Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 945: What is left

As time entered the eve, Zhao Wenrui obviously felt that the pain on his body had eased.

The unbearable sharp tingling was replaced by hot pain, he knew it was due to his special physique.

Speaking of this, as far as he knows, after experiencing the catastrophe brought about by the super bereavement virus, the surviving humans who have stayed in this world have no purebreds.

As a traverser, he usually pays attention to collecting information. However, due to the long time, coupled with the deliberate concealment of the rulers of the refuge, the truth of the year cannot be verified.

Nowadays, the acknowledgment by most survivors is that there were a part of human beings who sold out their souls in return for a chance to survive, so they had a green star.

The position of the green star at Lagrange point 3 is also on the orbit of the earth, but the sun is always in the middle, so it is invisible to the survivors on the earth.

But this does not prevent the survivors from hating it and the people living above it.

As far as Zhao Wenrui is aware, the two major religions of the survivors label those as heretics, while most other survivors also call them the Green Star people, and do not treat them as fellow exiles.

But among the cities, there is still another way of saying that the traveler is not betrayed, but was selected in accordance with the civilized tinder plan, thus leaving the earth and avoiding the harm of the super mourning virus.

What Zhao Wenrui cared about was that at least one person did not believe in such an argument, not for the sake of the eyes of the blogger, or to kneel and lick without thinking.

Of course, they do not respect the truth, but ‘truth’ is in their favor.

They said that their ancestors were selected by the "civilized fire" plan but insisted on staying in this world, facing the super-sacrifice virus.

Zhao Wenrui said: "Even if what you say is true, it can only show that your ancestors have a strong character, how much does it have to do with you?"

This is a digression. In short, Zhao Wenrui is more willing to believe this statement, because he is a traverser, and here is the Marvel Universe.

Zhao Wenrui knows the Marvel zombies universe, but the history of this world is obviously not the same. He prefers this to be a parallel world of the Marvel Cinematic Universe that was badly played by the Bulls.

In the first 18 months after crossing, he always looked forward to encountering reincarnation. Because when he thought about it, the greatest possible collapse of the Marvel Cinematic Universe was to the repeated intervention of the samsara.

For him, the traversal happened, the Marvel Cinematic Universe also existed, and the history line was changed to a complete mess, so even more bizarre things are entirely possible.

For example, if the world has become the back garden of a reincarnation, then he may have the opportunity to catch this line and end this painful doomsday survival.

To be more precise, it should be the survival of waste soil.

Doomsday refers to a complete and complete loss of social order. The vast majority of people no longer have hope in their hearts, but live together, and that is the end.

And now he is not facing this, order exists, but under the pressure of a cruel living environment, and under the background of extremely low public morals, it is relatively dark and distorted.

Of course, it was relatively easy to talk about, which made him unbearable. In fact, it was this dark distortion.

Zhao Wenrui tossed and turned, trying to sleep but lacking sleepiness.

Compared with the predicament in front of him, he was more concerned about the inability to establish the core goal.

Yes, now he is in a state of confusion.

The various encounters of reality, the pressure of survival, constantly abrading his longing and enthusiasm.

And like most people, he is not a perseverance person.

Or he is a person who is used to normal interaction and gives back after giving.

If he can't get the corresponding feedback, he can't have enough motivation to believe something and do something for a long time.

For example, the reincarnation, after more than two years, there is nothing to prove the existence of the reincarnation, even the smallest signs.

Reason tells him that the concept of reincarnation is mostly his wishful thinking.

This made me depressed for a long time.

Because he knew that he would be swallowed up by this world, and subconsciously, unconsciously, was distorted into waste natives.

He felt like a dry sponge that fell into the water. He still floats on the surface of the water. He hasn't really integrated into the world. After absorbing enough water, he will sink and never get out of his head again.

Compared to being a wasteland king, he is more willing to live as an ordinary person and live in a social environment with universal values ​​similar to him. Unfortunately, reality is always so cruel.

He felt lonely and confused. Without a goal, he could not talk about hope. He lived dimly day after day, and the external environment was so hard, which made him more than once thought of suicide.

Actually this time, when he needed to make a decision at that moment, the thought of suicide flashed through and gave him no small impact.

When he was in another world, he once said something like: "My life is full of frustration, but I still have some self-esteem. Suicide is too cowardly and I can't do it, but if there is a decent way of death Save yourself ... "

It must be said that in the last life, it was not easy to save oneself and save others.

But in this world, there are many similar opportunities.

But now, this idea has basically been dispelled by him.

Personally tried to realize that his "light birth" method was also taken for granted. In the moment of the incident, survival instinct is the most prominent consciousness.

The result is likely to result in such a result that it has not been sacrificed, but is disabled.

This is more painful. It is difficult to switch between life and hell. How much do you hate yourself to do it?

Zhao Wenrui did not hate himself, nor did he do anything in the first half of his life that he thought he needed to be desperate to be a bitter one in order to achieve the purpose of atonement and to get a little solace in the soul mountain.

He just felt lonely and scared, afraid that he would become unrecognizable without realizing it.

This is directly related to his disregard for the survivors of this world.

Even Emma, ​​he just wanted him to be a bed partner, but he was not allowed to let him establish an intimate relationship with super friendship and take corresponding responsibilities.

However, it is a little funny and ironic that the reason why this survival team can be formed, and led by him, has a direct relationship with people who are `` more kind and more responsible than others ''.

More straightforwardly said that it was precisely because he performed a sincere person whose character was not bad that he mixed up with his status today.

He also has a certain degree of consciousness about this, and even achieves the current effect even a little deliberately, otherwise, according to his original appearance, the "Virgin value" will definitely not reach the current level.

Rolled over slowly to make himself sleep more comfortable, Zhao Wenrui retrieved his golden finger.

Like most passers-by, he has gold fingers, but he is not satisfied, which is the same as most passers-by.

What you haven't gotten is always thought of very well, and what you already have often feels that way. This is the commonality of people, and Zhao Wenrui did not break out of this barrier of thinking.

Said this golden finger.

Class game system.

Such a golden finger can only be said to be a bad street idea without any freshness for him who has a lot of knowledge.

He also knows that the tune is so easy to sing and difficult to sing, so once there was still quite a sense of anticipation.

Expect his system to be different, what are the characteristics that make people shine.

But this sense of anticipation is just like he imagined the existence of reincarnations. With the passage of time, it slowly weakened, and now basically no longer illusions.

Has to say that one of c Kane ’s concerns is here.

He is very clear about his desire, habit, and even dependence on the "commander" system.

But he didn't know what he could do to get it. Is there any self-created subjective initiative?

The original deity had skipped this issue.

Although the Vientiane Gate system tried its best to abuse the reincarnations, it also provided unimaginable logistic support, especially technical support.

Only what you can't think of, nothing I don't have here. In the eyes of the vast majority of samsaras, the Vientiane Gate system is so high in the mountains, so that you do n’t need to worry about this at all. The road is there, and the dazzling pearl shines on the top of the mountain in the distance. ? Pay attention to your feet, take every step well, pay attention to the left and right, prevent any malicious trips from anyone, and walk firmly, as long as you don't die, you can succeed.

In addition, as a reincarnation, there is competition as well as mutual assistance. There is still a little bit of the smell of eating and eating together.

And Zhao Wenrui, neither of them, there is no clear path, no competitors, under such a background, can you still follow the wishes of your heart, thorny, and embark on the path you are willing to take?

This is what C Kane wanted to know.

He wanted to see if he had a higher proportion of things caused by people or adults.

So Zhao Wenrui's original system of shining system gold finger is now cut into a single soldier level, and the system is so simple that there is only one page of graphical interface display.

Strength 12

Agility 13

Intelligence 13

Constitution 14

This is Zhao Wenrui's surroundings, 9-11, which is a constant for adult survivors. Less than 9, it is equivalent to the IQ of less than 70 in the past. There is already a slight taste of mental retardation.

These surroundings were after the comprehensive renovation of the first floor of the "Complete Project" by Zhao Wenrui.

C Kane sampled to create a new Zhao Wenrui, which was based on the mental and physical state of Klein Zhao at that time.

The Obonin people have been sheltered by the blood of George, one of the ancestors of mourning since one hundred years ago, but they have not suffered any major crimes, but the comprehensive index of spiritual meat has not improved, and it is still the level of ordinary people. The average value is 9, which is lower than the survivors. At least 1 standard unit.

And taking it as a reference, the current Zhao Wenrui is almost equivalent to the level of the top sportsman. For example, the champion of the world-class ironman decathlon is even stronger in terms of mental strength, physical fitness and resilience.

Zhao Wenrui's system is an interface that combines graphics, text and numbers.

Below the data of the surroundings, each has a thing that can be understood as an experience slot. The small green vertical bar inside it is a more specific experience value.

Zhao Wenrui remembered that more than two years ago, these small vertical bars were much thicker and easier to obtain. Once they were saved enough, they would be cleared into empty tubes again, and the value would be 1.

The small vertical bars are now dense and not easy to increase, which gradually made Zhao Wenrui lose his enthusiasm for diligence and hard work. Knowing that after looking at a hard work and a harvest, the green bar increased significantly, and then the value increased. Even addicted.

In addition to the surrounding data, another more important display, which also occupies the largest system layout, is a virtual figure.

This picture, which can be rotated 360 degrees and outlined with a faint glowing outline, represents himself.

Through this picture, he can check his condition, especially his injuries.

Before the injury and coma, he checked it once. According to the system, his biggest problem at the time was not the scapular shoulder injury, but the leg injury that broke the blood vessel and caused bleeding.

Finally, he chose the experience value of burning physique and consumed more than half of the nearly full vertical small vertical bar in the experience tank of the physique, in exchange for the self-healing of this fatal injury.

Because he knows that Irving can't handle this level of injury, especially under poor conditions, forcible treatment will increase the risk of local necrosis and infection.

He had seen the brutal way of burning his head with a red fire burning at the front, even if he was lucky to save his life, it would leave permanent damage, and even be crippled. The refuge is not lacking because of disability. Scavengers, Zhao Wenrui knows very well that he does not have the strength to live that kind of life. He really wants to be reduced to such a situation. Most of the self-respectable death law is not available in the end, which is too miserable.

According to the display of the phantom, his injury is basically okay, but the injury sign of the shoulder blade is still yellow, and there is a countdown display, which means that the injury there has not yet left the category of moderate injury. If you do n’t pay enough attention, if you force your activities, the countdown will be infinitely delayed or even worse.

There is no doubt that with such a system, even if it is simple, it is much stronger than ordinary survivors. It greatly improves the understanding and control of self-intelligence, and has the possibility of improvement. It can also be accumulated through consumption. , To lift the potentially deadly threat, in this dangerous world, it equals a few more lives.

For Zhao Wenrui, this is just barely making up for the gap in spiritual tenacity between him and the natives.

Compared to the natives, he is a sensitive, fragile person who is thoughtful and often leads to depression. He wanted to be thrown into the wilderness of greenhouse flowers, which is incompatible with this world and the society of survivors.

He didn't know how those fellows who had traveled to a similar wasteland world quickly adapted to it. He couldn't adapt, nor did he want to adapt.

For example, Owen and Emma went to the next room to celebrate his awakening. And when he thought of the two men who had not bathed for at least 120 hours, they did not exercise a little every day, and the Europa race itself had developed sweat glands and a strong smell, and immediately had the urge to vomit overnight.

This is really not to say that grapes can't eat grapes, and he even suspects that in the long run, he will be habitually related, resulting in psychological incompetence ...

There are many similar situations. It's really not that you can get used to it if your heart is crossed and your teeth bited. It is not a one-off, but repeated torture again and again. This time the state is more bullish, passionate, or passionate, but next time it may not be this state, next time it is likely to be frustrated, miss the hometown, and then encounter this kind of decline, the mentality is likely to be exploded.

Does not explode, does not vent, the result is to endure internal injuries, and even offset the enthusiasm to a certain extent.

Zhao Wenrui thinks he is like this. Sometimes he asks himself: "What do you want? It's such a condition, and I know what the end will be if I don't face it positively. Who is this so mourning? Is it true that such hypocrisy? Is not alive? "

Although the truth is clear, it is too difficult to do it concretely. The sense of decadence that even ideals have lost their due colors appears more and more frequently, and each time it appears, the effect time becomes longer and longer.

Therefore, people who know him say that he is not bad in nature, but a little moody.

who am I?

where am I?

What should I do?

These three problems, most of the time, people can laugh at them, too lazy to fiddle.

But when Zhao Wenrui's life was so suspicious of his life, he couldn't freely throw these three questions aside. He even suspected that all he had experienced was false.

Recently he often had the same dream.

In his dream, his name is Zhao Congming, a young general who lives in a country with a very steampunk style. As a pioneer general, his main job is to fight zombies, like playing real-time strategy games. Soldiers fight zombies.

The dream he had had realistic details, high rationality, and even a serial nature. The only problem was that there was no head or tail.

He has heard people say a long time ago that an important way to distinguish dreams from reality is to think about the beginning and the end. Normal dreams do n’t start, and they are substituted in abruptly. UU reads and some big ones The turning point will also be blunt.

To put it this way, he is indeed dreaming. It is very awkward to be Zhao Cong, and the battle is good, he did not intend to betray the kingdom, and suddenly risked to subvert the kingdom, which is very blunt, and very ridiculous, too lucky, Simple, like a child's play ...

Zhao Wenrui didn't know that it was helpless for c Kane to arrange his memory like this. Because of some profound memories, there is no way to say that washing and washing are clean and leave no traces. The best way to deal with it is to mislead. Most people always believe the conclusions drawn from their cognitive thinking and analysis, so ...

Zhao Wenrui is an adult, and he is more rational and self-sufficient, so he naturally understands that he ca n’t solve the problem after all, unless he really does n’t plan to pass this day, he is going to die by flying, otherwise he still has to return. Now.

At the moment, the most important thing for him is to complete the low-level scavenging mission, and then see if there is a chance to gain some additional benefits, whether it is material, or strength improvement, even if it is more valuable information. . Otherwise, it is a waste of a week of life, and once there is more similar waste, I am afraid that even a better indigenous level will not end ...

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