Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 946: Billions start from 1

Zhao Wenrui can't remember when he fell asleep, but when he woke up again, he was relying on the biological clock and was useless.

This made the rest of the survival team feel a lot more at ease. They felt that if they could wake up by their work and rest habits and prove that the body functions normally, then the corresponding injuries are indeed not serious.

Breakfast is relatively rich. In addition to dried meat and noodles, each person also has vegetable soup and a boiled egg.

After taking a nap after breakfast, Owen helped Zhao Wenrui check the wound and changed the herbs and clean gauze. Next time, the interval will not be so frequent.

Zhao Wenrui was finished here, and Lucius and they were all packed, and a group of people checked the equipment, the belt was brought, and the stay should be left, and then left the safe house.

The safe house is a transit point, fulcrum, and temporary refuge for survivors. It is said that it was once a shared type, 'Everyone is for me, I am for everyone', but that is already the old yellow calendar of decades ago. Now, in the old saying of old people: people are not old, people nowadays are less and less selfish.

So the business of ‘scavenging waste’ is getting worse and worse. In addition to facing zombies and beasts, peers have gradually become enemies, even more threatening than zombies and beasts. After all, peers are smart and understand this business.

The code name of the survival group led by Zhao Wenrui is No. 5. In Zhao Wenrui's memory, he traveled to the world on the fifth. This team was also established on the 5th. They have 5 people. The first regular task number received is 5.

There are so many 5, as if they have an indissoluble bond with 5, so the team gave such a name, which is also related to the superstition of most of the scavengers in contemporary refuges.

They generally believe that similar to this is a foreshadowing of heaven, and it should be adapted, otherwise it is ominous.

Perhaps psychological hints have brought a certain self-confidence bonus. No. 5 has been relatively smooth since its establishment.

Privately, Zhao Wenrui felt that as the leader, he played an important role. But he also has to admit that the luck of No. 5 is at least not bad. Scavenging this kind of camp, sometimes really looks good, non-chief or European emperor, the difference is not a little bit.

This time Zhao Wenrui was injured, and the problem was with Emma. The old driver turned over and became pregnant, but neither Emma nor Owen was ready to have a baby, so kill it, which is only common in this era.

Beats naturally to support himself, and in order not to leave the sequelae, it must be the kind of childbirth, a lot of expenses before and after. In terms of consumption, most people in the refuge have inherited the habits of their ancestors. There is a flower, and they have no more to earn. Emma and Owen are also in this way.

I usually have some small money to spend my life to enjoy life. Of course, Zhao Wenrui actually did not enjoy killing. It was just a foolish money-burning behavior. They called it romantic. Zhao Wenrui felt that he was not as good as the sea. Drink cost-effective.

So it makes sense that Zhao Wenrui has always been a single dog.

Like his passers-by, only those old drivers who are crazy enough and want to find a stable meal ticket for the birthday party will choose, but really encountered such a situation, he still thinks of others.

I just don't understand my style, I don't have a good father, so ...

The life was over, so I naturally wanted to make money, but the abortion caused endocrine disorders, and the aunt did not come on time. Emma worried that she would not play with her again this time, so she lied and lied.

A lie often requires more lie to go round, and it's just a lie to feel unwell. It's a mistake to deal with personal garbage too sloppyly.

And for this mistake, almost paid the price of life.

Although this matter has passed, Zhao Wenrui himself did not care about whether he should save this problem, but it is still a bit confusing. Xin said: "This is really a lesson. In the future, no matter whether the team is downsizing or recruiting, it will not recruit women ..."

Came out of the safe house, the group felt a lot of heartfelt feelings, the spring was bright, the air was fresh, the eyes were fresh and green, the birds were singing, and they were full of life.

But in the eyes of Zhao Wenrui, a cemetery with a large cemetery in a city covered by vegetation, it feels a deeper sense of sadness and chill than the indigenous people.

One hundred years have passed. Once a world-class prosperous metropolis, "flesh" has already entered, leaving only the sensational "white bones".

Under the background of no one properly handling, the temperature and humidity in New York determine the thin cotton items such as t-shirts, which will be degraded in about 6 months.

Thin woolen clothing can also rot like sheep's carcass. If it is in a wild environment, it will be completely destroyed in one year.

Coats and other heavy cotton and woolen products can usually survive for 5 years.

Tight clothes, carpets, disposable diapers and other nylon products, degradation takes 30-40 years.

Car tires, sports shoes, and most modern leather products that have been chemically treated generally take 50 years to degrade.

"Imitation metal" plastic film-supported potato chip packaging bags, instant noodle bags, etc., takes 80 years.

So now, New York, once rich in material and like a treasure trove, really only has a ‘skeleton’ left. The skeleton of the building and the skeleton of the vehicle are the most prominent.

Then there are glass products and plastic products. Apart from being dirty, they basically have not changed much. Seeing that for a few hundred years, they can still be strong.

However, there are still many valuable things to be excavated in the remains of this city.

Some are left over from history, such as precious metals. Not only because of its scarcity, but also because of their characteristics, like gold and silver, many precision parts are needed, and the mining of raw ore is too extravagant for today's indigenous people, so it is mainly collected by waste picking.

Some of them are natural gifts. When people retreated into the forest, the original reinforced concrete jungle gradually became a natural jungle, and because of some elements and environmental characteristics in the city ruins, some creatures not found in ordinary wilderness were spawned. For example, nectar, and pig-nosed rats.

Although the former is also planted in the refuge, neither the yield or quality of the artificial plantation can be compared with that of the wild. So far, it has not been studied what is worse.

As for the latter, the face of this kind of mouse is highly similar to that of a pig-nosed bat, and its weight is similar to that of a large cat known by Zhao Wenrui, with an average of 8-9 kg.

The pig-nosed rat is a more savory game for the people in the refuge, and its grade is almost equivalent to that of venison to modern people. So it still has good hunting value.

However, until now, Zhao Wenrui couldn't get through this psychologically, mainly because they were born around zombies just like nectar.

That's right, one of the most representative elements in urban ruins is the zombie.

Although people have discovered that zombies are getting longer and longer, the general trend of declining year by year is still unstoppable. The main reason for the reduction is internal friction.

Cannibalism. It is said that the situation is similar to the situation in which zombies have opened meals after breaking through the refuge. It is also a large group with an absolute number of advantages. And when the zombies finished eating, the scavengers that deboned and pecked meat were included in the vultures and wild dogs, and then the pig-nosed rats and the like.

Zhao Wenrui had never seen it, but it was quite chilling to think about it. At the same time, the pig-nosed rat, as the third wave of dinner, eats the residue in the residue and the garbage in the water. Zhao Wenrui seriously suspects that there is a problem with the pig-nosed rat meat.

The corpse avocado is simpler. It is said that under each nectar avocado, there must be zombies.

As a group of scavengers, No. 5 is not too special, mainly for hunting or searching for objects.

The reason why scavengers are looked at differently by those in the refuge is mainly due to three points.

First is interest.

As the saying goes, it is better to rob, but the middle is picking. If you are lucky, it is entirely possible to get rich overnight.

Retire as soon as you do a big job. Such a beautiful vision is the American dream of this era, stimulating people in the refuge, especially young people.

Secondly, this business involves violence and wisdom, which is more compelling.

This is like a pilot who chooses one of the modern ten thousand. The threshold is high and it can hold, which is itself a proof of excellence.

Finally, freedom.

For most people in the refuge, the "house" is a major factor that brings pain and torture. There are so many accidents in the refuge every year that the jacket releases itself, which allows people who grew up in the refuge to play. " It's hard to imagine how dull and dull the life of the refuge is without the freedom or death.

These three reasons determine that the vast majority of scavengers have a high sense of pride in their profession and identity, and will not say anything hypocritically: "Do not know the suffering of this line."

No industry is simple, all of them are exquisite and not easy.

Zhao Wenrui's team also does not have someone who is bitter and hatred, and emotionally squeezed. They all know the risks of doing this and are fully prepared for the disability. In contrast, Zhao Wenrui, who is a loser, The affordability is the worst in this respect.

But Zhao Wenrui has gold fingers, even the humble ones are gold fingers.

One of the functions of is to make every effort and gain of him become intuitive. This alone is already great. After all, the reason most people give up is often because they don't see positive feedback.

Zhao Wenrui is walking in the middle of the team at this time, thinking of more specific action plans while walking, this is his main job.

At the forefront is Emma, ​​she is the team ’s eyes, and the team ’s ears are the old Nick. Hearing discriminators is the unique skill of the old Nick. This skill is not only based on experience accumulation, but also talented, ordinary people. Can't learn.

In modern times, special forces are often responsible for medical treatment, and they are often experts in chemical weapons. After all, Western medicine and chemical weapons are relatively close to each other, but in this era, team doctors often act as snipers in refuges because surgeons and snipers, All need to be careful, calm and steady.

Owen is the representative of this, he ranked second from the bottom of the team. It is the fire support of the team, not responsible for the investigation and the formulation of real-time action plans, which is also different from modern snipers.

The black Lucius walked at the end of the team, he was a regular assaulter on the team.

Zhao Wenrui chose Lucius mainly because of his energetic and comprehensive quality.

In Zhao Wenrui's eyes, Lucius is the kind of person who fully exerts the characteristics of black sports ability. And simple ideas, reluctant IQs are also its advantages.

Obviously, this latter kind of typical benevolence sees benevolence and wisdom, and also reveals Zhao Wenrui's loyalty style of loyalty first, obedience second, and ability third.

Rushed to this point. It was not surprising that he embarked on the road of group control puppets when conditions allowed.

C Kane, after secretly seeing this inseparable nature of his human avatar again and again, realized that this might not be his big shortcoming.

So a pilot was conducted in the staff department, and decentralized power was given to the brain worms to see if they could reap surprises. With this step, the worm swarm has broken the road of low-key development that has continued for a century, and began to show fangs and claws towards the Milky Way, and even the entire universe.

But this is only the initial stage. Kane has just granted the authority of the three major insect swarms. The brain worms in the General Staff Department are inspiring and carefully formulating strategic plans.

As the saying goes, it is a matter of eating the king and loyal to the king, and worrying about the king. The swarms are not interested in dominating the Marvel universe. Their strategic plans are also based on how to deal with the enemy in Kane ’s hunch.

The plan they specified, a simple summary, is to lead the snake out of the hole.

Enemies hiding in the dark often give out extremely fatal blows. For this reason, it is necessary to lead the snake out of the hole. In order to achieve this strategy, the swarm will show a very aggressive posture.

The first goal is the Cree.

There is no way, who will let the Cree come to be the premier interstellar empire in the Marvel Universe. If you want to fight, you will fight the strongest, stepping on its corpse, and becoming the new first in one fell swoop.

In addition, the Cree can't be a man, relying on force and technology to support the field, and more importantly, Kane also has a serious lack of goodwill towards the Cree, so they are used as sacrifices for the rise of the worms.

In the past few years, whether it is the Kaishen Palace or the Swarm, one of the military's focuses is to collect intelligence.

Therefore, the Swarm can be said to know the Cree well.

The Cree currently has about 30 billion, and the meaning of the worm swarm is to exterminate 98% of them. It is mainly aimed at the pure Cree (blue skin), and finally the ratio of blue skin to powder skin is 1: 5, the scale is full Universe scope.

This also means that the Cree interstellar empire will be completely erased, because scattered everywhere, the Crees who are not part of the interstellar empire have already exceeded 600 million, most of them are sold by the Crees themselves. Compatriots with pink skin.

Considering that once the swarm moves, Kane's enemy will peep in the dark and gather intelligence. The swarm intends to use only the branch of life.

Is the green worm with Bohet star as the parent star.

Analyzed from the characteristics ~ ~ The green worm is the closest to the Zerg Zerg of the sc universe. It devours various resources and is known for its high adaptability and high reproductivity.

This "authentic" swarm that won by a large amount will strike a full blow to the Cree's main star and the core colony star after exploding 100 billion war worms.

If all goes well, the specific action will be launched after 4 Earth years and 7 Earth months.

c Kane's attitude on this is laissez-faire, he is not concerned about the raid, but the performance of the Brain Worm General Staff after that. See if it can perform better than his overall control. Of course, it is much better. Will get his approval. Otherwise, the significance of the decentralized general staff will be of little significance.

Zhao Wenrui naturally didn't expect that he would have a pair of super butterfly wings. His performance actually led to the introduction of a crazy plan to completely wipe out the interstellar empire.

C Kane thought about it himself, and found something intriguing inside: what is grand and what is small? For the Kane of Gao Wei, is it like his humanity avatar, seemingly insignificant, but actually pulling the unimaginable trend?

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