Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 955: 1 item in stock

When the battlefield was reduced to a vegetable market, C Kane realized that this time it might have gone too far.

Where are the stars gathered?

There must be a past that can be seen by the audience.

He originally wanted to connect this with the leopard and the captain of the sentry.

So, it seems a lot logical.

However, even if he used his firepower-like power-receiving amplifier function to activate his thoughts and searched throughout the White Rock area, he did not find anything strange.

This is embarrassing, and the present lie is a bit out of tune.

C Kane knew very well that his human avatar was as suspicious as he was, and it was not so easy to fool, so at least there must be a step-by-step clear answer before Zhao Wenrui would give up and not go too much cranky.

The so-called step-by-step clear answer, at present, refers to the contention.

Fortunately, C Kane is a god-level thinking, and the lies are more meticulous than others.

Over the past 100 years, he has also accumulated some peculiar things. For example, the so-called artifact from Niederville.

In Marvel 199999, the more familiar artifact is the Storm Hammer and Storm Axe of Thor.

In the latter part of the original historical line reunion chapter, Thor, who was destroyed by the country, was rescued by the Star Lords and his party. When he mentioned the artifact made by the Nidville dwarves, he once said that it was not affordable for mortals.

This memory point became C Kane's interest at one time. He wanted to see what kind of cattle breaking method the Nedville dwarf artifact produced.

However, he was busy collecting infinite gems in the early days, and did not go to visit the Nedville dwarf, one of the nine realms of the Asgard Palace system.

Because he changed history, Hegemon did not rush to let the dwarves create infinite gloves. Hegemon is a technology party, inventor, and manufacturer. A self-confident and proud person like him will not easily admit in making inventions. Others can do it, but he can't.

Kane actually has a similar arrogance. Although the creation of Marvel universe is stupid, but there is an example of the fairy palace. He thinks that the dwarf of Nedville is not as famous as meeting him, otherwise why should he give up Under the Skad, became the royal blacksmith of the Odins?

During a hundred years, Kane was emotional one day and ran to Nedville with the fleet.

The scale is also not hit, that is, a mixed fleet of hundreds of scales, with the new Black Sun as the flagship.

The body of the ship is only 400 meters long, which is barely qualified for interstellar navigation.

Some people would say that the "Milano" used by the silver guard captain Xingjue has a sampan level compared to "Abortion King Kong". Is it not flying in the deep space of the universe?

This can only be said that they are running a fixed course, and sailing within the universe scale that has completed exploration, mainly through the shuttle point shuttle.

Specifically, in the three chapters of Fulian, looking at the rations in their refrigerators, we know that there are not many Rongtong.

Interstellar navigation refers to ships with pioneering ability, capable of navigating between galaxies without jumping points, and having a complete self-circulation system inside.

Among them, the working medium engine must have enough energy.

With Kane ’s technology, the Black Sun, even the smallest starship after meeting these basic conditions.

In order to avoid being too glaring, Kane put a shell on the black sun that was simple as a triangular pyramid, posing as a star ship that is more common in the Milky Way, and went to the Sundar star.

When he led the fleet to visit the Niederville dwarves, the original Black Sun became the core of the BOSS special lifeboat class.

Therefore, the size of the new Black Sun is not small, but imitates the Star Wars universe Darth Vader's Seat Executioner.

Its captain is 19000 meters, and it can already be called a space fortress. In the mixed fleet at that time, it played the role of an aircraft carrier similar to the blue ocean fleet, surrounded by a variety of ships with various functions. It looks very compelling.

It is precisely because of this that the Niederville dwarf, who has always been known for his bad temper and is too lazy to treat celebrities in the eye, seems to be hospitable.

The two sides had a friendly exchange, and the dwarf leader Aitrey also invited Kane to visit the smelting field they were proud of.

In the end, both sides benefited each other. Kane gave away the dwarves' advanced and practical technology, and the dwarves gave back Urugin, which is only available in the Nedville Star so far.

Well, I really want to make it clear that the artifact of the Nederville dwarves is because of Ulukin.

Ulukin can absorb and store energy, which is very similar to Zhenjin, but Ulukin is more suitable for the absorption and use of extraordinary power.

In fact, the weapons used by Asgard ’s advanced warriors contain more or less Urujin.

In Chapter 2 of Thor, Thor ’s Earth girlfriend Jane, who was brought to Asgard by the Ethereum into the body, was healed. When Thor accompanied him, he saw Asgar The weapon in the hands of the German warrior exudes mysterious light, which is very strange, that is, Urujin is releasing extraordinary power.

Odin's scepter also contains Ulukin, which is larger and purer. Because of this, the scepter, like the Tomahawk Stormbreaker used later in Thor, can be the key to the Rainbow Bridge.

The reason ordinary people can't afford it is because Ulukin is sensitive to extraordinary power, then there is no extraordinary power? Yes, there are also ordinary people, that is mental power.

That is to say, ordinary people will be taken away from their mental strength by using Urujin weapons. What happens will depend on the specific situation. Excessive mental consumption and headaches are all light.

But Kane wanted to be more true than this, and it really made him develop a weapon containing Ulukin that can be used by ordinary people. The specific operation is to use the 'leaf vein method' to make Wulujin be arranged inside the utensil in a manner similar to the vein of the blood vessel. When using it, only specific contact is required, such as the position of the thumb on the handle to set , Like the torch, use the characteristics of Urujin.

He also tested this weapon separately on the strength of the sun, the power of the Hulk, etc., some of them succeeded, some failed.

But regardless of success or failure, for Kane, this thing is just a gadget.

With the route he took, the more he went to the later stage, the less he needed to do it himself, and some were the pawns who did the work. And even if it is shot, it is also the simple energy BIUBIUBIU, or bang, this is the characteristic of the plastic energy system. The legendary Five Fireball Party, like the sword fairy, is all about one condensed and unique, simple to strong.

It is precisely because of this fundamental principle, coupled with his worm system, once the soldiers explode, it is vast, and rare resources like Ulukin are simply not enough to play, so even if there is technology, it has not been promoted in his system. . For example, let the warworm's minions contain Urujin, or what Urujin armed for his Black Caesar Guard.

Ulujin's creations are here to stay, and this time, Kane thought of it.

Kane thought about it and took it out to use it, and we didn't make a fuss, and whoever performed well in the end, just sent it to him as a prize ...

So the scene, Rennes improvised.

He scorned with a disdainful gesture of contempt for ugliness: "The artifact of the Immortal Palace is also available to your Midgard people? Don't be delusional."

This sentence is rich in content, especially for Zhao Wenrui who is a traverser and thoughtful.

Calling 'Xiangong' instead of Asgard, and calling 'Midgard' person rather than the earth, this means that this person is mostly from the origin of a certain world in the Nine Realms, and it is likely to be a certain admiration of Asgard World warrior.

With this speculation, and then think about it divergently, the ins and outs will basically be sorted out.

Midgard is also known as the ‘Atrium’, which connects up, down, left, and right, and is a hub-like place. Therefore, the presence of people or things in any of the nine realms can only be said to be wonderful and not incredible.

After all, the Nine Realms overlapped in the two chapters of Thor, and the space channel was opened. Even the stupid and big monsters of Yodenheim can be dropped on the earth to chase birds in a deserted factory. Any other person or thing is also likely to 'drop' of.

Thinking of the truth, Zhao Wenrui can only secretly call himself unlucky. This is really a game of fairy fights, let yourself catch up.

The green leaves continue to cooperate with the acting.

Before they arrived, they were repeatedly stung. The main character of this play was Rennes.

As for which Ren is, it is natural to know when you go, and the most dazzling and the most popular in the audience.

Then, the process of acting is to interact with Rennes. When other people don't exist and need to deal with it, Rennes will come forward.

All these people understand that this time, all parties of the labor force urgently sent people to play, just to show it to a special VIP audience. And this audience is on the spot.

So after they came, they basically scanned the people present by the chance of looking around for four weeks. It is incomparable to remember everyone here.

There is no way, this VIP is too face-to-face, the black **** kisses his son, and finds ways to contact in the future, if he can mix some friendship and love, then it will be sent.

You know, the more celebrities, the easier it is to gossip. In the high-end circle, how does Maria ?? Hill changed from Nick Fury's adjutant into one of the "saviors", and the highest of the first order One of the seven is widely circulated.

If Kane was still active in the world as the heir of an ancient European family, as in the past, he would probably encounter various actors.

It's a pity that after the village, there is no shop. Kane now plays behind closed doors. Everyone can't see it.

So is this an opportunity right now? Absolutely.

As the fat girl in "King of Comedy" said: "Try it! Who knows the taste of rich people?"

Of course, this group of people secretly tried their best to 'scan' the audience, but the part of acting was not forgotten.

The leader of the first order disobeyed and said: "You have said that the weapon is in the Immortal Palace, not yours. Whoever gets it is the one who has it."

The UEF's tigers have been able to adapt to the scene for a long time, and said: "I don't know what you are talking about, things are on the earth, that is our earth people, and UEF is the most orthodox successor of the earth people."

The S.H.I.E.L.D. people also expressed their views: "Our S.H.I.E.L.D. agency has been entrusted by the Global Security Council since the age of the old earth to take control of all extraterrestrials and objects that appear on earth. You have to take a trip with us too. You came to the earth, didn't you follow the formal process !? "

Said, this one also pointed to the sky, meaning that our immigration customs are in space, you are illegal entry, Loser!

The Avengers and the SHIELD are the same family. At this moment, they do n’t know each other. If they are detected by intentional people, it is a big loophole, and they ca n’t afford it.

But since I dare to come, naturally I have long thought about rhetoric.

As the first to wear the 'New Age Sports Car Power Outfit', she is still a girl and said, "I am Stark, and I have the lowest requirements. As long as you are willing to lend me a weapon for a period of time, I will assume that the weapon is yours. And help you beat others. "

Well, this guy ran in the name of an individual, and it was harder to deal with than his ancestor Tony.

Behind the scenes, Kane, who unconsciously touched his chin in the Palace of Kaiser, said: "Yes, one by one, it can be said that it is not bad, and it is not very good to decide the winner ..."

Of course, this is just his self-joke. If there is no first, then it should be the first one. Isn't it just a few Ulujin weapons produced by Zhao? Throwing the dust in the warehouse is also buried, throwing it into the world, and like the martial arts secrets in the rivers and lakes, it can set off a burst of excitement, maybe it can lead to the old demon ...

Thinking of this, Kane suddenly realized that it was really time to play now.

In the past, the zombies were the only one on the earth, and the rest were all lingering. UEF was also developing economy on Chuangshen, and L3 (3 good Lagrangian points) was on the Earth's orbit, far away from the earth, with a gap The sun, the distance is more than 2AU, it is a lot of consumption when you come over. Before the inner planetary circle and the asteroid belt are developed into orbit, it is really a bit of a play. After all, Chuangshen is a bun that has been chewed and eaten by insects. Resources On the one hand, it means that there is no such thing as that there is no such thing as a brick without a surplus.

Nowadays, all potential forces have developed, and zombies with an absolute population have been greatly weakened by the brainlessness of intelligent zombies. The new era of group warfare is coming. This is the time to compete for gods or something. ~ Www ~ can play.

Of course, the main purpose of this is not to look at the dark side of human nature.

How dark the human nature is, he doesn't need to look at it. He didn't pick his feet and put them on his nose repeatedly, and then said that he was so ugly and ugly.

This is the same as the purpose of the Swarm attacking the Cree Empire, when the super-sacrifice virus came too abruptly and interrupted many things, such as the "Dancing God" of the Star Yao Club.

And Marvel Universe has never been short of surprises, and the old Yinbei is also more like Dormam, that Kane is also a yearning. Although he has no relevant memory, it does not prevent him from searching for related information.

He also specifically checked with Gu Yi, and knew about the birth time of Dr. Strange, and realized that Dr. Strange should also be an important person in the chapter of Infinite Gems. With him, the original historical line becomes more logical.

And since Dr. Kiwi is going to be the new Supreme Master, Gu Yi will give way. More importantly, Dr. Kiwi must have a wonderful performance that can serve the crowd, otherwise why should he be?

Calculating back and forth, Kane calculated that the probability of Dr. Strange stepping on the position of Domham is very high.

So he realized that, as Gu Yi said, Dormam had been coveting the earth for a long time, and the opportunity would jump out when the opportunity was right.

Kane is like fishing to bring these beasts and horses to the front desk to see if he can get information about his enemy.

Of course, these can be arranged later, and the trick must be done before the moment.

So Ren glanced at the captain of the sentry, the leopard, and Zhao Wenrui unhappily and asked, "What about you? If you want to fight for the weapons of the fairy palace?"

As a result, the captain of the sentry hit Kane's face with a mouth: "No, we are fighting for the 'black vortex', please help, you must not let it fall into the hands of the star Yaohui!" ...

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