Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 950: Extraordinary debut

One hundred years after the super funeral virus ravaged the world, the throne-level biological throne originally occupied by humans was captured by the zombies.

The family of corpses was born in this context.

C Kane once predicted that zombies could not reproduce, and that extinction was only a matter of time.

But as a party, the zombies still found a way out.

Concretely hit c Kane's face, it was the intelligent zombies from several scientists.

Based on the high degree of physiology, these zombie scientists were comfortable with experiments on brainless zombies. In just ten years, four major breakthroughs have been made, paving the way for in vitro conception and reproduction.

However, the technological achievements they have achieved have not been able to spread, but have been picked by Uef, who has been secretly monitoring.

The robber operation of uef directly led to the fish in the zombie scientist breaking the jar and breaking the pot, entrusting the technology to the special funeral of wisdom.

Then, the peak turns and the corpse is born in blood and fire.

Uef officials have been concealing this from the public. Therefore, in the perception of the public, as predicted in the early years, all the zombies were witted, and the zombies were all dead, leaving only brainless zombies.

But the real situation is that, as in vitro fertility technology spreads among the intelligent mourning, more and more intelligent mourning began to consciously artificially produce corpses.

The physical parents of these corpses are probably brainless zombies, but they will not know or care. They are like beast cubs living in beast dens. They grow in a **** and cruel environment, so that they are more savage than barbarians. Their thinking is very different from ordinary people.

But they are also wise, using tactical strategies can be more complicated and more in-depth, and know how to make and use tools.

Intends to find a high-rise building nearby, and Zhao Wenrui and his entourage, who are looking at the hot green skin in the distance, unfortunately encountered a team of corpses.

Zhao Wenrui They wanted to go upstairs, but the corpses came out of the building, the two sides almost walked their heads.

In this case, Zhao Wenrui's first reaction was to withdraw.

As far as he knows, corpses have always traveled in groups, basically no less than 30.

What's more, it's not far from where the green skins are fighting, and the nearby zombies are constantly running towards it. A fight here will probably cause the zombies to divert a part here.

Once it is surrounded, most of them will die here.

"Full fire!" Zhao Wenrui shouted loudly.

He is very clear that in this situation, the more he wants to withdraw, the more fiercely he will hit the wave, and the direct withdrawal is easy to be bitten and beaten by the other party.

And as a small and sophisticated scavenger group, Zhao Wenrui set a lot of secret words within them.

Like this ‘full firepower’, in addition to the apparent meaning, it also means ‘I ’m going to throw a flash of lightning’.

When Zhao Wenrui shouted, others immediately made corresponding preparations. At the next moment, the dazzling flash lighted up in the hall. Suddenly, an exclamation, curse, and howling sounded.

Not long ago, Zhao Wenrui had a small loss. Because the building was dark and bright outside, it was clear from the inside and dark from the outside.

This is also the main reason why Zhao Wenrui, who has been sneaking, meets with each other on a narrow path. When they find each other, the other party also finds them, completely because the two parties are too close, not because the other party is more vigilant and clever.

Now, Zhao Wenrui has recovered this place with a flash bomb. The corpses adapted to the dark environment suddenly faced the glaring white light of the flash of thunder, which was extremely hurt.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhao Wenrui and them started the crazy shooting almost at the same time.

They used a revolver type crossbow gun and ak74 with a muffler sleeve. The sound is not loud, but the power is okay, even if it is a muscle tyrant, it ca n’t do it with a firepower.

Zhao Wenrui 5 people regardless of the hit rate, after firing violently, they threw out mines very well.

This weapon became very shady after being reformed by Zhao Wenrui. It is tied with a small instrument made of electronic components, which can flash red light and emit more and more high-frequency dripping sounds.

Such a mine, against zombies, can successfully attract its attention.

Against wise enemies has a bluff effect.

Now that these torpedoes are thrown out, the effect is very good.

Is temporarily blind and has been shot by a madness. Now when he hears this kind of alarm, he will instinctively avoid or fall down.

Zhao Wenrui thus gained time and retreated while chaotic.

However, although the tactics are okay, luck is not very good.

5 people just lifted the stealth and ran vigorously, the hunter appeared, and from the second and third floors of this building, the broken large floor-to-ceiling windows successively jumped off a number of corpses and launched a chase to Zhao Wenrui.

5 people were immediately depressed.

Know that the physical quality of the scavengers is inferior to zombies, including the speed of running, explosive power, and endurance.

In this context, if there is a need to get rid of the zombies, the main thing is to hide.

The premise of hiding is to find a way to disappear from the opponent's field of vision for one or two seconds to complete the hiding.

Therefore, the most common use of scavengers in the face of zombies is to use the buildings in the city to play the "corner disappear".

Can be bitten like this now, there is no chance to play this hand.

Generally in this case, someone needs to make a sacrifice, turn around and fight deadly, and win time by others.

This time it was old Nick who came out and heard him say, "I'll cover!"

Old Nick is very old, and he really cannot compare with young people in every aspect of his body.

But he is not too bad to pick up waste, and his skills and experience can make up for the shortage to a considerable extent.

To tell the truth, Lucius is the easiest thing to do in the group of 5.

Although his physical fitness is very good, but too little experience. It can be said that if you can't come up with an effective method within 20 seconds, it will be difficult to run away.

At that moment, Zhao Wenrui wanted to stop old Nick's self-sacrifice.

But in the end, he failed to say this, because he was wounded, unprotected, and fled by his own ability, his grasp of escape was very low.

But at this moment, an unexpected guest was suddenly killed by Yokohama.

Zhao Wenrui glanced hurriedly, failed to see too clearly. Just read a rough idea.

The other person has a humanoid figure, covered with rising black smoke, and his eyes glowing with red light, just like coal, and simmering. The part of the red glowing eyes is the wind hole.

But this person's most eye-catching is the knife in his hand.

Looking at the length of the shape, it seems that it is the wild sword, but the poisonous green light on the knife body has completely proved its extraordinary identity.

As soon as this extraordinary person appeared, he waved the poisonous light blade, drew a sharp blade of light, and cut a corpse into two sections from the oblique side.

Then jumped, nearly leaping nearly 10 meters. Where the strength is at its feet, the grass explodes, and its inhuman explosiveness is evident.

Chongyue was followed by a knife of wiping, as fast as lightning, and the poisonous light blade drew a colorful satin-like light in the air, just swinging in a stagger when intersecting, even cutting two corpses, all in one knife and two segments, The corpse didn't even have time to respond.

Followed by, and again waved the knife, this time the poisonous green light of the knife was completely slammed out, and the corpse hit by it was like a burning oil splashed, and the whole body was burning with light, and sent out a terrible misery The cry, without running a few steps, became a rolling gourd. Where it rolled, the plants and trees on the ground were stained with poisonous green light and ignited ...

"Lucius, hurry up!" Zhao Wenrui's angry reminder.

It turned out that Lucius was attracted by the mysterious, powerful, and cool play style of this extraordinary person. Unconsciously, he slowed down and even planned to stop watching.

Is instead old Nick. When I look at the situation, I don't mention ‘I ’ll cover’. The mentality changes quickly, the action is natural, and the extinction is delayed for a long time. It is very experienced.

The sturdy transcendent forced to pull the hatred successfully, several corpses were killed in just a few seconds, and they all howled.

Zhao Wenrui thought that these guys who were wilder than the barbarians were howling to boost morale, but he guessed wrong, at least not completely.

In the howling of the corpses, a monster leaped down from the huge hole in the outer wall of the building.

This monster looks like a human horse at first glance, but there are obvious differences when you look closely.

The skin is like rhinoceros, rough and tough, the hair is very sparse and almost invisible, deep red.

There are four diagonal corners on the head, two pairs of smaller angles, slanting from the top of the forehead, like a sharp spiral right angle of a goat; the other two larger pairs are above the temple, curved like a ram's horn, and pointed forward.

Wide mouth fangs, long ears, bone spurs on the spine, muscle knots, reminiscent of muscle tyrants.

Zhao Wenrui heard the loud noise of his landing and glanced in a hurry. It was a little too far away. I did n’t look too real, but it was roughly estimated that it was over two tons. This not only reminded him of the heavy Shire with a shoulder height of two meters. horse.

"Special funeral? Warcraft?" At that moment, Zhao Wenrui's mood was quite unsteady.

Despite knowing that the Marvel Universe has extraordinary existence, but really encountered it, it still has a somewhat mixed feeling.

This is the Marvel movie universe. The magic has changed to this, how can this be mixed?

In addition to worry and fear, there is also greed that is causing trouble, because the gold finger is constantly alarming, the other party can devour the target!

Zhao Wenrui's gold finger is more than just a panel, it is just a passive talent, ability attribute display.

Active talent is to devour, can devour extraordinary traits for their own use, and can also strengthen learning ability, the premise is to consume experience points.

This setting has some similarities with the creation of strange objects in dnd that he knows. In theory, he can become an omnipotent demon by swallowing, but in fact he must combine reality and plan a development for himself. Road, did not arbitrarily squander experience, chaotic learning and absorbing conditions.

Previously, he had coveted marching ants, mainly because he had this golden finger and was able to plunder technical information from the target. Although there was a possibility of failure, and the amount of technology and integrity of the target also affected the final harvest, but after all, it was a Relatively reliable method.

And now, the appearance of transcendence has set off waves in his heart and made him covet.

Fortunately, he still has reason and knows this level of battle. Now he will be in great danger even watching the battle a little bit closer. He cherishes his life.

After finding an opportunity to sneak, he greeted Lucius and they continued to escape.

At the same time, a dark red haze erupted from the monster, and a roar of a tyrannosaurus sounded.

With this roar, the light mist on the monster turned into a red fork-shaped lightning bolt, indiscriminately hitting the area.

Every life, including those corpses, is like a lightning rod, successfully attracted to Thunder.

Happened to see this scene of Emma and several people secretly wiped cold sweat.

Fortunately, Zhao Wenrui ordered to continue to flee, and they were also more determined to withdraw, otherwise most of them are now struck by lightning, and they are unavoidable!

The transcendental did not avoid it, but blocked the scarlet lightning with the sword in his hand.

As for the corpses, Scarlet Lightning is an extraordinary buff for them. After being cleaved, they are bathed in a dark red electrical light mist like dried blood, with a layer of light film on their bodies, and a magical red light in their eyes. .

The armor of the corpses is very characteristic, just like the fence armor of the tank, the inner armor and the barbed wire outer armor are hollow.

And now, the hollow is filled with scarlet energy, and the claw-blade weapons worn by their hands are shining electro-optically, emitting a "zizi" electric sound.

Then they gained the long-range strike ability, just like throwing a softball, as long as they swing their claws, a lightning ball with a big fist will fly out.

Half-surrounded by the unconscious person flashed his figure, while dodge, using the knife in his hand to guide or block, it started to be a bit overwhelmed, but more and more stable.

Seeing this, the monster stepped on its front hoofs and lowered its body sharply, launching a charge towards the transcendent.

But it just started, the impulse has not yet formed, the transcendence suddenly disappeared in place. When he appeared again, it was accompanied by a fierce energy slash.

Obviously, the Transcendence is just there to catch the lightning ball in order to wait for the monster to move, and the moment the monster attacks is launched, it is the opportunity that the Transcendence wants.

And the transcendentals did indeed come first.

Moreover, the transcendent also launched a psychological war.

Under normal circumstances, when the opponent disappears from the front, the normal reasoning is often that the other party may appear behind him.

But the transcendence disappeared positively and appeared positively, but the position was much closer.

Obviously, the monster did not think that the transcendental was so bold that he dared to stand on its charging route.

As a result, the monster hit a poisonous green arc flashing suddenly in front of it.

It was an unprecedented high-energy slash, unusually dazzling and bright, its light was embedded in the monster's right shoulder, and the left leg thigh of the foreleg slipped out. Even the faintly toxic green light sprayed out from behind the monster ...

The knife of the extraordinary is not like cutting a pile of flesh and blood, but like opening a gap in the other party's body that leads directly to the vacuum universe. The effect of air suction is immediately available.

What is more special is that the poisonous green and gorgeous light is like the molten effect of lava molten steel on the wound. Not to mention, in the process of pumping, it seems that the head of the past is constantly breathing out, which has a simmering effect.

The monster uttered an extremely painful howl, its voice was extremely thick, and it was also very intimidating.

But the air is pumped faster and faster ~ ~ The simmering effect also accelerates the expansion and melting. The part of the magma soup that turns into a poisonous green landed on the ground, making a snorting noise, and the blue smoke was coming out.

So that the monster quickly lowered its voice, it began to twist and struggle, using body language to express its pain.

At the same time, a crack-like poisonous green crack appeared on its skin, which was a crack of light from the inside out, and the light even quickly emerged through the body.

The charge has become a painful foreword. The transcendence is no longer there, but the monster is still uncontrollable and staggering forward. At the same time, the body is twitching, and the light coming out of the body is getting more and more, and finally ...


Big explosion!

The diameter of the explosion light cloud can be nearly 10 meters, and there is also a ring-shaped shock wave diffusion outside.

The explosion's pyrotechnic effect is also extremely spectacular, with a cloud of Qin-shaped smoke, and dark red, poisonous green light stars, and Martian splashes. The burning and rolling fire clouds are like rolling waves, and the waves are extremely wide before they gradually dissipate.

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