Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 949: Ant-level adventure

"Zhao, what should we do?"

The black Lucius was a frivolous lad who couldn't help but face the marching marching ants.

"Don't worry, let me think about it." Zhao Wenrui coped with it. What he was thinking about was whether or not to make the vote.

Because the strong are often envied, jealous, and hated, and are more likely to become a topic, Zhao Wenrui still knows the Titans of the Supreme Clan.

Because he was very envious of the means of controlling marching ants by the High Clan, he became a ‘hearted person’, and once he was serious, even the **** in the tavern with high bragging ingredients, he had the opportunity to summarize useful details.

For example, a simple ‘taming an ant like a dog’ makes him think about it.

And there are many similar information, so that although this is the first time to see the real thing, but quickly completed the confirmation of a lot of information.

Zhao Wenrui noticed that the collar of the marching ant's head and body joint was like a small string wrapped in a zami noodle bag, which was easily overlooked or used as a part of the marching ant itself.

But he knew that that should be the key to control marching ants.

All along, he firmly believed that the control of marching ants is a science and technology, not a talented ability of the Titans, as the rumor says.

This led him to covet the control of giant ants. He thought giant ants were ideal assistants.

Is greedy, but his reason is not exhausted. What he is most entangled with at this time is what should he do in case of flying eggs.

Ji Fei, the key target he had to deal with escaped.

Egg beat, the related technology has not been obtained, or only a relatively obvious application part has been obtained.

The price paid for this is most likely to be wanted by the Supreme Titan, and the refuge will no longer accept him, even in order to give the Supreme Titan an account, and a bounty, jointly wanted him.

Got out of the refuge, did not accumulate much, and might even become a lonely family. How can he survive in this sinister jungle?

Is unsuccessful and can be considered a defeat. This is the consistent thought of Zhao Wenrui.

Different from those thinking giants and action dwarfs, Zhao Wenrui is not lacking in action and execution.

He is habitually a loser, more of which is to give himself a psychological prophylaxis, and ask himself, once the worst result occurs, can you recognize it, can you go on.

And this time, he was actually recognizable. After all, he was not happy living in a refuge, so he had the idea of ​​living alone.

"Looking at the scale of giant ants, the other party should be a team. At this scale, most of them are on a mission, and may not conflict with our needs. Let's go around."

Listen to Zhao Wenrui, Emma and Owen are both in a sigh of relief.

They whispered after last night. This time they went out to pick up waste, so far the harvest is infinitely close to zero, and the ammunition supply, but because of the previous battle consumed most of it.

They were very worried about Zhao Wenrui's unbalanced mentality and wanted to get a lot of votes to reverse the loss.

Looking now, Zhao Wenrui's state is okay.

They have no opinions, so the proposal will often be passed quickly. Old Nick is a hardworking and hardworking faction. The combat strength is not outstanding, but it is stable.

Lucius is passionate and loyal, direct and honest, but because he is young and has a short entry time, he has little say in this small team and belongs to the summoned.

So with Zhao Wenrui's decision, the group retreated carefully, so as not to alarm the giant ant and cause unnecessary trouble, and then chose another route to move towards the destination.

Zhao Wenrui and their destination this time is Baishi District in the north of Queens.

The New York City outbreak of super-sacrifice virus caused more than 100,000 people to temporarily hide there and blasted the houses on both sides of the highway to construct an isolation zone. In the end, Maria Hill helped the people there to evacuate after completing the transfer of refugees from LaGuardia Airport. Although not all went to the Utah Settlement, most of them ended well.

But all the surviving forces in New York know this. In the first few decades, many people were organized to search there, the scale was larger, and the search was more thorough than once. Therefore, in the eyes of the current scavengers, the search value has long been lost there.

Zhao Wenrui relied on the information advantages of the traverser and the use of the golden finger to know that there have been new values ​​after decades of gestation.

Last time they picked up the waste, they walked there under the strong 'suggestion' of Zhao Wenrui. Although they only won a corner of the periphery because of various reasons, they didn't make much money, but they confirmed the potential of the place. value.

So this morning, Zhao Wenrui made a mention of going to Baishi District, and no one else objected. It is relatively dangerous there, but it is currently the only waste pick-up point that can be determined to be successful, and the team now needs this kind of action that can definitely bring money to get rid of the dilemma.

As for taking greater risks, it is already commonplace for scavengers. Moreover, although the recent battle caused Zhao Wenrui to be injured and comatose, it also gave several people a more intuitive understanding of the explosive power of this small group.

It can be said that as long as it plays normally, the No. 5 Scavenger Group can already be ranked in the top five in the Refuge Scavenger Group.

Such a perception has greatly increased the confidence of the team members.

It's just that the team of the Highest Titans is also heading in that direction, and it occupies the best route, which makes the pedestrians a little depressed.

Emma and Owen even divergently think of the superstition rumors that "Auntie is bad luck".

The scavengers of this era are mostly superstitious, and some scavengers even refused to female members.

The industry environment is not friendly to women. This atmosphere affects everyone in the industry more or less.

In comparison, Zhao Wenrui is relatively open in this regard.

At the beginning, it was a sentence: "Men are most afraid of others saying that they can't, even if they are not, they are ashamed to admit it, but they are habitually throwing the pot, especially to women." Let Emma look at each other and take her boyfriend Owen from Other scavengers dug over and solved the problem of missing team doctors in one fell swoop.

Zhao Wenrui also missed this feeling, after all, he was completely unknown, and without Emma to help Zhang Luo, this scavenging group may not be able to form.

This is also the trip. After Emma made a low-level mistake and had an accident, Zhao Wenrui did not complain about the reason for even a sentence.

Regarding his past sentiments, he chose to let Emma reflect on herself.

Flying in the air, decorating the desolate streets.

The freezing and thawing effect of water makes the road covered with cracks, and plant seeds fall into this crack and grow tenaciously, accelerating the process of its disappearance.

If there is no building on both sides of the street as a reference, many lots are difficult to identify, and even people at first glance can't think of a road at all.

From about 30 years after the disaster, the phenomenon that uef scientists called nature's counterattack began to happen around the world.

In some places, the alienated plants are simply combined with the original buildings, houses, and organics to form a strange landscape, which has caused great problems for the scavengers.

Zhao Wenrui They are now in such a lot.

Because this is a ‘barren road’ that only knows the general situation, the pedestrians are very careful.

Zhao Wenrui also focused his attention on the current course.

Weeds and shrubs are especially lush. The yellowish old grass and dark brown branches are dotted with fresh green. Instead, they support the barrenness. The air here is not fresh, but a slight rotten smell comes.

"Scunk!" Old Nick reminded.

The special zombie stinky guy was the main force of the air transmission of the super mourning virus. After a hundred years of transformation, there are new special effects, that is hallucinations.

This hallucinogenic toxin has a very high compulsion, and has a high similarity to the san value of the old dominator system. Once overdose, it will not only cause permanent mental harm, but may also make people crazy.

And the specific effect varies from person to person.

Zhao Wenrui also had the luck of trying to inhale this toxin in a simple way. Simply speaking, it was like scaring yourself, always feeling that you were staring at you with bad intentions somewhere, and there was more than one, obviously there was plenty of light. In the daytime, there is a gloomy feeling. The distant scenes occasionally have ghost images. Some kind of murmur, or meaningless moaning can be heard in the ear, unlike humans ...

Later, while chatting with Emma, ​​Zhao Wenrui said half-jokingly, "This is what the world known by mental patients is like ..."

Was easy to say, but since then, Zhao Wenrui would rather sacrifice his sense of smell and refuse the possibility of the toxin accumulating in the body. He was really scared, that strange world made him creepy.

And c Kane saw from this incident that he was deep in his heart and was afraid and afraid of the old rulers.

For the old ruler, for him, it was actually a lurking existence. He hadn't really noticed this detail before.

The smell of toxins from the stink guys is a combination of the smell of mud and the rot of corpses, which is difficult to distinguish.

But when they breathe, there will be a regular 'vomiting' sound, like snoring and groaning.

The auditors in this group acted as old Nick to identify in time. As warnings were issued, people put on masks one after another.

This mask is based on a modern dust mask. It is mainly a filter element. It uses some natural plants only in this era. It is slightly spicy and reminiscent of onions, but it can neutralize most when breathing. Harmful poisonous gas.

The smelly guy's perception is not keen. The group did not hide too deliberately, but passed through the area quickly.

They had good luck this time and passed quickly without any other trouble.

For example, wild dog.

At least in New York, for survivors, zombies are no longer the most difficult enemies.

The most difficult thing is the wild dog.

The source of the wild dog is the once stray dog.

They have adapted to the changes in the environment more quickly than their relatives who are ‘pampered’.

Thousands of years of domestication are no match for centuries of natural oppression. The former stray dogs have now regained their wildness, fierce and cunning.

They act in groups and will attract zombies with barking.

Once a big fight, it is very likely to attract more zombies and wild dogs. Therefore, it is often neither fighting nor hiding.

Zhao Wenrui, they set the route, and they focused on avoiding wild dogs.

And in the end, the evasion method they chose was a little bit turbulent. That is to use the wild dog's fear of special mourning to play the sideline. To use the power of special mourning to avoid the harassment of the wild dog, at the same time, pay attention to hiding the special mourning. The best This is how the route is sorted out.

Because of the special funerals of this era, they rarely leave the nest, giving people the feeling that they are retreating and fixing immortals.

This time taking the alternate route, the most suspicious is the fear of encountering wild dogs.

Especially, the toxin odor of stink guys is about equal to ‘shit smell’ for wild dogs, so it is easy to encounter stray dogs where stink guys are.

I didn't encounter it this time, it was indeed quite lucky.

I don't know whether it is extremely Thai or not. After leaving the area of ​​the gangster, Zhao Wenrui and they escaped a group of wandering zombies because of Emma's inadvertent glance.

The mad corpses in the city are simply cool runners. They often start running for some inexplicable reason. They groan strangely while running, and the other mad corpses attracted to run.

Then you can see a bunch of assassin-like cool running games like Assassin's Creed. You chase me and pass by. If there are scavengers who just meet them, then it is immediately an encounter.

This time, the mad zombies started from a building, and Emma inadvertently noticed, allowing the group of people more time to hide, and then successfully avoided this messy hundred-a-headed 'Ma monkey' .

After, they also killed more than a dozen brainless zombies who "slaughtered by the door".

The zombies did not hide in the depths of the building, but lay in a shop facing the street. The lush plants blocked the light for them, and blocked the field of vision of Zhao Wenrui and his entourage.

Old Nick's excellent listening once again made a difference, Zhao Wenrui and they were not caught off guard by the zombies.

Fully fired, effectively eliminated this small group of zombies, and escaped in time before other creatures arrived.

Looking at the Baishi District, he suddenly heard gunshots, not dense, but loud.

Old Nick reminded: "It is green skin."

Irving asked subconsciously: "The green-skin nests are on the southernmost side, how can they appear here?"

Zhao Wenrui frowned.

He realized that they and their party might have accidentally caught up with a special event.

"Titanium, green skin, are all gathered in this direction, I am afraid it is something. We may be able to get some cheap, but the premise is to be careful enough. We are all up and then sneak forward."

Zhao Wenrui quickly made a decision.

So 5 people have used potions and other things ~ ~ These items that are conducive to stealth are all time-sensitive. They are called alchemy drugs by the people in the base, and the price is very expensive. Zhao Wenrui usually ca n’t use them now. If you want to be a carduelis, you can't stop.

After sneaking, they are basically integrated with the surrounding environment through equipment and alchemy medicine. Even if there is enough light now, it is extremely difficult to find, especially when they are not moving.

They even passed by a zombie attracted by green-skinned gunshots in the course of their next trip, most recently. The zombies were less than a foot away, and they simply did not notice their existence.

After seeing the three zombies in a row and going to the location where the green skin is, Zhao Wenrui decided to find a commanding height and observe it from a distance.

He wants to see if the green skins are fighting normally, and there is still a special reason for fighting with the corpses. After all, under normal circumstances, even if the green skins are bloodthirsty, they will not come up with this kind of Zombies in the area initiated a group of mockery.

And in this context, Zhao Wenrui met with another special person Ma Xialu ...

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