Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 948: 0 years of rise and fall in the context of viruses

Although Hank Pim's daughter Hope is also a doctor, there is still a gap with the second smartest mortal in the Marvel Universe.

The most important thing is that Hope does not have the passion of Hank Pim.

Especially after the return of his mother, the father and daughter's long-cherished desire was fulfilled, and they relaxed at once.

Although in the end, Hank Pym failed to send a Victorian villa to his wife by the sea like the original historical line, but the general trend is very close.

And Grant Ward, in the end did not make any big results.

When he was young, he still had a bit of courage to dare to fight, but unfortunately, the most likely opportunity to be bigger, because of a series of objective reasons, was waved away by him.

He really wanted to do it again, but the restriction of population alone is an unsolvable problem.

Grant, like many people in power history who have made certain achievements, is obsessed with prolonging life for thousands of years.

Frankly speaking, he wanted to extend his lifespan to wait for the opportunity for the population to grow and fight the world.

To this end, he sacrificed a lot, including his own pride over the years.

It can be said that in his later years, Grant was more like a politician, more unscrupulous, used more feminine strategies, and knew more about the art of compromise.

Unfortunately, Hydra, who can help him the most, has been merged into the first order.

In this step, it can be said that the core concept of Hydra has been basically replaced.

In the fashionable words, the goal of the first order is the sea of ​​stars, and the direct fleet system of the Kaiser Palace is their role model. They hope to continue to follow the left and right when Kane opens the war or leaves this world.

Therefore, even if the development of the First Order is a serious partiality, it is also grand. It is not like the past, the brain is full of swords and slanting, relying on something or some force is a fresh winner.

This is also an example of ‘It ’s better to go up, and it ’s going to go down’.

As a result, although the Pim particles are very high-end, they did not come and go, nor are they systematic, and they are just applications. Alexander Pearce felt that it was not cost-effective, and he did not trade with Grant with the gift of advanced evil **** cells.

So Grant went to Nick Fury to trade.

The related technology in the hands of Nick Fury is ten thousand miles away from immortality and can only achieve longevity.

'S source is the secondary cloak obtained when it was traded with c Kane for space gems.

As a biological armor, the secondary colony uses the castration of evil **** cells.

Uef and S.H.I.E.L.D. haven't been able to thoroughly analyze the mystery of the cell for a hundred years, but the application was completed in less than 10 years.

Uef's new human beings have an average lifespan of 120, because they are inspired by the application mode of the black **** demon worm, and parasitized secondary colonized evil **** cells in human stem cells.

Since it cannot be cracked, you cannot modify the customization.

Further understanding, like using this kind of evil spirit cell, only people can adapt to it, not the other way around.

Similar to the operation of vaccinia, was born in this context.

Generally speaking, it will be planted three times in a lifetime, using evil spirit cells to drive the vitality of stem cells, so that they can maintain a better state for a longer time, and image metabolism.

This gentler method is the most appropriate. The Evil God Cell directly acts on the human body, and ordinary people simply cannot stand it.

Of course, money is in place, there are relatively high-end, and like some high-level or people who are extremely important to humans, can also enjoy special editions.

Grant Ward finally got the special edition, which had no pressure to live a hundred and fifty-six, but his children and grandchildren thought he lived too long, occupying power, so that his descendants could not come forward, so he was murdered, and Unnatural death.

After Grant's death, the relationship between the Supreme Clan and the First Order and SHIELD was completely broken. Then on the Aboriginal Kangzhuang Avenue, it gradually drifted away.

To a hundred years later, the Pim particles have become awesome, even legendary.

In fact, the Ward family is still a few collectors, but it is a treasure of the town, a strategic weapon, and a symbol of authority.

The more barbaric, the more intuitive the expression of the fist is the truth. The incredible power like Pim particles is powerful and mysterious. It is more suitable as a symbol of authority rather than a scepter or crown.

Pim particles were raised up high and became killer weapons, strategic weapons, and the conventional weapons used by the Ward family as rulers. There are only three left.

First, the knowledge left by Grandward. It was mainly the brainwashing techniques of the Hydra era, which he used when he first started in Rex Island. These technologies are still very effective after 100 years.

Second, the legacy of the Pim family of techniques for controlling and cultivating ants.

Third, the wealth, majesty and reputation accumulated over the years.

These three axes are used well, and Pian An Yi Yu can still do it.

However, the family style of the Keward family is really a problem. A few years after Ward's death, the play of the brothers' wall was staged.

Then staged the first half of the 'Lion King', the prince usurped the throne and the prince went into exile.

The prince, the grandson and grandson of Grant Ward, was named Grant after his grandfather. People called him Grant II for distinction.

Did not stage the "Prince Revenge", but launched the so-called eastward expedition.

There are three reasons for.

One, Grant II thought that the possibility of defeating his uncle was very slim. The main reason is that Grant Ward has been melancholy and the population is scarce.

Second, Grant II heard that Albany has a large branch of human survivors.

Third, Albany is not far from New York, and New York is called 'End Jerusalem'. Titans, dwarves, greenskins, and corpses all originate from there. Related rumors have become more and more mysterious with the passing of time .

Even if all the rumors are false, New York is also one of the places where the lighthouse country is suitable for survival and reproduction.

There are many reasons. For example, except for the first electromagnetic nuclear explosion, New York has not suffered a nuclear attack from beginning to end.

Another example, New York had undergone a major cleanup, coupled with the ancestor-level special funerals have fled, there is no special weight special funeral forces.

Another example is that New York is the estuary of the Hackensack, Hudson, and East Rivers, and there are bays such as Jamaica Bay, Great South Bay, and Smithtown Bay. After decades of restoration, river fishing, offshore Fishing has become a promising food item, making it easier to survive and develop ...

Just like this, Grant II and his diehards embarked on an adventurous journey across North America.

This time, I walked for 8 years.

Although the rumors of the Kingdom of Obonin were not found in Albany, Grant II and his men were tempered.

And along the way, it also attracted some sporadic survivors, and finally set up a flagpole on Manhattan Island in New York. Wards Island, Rex Island, Roosevelt Island, and North and South Brother Island were also included under its jurisdiction. Development is still booming.

And these, more than 20 years ago.

Due to the blockage of the news, the surviving humans living in this area did not know that the Titans to the Gao tribe have something. The supremacy in their mouths refers to Grant II ’s creation of the East to the High.

There is no dwarf in this area with New York as the main stage, but there is constant conflict between the various forces, and it is still very lively.

The main opponent of East to High is the Green Leather.

The green skin is basically against all other population forces.

They always like to go to St. John's University in Queens to have fun, and there is the lair of the corpse, the entire New York area, the top special funeral, seven out of ten live there.

They also snatched JFK International Airport as a base, thus forming a deadly hatred with the indigenous savages.

The feud with the Supreme People is because of Governors Island on the south side of Manhattan Island. The water area is the estuary of the Hudson River with abundant water flow. The green skin love to eat a mutant fish there ...

Time lapse, the sequelae of the green skin blood vessels become more and more prominent. Brothers and Maos are also gods anyway. Their carefully designed green skins have a very high priority for their genetic genes.

Even if c Kane got what he deserved, he also injected a foot with water, which is still much stronger than human genes.

This makes the green skin live longer and more angry, whoever catches and beats everyone, the world is enemies.

Zhao Wenrui They are part of the indigenous savages.

Goes back to the roots and can get to the JFK refugees that year.

At that time, Mary Hill had a heart attack and used super-space delivery technology to simply transfer most of the refugees from the LaGuardia refugee camp to the desert settlement in Utah.

The refugees at JFK Airport are not so lucky. After Nick Fury launched his Omega Tinder project, he couldn't care about ordinary refugees at all. What's more, at that time, the virus was exploding one after another, and there were too many things that Nick Fury had to worry about.

As a result, fewer than 30,000 people from the JFK Airport refugees finally went to the Utah settlement. This is Nick Fury ’s release from Maria Hill using the Hill.

These 30,000 people are all candidates for the conditions related to the compound Omega project selected by Zhinao.

Nick Fury himself first focused on saving people from the lost cities, such as Washington, Charlotte, Atlanta and other regions.

Because these cities are the essence of the beacon country, they are outstanding, and they are hit by surgical operations. Whether it is the early violent corpses or the unique vampires, they are all big and small. Where people are often used, so there are actually many survivors in the lost city.

Of course, these survivors will not be long before they will go out and they will encounter zombies. If they do not go out, they will be the canned zombies. In the face of zombies with IQ, they can be said that there is no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the ground.

Knowing this, Nick Fury arranged to save the people there first. If you go late, it will become a zombie snack.

Of course, it is also selective. After all, the manpower and material resources are really a lot of money compared with the entire survivors waiting for rescue.

This rescue operation lasted about 72 hours. In general, okay, Nick Fury ’s own feelings are unsatisfactory. An important reason is that the rescued seeds were selected, about 27%, because of this Excitement, useless. More than half of the remaining 73% need timely psychological treatment, and most of them will leave permanent psychological trauma.

This made Nick Fury feel very painful and frustrated.

Waiting for Nick Fury's attention to turn to New York, the energy is mainly focused on Long Island.

Was originally bounded west of Hempstead, while the east was regarded as an uninfected area.

But just in case, many people are still stranded in this area and are not allowed to leave.

There are more people in this kind of shelter than JFK Airport.

Later, with the full spread of the super-sacrifice virus, it seemed like a storm eye, and there has been no situation.

Nick Fury paid attention to this because he wanted to open it up as a safe fulcrum and serve as a gateway to receive assistance from Europe.

Nicky Fury's idea was implemented. Sadly, it didn't take long for Europe to be overwhelmed.

Then collapsed faster than North America.

Nick Fury's peeiness, knowing that the little friends of the lighthouse country really can't count on it. Then the existence of the Long Island Gateway is suddenly reduced.

After all, the population of the entire region is too dense, and a slight loss is a major disaster, and the defense costs are too high.

Then came and went, and the missing ones became the main basis for the survival of the indigenous savages.

In order to stabilize the situation at that time, from weapons to armor, from food to supplies, a large number of military-grade materials scattered like mercury.

While people have not had time to enjoy it, they are gone for various reasons. For example, people who go to a settlement in Utah are required to carry as few items as possible in order to save energy and increase efficiency. Many of them used to wear underwear and underwear.

At that time, the official did not lack ordinary living materials.

There are also those who leave by boat. They are only allowed to carry a small bag, like valuable jewelry, small pieces of great significance, and food and utensils are not allowed.

After a long period of time, the survivors maintained a relatively good state by collecting such reliable, durable, and long-lasting military items, and survived the most difficult years.

However, the main reason why there are savages on earth is the emergence of a mutant super-sacrifice virus called "leprosy".

This mutant super-destructive virus was originally very deadly, but it reacted with the polio vaccine, and people around the world basically achieved polio eradication around 2000.

The survivors soon discovered the magical effect, and took the initiative to infect the leprosy virus, and even specifically caught leprosy zombies as live vaccines.

As for the name of this mutant strain, it is named after its symptoms after infection.

People who have been vaccinated against polio will have leprosy-like symptoms for 48 hours after being infected with the virus (puffiness and redness of the face, accompanied by the symptoms of shedding eyebrows, plaque on the skin, like ringworm, but not itching) It's ok right through.

Therefore, the indigenous people are actually considered to be infected by the super-destructive virus. There is no second case of the situation similar to the Kingdom of Obonin on a global scale.

Although the leprosy variant is good, it is not without problems.

First, there is a 7% probability of death ~ ~ Second, with the destruction of civilization, polio vaccine for newborns has become a problem.

Third, those who use this method to solve the problem of super-sacrificing virus infection are basically short-lived, and few people live past the age of 45.

Many survivor forces could not figure out the second one, and at the same time died under the coercion of the third one.

From this point of view, Zhao Wenrui has already stepped into the grave with one leg. He is 35 years old this year. Even if he died in an adventure, in theory he would be 10 years old.

Of course, Zhao Wenrui was not reconciled and pinned his hopes on his golden finger.

This is his main motivation for progress. To this end, it is necessary to make difficult choices again and again, and this is exactly what C Caine wants to see.

Like the eyes, the emergence of military ants of the Highest Clan is a crisis for Zhao Wenrui. c Kane would like to see, in the face of danger and opportunity, Zhao Wenrui dare not gamble.

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