful woman in the whole region. Even him, more than one illusion has passed with it.

Followed, Zhao Wenrui remembered more things.

In his memory, he is a traverser, and he has been in this world for more than two years. During this period, the main theme is "adaptation, survival".

What puzzled him was that the living environment of this world was so bad, but he had not had any particularly profound feelings.

"I am so indifferent that I don't even care about my own affairs? Or is it the way to relieve mental pain?"

No matter how much he changes, he can't change his thoughtfulness and likes to ask the essence of the question.

His instinctive feeling was not quite right, but he couldn't say why. That kind of state of confusion is somewhat like the Neo that the Matrix has not yet known about living in an interactive virtual world built by Matrix.

Painfully interrupted his cranky thoughts, right leg, right arm, and right shoulder blade can be, just like being cut with a knife to cut the meat.

This reminded him of the reason for the injury. He actually batted a hunter for 3 minutes, and finally killed him. As far as his cognition is concerned, he can do such a thing, and he can survive. Complete, this is definitely the result of super play + good luck.

"How long have I been lying?" He asked, struggling to sit up.

"17 hours, in fact, as long as you wake up, lie down for another 17 hours." In the voice, a man with a well-trimmed beard and a curly hair with pigtails, there are so few The man with the elegant style entered Zhao Wenrui's field of vision and motioned him to lie down.

He also knows that Owen is also his partner. The only person in the group who is proficient in medical knowledge is also Emma ’s boyfriend.

"Will the conditions allow me to recover?" He asked.

Owen and Emma are silent.

Zhao Wenrui sighed secretly and said, "Anyway, let me make it easier." ......

The whole body's heat seemed to be taken away by urine. After booing, Zhao Wenrui not only felt dizzy, but also felt weak, cold and hungry.

Owen helped him to check it out, but his fever was gone. The wound was not inflamed. I was very lucky.

Emma prepared food for him, a small piece of pickles, two dry meat sticks with a very strong smell and a lot of firewood, and soft pasta with hot water.

Zhao Wenrui had no appetite at all, but forced himself to swallow these things a little bit. His body is now in urgent need of nutritional supplements, and a new round of action will soon be ushered in.

This is just a temporary resting place, far away from the shelter, and it is not safe at all. He was awake in a timely manner. If he did not wake up tomorrow morning, these survival partners would have to choose to abandon him. Although he fights the hunter with death, it is to save his companions.

"How about Lucius and old Nick?" He asked Owen while eating, hoping to divert his attention and ignore the food's difficult to swallow taste.

"Lucius is on the vigil, and old Nick is reloading bullets."

Zhao Wenrui nodded and thought while eating: "Tomorrow we will continue to search Madison Street."

Emma said: "But your injury ..."

Zhao Wenrui said with a little irritability: "We haven't even achieved the goal of guaranteeing the floor. Let's go back like this, not to mention the injury, and even the supply of hunting again is not enough."

"Perhaps, borrow some money from Dajinya and turn around ..."

Under Zhao Wenrui's watch, Emma's voice became lower.

"The last time I emphasized, unless I die, or you plan to leave our group, don't mention the big gold teeth and the loan sharks of the refuge."

Irving played a round at the side: "Emma is also afraid that you can't hold it, so she ..."

Zhao Wenrui waved his hand and interrupted: "If not, I will not only warn you. I don't care what you think of usury, I can say this kind of thing, if it's messed up, it will have to be ridiculed if it doesn't die. The more depressed, the more untouchable. "

"Got it." Irving's answer clearly showed a little bit of coping with errands. The main objection was that Zhao Wenrui was inhuman.

Zhao Wenrui secretly sighed ~ ~ As a traverser, one of his strengths is that he is well-informed and has a confusing knowledge.

It is precisely because of this that he can become the leader of this little gang.

He is the youngest among the gangs, but he is the most knowledgeable. Even if he is an old Nick who is Ben 5, the comprehensive knowledge literacy may not be as strong as a fifth grader in the world.

You have to say that the problem of knowledge inheritance is serious, but the knowledge of dross like gambling and loan sharks is very complete. It can even be said to be popular. Emma is a victim of loan sharks, if not, Emma is now estimated to be a dry skin.

And Irving can be said to be a witness of the whole event.

So these two people don't remember long, and he was very angry and felt very helpless.

Remember to eat or not to remember, not to enter people's words, this is his most painful in this bad world.

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